
Delivery Girl: Green Lantern Order #6

I don't own DC

It was just a regular night at Superbabes, the floor was filled with Babes and those that drooled eagerly over them, and just for a small price of a couple of bucks, you could get a far more attentive look and a generally friendly girl to give you attention... unless it's Silver Swan, or Silver Banshee, or Black Canary on an off day. Then they'll be far less friendly...

Still, not a bad night for a Superbabe.

"I'm sorry Chica, they want you to do what?" Fire asked while playing Poker at the Poker table with her ever-present and ever-smiling bestie Ice, and Huntress, recently off a delivery and taking her break.

"They want me to pose naked in a large wine glass covered in thick milk." Replied Green Lantern (I) crisply, with a broad smile on her beautiful face, she brushed her long wavy dark hair out of her eyes and put her cards down.

"...I know it's kinda silly for me to say this because I used to do porn, but that sounds like somebody's fetish." Huntress noted casually.

"I'm pretty sure I had to do something like that." Ice noted thoughtfully, but she then shrugged. "...Maybe it was just a bukkake."

"Go with the bukkake, Querida." Noted Fire, with a fond smile at her sometimes silly but always cheerful friend. "You're not going to do it are you?" turning her attention back to the other lusty Latina working today.

Green Lantern just smiled, "I'm told it'll be very tasteful."

"You will be covered in MILK." Fire replied stiffly as Green Lantern shrugged casually, but Huntress beat her to the punchline.

"How is that any different from her regular day?"

"Stole my joke." Green Lantern grinned, before exchanging a high-five with the sexy former pornstar.

"I'm sorry it was just so easy. Like just about everyone who works here." She added as they chuckled, but Fire got them back on task.

"But seriously, you're not going to do it right?"

"It's just another modeling job. And I won't ACTUALLY be nude... the guy taking the pictures is a friend of the guy who took all those fitness photos of me in all those old magazines that Orders mysteriously keeps finding." Green Lantern then smiled knowingly at the purple-eyed boss who was doing crosswords today and trying to look like she wasn't listening in to the conversation. Giganta standing at the counter casually glancing over her shoulder at the crosswords book. "They'll have a skin suit for me or something. Pasties..."

"They're going to be satisfying their fetish and you think you're not going to get naked for it?" Fire replied with a smirk.

"They're not satisfying a fetish! It's for a promotion photo." Green Lantern replied good-naturedly.

"Chica, when you, or Veronica, is involved in something someone is satisfying a fetish."

"Technically speaking I hired all of you to satisfy a fetish or two..." she looked up at Giganta eyeing her over for a minute. "Just look at Giganta, she's at least five fetishes right there."

"...Don't know how I feel about that but I know she means well." Noted Giganta jokingly, "I'm going to do a floor run see if I can cash in on those 'fetishes'." She added with a wink, taking her big sexy ass onto the floor as Orders eyed the rest of the girls.

"That's a good idea. The rest of you should join her, plenty of work on the floor tonight."

"I'm on break," Huntress noted patiently as Orders nodded and making the necessary correction.

"Except for Huntress... the rest of you are perfectly available to be someone's fetish."

"That doesn't have to be a thing Orders." Fire replied as she and Ice got up from the table. "I'm just saying..."

"Yes yes." Orders replied dismissively, "What a shock, Green Lantern will end up having gratuitous sex-"

"It doesn't happen every time." She replied but Orders ignored her.

"-What a shock." Orders finished sarcastically, "Next you'll tell me that Ice is going to be smiling in the next ten minutes. Or Veronica will infuriate me somehow with her shenanigans, or that I'm going to be picking up the phone in a few seconds."

"Well you are clairvoyant, so it's kind of cheating." Mumbled Fire dejectedly as a few seconds later Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 9:12 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, We Deliver."

"*WHEEZE!*... Tell me... that fetching woman in green... what do I need for-*WHEEZE*..."

"I hope you don't mind but I'm just going to speed this along. Agreed?"

"...Yes. *WHEEZE*..."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


Orders ripped off the receipt, holding it up to Green Lantern. "Here. Go satisfy a fetish."

"It's a modeling opportunity!" Green Lantern replied exasperatedly. "It's nothing I haven't done before."

"...Are we talking about the same thing?" Orders replied bluntly as Green Lantern raised an eyebrow.

"...Oh. I guess not. Sorry, my mind was elsewhere." She replied with a sexy-sweet smile.

"The milk thing is probably a fetish though." Orders replied casually, as the food slid across the counter and Green Lantern frowned at the remark.

"It's supposed to be tasteful." Green Lantern replied, picking up the bag for food, stamped with a sexy and not-so-tasteful picture of Power Girl stamped on it. "Dáme un respiro." She sighed heading out the back door. "Like this is ANY better than legitimate model work." She slipped that majestic, athletic body into the company car, her perfectly shaped culo molding into the seat before she slowly pulled into traffic and off into Gotham.

There's something to be said about the eldritch horror that is Gotham Heights... but it's already mostly been mentioned, it's not even the first time she's been to Gotham Heights today. She had a workout session with a client...

She arrived at an old manor with plenty of vines growing on its old brick-and-mortar. It's gate was wide open and it's driveway already had a few visitors judging by the other cars. She parked her car behind the last of the other four cars in the driveway. Getting out of the company car and walking the rest of the way up to the manor. She thought for a second that someone was having a party... but she didn't hear any music. So she was probably the party. So she walked up to the front door and raised her fist, knocking loudly.


Time: 9:58 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Manor with company.)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished, then hand on hip she waited as the door slowly creaked open. A thin old man in a suit stood at the door, he had long thin hair and a rather long hooked nose. "Hola." She smiled cheerily at him.

"...Come in. Follow me." He said hobbling along as she entered, shutting the door behind her. He led her towards a set of identical doors side by side. So close together they appeared to be on the same hinges. But the older man then opened the door on the right. "Enter please. They will be right with you." He said, as she handed him the bag of food and entered the room...

It looked like an interrogation room on a TV crime drama, with a big hard table in the middle, and a large mirror on the wall... clearly a one-way mirror and a room on the other side. She briefly checked her image in the mirror and puckered her lips in a playful kiss before resting her hands on her very shapely hips and speaking casually to it.

"...So... hello? Anyone in there?" she knocked gently on the glass before she leaned forward and pushed her generously big breasts on it and let them bulge pleasantly. Trying to see through the glass, but not succeeding. "Do... you want to just be in there and look at me?" she asked, though she wasn't sure if there actually was anyone in there.

After a moment, there was a loud 'click' and a crackle... as a speaker in the corner of the room just above the door. "...WHEEZE... I assure you..." came the voice, "I am... quite comfortable." Came the voice. "WHEEZE... Do give me a good show. Will you?" the voice replied as Green Lantern stared at herself in the mirror for a moment before turning around and pressing her ass cheeks against the glass. Leaning back against it as she seemed to ponder her position.

"...Well if it's a show you want. I don't mind if you want to watch." She slowly unzipped, wiggling her rear playfully against the glass as she slowly stripped out of her suit, her beautiful unmarred skin being revealed inch-by-inch until it hung around her waist. She bent forward, her fit latina booty pressed to the glass as she slid down the uniform, keeping her glutes to the glass she subtly stepped out of the suit, making sure there was a very good imprint of her cheeks on the mirror.

"Hmmn-hmmn-hmmn..." she hummed, finally pushing off the glass. She tossed her gorgeous hair with her hands, flexing her magnificent body and wiggling it in place. She bounced and jiggled in place swaying her hips to music only she could hear... coincidentally it was workout music she had listened to earlier that week when joining her friend on her workout morning show.

If it had a beat, she could shake her majestically toned ass too then she was more than a match for other 'dancers' at Superbabes... except maybe for Batwoman. But she continued wiggling and jiggling, turning to face the mirror grabbing her breasts and bouncing them up and down in her hands. "Oooh..." she cooed seductively and gave the mirror A+ 'fuck me now' eyes to the mirror, and basically her image. Sticking out her tongue she continued gyrating her enticing dance before throwing herself forward and pressing her breasts to the glass.

Rubbing them up and down, she hummed to herself, smiling playfully she continued her teasing dance... when the speakers crackled again. "You are... WHEEZE... quite gifted."

"So I've been told." She teased, "...You want to come out of there and play?"

"If only. WHEEZE... Servir. Send them in."

She was briefly taken aback, "Wait them?... Ooooh..." The door to the room opened, and in entered four large men, naked, except for their faceless masks. "Oh... I see." She glanced down at their engorged cocks. "...Oh this is DEFINETELY a fetish." She joked playfully "Pretty sure-OH!" she was yanked from the glass, and immediately her ass was furiously SMACKED. His huge hand sank into her beautiful brown ass cheek before it was gripped tightly. "Ngh!"

"We're going to breed you like a pure-bred bitch." He said one of them, their faceless masks made it hard to tell who was speaking, but the intent was there.

"Look at this sweet fucking booty!" more hands clapped on her chick ass. "MMn-MMN! This is a body made to take a pounding!" Already those ass groping hands were sliding between her meaty cheeks to finger her puckered ass, stretching open as she moaned in response, her breasts suddenly squeezed firmly as she was manhandled, lifted onto her tip-toes as she was hauled towards the table.

"Come here baby wrap them lips around this." Draped onto the table her head hung over the edge he legs spread apart as another crawled over her, his thick rock-hard erection probing her pussy and ramming abruptly into her body.

"Fuck man this bitch is tight!"

"Fix that." laughed another as she squealed around the cock in her throat, the man on top of her on the table thrusting deeply into her body, pressing down on her breasts.

"Ugh! YEAH... Working on it! Working on her good!" he plunged into her pussy, his heavy balls slapping onto her as her legs twitched and her toes curled.

"Mnhg! Mmngh! MMnh!" the cock in her mouth steadily thrusting into her, his sack inching closer to her forehead until they finally rested on her face. His powerful hand was around her neck, squeezing her throat and the cock inside. "Mmngh!"

"Damn these lips are no joke." He growled, before using her throat like his friend was using her pussy. "You're going to look real pretty with a big preggo belly." He laughed as the man pounding her hot little pussy, began to shake.

"Fuck she's tighter than a vice. Don't worry baby we'll help you loosen up!" he dropped, onto her as the cock in her throat was extracted

"Aah! AH! Ooh! Oooh!" her howls of pleasure echoed around the room, the man on top of her speeding up.

"Gonna love this part! Here it cums baby! Ugh! Ugh yeah!" Jackhammering into her body as she howled in orgasm, head hanging over the edge of the table and gazing at the far wall as he buried his cock into her body, his balls pulsating against her skin as her insides heated up with thick hot cum. "UGH FUCK!!" he roared, his masked head rolling back as he made sure he deposited every drop of cum inside her. "FUCK YEAH! OOoh Baby..." he squeezed her big breasts firmly making her moan. "Hoh-oh... MMN!"

"Hurry up man we got plenty to dump into her."

"Yeah yeah..." he slapped her tits lightly as she moaned and he pulled his thick limp cock from her body and rolled off the table as she next one grabbed her ankles and dragged more onto the table, before folding them over, presenting that tasty pussy before planting his feet on either side of her and thrusting his cock into her body.

"Ah! Ahh-haa... AAH! AH!!" howling and writhing beneath him as he mating pressed the FUCK out of her pussy.

"She is tighter than a vice." His hips bounced off her body as he slammed deep into her. "How's that feel babymaker? We got to REALLY work this hole!" The table rattled beneath them, Green Lantern squealing erotically in pleasure as he gripped tightly to her legs.


"Going to get all up in you babymaker!" Falling onto her now, ramming into her pussy with abandon as she squealed in pleasure. "Yeah! You love this shit! MMn!" her body convulsing and squeezing around his shaft as he howled, planting his hips on her and letting it all out. His cock unloaded into her, her inner walls clinging to his thick shaft as he groaned. "Ugh! YEAH... Fuck yeah... Ooh." He stayed balls deep inside her before slowly pulling out... his cock twitching as he slipped free with a wet squelch. Cum oozed from her pussy as another of the masked men smacked her ass, making it wobble as they laughed.

"Ooh that's my baby right there..." he laughed, flicking his spent dick over her before hopping down from the table as the one who shoved his cock into her mouth crawled over her... he wrapped his arms around her body as he buried his cock immediately into her.

"Oooh!" he hauled her moaning body from the table, holding her tightly to his chest as he stood on the floor, bucking his hips up into her. "Ugh! Guh! AH! AH!" she turned, standing with her back to the mirror, furiously thrusting up into her body. The one who hadn't had a turn yet, pulled up behind her and shoved his cock easily up her ass. "Haah! AAAY!!" she howled, feeling their thick girths plunging in and out of her.

"Come on baby stay with us." The one up her ass laughed as he grabbed her ass cheeks to steady her as he thrust up into her. "It's no fun when they pass out."

"Ah! Ay! Dios! MIO..." she hissed, her toes curling as they kept plunging in and out of her, they grunted and growled together, their sweaty bodies clinging tightly to her, and the only things moving were their hips, slamming roughly into her body.

"FUCK this-How is she getting tighter?!" groaned the one in her ass, "I'm going to cum!"

"Not in her ass fucker, we don't get paid if you nut in that booty." The promise of monetary reward for fucking a sweat piece of squealing latina ass managed to help him hold on long enough to pop out of her hole. Moving aside quickly Green Lantern's back was slammed against the mirror.

"Here it cums baby, get pregnant! GET PREGNANT FOR ME!" he pushed balls deep into her pussy as she howled. He grabbed her ass and squeezed her meaty ass cheeks, his cum pumping into her pussy. "Fuuuck..." he pulled out of her, holding her against the glass, she moaned as the one in her took his place, thrusting hard up into her body. Needless to say after the round he had in her ass he didn't last long. Already on the edge, he pushed himself over it by ramming balls deep and unleashing his load into her.

"Oooh... hoooo... Ay..." she laughed feeling him pulsating inside her. "No es una fiesta hasta que esté metida en ambos agujeros." She moaned, "Ay!" he smacked her rear, and she squirmed against the glass as he slowly pulled out of her body, letting her legs flop to the floor. She hardly had a moment before she was roughly turned over, flipped like a pancake and pressed those big breasts against the glass as she was taken from behind.

"You're such a hot piece of ass!" he moaned, spanking her as he kept thrusting away. "Ugh! Come on! Come for me!" her body shuddering on command as he laughed feeling her trembling on his cock as he buried himself into her, emptying his balls and pulling away as she was yanked from the glass and onto another cock.

"Come here babymaker!" he groaned, sheathing inside her sticky pussy and sitting on the table, hauling her up onto his lap and making her ride him reverse cowgirl.

"AH! AH! Aaaay!!" throwing her head back and pushing out her breasts, trembling on his cock as he jackhammered up into her, almost throwing her off with his hips, holding her down and unloading again before shoving her off... She stumbled forward with cum oozing down her thigh before she was grabbed, lifted up, and pushed into again, slamming her back against the glass as she bounced around between them like a pinball.

"How come you're still so tight you slut?" he rammed into her as her moans echoed around them, sheathing himself inside again and again her sticky, tight tunnel. "uugh!" he growled, "This tight snatch is fucking thirsty!" thrusting another load of cum into her. before he pulled away and let her legs flopped to the floor, twitching and quivering with a full belly.

She wobbled on her feet before she was grabbed by her wrists and thrown over the table, her ass to the mirror as her cheeks were clapped again by their huge hands. "Ah. AY! Oh!" her ass cheeks were spread, and her pussy was split once more.

Her thick wavy locks of hair were yanked back as he gripped them firmly, and jackhammered away on her ass. "Ah! AH! AY!" she moaned enticingly, her eyes rolling up into her head as she was pinned down and fucked. "Oh! Oooh!"

"Fuck this god damn damn body!" he groaned, thrusting over and over into her. Her beautiful ass wobbling and rippling. "It's fucking insane!" he let go of her hair and pinned down by her shoulders. "It was designed for fucking! I NEED to blow my load in you!" he dropped onto her back, holding her down, before thrusting into her body and making her squeal.

"Aah! Aaaah! Aahh..." she gasped, feeling another hot load rushing into her as he ground FIRMLY against her, pushing his hips so hard on her ass that her thighs bit into the table. He smacked her ass and ripped free of her quivering body "Haah..." she moaned as her ass was clapped again and a new old cock took over. Thrusting relentlessly into her beautiful body, clinging tightly to her thick brown ass cheeks his fingers sinking into her ass flesh as she gasped beautifully, shuddering in pleasure.

"Gonna cum!" he grunted thrusting faster and faster into her. "UUugh!!" his entire body shuddering and clenching as she moaned, feeling his cum rush into her as he ripped away from her body. He smacked her ass cheek and moved aside, a hand grabbed her leg and lifted it up, standing on one foot he wrapped his arm around her thigh and rushed into her, only for another cock to rush into her ass.

"Ooh! HOOo!" she howled as they roughly pounded away at her body again, "Ay Oh, muchachos, qué contundentes." Grabbing onto her tits and her hair, roughly thrusting away into her holes as she howled in pleasure. Her left leg flopped in the air and her right toes clawing the floor, as she was bent flexibly. Her body paw and clung to tightly as she flopped about. "Ay! Ay! Ay! OOOH!!" she howled, shaking on the table as the man in her pussy finished up... uncaringly depositing his load into her pussy and ripping out abruptly.

She was hardly dripping before she was lifted and tossed back onto the table, the dick in her ass was then shoved into her pussy, furiously pounding away, scrapping the table across the floor as she howled, in orgasm. Convulsing and shaking as she lay on her side before gripping either side of the table tightly as he bucked his hips against her and shot his load. Roaring like a lion before ripping out of her and smacking her ass cheeks again. "Ooh..." she groaned, twitching and shaking as they spread her ass cheeks again, showing her off to the mirror as she dripped onto the floor.

The speakers crackled as the men laughed occasionally spanking and grabbing her ass cheeks, smacking whatever parts of her they could reach with their cocks as the voice spoke.

"WHEEZE... I think she's had enough." It said, "That will be all gentlemen... Servir will present payment at the door." He declared as one after the other the men left Green Lantern alone, still lying on her side she flopped onto her back and spread her legs, her ass molding into the edge of the table as they draped over the edge.

"Good thing to, I was running empty." Moaned one of the men seconds before the door shut and muffled their noise.

"An Excellent... WHEEZE... show." The voice said, "I'll have Servir assist you-WHEEZE." he began but then suddenly Green Lantern slid off the table and onto her feet.

"MMN!! That was a GOOD workout!" she stretched her magnificent body... raising her arms high above her head. Arching her back before she stretched and raised one leg, then the other, stretching herself out. "WOoo..."

"...WHEEEZE... You are... still..." the voice began but became at a loss for words and spluttered coughing into the microphone as she approached the glass and pressed her body to it concernedly. "...You are not even Sweeting... you are...WHEEZE... Glistening?"

"Oh, Carino..." she cooed, "...That was just Tuesday night for me." She joked, "And I didn't even have any tequila first. Are you okay in there? Do you need help? I'm also a physical trainer and a nutritionist." She asked concernedly.

"I'm afraid my... condition is WHEEZE... Genetic." He was quiet for a moment. "Servir will take you somewhere to clean up and present your payment... thank you for the show." He chuckled, wheezing again as the door reopened and the old butler stood there.

"If you'll follow me. Miss." He replied, guiding her off as she grabbed her suit from the floor, bending over with her glutes against the glass again and moving quickly behind Servir as he led her to an absurdly large bathroom. The shower alone was bigger than her bathroom... it was a Roll-in shower, used for someone with particular needs in physical assistance... she once showed someone how to work out in a wheelchair and he had such a shower installed in his home...

...Yes... they did in fact fuck in it when she was done teaching him. He was VERY encouraged to get physically fit after that...

Servir gestured to the spacious shower. "Take your time miss." he said calmly, not even affected by her nudity, walking right past her as she put her suit on the sink and walked into the large shower turning on the water and instantly. She washed off her 'glistening' body as she soaked her beautiful hair.

She hummed to herself and extracted one of the many shower wands from the holder and started to 'clean up' downstairs... hosing herself off rather indignantly but at least nobody was watching. It only took her a few minutes under the shower to return to her gloriously pristine self. Stepping out of the shower and drying herself off with the towel, practically polishing her perfect body before accurately tossing the towel back onto the towel rod and quickly sliding into her suit...

Then with one last zip she was out the door. She glanced around and saw Servir waiting by the doorway, holding out a serving tray and a crisp stack of bills, that she took right off and smiled. "Thank you."

"A pleasure miss." He said dryly, she playfully blew him a kiss and walked out the front door. The cars were gone except for the company car. She shrugged, and hopped down the steps toward it, easily sliding into the driver's seat, and off she went back to Superbabes.

Time: 11:09 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"You know I was in a few magazines too back when I was in the ring." Ronnie-Bell noted, checking out one of the many Lucia Lopez magazines that Orders seemed to find. "Though they were more interested in taking pictures of the 'Prima Donnas' than they were of me." She replied, flexing smugly down at Zoey as she patted her arm. "They couldn't handle all of this."

"Not many can." Orders noted in her usual board, smart-ass tone.

"I think you'd look great on a poster." Zoey said, "I'm sure I had a few." She replied thoughtfully, "Pin ups I mean..."

"Yeah." Replied Maria from the couch, reading a magazine with Tina on the cover. "Yet another notch for those Idiotas who used to be your managers." She mumbled lazily, "I still think the Milk glass thing is weird."

"It's supposed to be TASTEFUL." Green Lantern entered the back door and approached Orders, putting the money down. "Are we still on that? Because I just got back from a weird fetishy delivery and I'm not in the mood."

"Lucy if you want to do a weirdo pin-up shoot with guys who want to cover you in milk, I'm SURE we could just call Pip." Maria joked as Lucy rolled her pretty green eyes.

"...I'm done talking with you, I'm only going to talk to Zoey from now on." Lucy replied teased as Orders handed her back her cut. "Zoey, tell your friend that I did something WAY weirder today than a milk bath."

Zoey giggled, but played along, turning to Maria. "Maria. Lucy said she did something weirder-"

"Querida." Maria sighed tiredly as Zoey giggled.

"None of that." Orders ordered, "...We have done weirder things here." She noted accurately. "I'm sure it'll be VERY tasteful." She added sarcastically, "Not that it will matter you'll probably be banging half the production staff when you're done ANYWAY."

"It will be VERY. TASTEFUL..." Lucy smiled confidently, "It'll be as if Yaya was taking my photo."

"Well, Yaya would at least make sure it was tasteful." Maria replied. "And she probably wouldn't want to bang you after."

"...I don't know she watches a LOT of porn." Zoey noted as Lucy raised her hands, still smiling good-naturedly.

"That will be quite enough now." Orders replied, "Ice, Fire. Work. Lucia, break."

"Yes, Orders." The girls replied, going back to work as Lucy sat down, crossing her legs and picking up one of her old magazines.

"...Where do you find these old things anyway?"

"I steal them from doctors' offices." Orders noted as Lucy snorted with laughter. "...Yaya knows a guy." She admitted. "...He's got a fetish for busty asian girls."


Took a little longer than I liked and finished a little later than expected, but I've satisfied my urge to pound sexy latina's for now. Next up we'll continue down the line, so next up is Wonder Girl

Now ze butchering.

Dáme un respiro = give me a break

No es una fiesta hasta que esté metida en ambos agujeros = It's not a party until I'm stuffed in both holes

Oh, muchachos, qué contundentes = Oh you boys so forceful.

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