
Going Go See The Baby

In the end, Daren decided to take a vacuum in the entertainment world while he was pregnant. By then he was old enough for him to go for an ultrasound and see how his baby and Victor were doing.

Together with his alpha, they went to the hospital and waited until his name was called. Daren looked unconscious as he rubbed his rounded belly.

"Do you think the baby will be a boy or a girl? Will it be twins?" asked a curious Daren.

"I don't think whether it's a boy or a girl makes any difference to me. As for whether it will be alpha or omega, I'll still accept it. But if it's twins, I think it would be very difficult to take care of two children at once," Victor replied.

"But wouldn't it be cute if they were born twins? They'll always go everywhere together. Wearing the same clothes and doing things together!" Daren said happily at the thought.

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