
Superbabes Commissioned: Pianoman70: Starfire

Brought to you by Pianoman70

I don't own DC

It should come as no surprise that the Superbabes do have lives outside of Superbabes itself. Which means that they also have friends and relatives who have no idea what it is they actually do at Superbabes… or what deliveries are for that matter… But that is not the case today.

Roksana Kalish-Lee was someone who was very aware of what goes on at Superbabes and its quote-unquote, 'Secret Menu Services', not because they have sampled the services, but for some Gods-forsaken reason Roksana remained friends with one Alice Amsel and Veronica Morehead.

…And to be honest, the latter of the two had no mouth filter when it comes to what comes out… or what goes in for that matter. So she spilled the beans one night ages ago and Roksana put it to the back of their mind… because it's Veronica and Roksana's usually unnerved, but quite used to the unrestrained shit that she says.

Anyway. Alice and Veronica, Superbabes' Raven and Starfire, out of the blue got a call from their old friend Roksana Kalish-Lee… From Gotham General, so being the generally good people they were, went to go visit their friend in the hospital…

If they could get in and out without Veronica fucking a doctor, Alice would call it a win.

"Look just keep your holes closed alright? Let's go in say 'hi' to Rocky, and then get out. No dick-sucking or ass-fucking required." They exited their car in the parking lot, wearing regular street clothes. Alice was in a tight black goth girl skull T-shirt, hugging her massive goth girl titties, and long shredded jeans, and Veronica was dressed in mild pink clothes, breezy and comfortable but completely eye-catching in dreary Gotham.

It helps that the two were still gorgeous in or out of uniform… and you know, it was distracting to see a full on big titty goth girl and a peppy cheerleader-type girl hanging out.

"How am I supposed to say 'Hi' if I have to keep my holes closed!?" Veronica replied, pointing cheekily to her pretty cock-sucking mouth as Alice glared at her best friend

"Just… come on." She groaned and they walked through the front doors of the hospital and to the visitor's desk. "Hello." Alice greeted the greeter, a middle-aged nurse who glanced up at her politely. "Can you tell me what room Roksana Kalish-Lee is in?"

"Hello doctor Martin!" cheered Veronica suddenly as a passing handsome doctor froze. "How's the wife?" she asked as the handsome doctor suddenly covered his face with his clipboard and pretended VERY HARD not to notice the beautiful Veronica... which is just impossible to do, so nobody believed his attempt.

Alice's face became significantly more neutral, and she said, without looking at Veronica. "God I wish I brought the paddle." She said tiredly, she'd like to just go to ONE fucking place where Veronica hasn't fucked somebody… but she can't get off the planet. The nurse, who chose not to think about that, found Roksana's room.

"Room 301, just take the elevator-" she pointed down the hall, "And it's the first room on your right."

"Thanks." Alice replied, before reaching out and grabbing Veroncia's ear and tugging it, yanking her along briefly before letting go. Veronica wiggled flexibly around and followed after her friend, no ear-pulling required. "MUST you?" Alice asked with a low hiss as Veronica smiled prettily at her.

"What? I was just being friendly!" Veronica replied sweetly as Alice jammed the elevator button, waiting for it to ding.

"Did you have sex with that doctor?" Alice hissed softly as Veronica shrugged.

"…And his wife." She admitted

"Then you did it on purpose, and we are not having it!" They stood in the elevator together Alice grumpily pushing the button to the third floor. "I want to go to just ONE place where you don't get a DICK in your mouth." The door to the second floor had opened up, and a very prudish nurse stared at Alice who stared back. "What?" she replied completely stone-faced and only a little mortified, but she managed to keep it under control

The nurse however chose not to enter the elevator, and once the doors shut and opened again they got off and took the first right into room 301. Alice knocked on the door. "Rocky? You decent?"

"About time." Alice swung open the privacy curtain surrounding the bed to show an attractive dark-haired woman. Roksana was an old high school friend of Alice and Veronica, but whereas the two sexy Superbabes became Superbabes, Roksana went to "college", and got an "education". Admittedly when it came to math Veronica got Roksana, and generally everyone in the greater Gotham area beat, but regardless, she was an old friend.

Roksana Kalish-Lee was born in the States but had strong Slavic roots and a slight accent she got from her mother, so you'd think she was fresh off the boat from some eastern European country, but Alice and Veronica had no idea which one and they were fairly certain neither did Roksana. Hence why she often went by 'Rocky', though Rocky was an attractive woman herself, with an athletic and curvy body, she didn't have to survive on those looks.

"Rocky!" cheered Veronica already rushing to the bed and giving the bedridden girl a big hug, ignoring the clearly broken leg hanging up in a cast and sling. "So good to see you!"

"Ya-Ya." She smirked, "Hello to you too, V, you haven't changed. Alice."

"What happened to you?" Alice replied, glancing at Rocky's leg and taking an accurate guess. Veronica pulled out of the hug and stood beside Rocky on one side, Alice walking around to the other.

"I fell down some stairs." Rocky frowned irately, Veronica and Alice stared at her before she added. "No seriously. I lost my footing and fell down the stairs." Alice's eyes narrowed concernedly at her as she waved it off. "Seriously."

"…Okay, well if we're not saving you from a bad relationship, what did you call us for?" Alice asked as Rocky sighed loudly, before briefly glancing at Veronica, then back to Alice.

"…Well actually I only wanted to talk to Veronica." She said as Alice raised an eyebrow at that, but then both eyebrows went up as she realized.

"Oh no-"

"OH! Did you need something from me?" Veronica said excitedly, "Please tell me it's something fun…" she added sultrily as Rocky sighed, then glanced over at the nearby bedstand with a phone on it, charging in the wall.

"Hand me that." Alice reactively grabbed the phone off the table and handed it to Rocky, who opened it up. "So… I'm currently dating this guy-"

"God damn it." Alice groaned but Rocky ignored her.

"His name is Troy, and he's a good guy, but a little bit of a cock." She said casually, before showing Alice and Veronica a cute picture of Rocky with a handsome dark-haired man, he had a swarthy look about him, with dark hair, olive skin, and something of an 'adonis' look to him.

"He looks handsome." Veronica said politely and a silky purr as Rocky nodded.

"Very handsome. I want you to fuck his brains out." She said as Veronica squealed excitedly, bouncing excitedly in place as Alice covered her face with her hands and moaned loudly.

"GOD DAMN IT! WHY?!" she snapped as Rocky sighed.

"…Because he's a bit of a cock." She repeated before she turned back to Veronica, "He needs a humbling."

"I feel we're skipping crucial information or something here." Alice snarled tiredly, "WHY?"

"I'm not his first girlfriend. I get it, I accept it, but he thinks he's God's gift to women." She sighed, "And don't get me wrong he's GREAT at sex-"

"Stop talking." Alice replied, but Rocky ignored her.

"-but I need someone to knock him down a peg-"

"Do you hate me? I feel that you hate me." Alice replied with a groan as Rocky turned to her, frowning in irritation.

"I'm not even asking you! I'm asking Veronica to lull him into a false sense of superiority and then crush him-" she was then distracted as she glanced at Veronica. The nimble, nubile, super slut seemed to be… stretching and flexing her body. Arms in the air and moving her limber body "…What is she doing?"

"She's stretching." Alice replied, not even looking at Veronica. "Because she's going to go fuck your boyfriend's brains out." She frowned, "…Is this how Orders feels with Rosa all the time? I never even thought of that before." She shook off the thought before returning to Rocky. "Seriously though why? She's going to do it! You KNOW she's going to do it."

"Look, I can take being rigorously plowed until I'm unconscious every night-" Alice casually shrugged, conceding the point, "-but I can't take his bragging about it all the time… so I need to humble him."

"…Okay, but let's all take a breath." She snapped, "He's just going to have sex with Veronica? I mean, you don't think that might be a hiccup in the relationship?" Rocky stared at Alice for a minute as she added. "He's just going to hook up with some random chick while his girlfriend's in the hospital? I feel you should just break up with him if that's the case."

"…Did you not hear the part about amazing sex?" Rocky replied straight-faced as, again, Alice conceded the point. "As to hooking up with a random chick, I can just send him a message that I got him a present… from… Superbabes?" she added knowingly, and Alice again moaned. "What do you think V?... Veronica?" Alice was still rubbing her face as Rocky looked around. "Where did Veronica go? She was just here doing stretches…"

"She's gone to do what you ask. Bang your boyfriend." Alice hesitated, then slapped her pockets cautiously before realizing, "Fuuuck… she stole my keys."

"She also doesn't know where he is…" Rocky replied but Alice rolled her eyes.

"That's not important, trust me when I tell you that V has her ways… just tell him she's…" she hesitated and groaned, "…Tell him she's coming."

Meanwhile… about 10 minutes later.

Time: 2:40 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Alright. I got to go pick up Sean." Ronnie-Bell declared, tossing on her leather jacket over her Giganta dress as Divine nodded slowly. "I'll be back in a little while after I drop him off at his friend's house. All you have to do is look imposing-" Ronnie-Bell said, smirking at Divine as Veronica skipped wordlessly in from the back door and right into the locker room. "And make sure nobody does anything stupid-" Ronnie-Bell, realizing Divine was looking behind her turned around. "What?"

"…Was Veronica working today?" Divine asked as Ronnie-Bell frowned.

"No, she's not supposed to work until the week…end." She noted as Starfire skipped out of the locker room, waving cheerily to the two as she walked out the backdoor of Superbabes and back to her car before speeding off into Gotham. "…I think we need to call Orders."

And she was right but that's for later.

Starfire WAS going to bother her beloved boss for directions to Troy's home, but an alternate source of information, Rocky, sent her the address and asked her not to leave that much of a mess. Alice also left several messages and most of them were angry because Starfire 'stole' the car… but she'll apologize later, better to ask for forgiveness than permission her mother has said.

Rocky's house however looked to be a fun little brownstone, cute, quaint, the kind of place you wanted to set down roots and raise a trio of girls as a single dad with your brother-in-law and best friend. But she ignored that hit sitcom idea and parked the car on the curb, humming happily to herself as she hopped cheerfully up the stoop, leaping up onto the top step and stomping down on the welcome mat like she was planting a flag with her sexy boots.

She then raised her hand and knocked loudly on the door while happily cheering- "Superbabes!"

Time: 2:59 PM. Place: Upper East Gotham (Rocky and Troy's house)

"Special Delivery Service!" sort of, technically she was off the clock. But if she was going to sexually destroy this 'Troy' guy for Rocky then she definitely should do it right. She waited a few seconds, which were a few seconds longer than she expected before knocking again. "Helloooo." She cooed when she heard the sound of bolt locks unlatching and the door opened.

With a smug smile on his handsome swarthy face, Rocky's boyfriend Troy opened the door shirtless and in tight boxers… tight because he obviously wanted to show off his impressive bulge. "Oh! Alice would like you." Starfire said sweetly, before inviting herself inside. Troy seemed to eagerly accept her presence, watching her ass as she supermodel strutted into Rocky's house.

"…So you're a 'Superbabe' or something like that?" he asked, as she twirled on her feet, smiling sweetly at him.

"That's right! I'm here because somebody wanted your dick sucked!" she teased, winking playfully at him just as he shut the door, his body glistening with sweat. Judging by the home gym in the spacious living room he either just finished using it or was in the middle of doing so. But now he seemed to have someone else to occupy his attention.

"So I here… my current girlfriend seems to think I'm too exhausting so she got a real "pro" to take care of me…" he said smugly, eying her up and down. "So sexy are you ready for the best sex of your life?"

"Yes I am!" she said happily, before grabbing his cock through his boxers, it throbbed in her grip and she lead him towards the stairs, "Where's your bedroom?"

If he was surprised by how forward Starfire was being he didn't show it. In fact, he felt pretty damn eager to start right then and there, but Rocky evidently was more than happy to hire a professional hooker to bang him so she can get a break so he might as well give her the courtesy of getting fucked into his mattress instead of leaving an imprint of her body in the floorboards.

"Watch that top step it's loose." He noted as Starfire skipped the leg breaking step that put Rocky in the hospital and quickly deduced which was the main bedroom. Starfire was good at figuring out places for fucking… the large double bed was a dead giveaway.

Starfire giggled, bouncing into the room before reaching the edge of the bed and turning around, dropping down to the floor onto her knees so fast a normal person might have been concerned she hurt herself. But all concern that Troy had was how long this 'professional' was going to last. He'd like to have sex with someone who wasn't going to pass out after an hour…

"Haaa…" Starfire's mouth opened and her tongue lolled out, soaking wet and liberally drooling in anticipation for dick, her hands clawing at his shorts and tugging on them until they slipped to his ankles and his 10-inch cock swatted on her face. "Aah-ha!" she laughed excitedly before her tongue slapped against his meat and she wrapped her soft cock-sucking lips on his shaft, slobbering up and down it like she was playing a fleshy harmonica

Troy laughed as he rested a hand on the slutty redhead's head, feeling her gliding her lips along his throbbing girth, soon liberally lubricated with saliva, dripping off his shaft and onto her costume as he pulled her head away. "Bwah."

"Aren't you eager? I like a girl who knows what she wants." Her tongue danced on his skin-flute, trying to get it back into her grinning mouth as he promptly put his tip on her tongue, then slid it between her lips. Sliding it into her throat with one thrust, "Gag reflex is pretty good too." He held her head to the base of his cock. Starfire didn't flinch, her eyes didn't even water, her tongue danced on his cock before slipping out beneath it to slither against his heavy sack as he chuckled, pulling out of her throat and then back in. Grinding on her face as he pushed her head onto the bed and began thrusting down, cautiously, expecting her to shove him off…

And was only encouraged as Starfire went limp. The only sign that she was still even conscious was the loud eager slurping on his shaft as he pumped in and out, her hands wrapping around his muscular waist and squeezing him tightly, pulling him deeper while his hips bounced off her face. Like a plunger in a plug toilet… she was pretty much a cum toilet so it was a good metaphor.

"GUCK. GUCK. GUCK. MMGH!" she buried her face back into his crotch and held firm as he tried to pull out, only to find the suction too great… like her face was glued there.

He pushed off the bed and then squelched out of her throat with a wet slurp as she grinned up at him cheekily, rubbing her face in his crotch as his cock rigidly, and almost defiantly stood erectly against her skin, not even a hint of diminishing returns. She flicked it playfully, and it didn't even flinch. "Oh wow! You're really hard!" she cooed, sounding impressed. Grabbing his waist she pushed him back, hopping to her feet and stripping down so quickly it was as if her clothes were torn away, leaving her only in her boots. "Let's fix that!" she replied excitedly as he grabbed her by the shoulder and shoved her onto the bed. "Ooh!"

He slapped her dripping wet pussy with his thoroughly lubricated length. Her legs flexibly swinging up and using that cheerleader energy and training folded herself in half, holding her legs open and spreading herself, her lower lips 'gumming' his length as he then mounted the bed, sliding himself into her body with one quick thrust, her silky insides clinging to him as she squealed delightedly in pleasure. "Oooh Oh!" He grabbed her ankles, pinned her to the bed, and promptly took her for the ride of her life… this week.

Troy with a smug smile ever present on his face rode Starfire like a prized stallion. The bed creaked loudly from constant and possibly unceasing use. "OH! MY! GOD! FUCK! ME!" Starfire squealed happily, her toes curling by her ears as her insides clenched up and she shrieked in a quick satisfying orgasm.

"Some pro. You're already cumming!" he declared as she squealed delightedly.

"More more don't stop more!!" she happily begged like a horny bitch.

"They always beg! Who am I to deny them!" he replied dropping onto her and squeezing her breasts in his hands as opposed to her ankles, Starfire squealed and writhed beneath him, her insides clinging desperately to his cock as he ground on her body, pumping in and out faster and faster.

"UUUuggh!!" Starfire stopped screaming for a minute and rode her orgasm, bucking her hips up into him as she bit her bottom lip, "MMgh!" Troy buried himself into her, savoring the feeling of her insides massaging his throbbing shaft before he abruptly yanked his cock out of her, grabbing her lower body he lifted it, her shoulders on the bed as he drove back down into her body. "Ugh! HAa!" Piledriving her into the bed as she continued to squeal happily. "MORE! DON'T! STOP!! UUgh!"

She shivered wildly under Troy as he chuckled, grunting and grinding on her holding her by her legs like bicycle handlebars, driving her into the bed before feeling her shaking around his cock again, ripping out of her body and tossing her over to lie face down on the bed, Starfire cooed happily, writhing on the bedsheets, shaking in orgasm as Troy stretched slightly. His back was hurting from all the thrusting but his cock didn't seem any less tired.

"I like watching you squirm." He declared, sliding his foot up between her legs and prodding her pussy with his big toe.

"MMghg!" she moaned excitedly as he laughed.

"Some pro. I wonder if you're all like this or if it's just me? It's probably me." He said, kneeling between her legs before grabbing her waist and lifting her up, slamming hard into her from behind.

"AH! AH! Ooho!!" Her hands grabbed the sheets and held on tightly, "NGH! AAah!" howling like a banshee as Troy continued to utterly devastate her senses with a relentless assault on her body. "Ugh! Ugh!!" squeezing down on his rapidly jackhammering cock as her toes clawed the sheets as he kept clapping against her body. He threw himself forward, roaring and pounding her harder and harder.

"Harder! Harder! Oh GOD, I'm cumming!!" she squealed as he just laughed.

"You're always cumming! I don't think you've stopped since I've started!" he declared, "Well don't worry I'm! almost done!" he groaned, planting his hands on either side of her head as his powerful arms stood like pillars around her. "I'm! Going! To! Cum!" he declared proudly as Starfire shrieked and orgasm, then bit down on the sheets.

"MMMMGH!!" she hissed, feeling his hips slam against her bubbly booty before he ripped abruptly out of her then rested his cock between her quivering ass cheeks. Shooting his hot load all over her bronzed back, thick globs of semen ropes, were enough to satisfy Jackie… for about two hours.

Speaking off that's about as long as they've been going at it… maybe a little less.

"Phew… alright ten-minute break." He declared before smacking her ass, "I don't know how long Roksana paid you for but I-"Suddenly Starfire's sexy right leg flicked around his waist and pressed her foot to his chest, and gently shoved him over. She rolled over onto her butt, before throwing herself onto him… or at least getting her face back between his legs and grabbing his cock, only at half mast, and stroking him excitedly, opening her mouth

"Why wait? Mmgh.:." Starfire, with a sultry, dreamy look on her face began sliding her lips up and down. Steadily, and quickly, Troy's cock returned, hardening in her throat as she began speeding up. "Mmgh! Mmgh! Mgmh! Ah…" she popped off his shaft with a wet slurp, strings of saliva connecting her lips to his rigid dick once more before pressing her lips to it. She gave it a few steading strokes she grinned up at him, easily and flexibly flipping her lower body up and then down onto his lap. Facing away from him she hummed softly to herself, grinding on his lap as it twitched between her ass cheeks.

"Here we GO!" she lifted her hips up and abruptly dropped them back down onto his lap, sheathing his cock once again into her pussy as she instantly began bouncing up and down on it. "AH. Ah. AH!"

"Oh shit… you're freaky aren't you?" he grunted eagerly, bucking up into her body before reaching out and grabbing her waist. SLAMMING her into his lap before he threw his hips and her body forward, once again taking over. Getting up on his knees behind her, clap-clap-clapping away at her from behind as she howled happily again.

"More more MORE! Keep going! Don't stop!"

Holding her waist tightly he abruptly let go then pressed his hands on her shoulders, pinning her down and making her squeal again. "AH! AH! AH!! MMGH!!" she bit down on the sheets again as his hips swung HARD against her body from behind, "NGH! NGH! MMGH!!"

"Come on sexy, keep it nice and tight for me!" he grunted, and almost lost his stride as Starfire's body ACTUALLY tightened up on him. "Oh shit…!" he hissed, the inner walls of her pussy clinging almost desperately to his dick as he swung his hand and clap it on her ass.

"MMGH!!" she squealed delightedly, wiggling her hips as he kept thrusting. Pushing her forward to the edge of the bed. "HAAAH! AH! AH!! AAAH!!" Starfire's eyes went wide as she came again, Troy's powerful arms hooked under hers and lifted her upright from the mattress. "AH! AH! AH! HAAH!!" Starfire howled as her breasts bounced up and down with Troy's thrusting hips. "EAAAAH!!" she howled then suddenly went limp as Troy laughed triumphantly, continuing to swing his hips into her amazingly tight and beautiful body. "Haah-haaaa…" he threw his hips against her, feeling her body trembling against his as he unhooked his arms and let her drop forward onto the bed. "Haa…" Starfire draped on the bed as he pulled out of her with a wet slurp, flipping her over onto her back so her head hung upside down off the bed.

He got off and stepped around her, taking his cock in hand he gave it a few finishing strokes before shooting his hot load onto her face. Grinning proudly at his taming of the professional slut… "Not bad, but not impressed."


"…The fuck?" he mumbled and after grabbing a towel from his bathroom he wrapped it around his waist and marched down the stairs to his front door. Swinging it open- "What?" he snapped only to hesitate as a pair of big goth girl titties graced his vision.

"Sup. Rocky wants some shit." Alice said crankily, glancing up and down at Troy as he continued to openly gaze at her bountifully big, and mercifully clothed, goth girl titties. She stepped in and pushed his sweaty body aside, then wiped her hand on the thigh of his towel.


"Rocky wants some shit, and I want my fucking KEYS." She declared as he stared at her confused. "HEY! Where are my keys?!" she snapped as Troy scoffed.

"Are you crazy-" but he froze as a naked Starfire suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs.

"They're in the car." She replied casually, waving at her. "Want to stay and play? He is PACKING." She said, Alice hesitated but rolled her eyes, staying angry with her. She jerked her thumb at Troy who was somewhat confused at the turn of events… also that Starfire didn't have globs of cum on her body.

"Hey. Quit fucking around." Alice ordered, still jerking her thumb at Troy as she walked into the house. "He's still walking." She said as Troy shut the door and she walked into the living room.

"And I'd still be at it but then you showed up!" Starfire sat on the banister and slid down to the bottom floor.

"YOU STOLE MY KEYS!" Alice shouted back as Starfire giggled.

"I borrowed them, I was going to bring them back!" Obviously, they live together, but that statement didn't soothe Alice's mood

The big titty Goth girl soon walked back into view with a laptop and a thick book under one arm, marching past Troy and Starfire. "Well quit goofing off." She shoved Troy aside and ignored his bulge with great difficulty, resisting her instincts for now but if she stayed too long she'd be sucking on something even longer.

"Hey why don't you-" Troy began but Starfire abruptly ripped away his towel, just as Alice walked outside.

"I knew he wasn't much." She said dismissively as Troy scowled and turned his attention back to Starfire who leaped onto Troy, wrapping her legs around his waist and sliding his dick back into her body, grinding on him like a stripper pole as he grabbed her ass and got his balance.

"Ah! AH! AH…" she panted, pointing upstairs with a pretty smile. "Up-up!" she said giddily before riding him HARDER. "Nngh! Ahh...!" she clung to him like a spider, bouncing up and down as he got his footing and promptly ascended the steps once again. Getting up to the second floor he walked into his bedroom before he abruptly turned and slammed her against the wall. "Ah! Hah! AH!" she moaned, his hips rattling the walls and tilting some photos. "Mmgh! Mmn!!" she bit her bottom lip firmly. "NNGH!"

Her legs tightly squeezed around his waist, her insides clenching just as tightly around his throbbing cock. Troy groaned, twitching slightly as he tried to pull away but Starfire held tightly on, grinning at him as she finished climaxing on his cock… then made him abruptly pop like a pimple.

"UGH!!" Troy groaned, cum shooting into Starfire as she squeezed out of him. "Ah… Damn, what the-" she swung her legs open, dropping them onto the floor before slipping him out of her. "Wha-" her hands then SLAMMED onto his chest and shoved him away. "WHOA!" he stumbled backward onto his bed as she pushed off the wall.

"Well, you heard her. I got to quit fucking around…" She then began stretching, arms stretching into the air and her waspy waist and wide hips swinging around and around as she grinned catlike at him. "Okay! Not to fuck around!" she said giggling, before abruptly cartwheeling and, pushing off the floor she FLIPPED onto the bed. Her feet landed on either side of him, standing over him as he gazed up at her with curious awe. "Cheerleading does a body good!" she said happily, before abruptly dropping onto him.

"OOF!" he grunted as his cock twitched between her ass cheeks again, she grinned down at him prettily, but there was something dark behind that smile.

"You last LONG…" she cooed as he blinked up at her. "Don't give up now. We're just getting started!" she raised her hips, pinned him down with surprising strength before dropping her hips down on his lap and sheathing his cock into her pussy once again. "Ugh!" slamming her hips down. "Ugh! HAaa…" her hips sprung up and down, over and over a steady drum beat just like when he pinned her down and delivered a mating press.

Only now the bed was creaking because Starfire was taking HIM for a ride!

"AH! AH! AH! Oooooh Here we GO!!"


"Ah! Ah! AH!!" Starfire tossed her head, her long luxurious red hair spreading like wildfire as it madly bounced about. "AH YES! Haaah!"

Troy, admittedly, was a little taken off guard, this woman had been going strong for a while now when Roksana, easily his longest-lasting lover, would've tapped out after he walked away the first time. But this girl was, again, still going strong-

"OH FUCK!" he hissed as Starfire's hips became a blur, wildly pounding down on his lap as her pussy gripped his cock so tightly she lifted him OFF the bed with her thrusting motions. "UGH! Unngh!!" valiantly he held on, quite literally, his hands grabbing onto her waist to try and get her to either slow down or stop, so he could catch his breath only for her to push her chest into his face. Her hips constantly moving up and down. "MGH! mMNg!" moaning into her tits as she grabbed the bedding above him and kept going,

"HAH! AH! AH! Ah!!" Starfire slammed her hips down and threw herself up, sighing as she wiggled on his lap, feeling his cock thrashing about inside her, her insides tightly squeezing him as she felt him busting another load inside her. "Haah…" she covered her face, then slid her hands back pushing her hair out of her face. "Okay…" she smiled down at him. "Ready to go again?"

"What-UGH! FUCK!" he hissed through his teeth as she immediately began bouncing up and down on him, her breasts swinging up and down as she rode him again. "Ha-Hang on a second." He grabbed her waist and tried to pry her off only for her to grab his hands and pin them down above his head… Considering his size, muscle mass, and the fact that she was a dainty but gorgeous waif… he should be able to easily throw her off… but he couldn't. "UUGH!!" grinning down sweetly at him her hips started bouncing up and down on his cock like it was a POGO STICK. "UUUGH!!"

"Come on come on come on! Give it to me!" she cooed encouragingly, "Let me have it all! Just keep it up for me and I'll do all the work!"

To Troy that SOUNDED encouraging but it FELT so much worse. Even if her silky pussy was still tight and felt AMAZING. "Ugh! Haah!" he moaned uncontrollably, before finally summoning the strength to break her hold. It actually wasn't that hard, she wasn't TRYING to pin him down and use him as a dildo… but he WAS letting her so she did.

But again, he broke her grip and grabbed her waist, sitting up. "Oh!" and lifting her up and down on his lap. "AH! HAH!" her legs wrapped around his waist as she threw her head back and let him lift her up and down. "AH! Hah! HA! Ha! Here we! Go!" she squealed as he roared, speeding her up so she was bouncing and flopping like a rag doll. "Cumming! Cumming! Cumming!!" she clenched her teeth, hissing through them before squealing happily and slamming herself down onto his lap. "Haaah!!"

"UUUGH!!" slamming herself down she squeezed another hot load out of him. Shivering erotically on his lap before swinging herself forward and knocking him flat onto the bed again.

"Woo! That was fun!... More." She ordered as he blinked up at her.

"Excuse me?"

"Hmmn? We're not done." She replied with a smile, "We're just getting STARTED…" She replied, "Now…" She slipped off his lap and with her pretty smile on her face she grabbed his cock, limp and nervously flaccid began stroking him again. "Let's get you ready again… got to make sure you don't chafe." She then opened her mouth, and buried him into her throat, humming all the while… "Hmmn! Hmmn! Hmmn…" wiggling her ass cheeks behind her as she sucked him back to hardness. "Haaah…"

"Hold on a second…" Troy mumbled, trying to crawl away as Starfire licked her lips.

"Hmmn?..." she paused as he stared at her confused, "Okay! It's been a second!" she then slammed her face back into his crotch, furiously slurping on his shaft.

"Haah! Fu-FUUUCK!!" he groaned, trying to regain control… and failing as she kept thrusting his cock into her throat. "Fuck-fuck-FUUUCK!" he hissed, bucking towards her face before unloading a hot wad directly into her throat, and usually when he did that it would come out their nose or they choke or-

"Ah…" Starfire licked her lips and frowned at his suddenly limp shaft. "Well that won't do…" she grabbed him and began casually stroking him. "I just finished getting you hard again… don't worry. I'll fix it."

Again… she SOUNDED encouraging… but it FELT unnerving. Feebly he put his hands on her head, then tightened his grip on her silky red-haired locks he yanked her face out of his lap, and she smiled at him. "Yes?"

"…You think it's going to be that easy?" he asked, slightly out of breath before she chuckled sweetly.

"Oh of course not." She sat up and tilted her neck until there was a satisfying pop. "…So are you ready for the REALLY fun stuff?" she replied before swinging her leg over him as he blinked up at her.

"…What?" he said, a little meekly.

"Well YEAH, this is just a warm-up for me." She then smiled down at him, an ominous aura radiating off her. Troy was probably just imagining it, but he quickly began to wonder if she was clearly going to kill him with sex. "But I'm sure a big handsome man like you will be MORE than capable of a real workout with me…" she slapped her hands down on his chest. "Ready?" she cooed as Troy found himself meekly replying.


…In hindsight… GOD he wished he said NO.

Time: 10:45 AM. Place: Roksana and Troy's house (The Next Day)

Alice leaned against her car, checking her phone as the roar of a powerful motorcycle abruptly sped around the corner and parked behind it. The towering seven-foot-four wall of sexy muscle, Ronnie-Bell, swung her powerful biker chick leg off her bike and removed her flaming biker helmet, resting it in the sidecar before walking towards Alice who waved.

"Hey. Thanks for coming." She paused and shivered, "Ugh… I feel dirty."

"No problem Sugar, it's what I'm here for." She replied casually with her usual southern belle charm, but a little sleepily. "Can we hurry this up? I just got off a night shift."

"Yeah, I just didn't want to go in there alone. I need someone who can DEFINITELY keep that nympho off me." Ronnie-Bell stared at her skeptically as Alice walked with her up the stoop to Roksana's front door, and opened it without announcing herself… she assumed it wasn't locked for obvious reasons.

"Seems unsafe." Noted Ronnie-Bell, with a chuckle as they walked right in. "It IS Gotham."

"Well knowing her, she probably didn't let the guy lock the front door." Alice and Ronnie-Bell walked up the steps, but once Alice reached the top step she lost her footing. "Whoa!?" But luckily… A seven-foot wall of sexy muscle was behind her, catching her with one hand on Alice's upper back. "…They really need to fix that." She mumbled as Ronnie-Bell pushed her back upright.

"Or just watch your footing Hon." She replied, skipping the step. "Now come on mah bed is callin' me."

"V!!" Alice shouted, kicking the bedroom door open, judging from the carpet it looked like someone tried to run for it only to be dragged back to the bed.

"No more… No more…" moaned the emaciated corpse that was Troy, groaning weekly as Veronica snored adorably on top of him, her body worming subconsciously as she continued to have sex even in her sleep.

"Grab the costume." Ronnie-Bell ordered, interlocking her fingers and cracking them, "Alright sugar, time to go." She abruptly grabbed Veronica's ankles and abruptly yanked her off of Troy, her pussy emitting a loud wet pop as she was pulled off, and with a crash, her sweet ass hit the carpet.

"Ow!" she moaned, "…Ronnie-Bell I just went to sleep!" she replied as Troy rolled off the bed, and crawled to the bathroom… throwing the door shut and after a second, locking it. Yeah, he wasn't coming out again until they were all LONG gone.

"Uh-huh. Come on." Ronnie-Bell replied hauling Veronica to her feet, she yawned as Ronnie-Bell glanced at her hands and sighed. "…And now I need to stop at a sink."

"It's fine… it's great for your skin!" Veronica replied as Alice tossed her the Starfire costume.

"Uh huh, cover yours up V let's go."

All three of them walked out of the room, Veronica putting on her uniform calmly as they headed down the stairs. "Why did you even invite Ronnie-Bell?"

"I didn't want you getting fucking handsy, and end up drawn into your… sex horror story." Veronica pouted at her. "I figured you'd have a harder time dragging Ronnie-Bell into it… Rocky's never going to get the smell out." She then eyed Veronica, "…Speaking of smells. YOU are taking a shower as soon as we take your uniform back."

"You act like you've never smelled 12 hours of semen before." Replied Veronica casually, Ronnie-Bell going to wash her hands in the kitchen.

"…I fucking hate you sometimes you know that?" Alice replied bluntly as Veronica smiled at her.

"You LOVE me." She said sweetly as Alice rolled her eyes.

"…We're driving with the fucking windows down." She declared, "I don't want you stinking up the car."

"Again." Veronica added as an afterthought as Alice sighed resignedly.

"…I'm definitely smacking your ass with the paddle." Veronica reflexively covered her backside with her hands, pouting at her.

"Rocky asked me to!" she replied indignantly, as Alice groaned.

"I don't care! Just ONE time I'd like to not be dragged into your sex shit!"

"I didn't drag you anywhere! And I WANTED TO!" she said, abruptly cupping Alice's tits from behind as they stepped outside. "THESE ARE SO FUN!!"

"VEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Alice shrieked as Ronnie-Bell rolled her beautiful blue eyes, drying her hands off with a dish towel before tossing it back into the kitchen.

"…It is too early for this." She sighed, following them out.

And for the record… she's talking about Veronica in general. It's always 'too early' for Veronica…


Okay, we are now up to date.

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