
Delivery Girl: Starfire Order #4

I don't own DC

It was quiet today. There was still sun in the Gotham sky, Superbabes had closed for about an hour to clean, sanitize and just get ready for the night and the deliveries that followed. Orders stood casually at the front window of the restaurant staring outside at the van parked inconspicuously across the street. She held a mug of iced coffee in one hand and drank it slowly as she continued to gaze out the window as if in deep contemplative thought.

Wonder Woman guided a recently arrived Giganta to the doorway that separated the floor from the lounge and pointed at Orders curiously as Giganta raised an eyebrow, shrugged, then after getting changed she approached the contemplative Orders.

"Hey Boss, you alright?"

"Hmmn? Oh, I'm fine." Orders replied honestly before sipping her coffee cup and facing Giganta. "Why do you ask?"

"Cause you're staring out the front window like you're going to jump through it…" Giganta replied. Orders seemed alright, very sound of mind and frankly, just like her usual self… "What's up?"

Orders eyed Giganta, sipped her cup of coffee again, and flicked her eyes out the window. "See that 'definitely not an FBI van' out there?"

"…Yeah?" Giganta replied noticing the unmarked inconspicuous van…

"That's the FBI."

"Oh my god." Giganta breathed horrified. "They've finally come for you. Don't you worry Sugar, we'll distract them and you make your way to Canada!" she said, guiding Orders from the window.

"What? NO! the FBI aren't after me!... also. Canada?"

"It's closer." Giganta replied "And Jessica has family there." as Orders rolled purple eyes made her way to the back anyway. "The FBI isn't after you?"

"Why would they be after me?!" Orders replied indignantly.

Giganta opened her mouth and quickly closed it as Black Canary looked up from her magazine for the opportunity. "…Numerous charges of prostitution?"

"They don't care about that as long as I stay out of politics." Orders replied gruffly.

"Oh!" Ice, smiling at the pool table as Fire and Huntress played pool. "Because you are clairvoyant?"

"They don't know about that." Orders replied patiently, she frowned, let her eyes flicker to check, and added. "Yes, they don't know about that. She sat down at her counter.

"You robbed the Old Gotham bank last week?" Huntress guessed.

"I was HERE Last week." Orders scowled at her girls. "I'm not wanted by the FBI!"

"How did this conversation start?" Fire asked with a smile, leaning over the pool table and pressing her brown Sugar breasts to the felt before knocking the 19 ball into a corner pocket.

"There is an FBI van out front. They have been for three days." Orders noted, sitting down at the counter as the girls nervously began to chat. "They have NO idea what we do here. Calm down. Besides they wouldn't arrest us anyway." Orders eyes flashed ominously. "The Gotham branch director is quite the fan of Supergirl, Batgirl… any 'girl' really." She cleared her throat and went back on task. "But they are out there for one very important reason and I don't feel like waiting for them to show up. So…" she glanced around the room. "Hmm… Fire… take a Catwoman meal and a Red Lantern meal out to their van would you?"

Fire blinked at Orders in surprise. "Why me?"

"…Why not?" Orders replied. As Fire put down the pool cue.

"…Sure alright. Send the Brazilian girl out to knock on an FBI van. Great idea." She said as the food slid out and she grabbed the bags. "…Should I give them head too?" she asked dismissively as Orders shook her head.

"If I wanted that I would've sent Ice with you. No. Just tell them it is on the house and they can come in anytime now…" she added casually, "Until then ladies, let's go. I want this place ready to go again in 20."

The girls began to scramble as Giganta watched Fire walk out the front door. "…Is this a good idea?"

"They're not here for me… they're here for Starfire." Orders replied with an annoyed look at the door.

"…But Starfire hasn't been in for three days." Giganta replied, "Not since she got depressed over her favorite pornstar retiring."

"Yes. They have terrible timing…" Orders noted. "And unless we move this along they're going to keep waiting. And honestly? I don't need an obvious FBI van outside my place of business… especially THIS buisness." She added as Giganta laughed.

"Alright Sugar, if you insist." She then walked onto the floor to lift the tables for the girls to mop and sweep. Orders looked down, glancing for crossword and barely got 11 down before the front door opened and she looked up.

Wonder Woman managed a- "Excuse me we're not ready to reopen yet!" as two suits walked in and faced Orders. She sighed patiently, and looked up.

They had the look: Standard FBI suits, ties, shades, shoes… one was older, a little heavyset but with oddly thick short cut hair. The other was thinner, younger, holding a notebook and trying very hard not to look at Black Canary and her big bouncy breasts still reading her magazine. She did manage to look up from it, raising an eyebrow at him and smiling as he nervously waved only for the older agent to glare at him, so he stopped.

"I am Agent White. This is Agent Smith of the FBI Ma'am." Declared the older agent seriously as Black Canary chuckled.

"Oh, this is going to be great."

"Yes gentlemen? Is there something wrong?" Orders said almost sweetly. Giganta loomed in the doorway, eyeing them imposingly.

"Do you recognize this man?" he said, showing Orders a series of photos of a balding old man in his seventies. Clearly not aware he had been captured on camera.

"Now. I'd ask if he's a criminal. But this is Gotham." She said sarcastically as Giganta smiled, shaking her huge red-haired head.

"His name is Reginald B. Dillford." Declared Agent White laying out the photos as Orders picked one up. Her eyes flashing. "And as off 3 months ago he's the last living member slash associate of the Ben Franklin gang."

"…The what gang?" Giganta asked as Agent Smith tried to ALSO not stare at the big girl.

"They were a gang of art thieves that stole 10 works of art over 50 years ago. Worth almost 3.2 million dollars today."

"Why Ben Franklin Gang?" Giganta asked softly but nobody was really listening.

We've managed to recover 9 of the 10 pieces. We believe Reginald Dillford still has the remaining one hidden away…" continued Agent White unperturbed.

"Very fascinating but what does that have anything to do with my restaurant?" Orders asked dismissively glancing studiously at the picture again. "I've never seen this man until you showed him to me just now."

"Well Ms..... Um…" began Agent Smith, but he quickly frowned and began checking his notebook. "…Uuuuh… Ms… um." Orders raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for a moment as he kept turning pages looking more and more nervous.

"Orders." She said firmly.

"…That can't be your name, can it?" asked Agent Smith as Giganta snorted but Agent White cleared his throat.

"Reginald has kept mostly to himself for 40 years. Kept a low profile, made some good investments. The man's good with numbers. But he's secured himself tightly on private property just north of upper east Gotham. And contrary to popular belief, the FBI isn't above the law. And we have no concrete proof of Mr. Dillford's guilt apart from hearsay and the last words of the other members of his gang."

"I'm not hearing a POINT. Agent White." Orders replied sounding bored and wanting them to get to the point that she already saw coming.

"…Mr. Dillford rarely socializes." Agent White noted. "But he HAS attended a sort of… Math club. Although he's not close to anyone there except for one person a Ms…" he gestured to Agent Smith who didn't even need to check his notepad before adding for Agent White.

"Veronica Morehead."

"PFFFT!! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!" Black Canary burst out in mirthless laughter and even Giganta couldn't resist cracking a smile and stifling a snort. "Seriously that can't be her name!"

"Ms. Morehead-" Mr. White tried to continue but Black Canary just kept laughing loudly.

"Ha-ha! Stop! Stop saying it!" she said clutching her stomach as her big breasts jiggled noticeably in her costume. "My stomach! Ha-ha!"

Orders sighed. "…You'd like Veronica to infiltrate Mr. Dillford's home and check to see if he has the painting?"

"Something like that yes." Mr. White nodded. "Although we have a few tricks to explore his home if we can just get them inside… which is why we need to speak to Ms-… to Veronica." He said as Black Canary snorted and Orders gestured to Giganta.

"Ah! Hey! Come on!" Black Canary groaned angrily as the big woman easily hauled Black Canary off the couch and onto the resturant floor.

"You should be working anyway." Giganta replied as Orders turned her attention back to the agents.

"…Well. I appreciate the little tale gentlemen, but my Starfire isn't here today. She's having… personal issues at home." she seemed contemplative for a moment, "…But I suppose we can try and see how she's feeling… what exactly is it you want her to do?"

"We'd like her to get close to Mr. Dillford. Gain his confidence, and get into his home where she can deploy one of our spy drones…" Orders raised an eyebrow at that. "Should take no more than a few months."

"....Wow." Orders replied quietly, "You want to take Veronica, for three months, just to get inside his house?" Her tax dollars at work.

"Yes." Said Agent White. "That is our plan."

"Mmn… Mmn-hmmn." Orders nodded slowly, looking thoughtful but just trying very hard not to chuckle with evil glee. "Tell me does this final painting have a finder's fee?"

"…There is in fact a finder's fee for the painting's recovery." Replied Agent White. "Ms Veronica would be entitled to some of it."

"…Alright then go get your drone thing." She said frankly before picking up her phone. "We'll find it by tomorrow at the latest."

"What?" Mr. White asked looking surprised.

"You know where he is, and you need Starfire to get inside his house. I can arrange that."

"What?" he repeated as Orders called Alice.

After a moment the phone stopped buzzing. "Hey, Boss. What is it?"

"Alice. Put her on."

"…Okay if you insist…" she said reluctantly and after another moment.

"…Hello Orders. I'm sorry… I don't know if I-"

"Veronica. Come in today." Orders said simply. "I have a very special job for you."


"Just come in." she said kindly. "And once you're done you can go right back home if you want."

"…Okay. Just for a little bit then." She said softly as Orders hung up and interlocked her fingers gazing at the agents.

"…May I offer you a table while you wait?" she asked, "It's not often I give out free food you can at LEAST enjoy eating it." Whether they agreed or not Giganta escorted them to a clean table with a hand on each shoulder as Fire gave them the food she was sent out to give them earlier… they had rushed into Superbabes upon her greeting…

About 20 minutes later.

Starfire was a natural beauty, so much so that not even three days of unkempt care and deep depression could change that. Her hair was a little grimy, her face a bit droopy and she had a certain stench about her but that's nothing unsurprising… or for that matter particularly unpleasant.

She was however only wearing a very large T-shirt with 'I heart Puppies' on it… in fact it was somewhat hard to tell if she was wearing pants, or bottoms, at all. Alice followed in behind her looking particularly goth girly as she sighed shaking her head.

"…Are you wearing pants?" Orders asked Starfire as she slowly shrugged her shoulders.


"No. It was hard enough getting her in the shirt." Alice replied. "What's this about?"

"Do you know a man named Reginald Dillford?" Orders asked Starfire who blinked at the name.

"Reggie? Yes. He's a nice guy." She replied, "Likes math, dancing and sloppy head." She said straight-faced but still somewhat depressed.

"Uh huh. Well I need you to get into his house." Orders replied. Before explaining the situation…

Once she was done Alice just stared. "So you just need V to get in his house and find some painting? That's…"

"It's better for everyone if she does it." Orders replied. "The FBI are NOT going to follow her around for months. We get a finder's fee. And I get my Starfire back. Win-Win."

"I don't know Orders…" Starfire pouted.

"Starfire. You've had three days of strawberry ice cream and cute talking animal movies. But we all know what you REALLY need. To get your mind off your troubles." Orders replied sagely... and just a hint of deep-seated psychological manipulation. "And we all know where your mind wants to be." She said, gesturing to the locker rooms. "So. Go on." Starfire pouted gazing at the locker room before standing a little straighter, exposing herself, and walking inside.


"Like I said." Orders replied, "Best for everyone…" then she picked up the phone, letting her eyes flicker. "Ngh… Ahem. now then for the setup."

Time: 7:32 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring. Ring-Ring. Ring-Click


"Hiiii! Who am I speaking too?!"

"W-wh… well My name is Reginald-"

"Teeerific! My name is Bambi I work at Superbabes and YOU! Just won a FREE delivery! I hope you are hungry! Because one of our best and prettiest girls, Starfire is going to go out of her way to bring you a tasty treat!"

"What? But-I… wait did you say Starfire?"

"Uh-huh! Yeah! She's going to come over and give you a Gooood Time! All you got to do is give us your address and she'll be right there!"

"…Superbabes? The one in Gotham?"

"That's right handsome!"


"That's what I said. Starfire! Tall, pretty, tanned, redheaded… hmm… loves math, dancing and being very naughty.. ."

"Let me give you my address."


Alice just STARED at Orders… not sure if it was actually her. The noises that came out of her mouth were almost unrecognizable. Hearing a voice like that over the phone one couldn't help but imagine a valley girl blonde with big fake breasts and a bubbly personality: something Orders certainly wasn't.

Hell Alice was LOOKING RIGHT AT HER when she did it and STILL didn't believe it!

"…Boss, never do that again. It was the scariest thing I've ever witnessed." She then pointed as a beautiful red-headed Starfire emerged from the locker rooms. "And I live with her."

Starfire smiled sheepishly as Orders whistled. The two Agents entered the lounge as food slid across the counter. "Give me your spy thing…" she said as Agent White frowned.

"It's not a-"

"Give. Me. The spy. THING." Orders repeated firmly, as Agent Smith fiddled with his pockets and produced something that looked like a small mechanical spider. Orders took it and put it in the bag. As Starfire watched curiously.

"…You got to push the button under its belly and just put it somewhere where he won't see it right away. We can move it with-"

"Blah-blah-blah. You know what to do right?" Orders interrupted.

Starfire blinked her pretty eyes and nodded her pretty hair. She cleaned up haphazardly quick and still looked good. She lifted the bag, smiled at Alice and walked out the back door. Moving much straighter than she had earlier. "Is this really going to work?" asked Agent White.

"Yes." Orders replied frankly, before turning to Starfire and whispering something to her. Starfire looked briefly confused before she turned her attention back to the agents and pushed Starfire towards the back door. "May I offer you desert? That you will be paying for?" she said casually as Starfire got into her and Alice's car before speeding off into Gotham.

She arrived in Upper-Upper east Gotham in record time. She's never been to Reggie's house, but she knew he was well off for an old fella. He was one of the boys in her math club… and normally one of the ones extra happy to see her…

Even if she wasn't feeling particularly bubbly right now. But she arrived at his home with the security cameras and the buzz in gate. The high walls and the 'definitely nothing to see here' aura the house was radiating. She checked her face in the mirror, practiced her smile until her frown was properly hidden. Then got out of the car…

Orders was right. She needed to just get up! Get out! And grip some dick! She nodded to herself, then approached the gate. Pressing the buzzer as it almost immediately popped open and she walked right in. She marched up to the front door. Stood on the black doormat and raised her hand before rapidly knocking. "Superbabes!"

Time: 8:10 PM. Place: Upper-East Gotham (Reginald P. Dillford's house)

"Special Delivery Service!" she finished as the door opened revealing the 69-ish-year old man. "Hi Reggie! I'm so glad you won!" she skipped right in, bouncing as she quickly found a table and put the food down.

"I'm not sure how I was even entered…" he said suspiciously, but then Starfire bent over the table and he was distracted by a tight ass. So distracted he didn't notice Starfire turning on the spy drone and hurling it off into a random room. Where it promptly landed and skittered out of sight as she turned around. Facing Reggie as she licked her lips.

"It was random! Lucky huh!" she replied, "I mean that was astronomical odds!" she said excitedly, "MMmngh!" her body was heating up… as she and probably Reggie did the math. Although he was at an incredible disadvantage. "9,567,897 to 1! MMMN!" she suddenly ran her hands through her hair and wiggled her hips as Reggie watched. "I LOVE doing math! You know that right?" she purred before grabbing his sweater vest and pulling him away from wherever she threw that spy drone. "And we both know what I need to do after I do math…" she cooed, pushing the old man onto his couch. "Don't we?"

If Reggie was suspicious… he didn't care. He was in a Math Club with Starfire, aka, a regular spot for her to be gangbanged by horny math nerds. He had to share her with men and boys half or a third his age. And now he had the crazy sex freak with the brain of a mathematical super genius in his house and KNEW he was about to get the fuck of his life.

…He could die happy. And quite frankly at his age, it was a risk he would take. He's lived a long prosperous life.

Starfire leaned forward and smiled, before shoving his face between her cleavage and wiggling her chest as he moaned and already let his spindly hands paw at her body, sliding up and down her curvy frame as she moaned, sitting on his lap as his tongue began to lick at her skin. She moaned agreeably as his rigid old cock throbbed against her crotch as she gyrated and ground on his lap…

It was then that she let her eyes wander the humble, but expensively furnished living room. Noticing several framed math equations. Some she solved at Math club with him, and others were weird… she quickly solved those too before letting her mind happily return to rubbing Reginald's face with her tits.

"Hee hee!" she giggled, getting back into a proper groove as he rubbed against hers with his hard on through his trousers. "I guess you can't wait until another club meeting?" she purred, taking his face in her hands before sliding her tongue against his lips. "mmn-mmngh…" she slipping it hungrily into his mouth as she sucked his saliva out. Slurping it into her own mouth and moaning lovingly as he was fit to burst…

His cock and potentially his heart.

"Mmn-NNmgh…" she pulled away, drooling into his gasping mouth as she smiled. "…Do you want to watch me shake my ass?" she asked 'innocently' as his hands squeezed her ass cheeks. "How about some music?" she wiggled slightly looking around.

Solved that problem. And that one. And that one and that one… but she frowned. She always figured Reginald for a classic music player sort of guy. A phonograph or even maybe a music box. "Reggie how am I supposed to dance with no music!" she declared as if it was his fault.

"What?" he asked surprised, too distracted by tits on a woman a third his age

Sultrily Starfire slid off of Reginald and started wiggling around the house. "You got to have something Reggie." She said, her eyes flicking from room to room as Reginald and his erection hobbled after her. She made her way upstairs giving the old man a good upskirt as she found herself a small study

"Hold on not in there." He said only for her to wiggle right in anyway finding an old vinyl player and several old records from the 60s. Not to mention yet more math decorating the walls like modern artwork. Her fingers ran over the records as she solved one after another after another and another…

"This one!" she smiled pulling out smooooooth Jazz. "Perfect!"

"Veron-" she bent over, loaded up the player and pushed Reggie into a swivel chair behind the desk as the sax began to play. And Reginald no longer cared, as Veronica's hips seemed to react to the music long before it registered in her pretty head. Gyrating back and forth her skirt seemed to wiggle down her wide hips until she shimmied them expertly to the floor. Running her hands up her waist, hooking her top, and yanking it freely over her head as she whirled her red hair around like a windmill.

"MMn!" she shimmied and wiggled towards Reginald, running her hands over his chest sliding down to his trousers and rubbing the hardon he's been sporting for the last 10 minutes.

Starfire: Better than Viagra.

She undid his pants, pulling them down as his old dick jumped up to greet her. She sat on her heels as she bounced lightly up and down excitedly before licking the full length of his cock rapidly. Like it was a popsicle. Once. Twice. Three times and then wrapped her lips around the tip and kissed the base leaving a red lipstick imprint clearly in the bush of his white pubic hairs.

"Mmn! Mnn! Mmn! Mnn! Mmn-hmmn!" twisting her head around his shaft as she went up and down, staining his cock red with her lipstick as her tongue swiveled and swirled hungrily around his shaft. Reginald's mouth hung open as he squirmed in the chair, clinging feebly to her head, fingers caressing her scalp with each devoted, cock-slurping, bob as she restlessly sucked cock. Seemingly trying to suck it right off his body.

Starfire's hands briefly rubbed his legs, before sliding to her crotch and stuffing it with her squirming fingers, thrashing inside her like worms as she drooled on his dick and the carpet, a pool of her arousal staining beneath her as her ass cheeks wiggled and tensed, feeling her on release building as Reginald's load charged up his shaft trying to invade her mouth…

The guy was 69-ish years old, he's doesn't exactly have a pornstar's stamina.

"Haah! Aaahh! Uuuuugh-ugh!!" he clung to her head burying her face between his legs as they wrapped around her.

"MMmng-mmn!" she hummed, feeling his load rush down her throat as she inhaled it. "Mmn…" his legs went limp again flopping off her shoulders as she pulled her head to his tip and rapidly suckled it. Her head thrusting quickly back and forth by about and inch each time as her tongue swiveled and swirled licking him clean until the cum stopped oozing.

POP! she audibly popped off his dick as it flopped down onto the chair. She smiled at him, tongue darting out to swirl around her lips. "Yummy." She cooed, getting his cock to wiggle as she stood up, rubbing his chest, then hopping up onto the desk.

She rolled back on it, spreading her legs wide for him as she sat on one hand and rested the other over her wet pussy, already fingering herself again as the other hand prodded briefly, then pierced into her ass hole. Churning her holes greedily as she casually began to masturbate, her toes curling as she cooed. "Whenever you're ready again Reggie!... I still need a nice hard cock…" she whimpered, bouncing her lower body up and down. "To fuck my nice. Tight. Holes… mmnn! I don't know which hole I want filled first…" she whined as Reggie's cock valiantly rose from its resting place.

Starfire: Better than Viagra. I know I've already said that but it bears repeating.

"Hee-hee-hee-hee!" Giggled Veronica as he fell over her, his cock poking against her fingers as he smothered her face back into her breasts. "Haah… Mmn!" moaned as he suckled greedily on her nipples, her fingers stretching her rear hole as she gripped his cock and guided it inside her. "Ooooh! Oooh yeah! Ah-aah! Hah…" her long legs stretched wide apart wobbled wildly in the air, her toes curling as Reginald rapidly pumped against her body. Mouthing at her nipples as he slurped loudly, pulling his head away as it stretched then popped from his mouth. Jiggling back into place as she wiggled her hips.

Reginald grabbed at her waist, blindly thrusting against her as he smacked his bony hips against her. "Haah-ha-ha-haah…"

"Don't break a hip Reggie." She giggled, "Oooh yeah…" she moaned, lying back as she stuffed more fingers up her ass. "NNgh! MMNn-hmmn! Here it cums! Here it! CUMS…" she clenched her teeth, smiling broadly as her body tensed up. "Haaahh-AH!"

"Ha-aah! You-ooooh!" Reginald furiously bucked against her clenching pussy, gasping as he fell back onto her.

"MMMn! That was a big one!" she purred, shaking under the old man as she wrapped his legs around him. "Mmn… want to put it in my butt now?" she asked casually as Reginal groaned, shaking on top of her as his cock continued to spurt his load inside her tight insides.

"I'm… I'm not a young man anymore…" he breathed, heavily as Veronica pouted.

"…Does that mean you don't want to put it in my butt?" she sat up as Reginald, shaking managed to push off her to stand awkwardly between the desk and the couch, "But I WANT it in my butt." She added simply. "Look Reggie." She said, slipping off the desk and dripping all over the carpet before turning around. "I'll show you how to do it right. First. You take your DICK and you push it…" she grabbed his cock between her legs, pulling him forward to press it against her puckered hold. "Right in there! MMN!!" she slapped back against him, engulfing his twitching cock into her warm insides once again. "And now you grab my wrists!" she waved her hands behind her in a 'jazzy' sort of way.

When Reginald rested his hands on her hips she wiggled her hands again. "That's not my wrists! Grab my wrists Reggie! So I can't get away when you pound my ass!" he gripped her wrists as she wiggled her ass cheeks on him. "Ookay!" she cheered, already rocking back and forth as he groaned. "That's a good start! Ah. Ahh.. Aaahh…" she moaned, tongue lolling from her mouth as he began to thrust against her.

"Haah! Ah! Ahh! Uugh!" her mouth open and squealing as he slammed his cock into her ass. "AH-aah!" yanking back on her arms as her breasts jiggled freely beneath her. "OOoh! Ooh!" standing on her tiptoes her legs tensed, "Nngh! NNgh-aaah! Aaahhh!"

"Ah! UUGh!" he let go of her wrists as they fell forward together. Hitting the desk hard it scrapped a few inches forward as he thrust into her ass from behind. "Haah. Ahh!" gasping as he pawed at her chest. "Haaah!!"

"Cumming-cumming-cumming!" hissed Starfire happily, squirting arousal down her leg, "NNNGh!" shaking as her eyes rolled up into her head. "NNngh…"

Reginald thrust feebly into her body. Gasping as he ripped his dripping cock from her tight asshole as it closed up quickly with his exit, sealing in all the hot sticky juices as he grabbed at her hair. She was practically weightless as he tugged her to her knees, she grinned up at him as he pulled her mouth to his cock.

"Mmnhg! Mmngh! Mmngn-mmnwah! Ahh!" she swirled her tongue all over it before sucking it again as he clenched her hair, his teeth, and his chest as he gasped.

"Ahh-aaaah!" moaned Reginald before yanking his cock from her warm lips as she tried to suck on it some more. "Haah!"

Starfire stuck out her tongue, smiled and cupped her breasts. Not even blinking as Reginald sprayed across her pretty tanned skin. Holding her head tightly as he squeezed out the last possible drops onto her tongue as it slid down her warm fleshing cock-licker and dribbled onto her breasts. Ropes of semen crisscrossing over her face she smiled prettily at him before beginning to rub it onto her skin. Licking her hands as Reginald stumbled backward to flop onto the chair.

"Mmmn… more?"

"No… no more!" he whimpered feebly, waving a hand at her. "…My heart… you'll kill me."

"…Well I haven't yet Reggie." She replied, leaning close to his dick and licking at it tentatively, trying to 'wake it up' as it were. "Mmn… mmn! Mwah!" she pouted cutely up at him, wiggling her ass on the carpet as she leaked onto it. "You sure?"

He panted heavily and groaned, "I… can always do it next Saturday."

"Well that's the spirit." She replied pushing up from the floor. "I'm going to go find your bathroom!" she said cheerily, "I can stink up the car again or Alice will make me clean it with my toothbrush!" she left the tired and content old man on the chair and had a look around the house…

...She didn't see any fancy-looking paintings just lots of math problems. She loved math too but she didn't have it framed on walls like pictures. Speaking of pictures there was an old black and white one with a young 19-ish old Reggie and a gang of others, one with his arm around the younger Reggie's shoulder. She examined it briefly… it looked like it was taken in Robinson Park. She used to go on a lot of dates there… before the park rangers caught her and she had to stop for a while.

Still she instinctively solved most of Reggie's math problems, but no painting. Orders said not to worry about it but she'd hate for Reggie to get in trouble for no reason. She eventually found a bathroom with a tub. And despite the distinct smell of old man soap she scrubbed herself down. Humming sweetly to herself as she rinsed away the suds.

As soon as she was done, she glanced over her glistening body pressed one hand against the wall as the water sprayed onto her chest and began to finger herself again. "Mmgn… mmn!" furiously she thrust her fingers in and out of her pussy as Reggie's load and her arousal splattered down her recently cleaned leg to mingle in the water and flow down the drawn. Her entire body shuddered as she came, smiling as she leaned against the wall. Her body spasmed as it ripped through her body. "Haah… haah…" she absently licked her fingers, tasting herself before rinsing it in the shower.

Still twitching she walked out of the bathtub, yanking a towel from the rack as she dried herself. Shimmying in the towel as she made her way back to the study to get her clothes. Reginald clutched his heart, breathing heavily as Starfire dressed herself.

"…Reggie are you okay? Do you want another blowjob?" she asked, "…Mouth to mouth?" she corrected.

"No. No Veronica I think I'm fine." he replied, "Just… very tired." He added as she nodded.

"…Okay… if your sure you don't want that blowjob." She then pointed absently to a framed math problem. "That's wrong by the way its 243." She said with a smile as Reggie blinked breathlessly as she turned, tugging down her top. "That was bothering me the whole time you were fucking my ass!" she added cheerily. Walking out of the room as a tiny mechanical spider skittered into the kitchen.

Briefly wondering if they had watched her have sex. (they didn't) and realizing it didn't matter to her if they did. She walked to the front door. "Bye Reggie! See you next math club meeting! We're doing logarithms while I take logs!" she joked.

A bit a math humor there… and within much better spirits than she had been over the last three days. She skipped back to the car, wiggled in the seat, and drove back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:42 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"…What is taking her so long?" Agent White asked as he and Agent Smith sat on the couch flanked by Alice and Ronnie-Bell. "She's been gone for over an hour." Agent Smith seemed to be fiddling with some sort of Wayne Tech device. It looked like a Rintendo Toggle…

"…I saw her leaving sir." Agent Smith replied. "She should be back anytime now."

As if on cue Starfire hopped happily into the back of Superbabes. She took a deep breath through her nose. "MMMN!!" and stretched her lithe, seductive body… before bouncing on the balls of her feet, smiling good-naturedly at her boss. "You were right Orders! I feel so much better now!"

"See? Work keeps the mind clear." Orders noted as Alice shook her head.

"…Well at least she's not depressed. I can only watch talking animal movies so many times in a row."

"Good work Ms. Morehead." He said ignoring the girlishly childish snickering, "with our spy drone inside Mr. Dillford's home it's only a manner of time before we find the last of the Ben Franklin gang's stolen paintings!"

"Good. That means you can leave. We'll be in touch when you owe me-US… that finder's fee." Orders replied briskly. Trying not to notice her slip of the greedy tongue.

"Good save boss." Alice who noticed the slip sarcastically pointed it out.

"Show them out Ronnie-Bell." Orders replied, "We have girls changing back here… I wouldn't want to offend their sensitivities." Ronnie-Bell 'escorted' the Agents out the door, only to add tentatively.

"Why were they called the Ben Franklin gang?"

"Well, that's because they-" but they were drowned out by Orders turning her attention to Starfire, and spoke in a confident but conspiratorial whisper.

"…You didn't see a painting there, did you." Veronica shook her head.

"No. Just a lot of math. Mostly it added up to coordinates…" she paused, "…Hmmmmn… from my deduction it all leads to a spot in Robinson Park." She looked thoughtful after mentioning it. "I mean they were pretty easy to solve." She said with the air of someone who didn't understand that even basic math for other people can be complicated.

"Do you know the location?" Orders asked seriously as Veronica nodded.

"Well. Yeah of course. I figured it out on the way back."

"Good. Get Ronnie-Bell back in here. I'll call Rebecca and Ashley and we'll go get it." Orders said seriously. She turned off deliveries on the computer as Alice raised an eyebrow.

"Get what?"

"The Painting that the gang hid there." Orders said casually, "We're going to need shovels…" she said just before her purple eyes flashed, she eyed Alice. "And your breasts." She added as Alice stared at her surprised.

"W-what-why would-WHY would you need my tits?!" she asked indignantly as Veronica smiled and groped her bestie happily from behind. "NGh!?" making her squirm. Three days: no sexy groping. A new record. She didn't count sad Veronica cuddles.

"Because they're for moral support!" she said happily as Orders grabbed her purse.

"I suppose. But also for potential distraction…" Alice just sighed and pried Veronica's hands off her breasts. "We would be illegally digging in the park."

"…There's still something wrong with you, V. But I'm glad your better." Alice mumbled as Veronica followed Orders out to the catered party van.

"I love you too!" Veronica replied giddily "Orders can I help Alice distract people?!" Alice just sighed, rolled her eyes exasperatedly, and smiled.

"No, you can't, I need you for math." Orders replied sourly as Veronica pouted sadly.

"…Oh that reminds me. I guess I'll have to tell Peter that Reggie's a criminal."

"He's not a criminal. His brother Franklin was, Reggie just helped them hide their money and stolen goods. Evidently not very well." She added as Veronica replied chipperly.

"Oh! Then that's okay."

"How is that okay?" asked Alice getting into the van. "That's still a crime right?"

"…That depends on your opinion of what we do." Orders replied practically. Alice chose not to comment as Orders turned around to retrieve Ronnie-Bell. "Technically speaking without Veronica to do our taxes we'd have a LOT of explaining to do." Veronica couldn't help but cheerfully nod in agreement.


It's at this point that Road Trip II starts up,

Siguiente capítulo