
Chapter 46: Uneasy Calm

November 10th, 2274

Victor's routine had become seamless over the past few days. On the surface, he appeared to be just another diligent Vault 101 resident, quietly excelling in the medical department, interacting with his friends, and maintaining his daily life. But in reality, Victor's grip on the outside world was tightening. His network was expanding through the wasteland, his plans weaving deeper into the Capital Wasteland's future.

Alpha Team's infiltration of Megaton continued without a hitch. Their surveillance network was operational, feeding real-time data back to NIM, who was cataloging everything. Every conversation, every movement, every potential power player in the town was now being tracked. Victor was confident, but he knew that overconfidence could lead to mistakes. So, he watched and waited.

That evening, after another day of medical work, Victor sat in his room, reviewing the latest updates from Alpha Team. A direct communication from the leader caught his attention:

Alpha Team Leader: "We've made more progress with Mister Burke. He's growing impatient. He wants the bomb detonated soon and is willing to pay handsomely for it. We've also gathered intel on Moriarty, Simms, and the Children of Atom. No one suspects us."

Victor leaned back in his chair, considering his options. The idea of detonating the bomb wasn't something he had initially planned for, but it did provide an opportunity—one that could drastically alter the region's political landscape. Still, it was too early to make a final decision.

He replied:

Victor: "Hold off for now. Keep playing along, but we're not committing to anything yet. I want more intel on Burke's associates. Someone this determined is not working alone. Let's find out who's behind him."

After sending the message, Victor turned his attention to the progress inside the Vault. In the hidden lab,NIM had completed another round of tests on the modified dog. The creature, enhanced with the giant ant genes, had adapted well. Its enhanced intelligence allowed it to follow complex commands, and its physical resilience had increased significantly.

NIM: "Subject Hound-7 has achieved 50% cognitive improvement and displays a 40% increase in physical endurance. It is now capable of carrying out advanced tasks."

Victor nodded at the report, satisfied with the progress.

Victor: "Good. Continue the training program with Hound-7. I want it ready for field deployment soon."

He moved on to the biolab reports. The first batch of raiders, including Silver, were now fully recovered and undergoing heavy training in VR. They were performing well, showing significant improvements in combat and tactical operations. Soon, they would be ready for real-world assignments.

The second batch of raiders, however, was more of a mixed bag. Many were still resistant, despite the memory overrides. The few new recruits and two female raiders showed promise, but the others were proving more difficult to control. Victor would need to escalate their treatment.

NIM: "Memory override on Batch Two is progressing at a slower rate. Several subjects are still displaying resistance."

Victor frowned at the report. He had hoped for faster progress, but he knew these things took time.

Victor: "Increase the intensity of the memory modifications on the resistant subjects, use experimental stimulants. If they don't respond in the next few days, we'll have to reassess their usefulness."

NIM acknowledged the command and immediately began implementing the changes.

Later that night, 

After his usual check-ins with Alpha Team and the lab reports, Victor met up with his friends in the Vault's common area. They sat around, playing card games and joking about their tasks in the Vault. To anyone watching, it would seem like a typical night of relaxation among friends. But Victor's mind was elsewhere, carefully calculating his next moves.

Paul Hannon Jr. looked over at Victor after a hand of cards.

Paul: "You've been quiet lately, Victor. Everything alright?"

Victor gave him a casual smile.

Victor: "Yeah, just busy with the medical department. Jonas has had me running all kinds of tests lately. I barely have time to breathe."

Butch leaned back, arms crossed, his usual cocky grin plastered across his face.

Butch: "You? Stressed? No way. You're like a robot, man. You handle everything like it's nothing."

Victor chuckled softly, playing along. In truth, Butch's comment wasn't far from reality. He had become a master at compartmentalizing his life, seamlessly blending his public persona with his hidden ambitions.

Back in his quarters later that night, Victor activated the VR system for his friends. As they entered the virtual wasteland, he guided them through another combat scenario. It had been weeks of training now, and they had become adept at handling various weapons and tactics in VR. But Victor knew they were still far from being ready for real-world operations.

After the session, Victor left his friends to explore the virtual world on their own. He had other matters to attend to.

In the hidden lab, NIM had run a new set of simulations based on the data gathered from the surveillance in Megaton.

NIM: "Surveillance data suggests increased tension between the Children of Atom and the general population of Megaton. Additionally, there is growing distrust between Lucas Simms and Colin Moriarty."

Victor tapped his fingers on the desk, considering the possibilities.

Victor: "We could use that tension to our advantage. If we manipulate the situation carefully, we might be able to destabilize the town and create an opening for our agents."

NIM: "Shall I begin formulating a plan?"

Victor: "Yes. Focus on Simms and Moriarty. If we can push them into conflict, it will create chaos in the town. That will make it easier for Alpha Team to operate. But make sure to keep it under control."

With the instructions given, Victor felt a sense of satisfaction. Every piece was moving into place. Soon, the wasteland would be shaped according to his vision.

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