
Delivery Girl: Silver Swan Order #5

I don't own DC

In a world of flying men and women, superpowers, angels, demons, gods and monsters... where all legends have more than a hint of truth to them. Genies, Sirens, Succubae, Harpies, Lawyers... it's hard to believe that Silver Swan has come to this.

"Is there anything you can do?" she asked tiredly, she had been saying that a lot recently, this was her last option... but to be fair she didn't expect much from him.

"I'm not entirely sure why you're even asking me. It is an Ironclad contract." He declared, sitting on her couch. She groaned.

"I've run out of options!" she declared indignantly.

"...So you came to me? Bold move." He scratched his cheek, "...But I can't do anything about it, I don't meddle in the affairs of demons. It's only ten years, just be thankful it's not until death. For I assure you the people of this planet are very clever about that. Some of them don't even STAY dead."

"As Death has often mentioned to me. Yes, I'm aware." Silver Swan replied. Death the Endless was a friend after all.

"OR be thankful you are not forever bound to her like Etrigan and Jason Blood, both of them are riots at parties..." her guest added sarcastically, before beginning to lick himself.

"Could you... NOT do that right now?" she asked as the slick-furred jet-black cat with glowing golden eyes blinked at her, lowering his leg as his two tails flickered about behind him. "Please?" she asked as the 'cat' who was definitely 'not' exactly a 'cat' stared back at her and got back on task.

"It's only ten years. What's ten years to a demon such as yourself?" she scowled at him.

"Are you sure there's nothing you can do?"

"If a Lawyer can't get you out of an ironclad magical contract written by JASON BLOOD, I don't see how I can." Replied the not cat, licking his paw.

"You're King of the Cats!" she declared indignantly as he sighed.

"Even kings are susceptible to laws that govern them, you know this better than anyone." Declared the King of the Cats sternly. "Again I don't know why you even asked me if I could. You brought this on yourself, my dear."

"...Well it was worth a shot." She replied sitting down beside him and scratching him behind the ears. He purred softly at first, but then leaped from the couch onto the table, to stare sternly at her.

"Now, my dear, there is the matter of you keeping your sister Numena locked in a Genie bottle for a week."

"Ugh!" Silver Swan got up from the couch. "You ALWAYS take her side Grandpa Tybert!" she snapped like a spoiled child.

"She was only trying to help." Replied Tybert, King of the Cats, and her grandfather... Trust me it is as complicated as it sounds.

"She was trying to take my place and by proxy my score!" snapped Silver Swan, "That greedy BITCH!" she added then sighed, "Damn it." realizing what she said. "You still always take her side!"

"Well... she gets it from my 40th wife... that's what I get for being scratched by a succubus." He noted sadly. "...She had such a lovely voice."

"It wasn't even my fault she got trapped in the bottle!" she declared indignantly.

"And it's not my business if you sign a magic contract, and yet here we are." He yawned, "Still, the next time she's trapped in a genie bottle I expect you to just let her out. She's still family."

"...FINE..." she spat, bitterly. "Such a tramp, I can't believe she complained to you!" If The King of the Cats had an eyebrow to raise, he would've raised it. The irony in her statement was not lost on him... "...What? I ran out of my connections before I contacted you, I bet she went whining to you right away."

"...She whined to her mother first."

"I knew it!" declared Silver Swan smirking. The King of the Cats rolled his eyes, his two tails flicking. He sighed...

"...This is what I get for siring humanoids." He declared sadly, "500 progeny more than happy to never speak to me again, and the two times I sire bipeds result in you two..." he shook his head.

"Love you two Grandpa Tybert." She replied, scratching his head again. Despite his snark... he STILL came... that was more than she could say of her own parents. Granted one of them, her father, was a VERY dead Tengu: Sengoku Era Japan was like that. And her Greed demon mother was touring space at the moment... lot of greedy bastards up there, that orange bastard could feed the entire circle... Demon families are complicated.

Suddenly she glanced at her clock and sighed, her alarm going off a second later. Time for 'work'. "I have to go Grandpa Tybert, I appreciate you coming..." she said bowing regally to the King of the Cats.

"Well my dear I needed to get out of court every now and again, flick the old tails and stretch the paws." He stretched his paws and flicked his tails, "...Visiting you seemed like a perfectly good reason to." he yawned again, "...Do try to visit without asking me for favors." He declared as she rolled her eyes.

"...Yes Grandpa Tybert, but I won't know if I'm able to get time off..." she snapped her fingers, her black wings turning into white, her cool blue skin turning into the pink-skinned mortal colored she had adopted and her magnificent tail vanished.

"...I like the white." He said sincerely as an eldritch magical portal opened behind him, sweet summer smells wafted into the apartment as she made her way to the balcony.

"Well I prefer Black, it matched my father's wings... see you soon, Grandpa." she then leaped from the balcony and flew off to Superbabes as the 'not cat' entered the magic portal and it shut behind him.


With the last of her sources truly used, she resigned herself to another day at Superbabes, and several more to come for TEN BLOODY YEARS! She landed outside, scoffing angrily.

"Bonjour. Dee." Declared ball of beautiful buxom sunshine, Stargirl before she was dressed as Stargirl bouncing in ahead of her.

"Brielle." Silver Swan replied, inwardly annoyed but not at Stargirl... it was hard to be mad at Stargirl you had to put serious effort into it. Especially if you were attracted to her, Silver Swan was not, but the point still stands.

"...You got cat hair on you." She said conversationally as Silver Swin blinked, then looked down at her pants scowling angrily.

"Grandpa." She growled dusting it away. There was far more hair there than there should be for 'the king of the cats'. Which meant the aged trickster left it there on purpose.

"I did not know you had a cat." Brielle noted as Silver Swan followed her into the locker room.

"He's not my cat." She declared, "He's my grandfather...s." she added quickly, "My Grandfathers cat, he had a layover so they visited."

"Oh... what kind is he?"


"What kind of cat is he?" she replied sweetly as Silver Swan sighed, getting dressed.

"I've quite forgotten... He once mentioned a Nekomata." She added under her breath.

"Oh, I am sure that he is just joking!" she said in her abnormally unintentionally sexy French accent. "Nekomata are Japanese Yokai." Silver Swan finished getting dressed before absently staring at Stargirl.

"You are surprisingly knowledgeable about cats."

"I like cats." Cooed Brielle, applying her mask. Silver Swan sighed.

"...I'm sure he would like you." Silver Swan mumbled, "...He has a wandering barb." She walked out of the locker room and right into Orders, who was just arriving herself.

"...I got a job for you."

"...I hate it already." Snapped Silver Swan bitterly as Orders smirked, and went to go sit down at her counter.

"Yes, but I like to think that getting you used to these things is important in your very successful career as an exotic woman." Orders noted, sitting, "...Plus you pissed me off the other day and I like tit-for-tat."

Silver Swan scowled, "...Damn it." she rolled her eyes as Orders picked sudoku today.

"If it's any consolation, I'm only sending you because this is ALSO a punishment for Batgirl."

"And it is BULLSHIT." Declared Batgirl angrily from the couch, slurping her shake. Silver Swan blinked for a minute, and it registered in her head what was about to happen. She didn't need to be clairvoyant to figure it out with Batgirl.

"Son of a WHORE!-" she spat as Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 7:35 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"We're ready for her."

"Excellent. So what are you ordering?"

"I still have to order food?"

"I'm sure everyone will be hungry."

"But there's not even a lot of guys here..."


"...You're making a scary face aren't you?"


"...She likes the Wonder Woman meal."

"I'll give you the catered party selection at no extra charge."


"We expect her back within 60 minutes or the police will be informed, and you will be charged upon the completion of delivery. Name and address please."

"But you know where-"

"Shut up and say yes, Pippen."


"What fresh hell are you forcing me into?" Silver Swan sneered as Batgirl, rushed the counter, grabbing the food that slid across it.

"What's that? She doesn't want to go? I got it!" Batgirl ALMOST made it out the back door only to be blocked by new girl Divine. Easily restraining Batgirl with one arm, and pushing her back into the lounge, grabbing the food with her other hand... but not looking very sure of herself.

"...Like this, Orders?" she said still a little unsure... being told to 'restrain' Batgirl when she arrived at work tonight. Clairvoyance was weird sometimes...

"Good work Divine." Orders replied, "Toss her in the shower."

"I demand to go! It is my right!" Batgirl howled

"Extra cold, and keep her in there until she stops resisting." Orders added as Divine easily dragged Batgirl into the locker rooms handing Silver Swan the food as she scowled at Orders. "...Off you go." Orders declared, her purple eyes flashing as Batgirl's howls of dismay echoed from the locker rooms.

"...I'm seriously going to hate this. Aren't I?" she scowled.

"Yes. But I do so love it when you're snarky." Orders replied sarcastically as Silver Swan walked outside, and promptly took to the air.

It didn't take her long to land on the roof of an Old Gotham apartment. Scowling she kicked open the door and entered, heading down to the third floor. Then she halted, recoiling slightly at the sight that greeted her.

"Hello!" cheered the attractive woman in the bikini before her, her rainbow-colored hair and her sunshine-tattooed gratuitous backside. She was 'barely' wearing the bikini, in fact, she might as well have just been naked. "You must be the Superbabe! I LOVE your wings!" she stared at them cheerily. "I'm Celestia D'Whorse. We're going to be working together!" she said excitedly as Silver Swan audibly sighed recoiling at her unabashed cheeriness.

"...Yaaaay." now she was recoiling as Celestia ran her hands over Silver Swan's magnificent wings.

"So SILKY! Mmn..." Celestia licked her lips. "You know I get this question ALL the time myself, but are they real?"

"...Very." Silver Swan replied, fluttering her wings and knocking away Celestia's hands from them. But she didn't seem offended, in fact, she seemed thrilled.

"Ooh those are amazing! And so beautiful."

"...I suppose being exceptionally friendly is... beneficial in your profession?"

"Hmm!" she shrugged, non-committedly, but still smiling as she rested her hand on Silver Swan's back and guided to the door. "Let's get on it! Don't want Orders calling the Po-po on my Pippy."

"What?" she grabbed Silver Swan's free hand, and raised it up towards the door.

"I always wanted to do this." Before knocking for her "Superbabes!"

Time: 8:00 PM. Place: Old Gotham (Pip's 'Porn studio')

"Special Delivery Service!" the door soon popped open, revealing a man in sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt. Pippen Ignatius Pepper, aka 'Pip the Porn director'... Superbabes go to Schmuck for Professional recordings. "Pretty winged girl. Meet my Pip. Pip. The girl who's going to have fun with me."

"Heeey... are those real?" he asked hesitantly, pointing to her wings as Celestia pushed Silver Swan into the room and towards the center of what appeared to be a plastic tarp surrounded by cameras.

Celestia slowly stripped Silver Swan down, prying her out of her clothes. An annoyed look on the winged woman's face as she was quickly stripped down naked by the professional pornstar. "Ngh!" grunting as Celestia's hands soon pressed on her breasts, squeezing firmly before strutting around her. Standing chest to chest now.

"Your body is out of this world." She declared sensually, pressing up against Silver Swan and giving Pip a wink. Pip the Porn Director pulled out a mechanical pad, and the cameras began to move, and lights flickered on illuminating the pair of women on the tarp... Celestia then dragged the sour Silver Swan to the floor, both of them on their knees. Tits to tits. They bulged together as the rainbow-haired pornstar began furiously making out with Silver Swan.

Celestia was far more into this than Silver Swan was, obviously but the winged woman fought back as Celestia's tongue began forcing into her mouth. Sloppily kissing and drooling as they rubbed their breasts together. "You should smack my ass." Celestia mumbled into Silver Swan's mouth.

"What-ah!" Celestia BIT Silver Swan's lip tugging it playfully with a mischievous look in her eyes before letting go and watching it snap back into place. Instinctively, Silver Swan SMACKED Celestia's thick sun-butt. Making it wobble as the pornstar cooed and began to make out with Silver Swan again. Celestia grabbed her wings and caressed them gently as she giggled.

"These are as real as my ass and my tits!" she joked as Silver Swan scoffed indignantly.

"Far more real I imagine." Silver Swan snapped, but Celestia took it in stride. But Celestia pulled away again, before whistling sharply. A door in the corner of the room opened and a collection of masked men wobbled out. Each of them were various shapes, sizes, and skin colors... but one still out the most among them.

He was huge and heavy set with arms and legs like tree trunks and balls like basketballs, the elephant trunk that was his cock hanging and wobbling between his legs as he lumbered towards them... everyone surrounding the girls.

"Do you need to see a physician?!" Silver Swan declared, looking at the sack heavy mortal with a combination of concern and disgust.

"No Gusher's always like that, aren't you baby?" Cooed Celestia, giving the man's elephant trunk a stroke, waving her fingers like a magic wand and getting him erect. "Welp let's get to it!" she said as a bowl wobbled between the surrounding men's legs and wobbled next to the girls as Silver Swan flinched.

"Son of a whore." She spat as the various-sized cocks began surrounding them. Poking against her cheeks, brushing against her wings, sliding across her skin and under her arms as Celestia opened her mouth and began suckling the first cock she could wrap her lips around. Silver Swan grabbed at a throbbing erection, poking at her face she stroked it, briefly, then suddenly. "Bastard!" she snapped, cum ejaculating almost immediately. She glared at him before dismissively smacking his cock away, only to feel another rubbing against her wings. "Honestly-Mother of Bitches!" she gasped as more semen splattered onto her face from completely opposite her as the owner stroked himself off and relieved himself onto her face.

Celestia popped off a cock she had been sucking, it went limp once it exited her lips, she leaned over and let it ooze out of her mouth into the bowl. Before smiling and began licking up the cum on Silver Swan's face, to then doing it again, spitting into the bowl. She wiped her lips, smiled at her, then took another dick into her mouth as cum splattered onto Silver Swan's breasts.

"Haah..." she sighed angrily, before reaching out and grabbing more dick. "You're all a bunch of depraved degenerates." She scolded, then flinched as thick ropes of cum suddenly spurted onto her face. "What in the-" she glared at the offended angrily. "For fucks sake! Why my face?!" she spat as Celestia squeaked in delight, a hand grabbing her rainbow hair and yanking her head back before coating her face and chest.

"MMn... because it's hot."

"It's bloody disgusting." Snapped the winged woman, still stroking cocks in her hands as she felt another load splatter on her body. "Wha- Don't ejaculate on my wings!" she ordered angrily. As he continued to shoot ropes onto her feathers, "Do you have any idea how hard that'll be to clean?!" the dick blinked guiltily at her, only to send a final rope onto her wing. "...Son of a whore." She grumbled, "Ah!" taking another pair of loads onto her face. "Mother of my sister!" she snapped angrily.

Celestia just giggled, draining another load into her mouth as Silver Swan's body was coated with semen, she then spat the cum into the bowl and began licking Silver Swan clean again, kissing her again and swapping semen between them as more ropes began spraying down over the both of them. Their hair, their chests, and unfortunately wings. Celestia rubbed the mortal's seed into Silver Swan's pristine (and currently pinkish) skin, squeezing her breasts and massaging her body, making Silver Swan unintentionally moan...

Degrading as this was Celestia D'Whorse is very good at her job. She then bit Silver Swan's lip again, and the winged woman smacked da sun-butt. "Mmn!" Celestia wiggled her ass in response the sun tattooed wobbling. One by one, load after load... a thick torrent of semen sprayed and coated onto the two sluts kneeling on the tarp... "Mmn-hmmn!"

It rained male seed onto their body, avoiding her wings was simply not possible at this point. The tarp was a Jackson Pollock painting, Celestia soon pulled Silver Swan on Top of her, rolling in the sticky seed that missed their bodies and unfortunately... making Silver Swan's wings an even larger target for the thick ropes. "Belphegor's TAINT." Snapped Silver Swan angrily, trying to get up as her wings got glued by ropes only for Celestia to drag her back down to her lips, slurping on them passionately as the semi-demonic Superbabe growled her frustration, slamming her hands on Celestia's tits and pushing upward, swinging her wings open wide. "ENOUGH!" she declared, sending cum like shrapnel around her, getting the men to recoil in fear. "I will not be your sperm receptacle!" she roared as Celestia grinned-up. "Stop! Shooting your FOUL seed on my win-" she stopped as she saw the thick, GIRTHY Rod of 'Gusher' standing before her.

It twitched ominously as his fists tightened at his fat waist "...what in the hells? BLURK!!?"

...She's been punched in the face before, so being knocked over by a load of cum so thick it could qualify as cupcake frosting was a similar experience... but also a new low. She flopped onto her back as 'Gusher' loomed over her, continuing to spill his seed onto her body as it POURED out of him. Thick, gooey, and plentiful... she was fairly certain he could've done this on his own.

Celestia cheered, watching Gusher gush all over Silver Swan until she was positively COVERED with semen. Gusher sighed deeply in relief, grabbing his monstrous cock, and shaking it over her. It oozed from his tip to dribble onto her face. Celestia crawled next to him, wrapping her arms around his tree trunk leg, running her tongue slowly over his elephant cock, sliding it slowly up to his oversized balls, and kissing them. Leaving a thick blueprint of lipstick on his sack.


"Son of a Whore!" gasped Silver Swan, "BLUCK!" as she took another blast of semen right in the mouth as Celestia literally milked Gusher, salivating over his massive sack, running her tongue slowly over his testicles as her hands stroked down on his cock, unloading another torrent of cum onto Silver Swan's beautiful body, face, and naturally wings. "Mnhg-haa! Uck!"

It just kept CUMMING! WHY? HOW!? "See a bloody Physician!" she managed to garble before taking another blow. "Blurk!"

Gusher sighed and groaned as Celestia D'Whorse continued to worship his heavy ball sack and milked his cock. Gusher sighed contentedly, twitching slightly before slowly stepping away. Celestia gave his Elephant trunk a farewell kiss before turning her attention to a very Still Silver Swan...

Suddenly she slowly sat up, dripping with semen Celestia held the cum bowl beneath Silver Swan... but it was just clinging to her body. "FFt!" she snorted cum from her nose, raised her hands, and wiped it from her eyes. "BWAH!" opening her mouth, and gasping for breath. "What even was the POINT of this?!" she spat as Celestia winked at her, put the bowl to her lips, and tilted it slowly back. Drinking the collected cum as if completing an ancient ritual.

"AH..." she smacked her lips, before handing Silver Swan the bowl. "Here you go, drink up." She said.

Silver Swan recoiled, gazing into the mostly empty bowl, before growling, then putting it to her lips. Tilting it back, and drinking the rest of it. "Ugh!" she recoiled, shuddering slightly as the taste overpowered her senses. Celestia put the empty bowl down and stuck her face into it, dragging Silver Swan with her as they licked the insides and edges like hungry bitches. Celestia winked at the cameras as they noisily slurped, asses high in the air behind them. Silver Swan's wings and feathers were glued together. Celestia wiggled her sun-butt as a few bold mortals spanked her, and Silver Swan.

She growled angrily, glaring up at the camera as she licked at the bowl. Celestia soon shot up, taking Silver Swan with her, kissing her again as she waved to the camera as Silver Swan grabbed at her sticky rainbow hair.

"...And got it." declared Pip as Celestia continued to devour Silver Swan's lips. "...Uh... Tia?"

"Mmnh?" Celestia moaned tackling Silver Swan back to the tarp with a grunt.

"We're done."

"I'm not." She replied, rubbing herself as she licked cum from Silver Swan.

"Tia." He said scoldingly as Celestia sighed, and pulled away from the sticky Silver Swan.

"Oh all right." She mumbled resignedly, "You're the director Pippy."

"Alright guys." Pip declared, "Thank you for participating... uh. The Superbabe brought food if you're hungry. "Celestia can you-"

"Got it." she said cheerily, getting up and wobbling on her sexy legs pulling Silver Swan to her feet. "Come with me sexy." She said, ignoring the hands smacking her phat sun-butt making it wobble and ripple as she guided Silver Swan into the back and the very expansive shower.

"Son of a whore." Silver Swan growled as Celestia turned on the showers. Already hosing herself off. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to clean my wings?"

"Here let me help." Replied Celestia sweetly, already soaping her hands and grabbing a scrub brush, helping Silver Swan clean. "These are magnificent" she said admiringly, cleaning Silver Swan's wings. "I wish I had wings like these..." she said fondly, "It would fit with my character." She replied eagerly as Silver Swan finished washing her face to shoot the beautiful pornstar a look.

"...You're a pornstar. You have a character?"

"Uh YEAH." Replied Celestia excitedly. "I'm a Whorse." She replied as Silver Swan stared at her. "Celestia? Somebody doesn't watch my small horsie." She replied as Silver Swan scoffed.

"...That children's show that Ashley consistently references at me?"

"Uh YEAH! It's a great show!"

"It's for children." Replied Silver Swan bluntly, but Celestia swatted her rear playfully.

"But it's still a GREAT show. Oh! You still have plenty of time here! We should watch an episode!"

"I'm Sorry?" Silver Swan recoiled but Celestia was apparently on a role. "Whoa!" dragged naked from the Shower, Celestia sat her on the couch, seizing the digital pad device from Pip, and humming along as she sat next to Silver Swan. Who was very confused.

"Aaaand here we go!" she said, sweetly. Throwing the image onto the TV in the room, and humming along to the theme song.

"Oh Sweet, My Small Horsie." Said one of the various dick owners, all of them surrounding the couch and watching the shower. Silver Swan sat stiffly on the couch, and sighed resignedly, watching the show for children... there were worst things she could do to spend the rest of her hour... for instance, Gusher's limp elephant trunk resting on her shoulder...

Time: 9:24 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"You are so cute!" cooed Brielle happily, absently stroking the black cat that sat outside of Superbabes, he purred lovingly as she continued to pet him. THUNK. "Bonjour Dee!" she greeted as Silver Swan landed a yard away from her, stretching and airing out her wings further.

"Brielle." She said, eyeing the cat as it looked at her studiously. "...On your break?"

"I just got back from delivering food." She said, "And this handsome boy came to say hello to me." She said, scratching his chin again as Dee scoffed.

"Hmmn. I bet." The cat's eyes seemed to twinkle, "...Don't keep Orders waiting for too long. We both know how cranky she gets." She added irately, entering the back and putting the money on the counter in front of the Purple-eyed boss. "I hate you." She declared as Orders smiled enigmatically.

"Yes, yes... good work. I'll give you a cut of the check when Pippen sends it to me." Orders replied. Silver Swan's nose twitched, almost catlike in her furry and she resisted the urge to hiss at Orders, who quickly added. "So how was the show?"

Silver Swan was about to say something snarky, but she replied with a rather annoyed growl. "...The Pornstar has invited me to come over and watch more... I am considering it." she replied stiffly before marching into the Locker rooms. "Brielle! Help me wash my wings!"

"Oui!" cheered Brielle happily, rushing in from the lounge to follow after Silver Swan, leaving the black cat outside as he turned... grew another tail, and vanished into another eldritch portal.


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