
Chapter 26 - Momentum Behind Invisible Tides

Orfea stood on the platform in the middle of the hub of the main base. She wore her uniform neatly and her arms were folded. Naia stepped inside, her posture straightening instinctively as she faced her superior. The older woman's piercing indigo eyes met hers - and there was even more approval in them than before.

"Excellent work at the processing plant, Navigator. Your adaptability prevented a potential crisis. Our tacticians estimated that this particular shipment of stabilized water was critical."

Naia nodded, accepting the praise with a mix of pride... and lingering unease.

"Thank you, Commander. But something about the situation doesn't sit right with me."

The older woman's eyebrow arched.

"Oh? Do elaborate, Operative."

The shift in title showed that the woman was treating this part of the conversation more generally. Soldier to soldier, instead of power holders. Naia's fingers tightened around her staff, hoping this wasn't going to be an argument.

"The coincidence seems... too convenient. An entire shift incapacitated at once? I can't help but wonder if there's more to it."

The Commander's expression remained neutral, but a flicker of something like agreement was felt.

"Your instincts serve you well, Naia. I can tell you that we're exploring all possibilities, including potential... outside interference."

Naia's eyes widened slightly. That was...

"You mean sabotage? From the other side?"

"It's one avenue we're investigating. Nothing has been determined definitively. For now, your role is complete."

She paused and her gaze softened.

"Get some rest, Navigator. You've earned it."

Naia opened her mouth to protest - to ask for more information - but something in the Commander's stance told her the discussion was over. The woman rationalized that it really wasn't something for her to turn her focus on anyway. It sounded like a job for the assets with Tactical Omniscience. She nodded then saluted before turning to leave.

"And Naia. Keep your observations to yourself for now. We can't afford unnecessary panic."

The younger woman understood the weight of the command. It felt like she wasn't just warning her about talking to civilians. As the door closed and she walked toward her quarters, Naia couldn't shake the feeling that she'd just glimpsed the edge of something.

The crossing of secrets and public information that might be much larger than a simple case of food poisoning.

Her feet carried her through the bustling streets of the green zone. Her body was practically on autopilot as her mind churned with the events of the day. The fatigue settled in from her intense work at the water plant after lacking real rest. Each step felt heavier than the last.

She paused at a railing to overlook a busy plaza below. The ebb and flow of civilians going about their lives, oblivious to the setback they'd narrowly avoided. A pang of envy struck her, quickly followed by a stubborn wave of protectiveness. This was why what she did with her power was important.

Once in her quarters, Naia hurried toward the shower. She let the warm water that would have been stabilized less than a week ago - by some other person with her power - cascade over her aching muscles. Her mind drifted as she turned up the heat and the steam rose around her.

The physical toll of channeling so much power hit her full force. Her arms trembled in resistance as she reached for the soap. The memory of the days of grueling training sessions flashed through her mind. She used to feel this way after far less work… highlighting how far she'd come.

When she was toweling off, Naia caught her reflection in the mirror. Commander Orfea's words to keep her observations hidden echoed in her ears. The burden sat uneasily on her shoulders. Carrying knowledge that could cause panic if revealed was one thing, but keeping it from even her squad members felt wrong.

Her thoughts turned to them - to Evander. Would he have felt her absence? Longing and a now familiar frustration washed over her. Naia pushed it down and focused instead on the pride she felt in her accomplishments today.

She'd proven her worth… not just to Evander or as part of her team - as an individual Operative capable of handling critical situations she was assigned.

Her exhaustion finally overtook her the moment she laid back on the bed. Underneath her black hair, her thoughts began to stutter and fragment. The Navigator fell asleep even before she could consider sending a message to Ev.


The private office of Commander Orfea shone with the light-buzz of multiple holographic displays. Naia stood at attention with her harmonic staff held tightly at her side. The older woman's piercing indigo eyes studied her for a long moment and gauged her readiness.

"At ease, Navigator. You've been assigned a series of critical solo operations."

Naia's shoulders relaxed but tension instead coiled in her gut. She wasn't going back to her squad? According to the reports, they would be back soon…

"Solo missions, Commander?"

Orfea nodded and began to manipulate the devices around to display a series of locations.

"We've identified pockets of extreme instability throughout the colonies around the Confluence. Your abilities are suited to stabilize these areas before they collapse entirely."

The first image expanded to show a swirling vortex of chaotic energy. It kind of reminded Naia of the artifact they'd retrieved on the first mission with Theia. Which caused her to think about the missing woman again…

"This particular unstable nexus threatens to destabilize a major supply route. You'll need to harmonize the area long enough for our engineers to reinforce it with the newest replacement resonators."

The woman was a little excited. Both to see the cutting edge technology related to her field in person… as well as another chance to prove herself. She'd really been thinking lately about this. That she needed to show herself the value she held beyond just supporting people like Evander… and Theia.

Yet doubt gnawed at her.

"Commander - with all due respect - wouldn't it be safer to have my full squad for such delicate operations? They will be done with their mission soon and have their own valuable skills."

Orfea's expression softened, as she could feel her reluctance.

"Your concerns are noted, Navigator. But your squad is too valuable to risk unnecessarily on these missions. We also need their skills elsewhere."

Can relate. My writing skills are always needed elsewhere too! And it gnaws at me~

Seraphelkicreators' thoughts
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