
Establishing a joint-stock cigarette factory

The issue of tobacco sales rights distribution cannot be determined in one or two hours. After Zhou Yuanqiang left, the entire Hero Bar was full of roars of people who disregarded their status for the sake of interests. In the face of huge profits, they don't care what your ranking is. In short, they can distribute, but they won't agree to less.

 Anyway, Zhou Yuanqiang didn't know how they were distributing it. It was not until the evening that they finally determined the distribution of shares after arguing for seven or eight hours with hoarse throats. Kong Yifu was very powerful, and he owned more than eleven commercial storefronts in the entire settlement, so he took 20% of the entire distribution plan. The remaining 80% was divided equally by the other eleven. However, it seemed that they were very dissatisfied with only providing 100 kilograms of tobacco every day. For a settlement with a population of more than 100,000, it couldn't even make a splash.

 Zhou Yuanqiang also knew that this market was huge. Not to mention 100 kilograms, even if it was several times more, it would not be enough. But what could he do? If there is too much supply, it is impossible to explain the origin of these tobaccos. Even if there is cultivation in the Grand Canyon, there will not be such a large amount. It is obvious that there is a problem. Providing 100 kilograms is a decision that I took a great risk.

With the sales of the twelve powerful teams, the tobacco was put on the counters in dozens of stores at the same time in almost an instant, covering every corner of the settlement.

 At this point, Zhou Yuanqiang does not need to worry about anything. What he has to do every day is to deliver 100 kilograms of tobacco to the settlement, and then the distribution team they set up will distribute it according to the proportion, and then send it to the stores of each team. After that, they will wait for them to settle the accounts and transport the crystal gold back to the small oasis.

 It is only half the market price to provide the supply. Zhou Yuanqiang is indeed making a lot of money, but isn't it the same for others? Just put the tobacco on the counter, and it will be sold out in a moment, and there is no need to even promote it. Even in front of some stores, before they open, people have already come to buy. It is definitely a long-term and stable way to make money. It is much better than trying to snatch things from the zombies.

 In this situation, everyone is satisfied, and it can be regarded as helping Zhou Yuanqiang to stabilize the existence of the small oasis.

 The profit of tobacco is indeed very amazing, but Zhou Yuanqiang is not only considering the issue of selling tobacco. How many packs of cigarettes can be produced from one or two cigarettes? What he is considering is how to turn tobacco into cigarettes, package them into packs, and then put them on the market. The profit at that time will be more than ten times that of tobacco?

 Zhou Yuanqiang has also considered this issue. Tobacco cannot open up the upper market of the real rich. With the current income level of the middle and lower classes, it is just barely enough to maintain their livelihoods. How can there be extra crystal grain to exchange for tobacco? In the face of survival, they would rather not smoke, but also fill their stomachs. It is precisely because of this that the plan of the cigarette factory must be put on the agenda.

 It is certainly impossible to get a set of equipment and raw materials for producing cigarettes in the end times, but what about modern times? Just enter the words "cigarette equipment" on the search engine, and you will be stunned by the rows of information, thinking that you have read it wrong, and you will also be confused... Doesn't this country prohibit private cigarette production? Why are so many companies and manufacturers blatantly selling these equipment and raw materials?

 What's more outrageous is that even the complete manufacturing technology process can be found in piles and piles on the Internet at will, and the entire manufacturing process is completely transparent.

 If there were only one or two such pieces of information, Zhou Yuanqiang would not believe that there would really be these machines for sale, but with tens of thousands of such information, it would definitely not be fake. I just found one, which had detailed contact information, machine instructions, prices and user guides, and some even came with a complete set of production and manufacturing materials, and they would definitely teach you until you could completely make finished cigarettes independently.

 Some even provided simulation packaging and other packaging equipment, which was completely indistinguishable from the real thing.

 The price of the equipment is not too expensive. A set of cigarette making machines, mouthpiece machines, and packaging machines can be completed with only tens of thousands of yuan. Even an integrated large-scale cigarette making equipment can be obtained with hundreds of thousands of yuan. It's just that the space of 16 cubic meters can easily bring a small machine, but for a large integrated machine, this space is indeed a bit small and is not within Zhou Yuanqiang's consideration.

 If tobacco can be regarded as a gold mine, then the cigarette factory is definitely a gold vein. It will never be possible for Zhou Yuanqiang to swallow it all by himself, so it is very necessary to gather the twelve strongest forces in the settlement. Originally, Zhou Yuanqiang wanted to see if he could give some shares to the Administration Bureau, but thinking of the strength of the Administration Bureau, wouldn't the cigarette factory be given to them at that time?

 Such a great thing, especially without any effort from his side, just paying a large amount of gold crystal food, can have a share of this cigarette factory, who would not be tempted? Therefore, Zhou Yuanqiang didn't have to worry about anything. As soon as he proposed this plan, everyone raised their hands to agree. They had tasted the sweetness of tobacco.

 In Zhou Yuanqiang's plan, he would own 30% of the shares in the established Wasteland Cigarette Factory, and the remaining 70% would be equally distributed to the twelve companies. Zhou Yuanqiang was responsible for the equipment of the cigarette factory, but the twelve companies must pay a certain amount of crystal gold or grain to compensate Zhou Yuanqiang's losses. Tobacco, cigarette paper and other materials were also provided by Zhou Yuanqiang to the cigarette factory at half the market price, and the twelve companies were responsible for jointly selling the cigarettes produced by the Wasteland Cigarette Factory.

 The safety of the Wasteland Cigarette Factory will be borne by all people. Each company will send ten people to form a 130-member armed security team to ensure the safety of the cigarette factory, which will be managed by Zhou Yuanqiang. The cost of the security team will be shared from the profits of each shareholder.

 The person who benefited the most from the approval of this plan is Zhou Yuanqiang himself. The cigarette factory was located in the newly enclosed 100-acre garden of the small oasis, and the armed forces were managed by Zhou Yuanqiang. It was not surprising that they were considered his team. Especially since Zhou Yuanqiang still accounted for 30% of the majority, it was enough to make people jealous. The tobacco was already terrible enough, and rolling cigarettes was even faster than printing money.

 But there was no way to refuse. First, I had no tobacco to provide, and second, I had no cigarette-rolling machinery and equipment. Third, if you didn't agree, someone would naturally agree. Who would let go of this obvious profit? Besides, it was not a big deal to provide an armed force of ten people. Anyway, there were many people in the refugee camps outside who wanted to be soldiers and get food. They could just make up for it when the time came.

 Originally, Zhou Yuanqiang wanted to recruit people to form this security team, but on this principle, all the twelve families refused to give in. They would rather provide people and guns than let Zhou Yuanqiang take over all the power of this small force. At least in this way, there will be our own people in the security team, and they will not be completely ignorant of what is happening in the cigarette factory.



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