
Superbabes in SPAAAAACE!: Log 4

I don't own DC or various other things.

The unknown vessel, allegedly a pirate vessel, ominously drifted before them as they stared out the bridge window. They all collectively held their breaths, even the ones that didn't necessarily need oxygen to survive. Ukyo was stunned, unsure what to do with a heavily armed, allegedly pirate, ship before them, and unable to simply jump away without risking further damage to her already jury-rigged ship. The silence was worse than the void outside their ship before finally someone spoke.


"…Maybe they haven't noticed us?" it was Arwa, though she didn't sound sure of it herself at all. Then a ray of green light shot from the opposing vessel, and it streaked across the brow of their ship.


"Nope! They noticed!" snapped Demona irately, before leaping down out of the bridge. Darcy quickly joined Ukyo on the console, and the officer immediately activated the shields of her ship as more rays of light, really laser blasts, shot against their ship.


"Bombax Bombax BOMBAX!!" cursed Ukyo, abruptly forcing their ship forward and returning fire from their main gun, which was little more than a pea-shooter compared to a fully armed pirate vessel.


"What do we do Officer?" Asked Darcy, "The shields will not hold for long."


"I don't know!" Ukyo replied, panic slowly setting in but just when she felt she might roll over and cry she quickly pulled herself together and quickly composed herself, and quickly began running her fingers across the console. "…Put whatever power we have left into the engines! We'll try to outmaneuver until we can randomly jump elsewhere!"


"Yes ma'am." Darcy replied calmly.



"Put on your suits!" snapped Demona, literally flying into the crew's quarters just as everyone else got out of their bunks. She held their suit collars in her hands before handing them out. "Put them on now!"


"What's going on?!" Herman asked surprised only for Demona to immediately activate the collar and seal him up in his suit.


"We're being attacked." She snapped, before abruptly turning towards a concerned Jane, grabbing her arm. "Come with me!" she dragged Jane out of the room and shoved her across the hall into the other room.


"W-what are you doing?" she asked surprised as Demona looked Jane directly in her pretty and currently brown eyes.


"Look at me." She ordered as Jane blinked, "Have you ever tried shapeshifting into something smaller like a rat? Or even an insect?"


Jane blinked at her. She hasn't. She never really felt the need to, how would that even work? "N-No I haven't I-"


"How do you normally transform?" Asked Demona impatiently as the ship rumbled, "Look at me!" she said, getting Jane's attention as she looked around concerned. "Focus." She demanded sternly, "How do you normally transform?" she repeated. Still firm but surprisingly patient… for Demona. "NOW. JANE." She ordered.


There it is.


"I just… sort of… feel it." She said, "It's complicated."


"It better not be." Demona replied seriously, "Listen to me. We're probably going to be boarded and captured by pirates." She poked at Jane's green forehead, "YOU on the other hand are not going to be captured by pirates, you're going to turn into something small and unnoticeable, and once the coast is clear you're going to help us escape."


"I am?!" the ship abruptly rumbled again and Demona sneered.


"The alternatives are not that great." She noted almost sarcastically. "SO. You're going to have to experiment right NOW." Demona and Jane were jostled again by another hit. "…Do it quickly!" she added, before rushing back out of the room and running into Arwa… literally.




"Buggering Daughter of my AUNT!" snapped Demona angrily, "Where are you going?!"


"I was going to go get my suit." She replied crisply, "Last I checked I NEED ONE." She replied 'obviously' and Demona joined her, forgetting that she also 'needed one'. "So… should we intervene again?"


"Only if we have to." Demona replied under her breath before retrieving more suits and shoving one into Arwa's pillowy chest. "Remember what Orders said."


"Alive, Intact, and Sane." Arwa replied cheerfully as if that was more of a motto than it was instructions. Putting the collar around her neck. "…You know… we really need to figure out what that means." Demona glowered at her.


"No we don't." she corrected with a snippy tone in her voice. "it's pretty clear."


"Well, the 'alive' part is obvious, certainly. But what about the Intact part? And the Sane part? The definition of insanity is quite vague." Demona glowered at her, the ship rocked once again, and she continued to glower at Arwa before noting.


"NO. It's still pretty clear. Humanity has advanced a little since you were stuffed into a bottle…" Arwa opened her mouth and Demona added abruptly. "The first time."


"Hmmn." Arwa calmly replied with an eye roll and a slight pout on her plump lips, before the ship suddenly wildly shook again from another hit. "…Ah… perhaps we should focus on the task at hand? Why don't I just…" she held up her hand, her fingers ready to snap as Demona frowned at her.


"Do you think you can do something that won't have anyone asking questions?"


"Well obviously not..." but then she paused, looking thoughtful. "…Actually maybe? Why don't I-" but whatever Arwa was GOING to say was interrupted by Lori in her space suit dragging herself out of the starboard quarters and rushing to the bridge.


"We're losing power rapidly Officer Ukyo." Darcy declared as Ukyo slammed her hand onto the console, before getting up.


"…Get everyone to the shuttle we have to abandon ship." She said resignedly as she looked Lori in the eyes as she climbed the ladder.


"Abandon ship?!" she said as Ukyo grabbed Darcy and dragged her away from the ship.


"Yes. Abandon ship!" she declared angrily, "Get everyone to the shuttle now!" She tried to pull Darcy along, but the Gynoid felt like she was suddenly several hundred pounds heavier. "Darcy! Come on!"


"We are being hailed." Darcy declared as Ukyo's attention returned to the console, and she realized that the ship was no longer being fired upon… mostly because it was a floating scrap heap in space at this point.


"…Bombax." She snapped, before returning to the console and accepting the hail. "…I am Officer Ukyo'dorai Carant of sector 6969. I order you to cease fire immediately."


"Well guess what "officer" we-…" the weezy voice that replied on the console comms hesitated from smug confidence to surprised hesitation. "…Did you say sector 6969?"


Ukyo closed her eyes and inwardly hated herself for saying it out loud. Almost preferring they'd blast the ship instead of the inevitable stereotyping she just opened up the opportunity for… then again, the alternative was they actually blast the ship and she had a half dozen civilians to protect. "…Yes."


There was a long pause, then followed by excited chattering and cheeping before finally the weezy voice spoke again, but seemed more excited than threatening. "Prepare to be boarded! We're coming onto your ship! Move and we blast you!"


"…Somehow that sounds more suggestive than it seems." Lori mumbled irately as Ukyo growled.


"The alternative is they blow up the ship. Which might be preferred…" she added under her breath but prepared the airlock. "…At least this will give me time to think of an escape…"


"And how do you plan to escape?" asked Darcy stoically as Ukyo's blue face flushed.


"…I haven't thought of it yet!" she said indignantly. Before going to the armory, and retrieving a blaster rifle as a deterrent. Arming Darcy, and Demona who followed after her with Arwa.


"What is this for?" she asked skeptically, holding the rifle almost disdainfully as she then handed one to Lori.


"…We might have a better chance if we're all armed." Ukyo noted, however Arwa, who didn't get a gun, declared confidently.


"My dear Officer Ukyo you are overthinking this! We are a ship full of highly skilled women!" she declared, "And our talents are… varied."


Ukyo stared at Arwa suspiciously, then angrily replied irately. "Why does everything end with SEX with you people? Contrary to popular belief not every single species in space is driven by sex!"


"Says the woman from a race of well-known hedonists." Demona replied casually with a shrug, "Not that I'm one to judge-"


"THAT'S IT!" Lori suddenly shouted which made everyone else jump as she grabbed at Ukyo's arm to show off her wrist device. "That thing you used to make yourself look more like a human." She said, "Do you have more of them?"


"Well yes, but why would you all need to look human?" replied Ukyo only for Lori to shake her head.


"Not look more human, to look more Sluutavan!" Lori replied as Ukyo's eyes narrowed, then widened in surprise.


"…That's… actually brilliant." She said after a minute before rushing to another part of the armory. "Help me look there must be spares in one of these lockers!" Arwa then smiled and helped Lori and Ukyo look… after a little snap of her fingers.



Six very nervous Sluutvans stood in front of the airlock as the light above it registered a connection, and slowly it released an ominous hiss, then opened abruptly to laughter and jeers… "QUITE!" ordered a gravelly voice before a massive lumbering giant squeezed through the airlock doors.


He, or it, was over seven feet tall and half again as broad with massive four-digit hands and tree trunk arms, he had no neck and his head appeared to be a dome of flesh set between his shoulders with dark brown skin… he looked like someone had tried to make a man out of clay or dough and simply lost interest once the approximate shape was formed. His maw stretched in a sneer as he viewed the girls and boy before him.


"Jundo! Move your blocking lump!" snapped a weezy voice as something scrambled between the massive thing's thick log-like legs and something significantly smaller and less intimidating sneered ratlike up at them before grinning broadly.


"Sluutavans!" the rat-man creature abruptly shouted. He was barely two feet tall with a long ratlike face and whiskers, along with a stringing beard from his non-existent chin. His yellow eyes were squinty, as if everywhere was too bright for him and he kept blinking at them greedily. "I am Speaker Trok for Captain Gira the Bloody! You are hereby claimed as salvage and will be ransomed appropriately once we tire of you! Take them! Search the ship before someone declares-"


"Parley!" Ukyo snapped as Speaker Trok stomped his tiny feet, causing a tall blue woman with long luxurious black hair to giggle as his adorable tantrum.


"Damn it! Jundo! Crush her head!"


"She declared parley. Captain Gira needs to meet them now." 'Jundo' the massive tree of a being replied.


"We're CLORBAG! PIRATES! We don't need to follow some Bombaxian rules!"


To be honest, Ukyo forgot about parlaying with the pirates. Or more accurately she was unaware that these particular pirates were members of a particular conclave of pirates that follow guidelines they've established… there were lots of them.


One group of pirates might follow the guidelines of Sparrox, or the Skylian Raiders, or Kanjar Ro… far more savage and less diplomatic. But some pirates like to be a bit more civilized in their conduct, many of them do so for the money and if they kill everyone they come across that means they're 100% more likely to be hunted down by something other than a green lantern and horrifically torn apart…


Like that one time a bunch of pirates stole something from Darksied… sure, nobody sane steals from Darksied, but now nobody is alive enough to try it again. Besides, ransoming and slavery were far more profitable.


So… in other words-


"They said Parley, so now we take them to the captain." Said Jundo with a gravelly voice and a sneer. "Capture them." He ordered and all the other pirates, of various shapes and sizes, rushed onto the vessel to get their hands on the girls."


"Hey! Watch the wings!" snapped Demona as she was sized and her feathers ruffled forcefully as she was dragged along.


"Oye, cuidado con las manos!" Lori snapped angrily as she felt someone's tentacle getting a squeeze on her ass.


"What language is that?" one said as the other moved his tentacle from her gloriously massive ass to her waist.


"No idea, the translators didn't catch it." Arwa made no complaints herself, letting them grope away while Ukyo was more guided then she was seized, because she declared parley she was not to be harmed.


"THIS ONE'S… HEAVY!" snarled a pirate, trying to shove a blue and unhelpful Darcy putting his full weight behind her, only for Jundo to grab her himself, his huge hand wrapping around her and carrying her along like a fistful of sticks. Herman luckily was much easier to guide along… considering he was a skinny little human teenager whose only superpower was 'bang excessively' and how was that going to help him?


What was going to help was the superpower of Shapeshifting… Even if it was being done by someone who wasn't very Super herself. It turns out that Jane could in fact transform into an animal… you learn something new every day. However, she didn't like being a small animal… being easily smashed aside she could physically feel herself drifting away… apparently,y the longer she spent in an animal form the more likely she was to forget that she wasn't a small creature, in this case, a rat…


In other words, it's fucking weird and existentially horrifying. So as soon as she could, she transformed into an alien creature, but oddly it wasn't an alien the other members of the Superbabes party had seen before.


Once everyone was on the pirate ship she rushed around a corner, before transforming her body and shooting quickly up in height and weight. Rounding a corner to follow the others, however.


"Hey!" snapped an ant-eater faced pirate, approaching her as she appeared around the corner seconds after transforming and turned her head to the ant-eater faced pirate… who looked up at her with a blank look on his face. Or at least it could be a blank look, it was hard to tell on his ant-eater face. "…Are you new? I don't recall us hiring a Triceraton."


…In her panic instead of a form she's seen recently she took the form of a dinosaur man her sewer friends fought once. She figured less likely she'd get caught transformed as someone she'd recently seen… but perhaps being a seven-foot-tall triceratops man wasn't the best choice... but thanks to transforming into a rat it was at the top of her head... 


The ant-eater faced pirate's eyes narrowed for a second. Then seemed to shrug, "Whatever. Help me with the victory barrels!" he said, slapping her arm and leading her along. "We're going all out tonight and now that we caught them Sluutavans we can really celebrate!"


"Celebrate?" she asked in a deep voice. "But I have to-" she tried but failed to get away as the ant-eater snarled at her through his snout.


"What? Don't you want booze at the party?!" he snapped irately, "what kind of pirate doesn't drink booze?!" Triceratron Jane stared down at him. "Just come on and help me move the damn barrels of booze…"


…It would give her an opportunity to look around the ship, she could always find the others later. "Okay." She said as he looked at her funny then shrugged.


"Great follow me." He said, waddling along the hallways, "I tell you we've had a good haul lately huh? We jorked that caravan-" jork? "And got us some of the good stuff!"


"Good stuff?" Triceraton Jane replied as he eyed her.


"Uh YEAH! High Quality Noxian drugs!" he laughed, "Grablix, Xilbarg! Yellow#6! Positively loaded… That stuff is worth top credits to the right buyer."


"…What's it do?" asked Triceraton Jane as the ant-eater faced man opened a room leading her into a cargo hold of some sort.


"What, you don't know?" he eyed Triceraton Jane irately. "Must not get the good stuff wherever you come from. Xilbarg is a highly addictive pain medication." He said, leading her through racks of crates and sacks of what could only be loot. "Grablix is high-grade anesthesia, too much of it will knock you out through a parademon invasion. And of course Yellow #6: Mellow Yellow… can you believe some species out there eat that stuff? They need to smoke it to get the proper use out of it." He then stood by some steel-looking barrels, "Alright start hauling these to the mess hall." He lightly patted the barrels of booze. "I'm going to get the anti-gravity cart…" he added walking away as Triceraton Jane blinked after him.


But he abruptly turned around, standing next to a large crate. "And don't touch the Xilbarg!" he said, pointing to the large crates he stood next to. There were a few marked with strange symbols that Triceraton Jane didn't recognize… but they were right next to another bunch of crates with similar symbols but in reverse order… clearly an alien language. "The Captain already had them weighed so she'll know if someone sneaks a quick taste.


He stared at Triceraton Jane, clearly expecting her to say something, so realizing it she quickly replied. "Got it." Ant-eater face nodded and wobbled away as Triceraton Jane glanced at the crates of Grablix… then the barrels of Booze… then the grablix again. Suddenly Ant-eater face jumped into view. "Ah-Ha!" she tilted her huge triceratops head confused. "…Just making sure you weren't touching the Xilbarg." He said suspiciously, before stepping away.


Slowly her former rat brain recovered back to it's full capacity and a plan was forming in her much bigger, superior thinking brain. It SHOULD NOT be this easy… but was she really going to look a gift alien in the mouth? Ignoring the 'Xilbarg' crate, she opened the Grablix crate… and examined the large packages inside. She grabbed one, examining it curiously before taking out a few of them, and quickly returning to the barrels of booze and promptly adding a secret ingredient…




The others were manhandled and squeezed through the massive pirate ship, before they came across a large door guarded by a pair of imposing pirate. "Open up!" Speaker Trok ordered.


The guard to the right of the door, a large four-armed, four eyed, red-skinned humanoid alien with his wrists wrapped in metal bracers that each seemed to be wrist-bound blasters loomed over Speaker Trok and said unintimidated. "You need to be announced before coming onto the bridge Trok."


"SPEAKER Trok!" he replied trying to sound important but the four-eyed guard rolled all four of his eyes. Clearly, Speaker Trok had a high opinion of himself. "Open the doors we brought the hostages!"


"Why didn't you take them to the brig." Snapped the other guard, who appeared to be made entirely of living green crystal.


"They declared Parley." Said Jundo, pushing Ukyo forward. "This one."


"Oh that's a different matter." Said Crystal man, before opening the door to a large command bridge… far more impressive than Ukyo's ship, especially the large throne like chair that is used as the command chair. It's back to them the collection of Superbabes, Herman, and Ukyo were mostly shoved into the bridge surrounded by pirates. "Captain. Our 'guests' demanded parlay."


There was a loud, audible sigh that seemed to echo around the bridge, despite the sheer size of it. And the rest of the crew went nervously quiet… Gira 'The Bloody' apparently deserved their rapt attention… "UGH…" then the massive chair slowly turned as a feminine but silky voice added. "Clurking Trok."


Whatever the rest of the Superbabes and Herman were expecting from a name like 'Gira The Bloody' it wasn't what they saw.


She was large and THICK. With shapely bulging thighs, thick curvaceous hips and backside, slender hourglass waist, and huge breasts that would make Bessie go 'holy shit those are big'. She wore a figure-hugging bodysuit with a plunging neckline and exposed shoulders. Revealing porcelain pale skin… her face was stunningly pretty, with jet black eyes, but it was her head that really threw them off. Four thick tentacular-like tendrils hung around her body like hair, as thick as her legs, but wiggled and jiggled like twitching tentacles. A patchwork of blood-red spots decorated her tendrils, giving off the appearance of dragon scales, and her matching blood-red lips, so dark they were almost black, and they were set in a stern sneer.


However upon seeing Ukyo, the babes, and Herman… her annoyed face was suddenly set in a more welcoming manner. "Captives. Welcome to the Octopoda." She stood up, easily over six feet but just under Ronnie-Bell in height… she strutted down from her chair in high-heel boots and clicked ominously on the floor as her tendrils wobbled… among other things. "I am Captain Gira: The Bloody. I'm sure you heard of me?" she added, sounding surprisingly eager. Seeing the blank looks on their faces her own pretty face fell and she scowled. "Clurk."


She then studied their faces, and her tendrils twitched. "Hmmn. Sluutavans?" she blinked at them all again, and her jet black eyes fell onto Herman who was a bit too busy staring at her massive breasts to be terrified of being surrounded by pirates. He was hiding being Lori and Ukyo. "HELLO." She purred like a cat as she spotted him. "Looks like we got an entire pack of them…" however once her eyes lingered on Demona and her wings, her frown returned. "…Seemingly."


"The pink one declared Parley." Noted Jundo as Speaker Trok abruptly and quickly spoke. Petulantly trying to drown out Jundo's voice.


"The pretty one declared PARLEY!" Gira just sighed, her black eyes returning to the group.


"Pretty one huh?..." she said before shoving Ukyo and Lori aside and looming over Herman, his face now at TITS level. "Well, little male… you declared Parley?" she cooed as Lori tried to protect her brother.


"Hey!-NGH!" and one of Gira's tendrils lashed around her neck tightly. "Ack!"


"STOP!" Ukyo snapped and another of Gira's tendrils lashed around her neck. "COUGH!"


"I don't like liars." Then yet another tendril lashed out and snapped around Demona's wrist.


"Bugger-AH!" yanking her forward as Gira's hand grabbed at her arm and displayed the wrist-bound device, before yanking it off and revealing Demona's true form… sort of.


"Sluutavans don't have WINGS you Clorbags!" she snapped at her crew, dismissively tossing Lori and Ukyo at Arwa and Darcy respectively, oddly enough however they were both easily caught. "They're wearing disguises! Take them off!" she ordered before lashing Herman, "…I'll check you myself…" she said silkily as Herman squeaked nervously…


He was very scare-roused… and after much groping who was and wasn't a Sluutavan was quickly revealed. Darcy, Arwa and Demona were all, accurately, unconcerned as the charade was revealed. The plan originally was to make sure the pirates did not kill them right off, if the 'parley' didn't work… who could resist the call of a pack of Sluutavans?


"Alright… now that my idiots have been thoroughly chastened," Gira growled, Speaker Trok trying hard to hide behind Jundo's huge leg. "…Who actually called Parley?" she growled angrily, holding Herman with her tendrils, they slithered smoothly over his blue skin as if she was trying to examine every INCH of him.


"I did." Ukyo declared, stepping forward confidently as Gira, in a very bored manner, eyed her dismissively.


"…AND?" she said scathingly as Ukyo blinked at her. "What do you have to offer me that I can't already take?"


"We don't have anything for you to take." Ukyo noted as Gira metaphorically raised an eyebrow at that… she had no eyebrows.


"That's not true. I can take your lives." She noted, but seeing a lack of proper response she then snapped irately. "So? What? I just let you all go?!" she said with a laugh. "I'm a clurking pirate!"


"And I am Officer Ukyo'dorai Carant of Sector 6969. These are just Terrans. Not worth much."


"Excuse you-" Arwa replied stubbornly as Gira ignored her.


"I cannot begin to tell you the amount of trouble you'll be in if you harm us. I am due on Sluutava in 24 hours and people WILL come looking for us… I assume you know what's on Earth? Half a dozen GREEN LANTERNS for one."


"Pretty sure there are Eight…" Demona noted with an eye-roll, how she would know that was also ignored but Gira seemed less confident for a mere moment.


"…Are you threatening me with green lantern attention? Green Lanterns can barely cover their own sectors! We've been pillaging this route for months and haven't seen ONE green lantern."


"What about that one that showed up? K'Arl?" noted a bridge crewman as she glowered at him and snapped.


"That one didn't count he was an IDIOT! Barely more than a rookie! I don't count him. NOW." She snapped her attention back to Ukyo. "So what? Do I just 'let you go?!'-" she declared mockingly "Where's the profit in that!?"


"That's what I said!" Speaker Trok snapped.


"SHUT UP TROK!" she roared and he went back to hiding around Jundo's leg and she finally stopped tentacle molesting Herman, shoving him back onto her large bridge chair before marching and staring down Ukyo. "So what you're telling me is we should space you and blast your hunk of scrap of a ship to Kyrpton!?" Her tendrils snapped around Ukyo's waist and she easily hauled her up to eye level, squeezing and making the Officer groan. "You would not be the first cop I've spaced."


"…She'd be the first Sluutavan I imagine." Demona noted loudly. And the third time of snarky responses was the charm. Captain Gira turned her attention to the winged woman who was unintimidated.


"SO?" she replied as Demona raised an eyebrow at that.


"SO I imagine you don't have much of a head for business?" noted Demona calmly as Gira tossed Ukyo aside and loomed over Demona.


"And what would a warmongering Thanagarian know about business?!"


"Our employer holds regular classes…" Demona replied sarcastically, Arwa laughed at the inside joke and realizing Demona now held Gira's attention continued. "Officer Ukyo is a Sluutavan Officer, and our fellow employee, that one." And she pointed at Lori, "Is Half-Sluutavan… I imagine someone somewhere would pay a high-price for them."


"WHAT?!" Ukyo snapped


"Qué estás haciendo?" Lori hissed at Demona.


"It's just bad business to throw them out an airlock." Who continued on, ignoring Lori. "UGH I'm sounding like that purple-eyed harpy-LOOK." She added, "We're worth more alive than dead regardless." She said hoping the imposing pirate got the hint.


"What are you a negotiator?" Gira snapped only for Darcy to answer.


"We are superbabes." Demona sighed irately, about to tell Darcy off for interrupting but she was interrupted by the four armed guard.


"I've heard of those… my cousin hooked up with an insatiable woman once who called herself a Superbabe."


"What happened to him?" asked the Crystal guard conversationally.


"Well apparently the first time was amazing… the second time though I'm not sure… I actually haven't heard from him in a while come to think of it."


"That's not ominous."


"DO. YOU. MIND…" Captain Gira snarled at them as they cleared their throats nervously.


"Sorry cap'n." they said meekly as she turned her attention back to Demona.


"What does a 'superbabe' mean?"


"Basically Prostitutes."


"Mother does not like that word."


"Shut up Darcy."


"It's true though we are professional entertainers." Declared Arwa casually, "I mean for a monetary compensation we're dancers, singers, conversationalists, waitresses, but to be fair mostly we're sexual commodities." These words were having an effect on the surrounding male members of the crew and Gira was not liking the increasing lack of discipline.


"To be honest we wouldn't even be in space if not for these three." Demona added crisply, "We're here to make sure that one doesn't go wild on his sister…" Demona pointed to Lori. "You've basically captured a bunch of people on a court-mandated road trip. There are no treasures or anything of particular value on our ship-"


"Except us of course." Added Arwa noted silkily.


Captain Gira looked… particularly annoyed at the increasing lack of respect she was receiving, these prisoners were just joking and yapping about as casually as could be. Her teeth grinding angrily together, before snapping. "ENOUGH!" she barked angrily, calling for silence as she glared down at the girls. "Do you not understand what's going on here?! I decide your fate!"


"Are we still not having the party?" asked somebody cautiously and Captain Gira FUMED, her tendrils began to rise with her fury as tried to find the IDIOT who pricked the wrong time to ask a stupid question.


"Of COURSE we're having the party! Sil! Khar!" the crystal guard and the four-armed guard seemed more attentive. "Throw these… creatures into the brig until I can think about what to do with them!" she ordered angrily, rubbing her two front tentacles like she was trying to massage her temples. "NOT that one!" she ordered as the four-armed guard grabbed Herman. "I'm keeping this one…lock that one in my chambers." She ordered as Herman was nervously hauled away by the four-armed guard who could only shrug his massive shoulders. She was the captain. But her statement raised a furious tirade from Ukyo and Lori, the latter of which was in rapid Spanish.


"No lo toques, fetiche andante con tetas de tentáculo! Qué tal si me encierras en una habitación a solas contigo y ves qué bien sale?!"


"Captain…" a weezy-voiced man creature appeared beside her, covered in a robe and his face obscured it was hard to tell what he was. Captain Gira knelt down slightly, and parted her right two tendrils allowing the robed man to whisper in her ear. Speaker Trok hissed disdainfully at the robed crewman. Who, just as quickly as he appeared, seemed to busy himself to a task upon the bridge.


Captain Gira scowled, however. "…Lock the two female Sluutavans up together, keep them away from the crew. We'll get a profit out of them." She then waved her hands towards Darcy, Demona and Arwa, "And since these terrans are 'entertainment' let them entertain the men when the festivities start!…" she then turned to Herman before yanking him squeaking in terror from the Four-armed guard, who did not resist. "I'll take this one myself…"


"…Bugger." Scowled Demona as they were all seized again, and dragged from the bridge. Lori and Ukyo still complaining, the former in Spanish as Captain Gira the bloody licked her lips, looking down at Herman like he was a particularly tasty meal…



They were shoved, and carried, into separate holding cells. Lori and Ukyo in one. Arwa, Demona, and Dacy in another. They were right across from each other so Lori could appropriately snap, "PUTA!" at Demona who could only sigh and roll her eyes.


"We're alive, aren't we? And if we're alive we're surviving." She said dismissively.


"NOW what do we do?" Lori cursed as Arwa made herself comfortable, sitting on one of the cots. "We're going to be turned into slaves!"


"Mother would not allow that." Declared Darcy calmly and Ukyo scoffed.


"…I find it hard to believe that a Terran will be able to help us." Darcy however tilted her head curiously at Ukyo.


"…Mother would not risk 5 of her employees without proper contingencies…" she declared as they all stared at her. "…The alternative however is not much better." Ukyo blinked at her.


"Oh really? What's the alternative?" she said scornfully as Darcy seemed to check her database.


"…Mother has an associate who regularly handles such situations as these… he is registered in my memory as 'The Main Man'." Immediately Ukyo went rigid with shock… but mostly fear. "Though she is loathed to acquire his services." She turned her attention to Demona and Arwa. "…It is highly recommended that we engineer our own escape… as Mother will not be pleased with us at all if she has to pay for our rescue."


"That woman knows-" Ukyo began sounding terrified and concerned but Lori interrupted her.


"Hey! Perras!" she snapped, clapping her hands to get their attention off 'The Main Man' and back onto the matter at hand. "…What are we going to do about Hermano?!"


"The easily aroused blue boy will be fine. We will ALL be fine." Demona declared confidently, "I trust that our shapely little shifter will manage something and emancipate us…" she frowned angrily. "…Doing so before we're unsoiled however remains to be seen…" she added as Arwa shrugged, her big breast wobbling but not nearly as much as Captain Gira's…


"I imagine so. WELL!" she clapped her hands, "We'll just have to do what we always do and be sexy! I'm sure it'll all work out."


"It most certainly will work out." Darcy replied sounding extremely confident in her statement. "However whether or not in Involves Mother's associate and a significant amount of collateral damage remains to be seen… except by Mother of course."


"Daughter of a Slothful Trollop." Groaned Demona before they continued their rather casual conversation about being captured and potentially violated by space pirates in stride.


Ukyo however sat on her cot, rubbing her head and trying to comprehend the fact that Orders had access to the most dangerous bounty hunter in the universe. Lori sitting across from her and sighed. Silently watching a slightly subdued Ukyo, "…Don't suppose you have any backup plans?"


"…My plans ended with Parlaying our survival." Ukyo replied defeatedly.


"At least they didn't blow your ship to pieces…" Lori replied, glancing curiously out a nearby window and being able to spot the ship drifting away from the Octopoda… and as luck would have it, pointing that out ALSO didn't cause the ship to explode…


As a Superbabe she was used to such coincidences, so it was just as surprising that it didn't abruptly explode.


"A lot of good it does us." Ukyo replied, also looking out the window at their only chance of getting to Sluutava. She had hoped to somehow convince the Captain to allow them to go on their way… but she had little belief in herself that she could achieve that goal peacefully.


"Look… I'm not going to lie, it's not looking too great." Lori scowled, "…But Orders wouldn't send us if she knew we wouldn't come back." Ukyo stared at her incredulously.


"…I'm starting to think you all have a fanatical devotion to Orders." Lori frowned back at her, but seemed to process this statement.


"...Well it's true. I mean… usually, it involves her getting paid, but she does make sure we don't die…"


"Comforting." Ukyo grumbled. "…At least Jane's still out there."


"Exactly!" Snapped Demona, apparently tired of arguing with Arwa and Darcy, admittedly it was mostly Arwa. "I am confident that Jane will be central to our escape."


"Look I love the girl." Lori replied, "But she's just one sweetheart on a ship of angry pirates."


"Angry horny pirates." Arwa replied notedly. And while they didn't display said horniness, there was no doubt that they would be once booze was applied and the Superbabes were enticed to entertain.


"We need multiple plans. AND we need to save Hermano." Lori noted concernedly.


"For someone who despises her father so intently you are oddly and quickly attached to that insatiable blue boy..." Demona noted teasingly and Lori scowled at her. "Especially since you have a significantly large amount of siblings…"


"It's different with Hermano, he was right there on the same planet as me the whole time!" Ukyo blinked at her quietly, as Lori sighed irately and added"Look. I might not have known about him but he's still my brother. We are both earth-born blue aliens, we could've and should've been there for each other and supported each other for our… uniqueness. But it's thanks to that cheating, irresponsible pendejo padre we weren't." Ukyo fidgeted uncomfortably. "You didn't see him alone in that mansion, it was fucked up."


"I have." Arwa replied casually, "When I had sex with him."


"Thank you, Arwa, very helpful." Demona sneered sarcastically as Arwa shrugged.


"Well give him enough breasts and I'm sure he'll be perfectly fine." Arwa replied, shimmying her chest and making hers bounce a little. "I'm sure his current predicament is far more preferable than ours."


Meanwhile, at Herman's current predicament.


The younger brother of Lori squirmed in Captain Gira's tendrilled embrace. Her silky tendrils wrapped around his arms and mouth like a squishy cocoon. They had left the bridge alone as she rode an elevator up one floor to what was apparently a floor reserved just for her, leading into a luxuriously elaborate apartment. Filled with silks, and curtains of glittering gems, mounted heads of alien beasts, as well as curiously designed weapons: Guns and swordlike blades. And of course a painting of Gira herself posing dramatically…


It certainly looked like someone was compensating for something… but considering the size of her and her breasts he was really hoping it was a lack of pirate recognition…


While the first room they entered was filled with treasures and weapons, the room she carried him into was surprisingly more spartan but still rather elaborate. Walking to a set of doors it instantly opened to reveal her proper bedroom… Consisting of a singular large bed that filled the room and a view-screen across from it mounted on a wall and another door. He was abruptly hurled onto the bed, flying throw the air like he was propelled through a cannon landing hard into the pile of pillows.


He scrambled out just in time to see her press her hand on a panel beside the door they entered from. It scanned her hand, some sort of palm reader, and the door slammed shut. Then wordlessly she marched past him on the bed into the other door, which led to a private bath, the second she passed the threshold the doors shut behind her and he scrambled out of the bed rushing to the bedroom door.


But of course it didn't open, even he didn't expect it to but he still had to try. He pushed the panel beside it, but it didn't activate… it clearly only responded to her. Herman began to panic… and when he panicked the results were… obvious.


A growing rigid blue COCK in his pants and there were no tits to smother her face in to calm him down… at least no one friendly. The only thing that broke the silence was the sound of his own rapid heartbeat in his ears… it was a long an agonizing wait. His erection throbbed as he tried to think about anything other then fucking… but his feral Sluutavan side was winning over his human side.


The anxiety of being in space caught by space pirates with no hope of rescue, IN SPACE, was not helping him in the slightest. And a lack of sexy Superbabes wasn't helping! Who knows what The terrifying space pirate was going to do to him.


With an ominous hiss the bathroom door reopened and she stood in the doorway. "Now… Let's have some FUN." She stood wet and shiny in the doorframe, her massive breasts wobbling firmly on her chest as her hairless body glistened in the light Without the elaborate and tight bodysuit he could fully see her arms and legs, both were covered with the same blood colored pattern on her tendrils. "I've never mated with a Sluutavan before, let alone a cute one… is that for me?" she said silkily as she approached, and her tendrils rubbed his powerful erection, throbbing against the suit he still wore.


…Okay… Now it qualifies as a fear boner.


"Now let's get this out of the way." She licked her lips and standing with her massive breasts in his face and her silky tendrils rubbing on his skin the tips of them slipped into the collar of his suit… and yanked them apart with one quick yank, tearing the collar apart and sending the pieces and suit everywhere… leaving him naked and his cock throbbing erectly against her smooth thighs. "…That's bigger than expected." She declared before running her hands over his body…


Her hands were the only thing about her outer body that wasn't smooth, they were surprisingly calloused… clearly used to hard work. But despite the rough hands, they were surprisingly smooth on his blue skin…


And her tits were RIGHT there in his face, and whatever scents she used in her bath were causing an obvious reaction. "Now then…" she abruptly shoved her right tit into his rapidly and increasingly panting mouth… his dick twitched against her as a strange fluid filled his mouth… it was oddly fruity, but it sizzled on his tongue like a seltzer water. Instinctively he drank it down… and it fizzled down his throat. She chuckled as he kept drinking… and suddenly throughout his body he could feel a rising HEAT…


Like he just downed several cups of coffee… he was suddenly FILLED with energy and it pointed in a single, solitary direction like a compass… or a missile ready to explode once it landed. "Hmmn-hmmn…" Captain Gira the Bloody chuckled, "How do you like Delgiin Excretion? It's quite the-"


…Whatever SHE was expecting… it wasn't the young male half her size easily picking her huge body off the floor and tackle-carry her to the bed. His hands hooked around her sturdy and thick legs, hefted her from the floor, and flew into the air body slamming her HARD on the bed. "Why you frisky little-OOOH! CLURK!"


Herman slid his cock into her silky and surprisingly warm folds, somehow her species gave off the impression that it would be coldblooded. So if he was thinking about anything other than fucking right now, he'd be surprised. Herman's tip slid easily into Captain Gira, SLAMMING to the base of his shaft with one powerful thrust. Only to spring up and pierce into her again, "Oh! CLURKING! BOMBAX!!"


Herman wasn't a big guy to begin with, he was scrawny and thin. But he still managed to pin Captain Gira down onto the bed with his tiny body, his arms around her massive breasts, smothering his head as his hips moved like the pistons of a 500-horsepower engine. Her silky alien pussy clung instinctively, and perhaps desperately to his throbbing cock. "Aaaha!!" she gasped, her tendrils thrashing about uncontrollably like a dying creature… her fingers and toes clawed the sheets as his skinny blue hips SLAMMED even harder into her massive soft body. "Ah! HAAAH! CLURKING! FRAG!!" she SCREAMED, shrieking like a… well the closest comparison Herman could make was a big of prey he once heard on TV…


But her obvious orgasm didn't stop his desire for his own, furiously slamming into her as her tendrils lashed about before slapping onto his body. "N-now see HERE! FRAG!!" she screamed again as her firm tendrils, like normally like vicious whips were not little more than wet silky noodles on Herman's rapidly jackhammering body. "AH! Ha! HAA! AAAH!!"


Herman was a feral ANIMAL, furiously slamming into Gira like a beast eager to mate and BREED. "Ugh! Ugh! Ah!" grunting like a bitch in heat the proud dangerous captain of the Octopoda shrieked like a slutty slave girl, "HAAAAAH!" a long fleshy tongue flopped from her mouth as her black eyes gazed unblinkingly at the ceiling… it was difficult to remember the last time she was so sexually ravaged…


Oh… right… that's never Clurking happened before… it was hard to focus with a massive, young, and eager Sluutavan cock plowing her egg-layer. Herman was in a lustful haze, only focused on thrusting, fucking, breeding,and unloading his heavy balls as they slapped away at her thick soft ass with wet whipping claps. "Haah! Ah! Haaah!!" Gira gasped erotically as he finally pried his face from between her massive tits. "Haah…" she gazed up at him submissively as he fucked her into another assault of his hips, "Haaaah! MMGH!!" his hands gripped tightly to her chest, rubbing her nipples with his smooth hands as he threw his face to her lips. "Mmmmgn!?"


He was kissing her! Shoving his tongue possessively into her mouth as her tendrils, uncontrolled in their lust suddenly clung to him tightly, rubbing and caressing his skin. "MMgh?!... mmn…" She found she enjoyed the taste of his lips. Her legs, wobbling like jelly with his thrusts as she attempted to move them, rubbed silkily on his. He pulled away from her lips and her tongue invitingly caressed him in farewell… only to invite him back. "More…" Her body suddenly arched as he slammed his hips against her, she shrieked another orgasm, the most powerful yet as she felt his seed, hotter than boiling water, spraying into her pussy. "YOOOOO-ho…ooooh…" her grabbed her two front tentacles as she came down from her orgasm high, his lips forcefully kissing her again as he lustfully manhandled her. "MMGh!" her tongue filled his mouth, swirling and thrashing lovingly as his hips kept bucking and he kept shooting his seed deep into her body. "Mmgh! Mmn…" She caressed him with her hands and tentacles, rubbing at his sweaty blue skin as he unleashed all his anxiety and frustration balls deep into her.


"Mmn-mmmn… ah…" she gasped as Herman pushed away again, his hands sinking into her huge tits, groping and rubbing reflexively as he stared down at the alien woman, still in a haze. "Well I hope you had your fun…" she purred, "But I'm the one in control here…" her tendrils suddenly went taught, and were less lovey and more 'huggy'… angry huggy as she began sitting up. "You are-" but whatever Herman was to her he wasn't listening… why would he? He's still hard.


With one hard THRUST her sturdy body was once again a mass of soft-bodied tentacles and she was sent back to the mattress as he curled up on her body and furiously jackhammered his hips into her. "WAIT!" SLAM! "YOU!" SLAM! "I!" SLAM! "NNNGH! AAAAAAAH!"


She was unable to form a sentence as Herman continued to slam at her folds. "YOU-YOU-YOU!!" like a broken record she squealed in pleasure. "BEAST!!" She squealed madly as he made her cum again, pinning her easily to the mattress and using her body as she had intended to use him. "You ANIMAL…" she growled as their arms and legs entwined as he kept thrusting. "Don't… STOOOOP." She moaned pleadingly into his lips, her tongue coiling on his face before hooking into his mouth and pulling him into another hungry kiss…


…And he didn't stop. His balls were still full and someone had to empty them it might as well by the mass of sexy tentacles beneath him…




"And that's when Donny built a machine that sent the evil pizza monsters to another dimension." Triceraton Jane finished as they hauled the absolute LAST batch of booze into the mess hall.


"Well Frag me that Donny fella sounds pretty smart." Noted Ant-Eater face, who was actually named J'E. "…But I can't help but feel him coming up with a do-dad all the time is kind of lazy writing.


"It actually happened." Triceraton Jane replied indignantly as the crew began rushing into the mess hall.


"Well it sounds like it happens a lot." J'Ef replied skeptically. "Also… he finds everything he needs in a junkyard and a sewer?"


"…You'd be surprised what you can find in a sewer.." Triceraton Jane mumbled nervously, she was living proof. "I'm just telling you how it happened." Triceraton Jane repeated as a four-armed alien approached them. It was Khar, the bridge guard… not that Triceraton Jane knew that. His powerful arms grabbed the surprisingly loose lid of the barrel and ripped it off to the cheers of the other crewmen in the mess. Swarming the sweet-smelling barrel and all of them dipping mugs into the liquid and drinking down heavily.


"The Captain sends her regards lads!" Sil, the living Crystal guard declared. "She'd be here herself but she's entertaining one of our new captives…" there was a raucous knowing laugh, when someone snarked out.


"I thought she said we'd get to play with them too!"


"The Sluutavans are off limits… but the other ones are fair game." Sil added, "They should be getting warmed up right about now…" he said as Triceraton Jane listened intently.


"Where are they being held?" she asked and J'Ef casually took a drink himself, stuffing his ant-eater noose into his flagon.


"Probably the brig." There was a little sarcasm in his voice.


Triceraton Jane rubbed her lizard jaw. "Where is that?"


"Where's the brig?" replied J'Ef sourly, his ant-eater face was already a little red so he must have been drunk already. "It's the BRIG…"


"Ah give him a break J'Ef He's probably new." Khar replied, getting TWO mug-fulls of booze, one for two hands. "It's two levels down, can't miss it." He said, "Hell you can probably bring them here if they're not already on their way… They're quite the lookers for terrans. I had my eyes on that brown-skinned one with the big rack myself."


That certainly sounds like Arwa… she better get down there quick, but first… Triceraton Jane began ripping the barrels open one after the other. "Let's get this party started and drink!" she declared to a tumultuous roar of approval. Once everyone really started drinking she stepped behind Jundo and shifted into something smaller and nobody noticed that Triceraton Jane was gone…


In the Brig.


"What in the Circles of Hells is this?" Demona snapped as their cell door, a wall of energy really, opened and a bunch of garments were tossed into the cell by their grumpy cell keeper… a round-bellied troll of a man with lumpy brown skin. Why is it always the fattest members of an organization who guards cells?


"You'll be wearing that for the party." He said as Arwa picked up what appeared to be a metal brazier.


"Oh I used to wear something like this when I danced for the Sultan…" she frowned, "…I have mixed feelings."


"It looks like it came out of the Planet Battles movies…" Darcy noted as Demona hissed, holding up what appeared to be a very skimpy piece of cloth. "…In fact it looks like it came out of Episode VI specifically when the lead female star was held as a slave by a large slug gangster."


"Not even my sister would be caught dead in this." Considering her Sister was a succubus, that was something to be said… it was probably also untrue. Her sister Numena was still a succubus… she'd probably worn something like it in some nerd's wet dream.


"Interesting choice of words." The troll of a man, who was really more of a large warty toad now that he was, unfortunately, closer for a clear look. "Because if you don't put them on then it's a one-way trip through the airlock."


"We have technically worn worse." Lori noted watching as Darcy immediately began stripping down to change into what looked like a mesh sling bikini. "Hey, what about us?" Lori asked as the toad man, irate that his free show was being disturbed, turned to her and a long slimy tongue flicked across his toad mouth… clearly he liked the idea of watching Lori thick blue ass wiggling about himself, however.


"You're merchandise… no touching." He said as Lori scowled, clearly annoyed that she wasn't getting out of the cell, even if getting out would require entertaining a crew of pirates. "…Though I suppose nobody will know…"


"Hey, Tawd." A voice jarringly interrupted Tawd's lustful glare and he turned to look up the hall.




"Hurry up with the girls already!"


"I ain't dressing them myself!" he snapped, before turning back to the trio of superbabes… Only Demona remained undressed, but Darcy and Arwa were looking like an Enslaved Gogo-dancer and an enslaved space princess respectively. Demona looked irate, but Arwa, wearing a very sexy veil whispered the magic words to her.


"One year." She said silkily. Demona snapped her angry look from Tawd to Demona, then rolled her eyes irately and began stripping down. Once they were all properly dressed as sexy slave girls, Tawd deactivated their cell away.


"Come on then." He grumbled, "I'll have to have a private show later. Got to make sure nobody sneaks in on the Troq-slags…"


"…Wow." Grumbled Ukyo. "Ugly and racist who could've guess?…" her sarcasm was ignored and

Lori turned to her.


"Yeah… but he's a horny bastard. We can work with that." Lori and Demona shared a look, Demona seemed to read her mind and nodded at her. "Okay look." She whispered before returning to Ukyo. "How are jails in space?"


"…What?" Ukyo blinked at her as Lori checked over her shoulder.


"…Well do you guys get the whole 'Guard I think she's sick' play?" Ukyo looked confused.


"…What?" she literally didn't understand, so either they didn't do jail cell ploys in space. Lori was hoping for the latter.


"Well…" Lori noted, "Follow my lead in a second."


"What are you-" Ukyo blinked but then Lori abruptly began to strip down. "What are you doing?"


"We're going to get the guard to open our cell, and then we're going to kick his ass, space cop." Ukyo blinked at her again, her emerald eyes legitimately curious.


"Didn't you hear him? He called us Troq-slags."


"I'm assuming that's racist." Lori replied standing boldly naked in front of her. "But trust me. Racist fuckers always want to fuck who their racist towards." Ukyo looked very confused but Lori shrugged it off. "Look give it a few minutes and say something like." Lori then said rather elaborately, "Guard! Help! My friend's gone… feral! Or something. Really sell it, and I'll fake attack you and when he opens the cell door to either stop us or join in we'll JUMP him."


"That… could work." Ukyo hesitated, it sounded like a sound, fresh plan that nobody but earthlings ever attempted before. "How are you going to-"


But Lori hadn't been listening to Ukyo she had been listening to goings on outside the cell. And it sounded like Tawd the Jailer returned to his guard desk, playing space solitaire or whatever guards did at their desks. "Okay, just start! You got to sell it!"


"…What do you mean?" Ukyo replied as Lori frowned at her.


"Really? I have to coach you through this?" she frowned then seemed to think. "Oh Lori what are you doing? Guard help I'm being attacked by a Feral sluutavan!" she whispered, "Just an example! Sell it!" she whispered as Ukyo, watching her face began to shout out.


"Lori! What are you doing? Stop that!" she said Lori gave her a thumbs up. "Guard! Help! She's gone Feral!" Lori nodded and Ukyo frowned at her, wondering what was going to come next as Lori gestured for her to continue. "…When was the last time you've had SEX?!" she sounded more exasperated than serious. But to be honest she was digging into the obvious stereotyping of Sluutavans for the universe at large.


So her acting had an air of 'you can't be serious' to it…


But Tawd was still falling for it. A couple of hot Sluutavan sluts making out was still a sight to see even if it WAS a trap. "Looks like I'm getting a private show after all." They heard him say, "Maybe they'll need audience participation."


The second Lori heard Tawd coming, she suddenly rushed Ukyo… who in turn was suddenly far more into the act. "What are you doing?! Stop!" she snapped as Lori tried to kiss her. "STOP!" she repeated firmly, and actually HIT Lori


"Relax it's part of the act." She snapped before trying to kiss her again, squeezing at Ukyo's big blue breasts. "AH! OW! Easy!" snapped Lori as Ukyo kept pushing.


"No! Stop it!"


"A little kissing won't kill you!" Lori replied under her breath as Tawd glanced into the cell and more eagerly began watching, licking his toady lips as Lori continued to try 'attack' Ukyo, trying to kiss the attractive Sluutavan cop. But she was ADAMANT about avoid the actual kissing.


"You don't understand-STOP!" Ukyo ordered as Tawd watched lustfully on, with a growing erection in his pants as he watched Lori's thick blue Columbian ass wobbling while wrestling naked with Ukyo. "LORI STOP!" she said, desperately trying to stop Lori from kissing her now… and now Lori was starting to feel rather spurned…


For one thing who could resist making out with her?! Maybe Herman, but he had an excuse he was-


"-YOUR SISTER!" Ukyo snapped abruptly and it caught Lori off guard for a moment.


"What?" Lori hesitated as Ukyo repeated.


"I'm your sister!" Ukyo replied firmly as Tawd looked between them, stunned. Everyone was stunned into silence, until he broke it with an awed.


"…I can't decide if that's hotter or not, but it's certainly more dramatic-"




Mientras tanto


"What the actual fuck." Grumbled Silver Swan irately as the drunken rowdy crew were shoved away from them, led into a section of the mess hall where tables had been pushed together to make a large stage in the middle of the room. Surrounded by drunken alien fiends… it was Silver Swan's personal hell…


It kind of looked like a bar you'd find in a circle of Hell come to think about it.


Wonder Woman (II) however seemed to thrive under the attention, waving to the crowd playfully as if this was all perfectly normal… and to be fair it was, she was a superbabe, dancing for drunken idiots was just another Wednesday for her.


Platinum on the other hand… well she was just as robotic as ever, not even bothering to register the hands smacking onto her backside as she passed. Even with the drunken 'protection' of Khar and Sil. They were really acting more like shepherds with their lambs, led to be slaughtered and feasted upon by drunken wolves.


Obviously, her faith in 'Candy' Jane Smith was somewhat misplaced… now it was up to her- "WATCH THE WINGS!" she snapped at an ant-eater faced man who ruffled her feathers.


"Pretty…" he slurred after coping a feel of her silky wings. "HEY!" she snapped as Sil's cold crystal hands grabbed her from behind and hefted her into the air, she flapped her wings, fluttering down to land softly on her feet to cat calls and whistles. "Ugh!..." she scoffed disdainfully but that only seemed to HEIGHTEN her appeal among the pirates.


"She's just like the captain!" one shouted, she was wondering if she should be offended or not at the clear differences...


"Yeah! Look at us like space garbage!"


Oh never mind, they're degenerates AND weird…


Khar grabbed Wonder Woman and Platinum's waists with two sets of his powerful hands and tossed them up onto the stage. "Oh!" Wonder Woman playfully swatted away a hand that had gotten a bit to close to her backside… his fingers pinch it through her curtain of cloth barely covering her lower body.


"Dance!" shouted someone.


"Shake it!" said another


"Move your rumps terrans! Speaker Trok has spoken!"


"I do not dance." Silver Swan sneered scornfully as someone turned on a space jukebox playing jazzy synth music.


"Loading Divya Dance file." Declared Platinum abruptly to this statement, before raising her arms, and shimmying like Divya Burman on a Wednesday night. Not that Silver Swan was an expert on Belly dancing but Platinum movements weren't… emotional. She could mimic Divya's movements, sure, but it wasn't the same as actually having a passion for it…


Speaking of. "You're copying Divya? When I'm right here?" Wonder Woman snapped irately, "I'll have you know I have countless YEARS more experience!-" she declared to the hooting approval of the pirate crew, Khar loudly among them, kneeling down so he could try and look up Wonder Woman's skirt… which was pointless to begin with. Her hips were swinging too fast, her booty popping to prominently… she might as well have been naked, and she practically was in the skimpy slave-kini they gave her…


Again however. Silver Swan did not dance, and there was literally nothing stopping her in this crowd of drunken, lustful space pirates that could make her… except for the fact that one of them may just be Candy Jane… so she STILL couldn't use her bloody magic without revealing herself!


"Get going thanagarian!"


"Dance already!"


"Shake your mammaries!"


"Come on already!" that last one was Wonder Woman, eyeing the unmoving Silver Swan who stubbornly glowered back at her in her incredibly skimpy outfit.


"I don't dance!" she repeated angrily, only for Wonder Woman to stop her own shimmying, then smirked at her… the disguised demoness had one brief moment to register that Wonder Woman was going to magic her, and pointed angrily at her. "Don't you dare-"


"Boop!" Wonder Woman without breaking her hips swinging stride touched tips with Silver Swan, fingertips.


"Dah! nGh!!" a jolt of power shot through Silver Swan's body, it zapped down one leg then up again, then the other, then seemed to settle around her mid-drift before it began hula hooping around. "Ah!" she looked comical at first but was soon dancing with the best of them to the roaring cheering crowd, drunk and drooling over the 'terrans'. "I'll! Get! You!" Silver Swan hissed to Wonder Woman as her hips continued to swing about, her wings swishing and fluttering as she strutted across the stage, continuing the exotic gogo dancing.


Of course, their hip-swiveling, tits-swinging, and ass bouncing had a natural effect on the drunken pirates as it would back on earth. A room full of horny, lustful men drooling over their supple and seductive bodies, somehow now more scantily clad than normal. They swarmed the makeshift stage but oddly… they didn't seem able to climb onto it.


Oddly enough none of the superbabes noticed that more than a few of the crew were slumped in chairs, dropped on the floor, or leaning against walls, many snoring loudly. They mainly didn't notice because they were mostly busy trying to avoid the pawing hands of those still awake and conscious, if not groggy…


While Silver Swan couldn't fully control her shapely and seductive body, forced to dance to Wonder Woman's magical tune, she COULD still direct herself away from the edges of the table as drunken pirates swung their hands and tentacles at her ankles. Platinum was much the same, apparently now copying Tasha, her bubble backside jiggled and wobbled up and down, hypnotizing a group of dazed pirates with it's twerking movements. Her planted feet just out of reach from the stronger of her group…


While she wasn't that heavy to begin with she had used the magnets in her feet to remain stationary… unfortunately Jundo was just strong enough to lift her from the floor. Wonder Woman however was NOT so fortunate to have magnetic feet… quite the contrary she was exceptionally light on them, dancing away from crowds and putting in by far the best performance of the trio, however even her graceful steps were not enough to escape Khar, now far to deep in his own boozy haze to resist Wonder Woman's voluptuous and exotic body.


"Ah!" she gasped as she was abruptly snatched by her ankles and flopped rather ungracefully to the stage. "Ha-aah!" and quickly dragged off by a set of four strong arms. Her feet hit the floor with her upper body, and her tits bent over the stage. "AH!" a pair of hands grabbed her wrist and held them behind her back, pinning her down as her cloth was moved aside revealing her shapely bare ass to hooting cheers. "Hey now-AH? AH!!?" Gasping in surprise she felt Khar's second pair of hands grabbing her thick buttocks and spreading her open before she felt TWO throbbing cocks, 10-inches each at least pushing not only against her pussy but her anus! "HAAAH!!" Wonder Woman howled lustfully as she was double penetrated by one man, sliding forcefully into her body and sending ripples of pleasure through her.


"UGH! NGH! UGH! UGH!!" Khar grunted as he forcefully plowed into Wonder Woman, his second hands slid to her waist, holding tightly, furiously thrusting both his cocks into Wonder Woman's experienced and slightly virgin holes. Then his upper hands went further up, releasing her arms for his second hands as he grabbed her hair and yanked.


"Aah! AH! AHHh!!" Wonder Woman's tongue lolling from her mouth as the powerful alien being continued to rigorously fuck and manhandle her body, violating her puckered hole and ravaging her silky pussy. "HAaah!!" cumming her brains out as he did. His girthy red cocks ribbed with wavy protrusions, each rubbing at her inner walls as if she was being stroked furiously with multiple cocks one after the other. "AAAAAH!!" He was hard and deep, his massive ribbed cocks stretching and rubbing at her as she moaned and shrieked with exotic yelps of pleasure to the jeers and cheers. "HA! HA! HA! HA!! AH!" her body shaking already as she was double Penetrated by one man.


But Wonder Woman's sudden ravaging wasn't an isolated incident it was the start of something more then just skanky exotic dancing.


Platinum's twerking was suddenly disturbed by the Captain's robed advisor. He had stealthily climbed onto the stage and approached Platinum from behind, soon reaching out with robed hands and loudly smacking her bubble backside. Platinum said nothing as the crowd hooted at the robed advisor's bold display.


"You will please me." He declared boldly, before pushing at the back of Platinum's knees, like a skilled martial artist. He flipped over her body, drunkenly stumbling as he landed standing before her and opening his robe… he was surprisingly naked and he was a dark greenish hue and had a round pot-belly that obscured his genitals, briefly… He had two huge hanging testicales, and his phallus soon presented itself, growing out of the sack like a dog's, ready to mate… only once it grew to its full slippy size it hung like a limp noodle… but a dozen tinier phallus extending in a mass of tentacles around the larger one at the base of his shaft.


As if each one responded to a hive mind they lashed around the larger phallus and lifted it up to drop onto Platinum's pretty face. The shaft, like a serpent, slid slimily over her features until it found her lips… then the tip suddenly shot into her mouth and straight down her throat. The tinier phallus suddenly reached out and attached to her face. Yanking her abruptly to the base and sticking to it. HOLDING her at the base of his phallus as she felt it squirming and pumping in her mouth. "Haaaah…" the robed advisor sighed. He no longer visibly moved but his COCK squirmed deep inside her body…


…If she needed to breathe this might have been a problem…


Silver Swan was dealing with a problem… that problem was named JUNDO. The massive alien had reached out at her, and she deftly twirled and danced away… only there was a slight issue. For one thing, Wonder Woman's dance moves didn't take into account Silver Swan's beautiful WINGS.


"NGh!" Jundo might have missed the first swipe but he caught her on the second. "Ah!" yanking her back and pulling her down. "Argh?!" On the bright side, due to Wonder Woman being FUCKED into the next galaxy, the spell she used to keep Silver Swan dancing was broken. But that no longer mattered as it still had an effect on Jundo.


The MASSIVE alien was completely nude and utterly smooth like polished granite. His huge hands slammed onto her soft feathers on either side of her, pinning her down as an 11-inch wobbling rod rigidly stood up between his legs… it looked to be covered in round domes like knots. While Jundo had the appearance of a living polished boulder his cock looked surprisingly fleshy… It throbbed as he brought the domed tip to her silky folds. "W-wait a minute don't you-BLOODY! HELLS!!" she cursed, her teeth clenching as he pierced into her roughly, "HAaaahgggh!!" howling as he buried himself DEEP into her and FULLY put his weight on top of her. His body was surprisingly soft like freshly made bread dough, and oddly warm like a heated blanket…


But he still felt like he was going to completely smother her with his half-ton body and the only thing keeping her BREATHING was his cock pumping in and out of her, knocking and thrusting the wind out of her as she screamed her first orgasm into his chest. "OH! SON! OF! A! FUCKING! CUNT!!" she snapped, shaking as her spread legs bounced and wobbled uselessly around his body, her toes curling in the air as he continued his repetitive womb slams. "OH! OH! OH!! UGH!!" he no longer had to pin her down by the wings, his bulk did that, so instead one huge hand wrapped around her head and he continued to smother-fuck her into the stage. Her howling screams were muffled by his girth and enhanced by her orgasms.


And she wasn't the only one, "HA! AH! AH! AH!!" Wonder Woman squealed as Khar's upper arms grabbed her head and his lower arms SQUEEZED her big beautiful breasts, ouncing out of the metal bikini top long ago he dragged her upright and kept slamming hard into her ass and pussy. "AH! HAAH!!"


"CUMMING!" he declared once in warning, swinging his hips harder and faster against her ass, his cock plunging deep into her holes over and over scrapping against her inner walls as they clenched up reflexively in another powerful climax rippling through her body. "UGH! UUUGH!!!" he pushed her forward, pinned her down, and slammed hard into her. "UGH! CLURK!!" Wonder Woman gasped as she felt his boiling semen filling both of her holes. His powerful hands kept from moving as he forcefully planted his seed. His body dropped onto hers, his hips instinctively bucking against her as she whimpered, spasming and clenching around his cocks as she finished her orgasm. His hands pawing and groping at her body…


Platinum gazed unblinkingly up at the hooded advisor as his tiny cock-tendrils clung to her face, moving her subtly up and down as his massive phallus squirmed inside her stomach. Thrashing about and twisting in her throat and stomach as he began groaning, his shaft piston pumping up and down her throat as he began panting and grunting. "Haah… ahh…" Platinum's face was abruptly pulled down to the base, his appendage phalluses clinging and vibrating against her face as she felt her internals filled with alien seed. "haaah…" he sighed contentedly, holding her head in his robe-covered hands before falling over.


"FUCK! FUCK! SHIT! SHIT! FUCK!!" Silver swan squeezed as Jundo's massive bulk slammed into her one final time, her womb exploded and spraying thick blue semen out of her, "AAAAAAAH!" Silver Swan's eyes rolled up into her head as Jundo finished, flopping uncomfortably onto her body as she felt him pulsating and pumping more inside her, oozing out onto the stage as she tried to catch her breath… but the massive alien was making it hard to breath.


"Get… OFF…" she bemoaned, "Get him off!!" she demanded but it was oddly quiet, only panting and snoring could be heard. Wonder Woman moaning whorishly under Khar. "Get him off me!"


The robed advisor suddenly flopped down onto the stage as Platinum pushed him, his long noddle phallus slurping out of her mouth and shooting a rope of grey cream across Platinum's unblinking face. She glanced around, moderately curious at the sudden silence and realizing ALL the pirates were just… passed out. Slumped on tables, chairs, the walls… drooped all over the mess hall. She crawled to her feet over the sleeping advisor, then grabbed Jundo and easily ripped him out of Silver Swan. "BUGGERING CUNT!" she snapped, rolling and shaking as Jundo's massive body flopped side. "Haaah…" shaking with her ass in the air she sprayed out thick ropes of Jundo seed as her body continued to spasm.


"Demona, are you alright?"


"FUCK NO!" she snapped, finally pushing off the stage and shivering slightly as she got to her feet. "Arwa! Shake it off!" she snapped, looking around. "…What in the slothful hell is going on?"


"Mmmmn…" Arwa moaned as she pushed Khar's massive cocks out of her holes and moaned as he hit the floor. "They seem to be asleep…"


"Did you do that?" Demona replied as Arwa blinked at her.


"WHEN would I have time to have done that?"


"When you were getting your holes stretched out-!" Demona irately replied but Arwa could only shrug.


"I couldn't focus. It wasn't you?"


"I had a TREETRUNK crammed into me!"


"HEY!" someone suddenly shouted and they jumped, turning towards the voice as a tall dinosaur man stood at the entrance… but then he shifted into the shapely green form of Candy Jane. "Are you going to bitch? Or are we going to leave?!" she said. Now that she was 'regular sized' again the trio could see Lori, Ukyo, and Herman behind her. The latter of home was draped naked over a very uncomfortable-looking Ukyo…


The reason for it was obvious, but let's take a few steps back in the time.


"You're my fucking what!?" Lori snapped in English at her sudden Sister Ukyo, still naked, angry, and in their cell being watched over by a WAY to invested Tawd.


"I'm your sister." Ukyo replied, letting the secret out as Lori fumed. "I'm your oldest sister… the oldest. I'm the firstborn daughter of-"


"HOW could you not TELL ME!?... OR HERMAN!?" she replied.


"I didn't want it to be awkward." Ukyo sighed sadly as Lori snapped back.


"And this isn't AWKWARD?!"


"It's better than kissing me!"


"Debatable." Tawd licked his lips hungrily at the Slutty Sluutavans in front of him as they ignored him.


"I didn't want it to be an issue!"


"You still should have TOLD US!"


"Why does it matter? You wanted nothing to do with our father or your other siblings except Herman!"


"Because he was RIGHT THERE!" Lori replied, "We just spent a week together! What were you going to do when we get to Sluutava?"


"…Hopefully ignore it completely and take you back home."


"Mierda!" Lori scoffed, "Just like dad! Drop us and leave!"


"Do! NOT! Compare me to our father!" she snapped angrily. "I am NOT our father!"


"He's not MY father, he's a colossal ass!"


"He's not the only one apparently." Grinned Tawd gazing at her rear as she began pacing angrily in front of her sister.


"FUCK YOU!" Lori snapped at him, "PUTA!"




A heavy steel lid suddenly slammed against Tawd's lumpy toad head. He blinked, then turned at the large Dinosaur man, who dropped the metal lid, shrugged then grabbed Tawd before ramming his head into the energy cell door. "ZEEEEER!" he twitched, heavily shocked before wobbling backward into the empty cell and flopping to the floor, smoking… The dinosaur then pushed the button on the wall, trapping him in before turning to the two sisters and opening their cell. "…Lori let's go." Triceraton Jane said meekly in her 'regular' voice.


"Jane?" she mumbled surprised.


"Let's GO!" she repeated, "We got to go save herman!"


Silently, Lori and Ukyo followed Tricerton Jane out of the brig, then managed to find their way to the captain's quarters… ignoring the treasures and the portrait of the captain the reached the door to her room and Ukyo tried to open it. Denied.


"Shit." Ukyo noted and tried again.


Denied. Then a small camera device appeared over the door, and it scanned them. "Denied."


"…We need it to scan someone with access…" Ukyo replied as Triceraton Jane examined the portrait of Captain Gira… then her body shifted INTO Captain Gira… standing before the door and trying again.


The door panel beeped but the door scanner activated, then scanned her Captain Gira body. "Allowed."


Captain Jane shifted into Triceraton Jane as the door opened.


"UGH! UGH! Guh! NNGH!!" face down and massive ass up Captain Gira was railed into from behind by an increasingly exhausted but satisfied Herman, gripping the back tendrils of her head like riding reigns and continuing to ride her. "HA! AH!!" Captain Gira didn't even notice them, just as enraptured with Herman's fucking as he was with her body, body fluids of various colors and semen littering the bed as they continued their hardcore sex. "YES! YES! YEEEEESSSSSS!" Captain Gira squealed in orgasm as Herman's hips clapped against her heavy ass and he filled her with another load… but she was stuffed to capacity as it was, semen spraying out of her stuffed pussy as he slipped out of her with a wet squelch and collapsed onto her body…


He then twisted her head and forcefully kissed the Captain, who hungrily slurped on his lips. Moaning whorishly together as Lori, Ukyo and Jane all watched with… actually, this was really fucking hot even for his siblings…


"Grab him and let's go!" Jane declared, grabbing at Herman and pulling him away with a wet squelch from Captain Gira who moaned adorably.


"Nooooo give him back…" she whined and tried to grab at Jane with her Tendrils… but they were a jellied mess, there was no strength in her body to try and resist. "Hermie…" she moaned forlornly as Ukyo hauled him away from Jane and onto her shoulder.


"…Ew…" she mumbled, carrying her naked brother and his fluid-covered body away from the scene.


And now we're all caught up.


"Go go go!!" Lori, leading the charge, ran naked from the mess hall with the rest of them. Darcy, being the strongest by far, now carrying Herman and keeping pace with the rest as Demona flew ahead, her legs were useless at the moment.


The Octopoda had separated from Ukyo's ship, but there were plenty of escape pods aimed at it. "Get in!" Ukyo said, taking the pilot seat of the pod… it was really more of a lifeboat, it wouldn't get them fair, but they could still steer it to their ship.


The doors sealed shut and they ejected from the Octopoda right toward their vessel, Ukyo steered the lifeboat up to her airlock and gained access. They rushed to the bridge, abandoning the pod as Ukyo warmed up the engines, clearly long cooled down at this point… then they were once again on their way… In an uncomfortable silence, sure, but continuing regardless…


Next Stop: Sluutava.


Oh. My. Pervy GODS… I finally finished, I've been trying ALL WEEK to do it! Staying up nearly all night, but it's FINALLY done! I hope to finish SIS before Christmas just in time to do a Christmas chapter for the main series… Sluutava is the last 'BIG' chapter after that is the epilogue…


Thanks to Skymouse for bringing me the attention of Neme303' alien species, the Delgiin, for Captain Gira The Bloody (Now probably The Jelly :D) various other cameo references, and finally for Triceraton Jane… good job Jane.



Oye, cuidado con las manos! = Hey! Watch the hands!


Qué estás haciendo? = What are you doing?


No lo toques, fetiche andante con tetas de tentáculo! Qué tal si me encierras en una habitación a solas contigo y ves qué bien sale!? = Don't you touch him you tentacle titted walking fetish! How about you lock me in a room alone with you and see how well that turns out!



Mientras tanto = MEANWHILE

Siguiente capítulo