
Chapter 114: Leaving the Star Dou Core Area—Advancing to Soul Emperor!

Star Dou Forest Core Area

After selecting three suitable soul bones from Gu Yue Na, Lin Yu bid her farewell and prepared to leave the Star Dou Forest. He planned to return to the northwestern border of the Tiandou Empire to continue honing his strength.

However, before leaving, Lin Yu decided to stay in the Star Dou Forest for a few more days. He intended to integrate the three soul bones he had just acquired and use the opportunity from the livestream rewards to choose a new martial soul. Additionally, he aimed to add the sixth soul ring to his Chaos Blue Lotus Martial Soul and advance to the rank of Soul Emperor.

After declining Gu Yue Na's offer to have Bi Ji and Zi Ji accompany him for protection, Lin Yu ventured out of the core area on his own.

In the inner region away from the core area of the Star Dou Forest:

Lin Yu found a cave to rest and prepared to absorb the ten-thousand-year soul ring he had obtained from Hu Yan Zhen.

Previously, due to insufficient physical strength, Lin Yu had been unable to absorb this soul ring, which had surpassed fifty thousand years and reached seventy to eighty thousand years. But now, with the enhancement from the three soul bones obtained from Gu Yue Na, his physical strength was sure to be adequate.


"Phew! Let's begin!"

Inside the cave, Lin Yu took a deep breath and prepared everything. He first took out the three soul bones:

The external soul bones were the Three-Eyed Golden Lion's Vertical Pupil, the Darkgolden Fearsome Bear's Right Claw, and the Illusionary Beast's Left Leg Bone.

Lin Yu decided to start with the Three-Eyed Golden Lion's Vertical Pupil.

He was curious whether this soul bone, from the previous emperor soul beast of the Star Dou Forest, would grant him destiny-related soul skills as he hoped.

Unlike adding soul rings to a martial soul, integrating soul bones and external soul bones requires very little time.

Placing the Three-Eyed Golden Lion's Vertical Pupil on his forehead, Lin Yu injected his soul power. The soul bone instantly transformed into a warm current and fused into his forehead, becoming a golden-red vertical pupil embedded in his brow.

According to the information feedback from the Three-Eyed Golden Lion's Vertical Pupil, it came with two primary soul skills:

The first skill, named "Eye of Fate," allowed Lin Yu to glimpse into a person's destiny and gather information about them. The extent and detail of the information depended on the target observed.

The second skill, "Destiny Interference," could alter a target's destiny, either boosting their fortune significantly for a period or causing them to fall into misfortune. The degree of interference also depended on the target's situation relative to Lin Yu.

Generally, the lower the target's power compared to Lin Yu, the more significant the interference he could exert.

After integrating the Three-Eyed Golden Lion's Vertical Pupil, Lin Yu proceeded to merge the Darkgolden Fearsome Bear's Right Claw and the Illusionary Beast's Left Leg Bone.

Both soul bones were over ten thousand years old and provided Lin Yu with additional skills.

The Darkgolden Fearsome Bear's Right Claw granted him two skills: "Darkgolden Claw" and "Mountain Shaker."

The former transformed Lin Yu's right hand into a Darkgolden Fearsome Claw, allowing him to shoot out five sharp claws from his fingertips, capable of tearing through anything.

The second skill, "Mountain Shaker," was a power-enhancing skill that could amplify his strength by four times, although Lin Yu found its actual effect to be just over one time.

Lin Yu speculated that the discrepancy was due to his superior physical condition and insufficient soul power. While enhancement skills are percentage-based, they still adhere to the principle of energy conservation. For example, a support soul master's first skill might claim to enhance strength by 15%, but applying it to a Title Douluo level expert might not achieve the same result.

In contrast, the skills from the Illusionary Beast's Left Leg Bone were more aligned with Lin Yu's expectations. As a space-type soul beast known for concealment, the Illusionary Beast's soul bone provided two skills: "Teleportation" and "Concealment."

The Teleportation skill, though costly, could be controlled freely, with soul power consumption varying based on the distance traveled. Short-range teleportation, used in combat, consumed a reasonable amount of soul power, and with the regeneration speed of the Eternal Life Technique, it could be sustained for a long time.

The Concealment skill, being an auxiliary-type skill, had lower consumption. However, Lin Yu was unsure if it could block other soul beasts from detecting the Golden Dragon bloodline within him. He couldn't test it since he was no longer in the core area of the Star Dou Forest.

Lin Yu felt a pang of regret. As a ten-thousand-year-old Golden Dragon, he should have been able to produce his soul rings. It was unfortunate he couldn't have Gu Yue Na summon some powerful soul beasts from the Star Dou Forest for him to offer sacrifices.

Had he managed to do so, he could have directly attached all his soul rings and observed how his strength would increase after absorbing and refining the system's converted soul power. He guessed that even with optimal conditions, he might not reach the Title Douluo level. With some luck, he might reach Soul Douluo, but with less luck, he might only reach Soul Sage.

After integrating the three soul bones, Lin Yu's physical strength and soul power were significantly boosted. He was now ready to absorb the ten-thousand-year soul ring from Hu Yan Zhen.

Lin Yu summoned his Chaos Blue Lotus Martial Soul and began absorbing the soul ring.

To his surprise, the sixth soul skill he obtained was the "God-Slaying Spear."

Upon activating the sixth soul skill, Lin Yu saw a spear formed from the lotus stalk of his Chaos Blue Lotus Martial Soul, exuding a fierce and formidable aura.

This thrilled Lin Yu.

Finally, he had acquired a martial soul that could serve as a weapon.

He had initially expected the soul ring to provide the Wutu Xinghuang Flag, as he thought that the soul rings attached to the Diamond Mammoth Martial Soul would be defense-oriented.

However, he was mistaken this time.

Previously, Hu Yan Zhen's soul rings had indeed been focused on enhancing strength and defense. But for the eighth soul ring, wasn't it time for an offensive skill?

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