
Delivery Girl: Big Barda Order #5

 don't own DC

It was morning and slightly cloudy in Gotham, there was a recent Joker crisis, and it's already been dealt with. Still, there WERE a few explosions involved and cleanup was something of a mess. Luckily Wayne Industries has this habit of cleaning up after Joker… for some reason. They were more than happy to do it, however… that still meant people were going to need to find new places to stay other than cheap motels or slightly more expensive hotels.

Luckily, Gothamites have family.

"I fell in love with a ROOOOLLER Derby queen, round and round, OH round and round. The meanest hunk of woman that anybody's ever SEEEN down in the arena." Skidding through the city on her rollerblades Big Barda easily slipped in and out of people like goalposts in a downhill race. Dressed in tight shorts and a sports bra she rushed in between pedestrians across the sidewalk before skidding to a stop by a crosswalk. Waiting for it to turn green as she adjusted her elbow and knee pads before taking off once again once the little walking man appeared.

Progressively the buildings became more and more… damaged. Until she arrived at a smaller apartment building missing a roof. She sighed reluctantly, looking up at it before easily walking up the steps and opening the front door of it. Ignoring the looks she was getting, both odd and with interest, she easily walked up the steps to the second floor as if she wasn't in rollerblades.

Walking around in them was just like walking around in sneakers for her, anyone else would break an ankle trying. She reached the second floor, and slid casually down the hall, gliding almost like a ghost to the final door at the end on the right side before raising a hand and knocking, but then the door swung open… it had been broken at some point. "Yo! Danny!" she shouted casually, slipping into the devastated apartment.

It used to be a dorm room until a joker bomb blew off the third floor. Miraculously nobody died, but there were injuries and now the second floor was missing a roof. Her youngest brother Daniel, 'Danny' Smulders was now roofless.

"Hey." Her cute younger brother, (as opposed to the Dead Sexy Caleb, the Ruggedly Handsome Bernie, or the regularly handsome Alan.) shouted from somewhere in the ruined dorm room. "In here. I'm almost done packing whatever survived the boom." Which, judging from the rest of the place wasn't much. "Man. I was really starting to like this place." He added as she rolled into what USED to be his room, finding him packing a suitcase.

"Eh. It was a dorm room they would've kicked you out around summer anyway." She leaned against a 'wall' or what used to be a doorway.

"Thanks for letting me stay with you until they fix it up." He replied as she shrugged her sexy shoulders.

"My place is the closest to your school it only makes sense. Bernie practically lives in hotel rooms and Alan's a dick." she added as Danny laughed. "And with mom and dad a couple of districts away, that just leaves your favorite and only big sister. Now hurry it up."

"What about Caleb?" Danny asked cheerfully, swinging his backpack over his shoulder and hauling his freshly packed wheeled suitcase behind him as he stood up.

"Hey if you want to bunk with Caleb that's on you." She said raising her hands and rolling away back towards the broken front door of the apartment. "If you want to live in an Old Gotham cop apartment that's a risk you need to be willing to take. Personally, I think you're better off on my couch and it's closer to the school."

"Yeah, I know." Danny joked. "But I was wondering what you'd say about it." she rolled along with him to the stairs as they went down. "…Your place isn't that big though." he noted as they made their way out of the apartment building.

"Yeah, but I DO have a couch. It's pretty comfy."

She stopped by the curb and he hesitated, it was about a 40-minute walk to her apartment and that was if they caught all the traffic lights. Big Barda could do it quickly on her rollerblades, but he didn't really have the luxury. He had turned to walk a few steps away but Big Barda stayed still, standing proud on her rollerblades, hands on her shapely but muscular waist like she was posing. Before raising a hand and whistling for a cab.

"We're taking a cab?"

"Yeah I was gonna make you walk at first but I'm feeling generous." She produced a heap of cash as a cabbie pulled up to the curb.

"Hello gorgeous where can I take you?" asked the portly driver with a voice like sandpaper and a squinty look. She grabbed Danny's bag and banged the trunk that he popped open before she tossed it in, shut the hood, and both of them got in.

"You can take us a few blocks down." She replied grinning. "Straight ahead."

"You got it dollface." He declared as she elbowed a grinning Danny and the cab drove off toward her apartment.

"He called you Dollface." Danny joked playfully as she hauled his bag out of the back of the cab and headed into her apartment building.

"I don't know if you've noticed, Danny-boy, but I'm actually a looker." She then flexed her free muscular arm, carrying his suitcase in the other, while she walked up the short steps into the apartment building.

"If you say so." he replied.

"I do say so." she replied, rolling to the elevator. "You're just biased because I'm your sister." She said as he followed her in and the doors shut behind them. Heading up two stories. Before the doors opened again and she rolled out, followed by Danny. "I got you a spare key, so you should be able to come and go as you please while I'm at work. I usually work nights." She extracted her own key from her pocket, fiddling with the doorknob.

"It's fine I just need to study anyway." Replied Danny as the door opened.

"Hey! Big bitch you finally home? Did you bring beer?" shouted a familiar Irish girl from somewhere in Big Barda's apartment. Danny just smirked as Big Barda audibly sighed. Handing Danny his suitcase before removing her skates and tossing them onto her shoe rack.

"Oh HEY Ash." Big Barda grumbled sarcastically, "How the fuck did you get into my apartment?" she grumbled before looking at Danny and tilting her head toward the couch. Inviting him to sit.

"I got a key." Replied Ashley almost mockingly, "So hey I was thinking how about we go out and-" the white-haired Irish girl walked out of the bathroom after a loud flush, tugging up her punk girl pants just in time to realize that Big Barda had company, freezing like a deer in headlights as Big Barda smirked openly at her.

"Ash. Danny's going to be staying with me for a while." She noted smarmily. "Anything you want to say to that?"

Ashley turned her head to glare at Big Barda directly, as Danny waved cheerily from the couch. "Hey, Ash." A visible change appeared on Ashely's face.

"Hey Danny. How have you been?" she said, almost unnervingly polite as she walked over and flopped onto the couch next to him, spreading her arms out behind him before glaring at Big Barda daringly.

"I need a shower so try not to do anything stupid." She teased, heading into the bathroom.

Later that night.

"You just left her there alone with him while you went into the shower? Scandalous." Noted Catwoman (II) lazily as Big Barda scoffed, yanking up her red briefs before slamming her locker door shut. "I thought she 'totally didn't' have feelings for him or something like that?"

"Pfft! Please!" she scoffed lazily, turning around and walking out of the locker room with Catwoman just behind her zipping up her black suit. "Ashley's a damn pussycat around Danny, she won't do anything if he doesn't put the moves on her first." She ran her fingers through her dark hair, brushing them like a comb before heading out to lean against the counter. "And Danny's way too much of a good boy for that."

"If you say so." mumbled Catwoman with a shrug. "So what are they doing now?"

Big Barda shrugged, "No idea. Movie?" she replied lazily, "Or Ashley also could've just gone home, or she's babysitting Fi. I'm not my brother's keeper."

"I'm sure that'll work out." Declared Catwoman, waving to a recently arrived Poison Ivy who wandered into the back. "Not like younger guys hanging out with sexy older women ever end badly. Except in like every movie ever." she then added heading out onto the floor. "Including some of mine."

"Yes, well you cater to a certain audience, and some boys like a bit of romance in their lives." Orders had arrived and marched towards her office to drop off her things before returning to her counter seat, sitting down and already turning on deliveries for the night. "It's why I hire such a diverse amount of people… that and I also believe in diversity hiring." She leaned back into her chair, sighed, the stared up at Big Barda. "…You left your little brother alone with Ashley?"

"He'll be fine. Worst-case scenario is Ashley breaks something in my apartment. Or steals my skates." She replied, "Then I'll just kick her ass."

"MMn." Orders noted non-committedly, picking out a crossword book. "Fair enough." Her eyes then flashed, and she reached for the phone.

Time: 8:19 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Superbabes. We deliver."

"I'd like to order the Big Barda Burger Meal please."

"A patty with fried onions, cheese, lettuce and barbeque sauce, fries and a drink. Anything else?"

"Delivered by Big Barda… please."

"We expect her back in 60 minutes or less or the police will be called, give me your name address and choice of soft drink please."


Orders finished writing the receipt before tearing it off and handing it to Big Barda. "Here. One for you." Big Barda casually took it from Orders hand, reading it quickly.

"Alright. This is pretty close." She said lazily, heading into the locker room to grab her skates. Orders however just sighed, holding out her hand as the Superbabes brand bag, branded with Stargirl, slid across the counter into it. After a moment, Big Barda rolled out, grabbed the bag, and went onto the floor, before doing a tricky but skillful 180 turn and spinning back into the lounge and out the backdoor heading off into Gotham as Orders barked.

"You know I don't like that!" she declared, but she did like saving on gas money.

Her dark hair waving behind her like a banner Big Barda skidded off into Gotham, the bag of food tight under her arm as she went speeding through the people walking on the street and wondering curiously DID they just see a hot, half-naked muscular woman speeding past them all? Probably. They'd certainly appreciate the sight.

Big Barda glided over the sidewalk, easily leaping over the various cracks and trip-ups she's grown used to. Glancing at the receipt again before making a sharp turn and heading through an alleyway with a spilled-over trashcan, she leaped, rolled on the wall for a second then landed gracefully, speeding quickly along until she eventually arrived at the non-descript apartment building that Gotham is known for. After double-checking the receipt. She once again casually walked up the steps into the building, walking right in and easily avoiding the poor old lady with the tiny dog.

"Watch where you're going." She replied reflexively, even though Big Barda clearly missed her.

"Sorry!" she cheered before roving headlong towards the stairs, quickly and rapidly ascending the steps. Practically tap-dancing up the steps in her skates before she tossed her head and did a few quick turns on her skates before heading in the right direction. She rolled to door #4 and doubled checked the receipt for the last time. Raising her hand and knocking loudly.


Time: 8:35 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Special Delivery Service." She stood still, waiting patiently, "…Superbabes." She repeated, knocking on the door. "…If you're not going to open up you still need to pay for the delivery." She smiled at the peep hole. "Hello?"

Eventually, there was a loud click. The door was unlocked, but it didn't open. For half a second, she hesitated but then opened the door herself. She stared at the young man looking at her oddly, but awed.

He was thin and gangly, and while she wore her skates she was almost two feet taller than he was. With dark hair and brown eyes, he gazed up at her body as she smirked down at him and skidded inside. "Hey. You order food?"

"Yeah." He said, "Yeah I did. Some guys I know said things."

"Ah. Yeah." She rolled her eyes, "Virgin?" she asked casually as he cleared his throat. She sighed, "Really? Okay, we're doing this. Alright, look." She rolled daintily through the semi-messy apartment, before spiraling on her skate and dropping onto the couch. She crossed her muscular legs and watched him before patting the empty side of the couch. "Sit." She said as he fidgeted, but quickly walked over to her and sat on the couch next to her… thin as a beanpole as if trying to bundle himself up.

"Okay." She eyed him sultrily. "Look. I get it. You want your first time with a hot lady. I'm flattered." She noted as he chuckled sheepishly. "But you know you, don't HAVE to." she said patiently, "Sex is fun. Yeah, but sex isn't everything. You know what this is? It's gonna cost you." She said casually. "Plus there are WAY better girls out there who'd give you a good first time than a big girl like me. Unless you like big girls. That's FINE too." She noted.

The guy fidgeted and shrugged. "I like big girls."

"Well, there you go then." She mumbled, "So. No pressure, but you don't have to have sex. We could just talk. I don't even have to take my skates off."

"…I like the skates." He said sheepishly, as she sighed, then rolled her pretty green eyes.

"Alright then. Want me to lead then?"

"Um… sure?"

"Alright but I don't feel like banging on the couch so-" she stood up and lifted him up off the couch before rolling further into the apartment and towards a single-bed bedroom. "Whoop!"

"Whoa!" he was hurled onto the bed, and she rolled up beside it. He stared up at her half-eagerly, half-nervous. She then promptly removed her bikini top, throwing it aside onto his bedpost before grabbing his shorts and yanking them down to his ankles, exposing his moderately average length. "Eeep!"

"We'll start easy." She said, brushing her dark hair out of her face before kneeling down beside the bed and then gently grabbing his length, stroking him slowly. "Alright. Now." She said as he throbbed eagerly in her hand while laying very still on the bed as she gave him a quick and light handjob. "Let's get to the better stuff."

She opened her mouth and wrapped her soft lips around him, humming and moaning softly as she slid her lips up and down his trembling shaft, "Mmn. MMn…" burying her face into his crotch. Springing steadily up and down, into his lap as his hands finally moved from his waist to her head, holding her silky dark hair as she hummed louder and louder.

"AH… haah-ah-okay! NNgh It's! Coming out!" he declared adorably as she hummed, and took his surprisingly plentiful first load into her mouth.

"Hmmn-hmmn…" she hummed, his hands tightening in her hair as he pushed his waist toward her head, pinning him down to the bed with her face before humming. And easily, removing her face from his crotch and quickly gulping his load before it's taste lingered on her tongue. "There." She declared. Wiping her thumb across her lips, and smiling down at him. "Better?"

"…Yes." He sighed, sitting up only for her to put her hand on his chest and shove him back onto the bed. "Eep!"

"Okay. Now." She stood up, pushing her bottoms down and catching them on one side of her skates. Standing naked before him in her muscular glory. "Now we do the fun bit." She paused, "I mean. It SHOULD be fun." She then turned around and sat down on his lap.

"Oh! Crap!" he grunted as she wriggled on his lap, rubbing his erection between her thick sensuous thighs. She rested her hands on the bed behind her, and rolling on her skates back and forth she bucked her hips up and down on his lap, stroking him with her thighs as he gasped softly for breath.

"See… now. THIS is a thigh job, we haven't even really gotten to the better part." Feeling his length throbbing between her thighs, pre-cum oozing from his tip as she rubbed it into his skin. "MMn…" she continued to pump and gyrate on his lap, stroking him firmly with her legs as he groaned beneath her.

"Oh. Oooh." He whispered softly, as she dropped down onto his lap. Squeezing her thighs together, opening and closing her thighs around him like a spasming window shutter. She pulled her legs onto the bed, before straddling him in a reverse cowgirl, sliding him into her body. Sitting down on his lap, and wriggling slightly as she fitted him into her.

He grabbed her roller skates, spinning them slightly as she began to slowly bounce up and down on his lap. The bed creaked and groaned beneath them both as she tossed her head, riding him steadily as his hands reached for her muscular waist. The smack of her hips on his waist echoed around the room apart from the creak of the bed. Rolling forward, resting her hands on the bed and bouncing her lower body up and down on his lap as he bucked his hips… and came.

Rather ingloriously.

"C-Crap." He mumbled sadly, as she dropped her hips on him and wiggled as she felt his load rush into her again. "…Sorry." He grumbled as she sat up, and he sheepishly spun her wheels, trying to distract himself from his pre-mature ejaculation… sort off, 10 minutes under Big Barda is nothing to sneeze at honestly especially after she sucked out an earlier load.

"Oh. Come on it wasn't so bad." She said placatingly, before sliding off his body and setting her skate-covered feet on the floor, grinding herself on his lap arousingly as she did, before pushing off. "You know some guys don't even last the whole hour. Those are the boring ones." She rolled out of his room playfully, "…Come on I'll help you feel better." She said as he fidgeted on his bed, before getting up and following her out of his bedroom.

She rolled casually over to the couch, before bopping at the end of it and falling over the couch. Face down and ass up, her rear raised by the arm of the couch as she wiggled it behind her. "Alright. We've done blowjobs and cowgirl, now why don't you take advantage of me while I'm bent over this couch. You take the lead now." She encouraged, wiggling her hips behind her as he hesitatingly approached her from behind.

He rested his hands on her swaying cheeks, spreading her gently before he applied his slightly returning erection to her body, pushing into her as she gave him an encouraging moan as he began, repeatedly, thrusting into her from behind. "Mmn. Mmn there you go." She cooed, softly. "Sometimes it's all about self-assurance… so I'm told I'm not the specialist at this. But at least I can help you out."

"Th-Thanks?" he replied, very confused but at least far more aroused than expected. It was the roller skates. "Ah… aah!" rapidly slapping his hips away at her body, clenching his teeth loudly together as he gripped her muscular rear, he fell forward onto her powerful back, his bucking hips steadily decreasing as he gasped for breath and groaned… filling her with another load. "Haah…" he sighed as she smirked, resting on her hands as she glanced over her shoulder at him lying on her back.

She let him rest there for a minute before eventually, she pushed off the couch, standing upright with him behind her, and sliding out of her body. Almost falling backward she grabbed him and pulled him upright. "Sleepy boy." She noted with a laugh, then rolled back into the apartment… she spotted a bathroom earlier and might as well help him clean up.

She hummed to herself entering the bathroom, her skates clicking on the tiles as she removed her skates, finally, then lifted him into the shower. She leaned him against the wall and turned on the water… he leaned against her body as she sighed, ruffling his tired head as she washed herself, and him, mostly. Might as well, he groaned under the warm water as she washed her hair. Then his hair. Chuckling like a good big sister, remembering back to when she washed Danny's hair when he was a kid…

This guy was about as old as him… memories.

She rinsed them both off, humming as she hauled him out of the shower and toweled him off with her. Before grabbing her skates with one hand and carrying him back into his bedroom. She lied him down naked on the bed, tucked him in and absently tapped his face with a pretty smile. "Hey. You need to pay up." She whispered softly as he mumbled, out a sleepy.

"Top drawer." Glancing around, she spotted his dresser, before she kissed his forehead and walked over to it. Opening his underwear drawer and finding a crisp stack of bills held together with a paperclip. She took what she was owed and put it back before shutting the drawer and walking out of the bedroom. Then returning because she forgot her top hanging off the bedpost.

She put her clothes back on, sat on the couch, and put her skates back on, before rolling back to the door and heading out, shutting the door quietly behind her, then skidding down the railing of the apartment steps and out the front door.

Time: 9:25 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Big Barda rolled in from the back door, spinning in place to a stop and putting the money on the counter. Orders glanced up at her, before taking the money and giving Big Barda her cut. "Starting to think you should find a way to point out that virgins go to Grace."

"How exactly am I supposed to do that with a delivery site?" she asked almost indignantly. "I can't just say 'virgins pick her'. now, can I Rebecca?"

"Got me there." She replied, combing her hair and taking off her skates. She put them back in her locker and grabbed her boots, hopping back out and shoving her feet back into them, and returning to stand by the counter. "So did I miss anything?"

"No. You're just in time." Orders noted.

"For what?" she asked as the front door to Superbabes opened.

"Sup bitches! Table for two!" declared Ashley, walking in with her arm around an increasingly nervous but still cheerful Danny. "Mama's got a date!"

"Ashley's got a date!?" declared Divya in awe. "With Danny!"

"We're doomed!" mocked Jessica in dismay as Orders sighed audibly. "Run for the hills!"

Rebecca sighed as Ashley helped herself to a table without waiting for Sierra to assign her one and sat Danny down in a chair before sitting across from him grinning evilly. "…I'll give them two more minutes of mockery before I tell you to tell them to shut up." She said frankly as Rebecca just sighed again, before walking onto the floor.

"I got this." She said exasperatedly. "Danny." She said, leaning on the table as he grinned up at her. "What are you doing?"

"Ashley said she was hungry and I was hungry, and she says we'd get a discount." He replied as Rebecca rolled her eyes.

"Boss?" she asked as Orders replied almost lazily.

"Not Ashley." She noted plainly.

"I got you Danny." She said, ruffling his head before sucker-punching Ashley's arm.

"Agh! Big bitch…" she snapped irately, as Rebecca headed back to the lounge.

"…So, nothing to say?" Orders asked casually as Rebecca just gave her a warm smile.

"…If she breaks his heart, I'll snap her legs." Replied Rebecca sweetly, "And if you try to stop me I'll snap your fingers."

"…Fair enough." Orders noted.


Danny went on a date with Ashley. What does it mean!?... it means she tricked him into a date don't read to far into it.

Running out of number 5s. Not going to lie, it feels a little weird... Next up is Batwoman I think.

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