
Ch 83: Familiar Echoes

"Wait! I want to talk to you-"

Lisa opened her mouth to ask for this favor, but it stiffened the female she was clutching. The female looked sorry to see Lisa struggling before she quickly pulled her back and put a finger to Lisa's lips.

"Don't speak or even think of this dream again. The more you pay attention to what happened, the faster that man will find you. So, for your sake, keep your eyes and ears shut. Live a life filled with ignorance.

And I hope we don't meet again."

Lisa finally looked up, only to see white hair glowing in the dark. That was the only hint she got about this familiar stranger's identity before being thrown out of her dream.


Tears flew down her cheeks when Lisa woke up. She was still on the ground, and her body felt stiff. 

She also felt well-rested. Whatever had happened in that dream had not affected her body or its rest. 

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