
Chapter 300 Distance between us

Lilac’s P.O.V

The transition to Krimson's new mansion was nothing short of a whirlwind. The grandeur of the estate was breathtaking, its opulence evident in every corner. I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer magnificence of the place as I stepped through its ornate doors, my senses inundated by the lavish surroundings. It was a stark contrast to the quaintness of my previous home, yet the beauty didn't distract me from the tension simmering beneath the surface.

“Where’s my room?” I asked him as I brought in my suitcases. I was hoping he would guide me to my room as soon as I entered, but when he hesitated for a bit, I knew that there was something more to his request of moving in that was far out of my comfort zone.

“I was hoping that you would stay in my room…with me.” His request was steeped in a history I couldn't ignore, a history rife with pain and betrayal.

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