
Chapter 123 Waking Up from a Nightmare

Rogue Wolf’s P.O.V

The haze cleared from my mind slowly. The red receding from my eyes to leave my vision crystal clear. It felt like I was finally able to breathe after gasping for air for ages.

It was like waking up from a horrible nightmare filled with blood and gory. But in reality, I knew that it had never really been a nightmare. I had been trapped inside my own mind. A prisoner who was unable to speak or move while my wolf took control of my entire body, ripping and tearing apart anything or anyone that stood in her way.

But it seemed to be all over now, right? That haunting, everlasting nightmare that I never thought I could escape from? It was really over…right?

My breath came in pants, but it still felt like I wasn’t able to fill my lungs to the brim and I felt exhausted; mentally and physically drained. However, the first thing I saw when my vision finally came into focus…was a pair of beautiful green orbs staring right at me with open curiosity.

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