
106 Encountering the Iron-Blooded Man by Chance and Facing the Strongest Fighter in Eight Billion

Once upon a time in a picturesque country, I found myself quite unexpectedly heading to Catwoman's parents during a brief interlude. Fast forward two days, and Ye Chen officially entered the preparation phase.

As Dana wisely stated, time was of the essence. Aside from preparing for the competition, it was crucial to focus on gaining weight, building muscle, and enhancing strength to close the physical gap with the secondary players. To this end, Ye Chen had procured several tailored training plans aimed at muscle building and weight gain from the elite training center associated with Dana. These resources were now at his disposal, provided he adhered to the guidelines.

Remarkably, access to the elite training center was complimentary. The training regimen was comprehensive, encompassing the fortification of each muscle group, enhancing cardiopulmonary function, and it even included precise instructions on daily nutrition and hydration. Although the training was free, acquiring such resources was still not a trivial matter.

It is worth mentioning that recent developments, particularly his transition to the welterweight category, had drawn intense scrutiny from drug testing agencies. This vigilance was partly prompted by a high-profile athlete testing positive over the summer. Thus, upon Ye Chen's arrival, he was subjected to a random inspection and was advised to be prepared for additional spot checks in the future.

Ye Chen was taken aback, raising an eyebrow at the implications. Had everyone in this beautiful country discovered their asthma?

"6, 6, 6…"

The intense sounds of his workout caught the attention of others in the training facility.

"Walterfak, he's been going for nearly a minute!"

"What a beast. He already completed a set before. Is his place in the match confirmed? Is he truly gearing up for competition?"

"It has to be a preparation for war; who normally trains this way?"

"Now it makes sense how he managed to win ten consecutive fights!"

"Everyone, stop gawking and get back to work."

At that moment, on the mountain climbing machine, Ye Chen was in his element. While he might not possess the "unlimited physical ability" so often ridiculed online, his conditioning was undeniably impressive, enough to withstand a five-round battle. If he managed his stamina wisely, he could indeed go the full five rounds. Yet, he remained cautious; greater muscle mass often translated to higher energy expenditure.

Right then, he was training at the UFC Elite Training Center, the venue where all UFC athletes were honed.

"Ha!" Ye Chen exhaled, brushing off distractions. After completing his session on the mountain climber, he took a deep breath, readying himself for air strikes to relax his muscles before diving back into the next round of rigorous training.

Suddenly, a voice broke through his focus.

"Hi, Ye Chen."

The voice was gentle, a stark contrast to the demanding atmosphere of the training center. Though he had engaged with several regulars during his days of training, he had never heard this specific voice before. Ye Chen turned around, only to be met with a sight akin to facing a wall.

Not one wall, but three walls.

An overwhelming pressure loomed, and he felt distinctly uncomfortable. The first among them was unmistakable...


Francis Ngannou had recently earned the title of the most powerful man in the world. This was the first time Ye Chen had laid eyes on Ngannou, and his imposing stature was indeed intimidating. Alongside him were two formidable friends, resembling towering walls themselves. The third individual appeared to be older and seemed to assume the role of a coach.

"Hi, Francis."

As Ye Chen took Ngannou's massive hand in his own, he was surprised by the soft and friendly demeanor of the powerful fighter standing before him. Contrary to his fierce appearance in the ring, Ngannou radiated a warmth that contrasted sharply with the rugged persona often depicted in the media. Accompanied by the other three who greeted him amicably, Ngannou smiled and said, "Is this our first encounter? It's lovely to meet you."

"Yes, it is indeed our first meeting," Ye Chen replied, nodding. "How are you recovering? Have you resumed training?"

Observing Ngannou's knee, Ye Chen gestured as he spoke.

Ngannou chuckled and replied, "I'm doing well now. I'm preparing for a comeback to the ring soon. I've already reached an agreement with the UFC. Just coincidentally, I came here today for training."

Wait, are you preparing to battle my good friend? I heard you and Usman are in the midst of contract discussions."

Ngannou maintained an honest smile; despite his formidable physique, he had a demeanor that felt surprisingly approachable. Clad in a tank top and shorts, his biceps appeared thicker than Ye Chen's calves. Yet, having not entered competition mode yet, he carried a slightly fuller appearance.

Ye Chen gauged Ngannou's weight, estimating he'd soon scale below 300 pounds. As a close friend of Usman's, it wasn't challenging for Ngannou to be aware of the ongoing negotiations for their match-up.

"Indeed, we've revisited our discussions," Ye Chen confirmed. "You know how it works; promoting a UFC fight is a step-by-step process, so there's no solid information circulated to the media just yet."

This strategy maintained the fighters' visibility without adversely impacting any imminent competitions. Given Ye Chen's superstar status, announcing such news prematurely would undoubtedly rob the event of its excitement. UFC promotions relied heavily on the anchor that was Ye Chen; losing that would hinder the interest in the sport.

Ngannou nodded in understanding and then motioned towards the training area, indicating he would return to practice. "I won't keep you any longer. Let's grab a drink sometime."

With that, he gave Ye Chen a friendly pat. After a few paces, Ngannou turned back and asked, "Hey, Ye Chen, would you be interested in sparring together?"

"I?" Ye Chen was momentarily stunned, but he quickly composed himself and spread his hands wide. "Why not?"

He was eager to experience the immense power of the strongest man in billions. More so, he yearned to gauge how his own mindset would adapt when confronted with an opponent of such staggering prowess in the Octagon. This was, in its own right, a form of training. It was about learning to withstand pressure.

The others around them paused, taken aback, including Ngannou. Typically, he enjoyed lighthearted banter and engaging with fans through humorous videos featuring him sparring with novice fighters. Yet now, the thought of serious training, where even seasoned partners put pressure on him, was quite different. After all, Ngannou's punches could very well inflict significant damage with just one blow.

Thus, their astonishment was palpable. The elder coach, however, quickly regained his composure and chuckled, "Oh no, this is too dangerous. Ye Chen, I think Ngannou was merely joking."

Ye Chen, now the league's most prominent figure, posed a risk. Should Ngannou unintentionally strike too hard, even with protective gear, serious injuries were conceivable.

The two sparring partners echoed similar sentiments. "You really shouldn't entertain the idea of sparring with him," one advised.

"Seriously, you don't want to find out just how hard he can hit."

Another chimed in, visibly concerned.

Neither meant to belittle Ye Chen; the discrepancy in size was significant, with almost a hundred pounds separating their weights.

Ye Chen approached Ngannou and stood toe-to-toe with him, playfully comparing heights. Standing at 1.86 meters, he might even appear taller if wearing shoes. Ngannou's official height was 193 cm, creating a noteworthy, yet not overwhelming, height difference of about seven centimeters.

Ye Chen reflected on his previously encountered opponents, like Black Dragon, also listed at 193 cm. Yet, standing next to Black Dragon, he never noticed the purported height disparity. The inconsistencies in height among fighters sometimes led to confusion about who stood taller.

Such discrepancies often occurred within the UFC, as height is recorded somewhat casually, lacking formal measurements. The disparity was even more pronounced in lower-weight classes, especially after Ye Chen's recent weight cut.

Yet, he wasn't the tallest in the lightweight division; two contemporaries stood around 190, renowned for their cutting abilities.

Then came Dan Houck, an unusual fighter who transitioned between featherweight, heavyweight, and lightweight categories throughout his career. When Ye Chen heard such peculiarities, he almost questioned his hearing; never did he expect his own experience could be outmatched.

Ye Chen teased, "Isn't it just a small difference? About a hundred pounds and a few centimeters?"

Ngannou chuckled in return. "You genuinely want to try? Aside from my sparring partners, hardly anyone volunteers to train with me."

Ye Chen offered a friendly pat on Ngannou's arm. "I'd love to see how a heavyweight punches. Who knows, perhaps one day I'll impulsively decide to jump into the heavyweight category."

Ngannou paused. "Really? You've got the frame for it. You absolutely could gain weight and fight as a heavyweight. I'd look forward to that match."

Ngannou's seriousness reflected his eagerness to take on Ye Chen, driven by the knowledge of Ye Chen's lucrative draw in the sport.

Growing up, Ngannou tackled hard work from an early age, plying a sledgehammer on rocks and journeying through his hometown to the White Flag Country. He didn't enter boxing until 26 and turned to MMA at 27, claiming the heavyweight crown by 34. His scars attested to the poverty he battled throughout his life.

Despite all this, Ye Chen knew the level of hesitation that accompanied Ngannou's desire for a boxing crossover against heavyweight champion Fury.

Aware of Ye Chen's substantial earning potential, Ngannou had to be enticed by the prospect. Yet, judging his actions without personal context would only reveal ignorance of his struggles.

Suddenly, a realization dawned on Ngannou as he chuckled, "Are you messing with me? Honestly, with your frame, you might genuinely be able to fight at heavyweight!"

As they gathered before the Octagon, Iron-Blooded began his warm-up routine. The coach turned to Ngannou and remarked, "Once you step into the cage, remember to hold back. You need to be cautious, and don't approach this as practice with a sparring partner of equal weight."

Ngannou nodded in comprehension. "You'll be filming our actual combat training today, right? The footage will surely captivate audiences."

Meanwhile, the sparring partners spared no effort in gearing Ye Chen up with protective armor, emphasizing caution.

"Ensure you dodge. You're lighter on your feet; don't allow him to land a clean shot. Otherwise, you may deal with fear of punches for the rest of your career."

Ye Chen paused for a moment, considering their words. Such occurrences were common in the sport. Many athletes never recovered their momentum after a devastating loss, with some opting to quit altogether.

Yet, Ye Chen couldn't genuinely believe he would be that affected. If he couldn't withstand Ngannou's strength, perhaps it was simply not his day. Losing in the Octagon wouldn't warrant drastic repercussions like a jump off a building.

"I'll handle things accordingly; if it gets too intense, I'll call it a day. Besides, Iron-Blooded wouldn't genuinely go all-out on me, right?"


Both sparring partners exchanged glances, their expressions revealing a hint of sympathy for Ye Chen.

Ngannou was not a bully, per se, but once the fight commences, it's easy to forget the distinction between practice and the urge to win, leading to escalating intensity.

As Ngannou finished his warm-ups and donned his special 18-ounce training gloves to mitigate damage, one of the sparring partners chimed in. "We'll exchange them for eight ounces for Ye Chen."

Choosing eight ounces over twelve, Ye Chen felt no apprehension. If he were to wear the UFC's four-ounce gloves, he would still face no fear.

Soon enough, both fighters stepped into the Octagon. The other coach couldn't suppress his worry. "Ye Chen, be extra cautious and dodge! This is not about competing; you're just having fun."

By now, many athletes paused in their training, drawn to the spectacle unfolding before them. Cameras were readied to capture the action.

"What's about to happen?"

"Wow, Ye Chen is pretty bold…"

"Honestly, the gap between them is astounding; Ngannou could break his ribs with just one punch!"

"I wouldn't dare spar with Ngannou. His fists are practically the size of my head!"

"Here we go!"

Ngannou initiated with a pointed jab, his incredible wingspan making Ye Chen's attempts to close the distance ineffective.

Nonetheless, Ngannou moderated his punch speed purposefully, allowing Ye Chen to evade effortlessly, sidestepping, and crouching low before retaliating.

With a rhythm like lightning, Ye Chen landed a quick jab against Ngannou's torso, followed by a more pronounced hook to the abdomen.

Those strikes were deliberate, executed with precisely 50% of his energy.

After completing his volley, Ye Chen quickly shifted out of range, putting his hands to his head in defense.

However, Ngannou countered, his long arms sweeping toward him clad in large gloves.

Ye Chen had no time to retreat completely, merely leaning back to avoid Ngannou's incoming strike, clashing instead against the giant's glove.

Had Ye Chen been wearing the full UFC split-finger gloves, he might not have been so fortunate.

Seizing the moment, Ye Chen employed the evasive footwork he had learned from Zou Shiming, darting forward and driving a flat hook into Ngannou's side.

Yet again slipping away, he grinned at Ngannou. "I didn't expect my boxing to shine through like this. You have to admit, I managed a pretty quick pace."

At that moment, not only Ngannou but also the spectators collaborating outside felt the electrifying intensity of the bout.

Ye Chen's exchanges were fast and skillful, hinting at significant effort in boxing training beyond what he evidenced in his UFC career.

Ye Chen continued, "Don't forget, I once served as a sparring partner for an Olympic boxing champion."

Though Olympic boxing might not possess the same level as professional leagues, it still showcased respectable skills.


Seeing Ye Chen's determination energized Ngannou. He sprang forward, quickly trying to encroach on Ye Chen's territory.

Despite Ye Chen's quick footwork, his escape routes were diminishing.

Ngannou unleashed a powerful punch to Ye Chen's direction.

With some wind rustling in the air, Ye Chen instinctually ducked low in defense while raising his arms to shield himself.

The impact of the counter was anticipated. Ngannou, barely utilizing any strength, swung hard, but Ye Chen still felt the gust of force from the punch, almost knocking him off balance.

Even lightly hitting him wasn't trivializing; had Ngannou used full power, the consequences would be grave.

"Ngannou!" his coach shouted in alarm.

Ye Chen found himself amid tense silence, causing sweat to bead on his forehead, as onlookers held their breath.

Stopping suddenly, Ngannou asserted, "I barely put any strength into that punch!"

"Careful! You're about to land a heavy uppercut in the next swing if you keep this up!" the coach urged again.

Ngannou was momentarily taken aback, uncertain about the situation.

Ye Chen, while steadying himself, waved his hands dismissively, assuring, "I'm fine, no worries at all. Let's officially begin and abide by MMA rules."

With that, Ye Chen was prepared; this fight wasn't just a casual exchange; it was a robust test of skill and resilience.

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