
40: Let’s Talk Tactics and Build the Hype!

**00:44 - 00:55**

In the charged atmosphere of the ring, it was clear that the battle between Burns and Ye Chen was more than just a clash of skills; it was a showcase of heart and strategy. While it might seem that Burns couldn't hold his own against Ye Chen or even Magny, the truth was more layered. This was merely a training session, a vital part of the journey, and not a definitive measure of skill.

Burns was like a free spirit in the ring, relying heavily on his experience and instincts rather than any specific game plan. On the other hand, Ye Chen, with an intense focus, was channeling the essence of Magny's style, constantly seeking to sharpen his own technique. There was no denying that Ye Chen possessed superior skill; his muscle memory was practically flawless. Burns had attempted a dive, but couldn't manage to bring Ye Chen down — it was almost a comical struggle.

Meanwhile, the coaching staff gathered around Burns, unveiling a suite of new strategies to enhance his game. Ye Chen, observing from the sidelines, felt a rush of excitement. This was precisely the environment he had hoped to immerse himself in. Although he hadn't had the chance to simulate Chandler's style directly, the daily exposure to elite competitors and tactical discussions felt like pure gold for his growth. After all, no matter how gifted he was, there were always blind spots in even the sharpest minds.

As the second round kicked off, Burns, sporting his trademark cheeky smile, nudged Ye Chen's arm playfully. "C'mon, brother! Why don't you try lowering your fall protection? Trust me, Magny isn't that tough!"

Ye Chen chuckled, unable to deny the truth in Burns' words — lifting him was proving to be an impossible task. "I'm sorry! It's all muscle memory. But I'm giving it my best shot!"

The dynamics shifted in the second game. Equipped with fresh tactics, Burns finally managed to pin Ye Chen down. Victory felt sweet, yet it was merely a precursor to what lay ahead. After a week of intense training, the moment had arrived for Ye Chen to face Chandler. Although Chandler had been a regular presence in the training facility, their scheduling had kept their paths from crossing too frequently; no fighter wanted to give their rival an edge by revealing their strategies.

Time sped by, and before Ye Chen realized it, the day of the showdown had arrived. He had a pivotal role to play, yet initially, Burns was meant to be a side character for a promotional event. However, Ye Chen was having none of it; this fight was too important to be tainted by distractions. After all, unexpected incidents could happen—like a freak KO from mishandled lighting. So, focused like a laser, he committed to staying on track, having shed weight for the weigh-in that was looming over him like a storm cloud.

Lying in bed, utterly drained, Ye Chen felt his resolve wavering. His phone buzzed beside him, a familiar face lighting up his screen. Catwoman had struck again.

Catwoman: [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]

The first image showcased a mouthwatering steak, the second a plate piled high with crispy fried chicken, and the third, a tantalizing chicken burger.

Ye Chen couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Do you think you can seduce me with food? Please, I'm fighting a battle here."

For Ye Chen, managing his weight was a true challenge. It wasn't just about resisting temptation; his workout routines were already streamlined within the simulation space. If only indulging in real-life food didn't mean ruining his hard work in the simulation.

Catwoman: [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]

The first photo captured a pair of elegant long legs. The second? Lace pajamas. And the third flaunted a well-defined collarbone.

Ye Chen smirked. He couldn't deny the allure of the images, although he had seen similar ones before. The culinary pictures had all the hallmarks of someone trying to keep him on his toes. The person behind the camera was undeniably captivating — brown hair and captivating eyes, a combination hard to forget.

Ye Chen: "Not bad, but honestly, just look at her face."

Catwoman: [Disdainful expression] "Isn't it what you said? That women only muddle your focus in the ring?"

Ye Chen chuckled. "It's just talk! You actually believe that?"

Catwoman: [Disdain] "By the way, are you ready for weigh-in tomorrow? Want me to help you with this fight?"

Ye Chen couldn't help the corner of his lips twitching upwards. "Help? You mean you might steal my clothes during the match, right?"

Catwoman: "???"

Come the next day, Ye Chen found himself once again stepping onto the scales. The tension was palpable; his weight better be on point. No matter how skinny he felt, he needed to maintain his status. As he replenished fluids and carbohydrates, another fighter returned from the scales, the excitement evident in his eyes.

"Hey, Parker! This fight night is an incredible opportunity; your performance is crucial! Did you hear? Anne Hathaway's posting about this on her YouTube and Insta — she's watching live!"

Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a rush. The power of celebrity could draw in crowds like moths to a flame, increasing the stakes far beyond the ring.

The implications were clear: not only would the fight night attract a massive audience but it would also draw in hordes of eager fans, especially male hopefuls drawn by the allure of a global icon like Hathaway.

This was a game-changing moment. Ye Chen realized celebrities attending UFC events was common; however, Hathaway's personal promotion of the night made it something special. The more eyes on him during the match, the greater the potential for fame and recognition.

Yet, Ye Chen's mind was barely on the celebrity before him; how could a rising star like him be viewed alongside a figure so adored by millions? Over the past two and a half months, he had crafted, honed, and perfected multiple strategies to secure his victory against Chandler — a range of tactics designed to exhaust his opponent's energy while keeping him safely out of reach.

He'd practiced this approach countless times with various strategies, achieving an impressive zero-win rate against Chandler. But would he stick to the safety of the strategy that had proven so effective? Wouldn't that be a predictable outcome?

So, ruled by the pulse of excitement and the hunger for drama, he made a bold decision: he would showcase a more dynamic, eye-catching fighting style this time around, one that could captivate the crowd and prove that he was not just another fighter, but a performer ready to steal the spotlight.

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