
Delivery Girl: Green Lantern II Order #3

I don't own DC

"Here you go…" Green Lantern (II) put down the order of Hawk Girl hot wings and the Supergirl sandwich with a Dr. Popper. "Anything else I can get you?" she smiled prettily, leaning over the table so her big, beautiful breasts hung beneath her in her tight suit.

The patron, an older middle-aged man in decent but undefined physical shape gazed at her body lecherously. Up and down went his leering eyes as he sheepishly reached for his wallet. "…I heard that you girls offer a special dining service sometimes?" he asked as he opened his wallet.

She smiled prettily at him behind her large green sunglasses. "…Sometimes…" she noted sweetly. And they do, depending on certain factors. The girl for one, how far they are willing to go, how much the client is willing to tip. She giggled sweetly as she took the very generous 'tip' from him and slipped it into her belt with her rest of the recently made tips before easily sliding across his lap. Sitting on him like a child on Santa Claus's lap. She wrapped one arm around his neck as he sighed, his hands rubbing her lusciously sensuous body as she stabbed a hot wing with a fork. Holding it to his lips. "Say ah…" she cooed seductively, feeling his cock tremble beneath her.

She wiggled subtly on his lap, pressing her big soft breasts to him as she leaned against him, ignoring the eagerly jealous gazes on them as he opened and took all of the chicken in one big bite, then she retrieved his Dr. Popper. Giving him her full attention. Her submissively kinky nature thoroughly enjoyed this 'service' feeding and tending to him like a harem girl, so much so that she ignored his wandering hand fondling her big black ass cheek as she fed and 'watered' him…

"I love this place." He grinned happily, gazing into her big chest as she laughed. A few more pieces of food and she started to get off him.

"That's all the time I have." She smiled, slipping off as he took a good fistful of ass that made her shiver.

"Oooh I think you can find some more." He noted, "Ngh!" a tight grip on his wrist got him to let go as Giganta smiled at him sternly.

"Don't monopolize the girls. SIR…" she said in her sweet southern belle voice. She tilted her head towards the lounge as she glanced at Green Lantern. The buxom beauty waved to her as she let go of the man's wrist and joined her through the doorway.

"You wanted to see me?" asked Green Lantern as Orders looked up.

"Not necessarily." She replied casually. "I simply like to keep a well-oiled machine; he would've kept you occupied for another thirty minutes if you let him. And I'd rather he'd be here to eat not fondle your ass the whole time." she leaned back, checking the floor for a moment. "And we need to keep them flowing, with that sci-fi and comics convention in town we'll have plenty of walk ins…"

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that… so is that why Izzy hasn't show up for the past 3 days?" asked Hawkgirl.

"And Killer Frost. Simon Trent was supposed to be signing things…" Orders rubbed her forehead. "And trying to deal with her wanting to see Simon Trent is like trying to keep Veronica on a leash. It's unpleasant for everyone involved."

"Well, you want me back out there?" asked Green Lantern as she jerked her thumb over her shoulder.

"No, I'm going to need you to take a delivery, its another reason why I can't have you sitting on his lap for the next half-hour." She checked the clock. "Hawkgirl, Supergirl (II) take the floor, tell Cheetah to take her break." She said, before reaching for the phone.

Time: 7:12 PM Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring *click.

"Hello. Superbabes. We Deliver"

"Hey will you guys deliver too-"


"How do you-."

"Are you going to order or waste time asking questions?"

"One Green Lantern meal, please.."

"One Large Granola Lemon Parfait. Anything else?"

"Yeah. Delivered by Green Lantern please."

"We want her back in 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed, you will be charged on delivery. Name and address please."


Orders wrote the receipt as Green Lantern looked it over, "You're very good at that."

"Good at what?"

"Just sending us out at the right time."

"Honestly. That's not me. It's coincidence." Orders noted, rubbing her forehead as the food slid out.

"So this address is right?" Green Lantern asked

"Right enough." Orders noted as Green lantern rolled her eyes behind her green sunglasses.

"…Okay." She said, picking up the delivery and heading towards the door. "Be right back." She strutted out towards the company car and slipped right in, adjusted the seat, then sped off into the city.

She arrived at the Gotham City Convention center and suddenly felt very at home. She parked in the lot surrounded by possibly almost a hundred cars and even more were still arriving as she shut the door, walking towards the front doors and slipping right in. Dozens of booths and shops lined the convention floor. Not the mention the numerous people in various and elaborate costumes… she half expected to see some of the other girls here just walking around in uniform.

"Sweet Green Lantern Costume! Love the design!" cheered an out of shape superman with his buddy Batman checking her out as she smiled… but she waved them off politely and made her way through the crowds.

Passing by a Planet Battles display with Mark Hamill, in costume of course. She made her way into the back towards the numerous bathrooms, at least five for men and ladies on opposite sides. Oddly cleared of people… she checked the receipt, then finally she reached the third men's bathroom Raising her fist to knock. "Superbabes."

Time: 7:56 PM. Place: Gotham City Convention Center (Third Men's… bathroom.)

"Special Delivery Service" she added as the door soon opened and she walked in. There were half a dozen men in the bathroom. In various costumes of various genres. Mainly Sci-fi's Planet Battles and one geeky fellow dressed up as an elf, and another as a fine attempt at a batman… There was ONE other woman in the room dressed in an iconic metal slave bikini. She was blonde, with big fake breasts, plump lips and her long blonde hair tied in a braid that matched with the chain leash attached to the dog collar around her neck. Both rope-like objects resting between her cleavage exotically.

She was absently texting on her phone as a man in durable plastic armor, dressed up as the classic Planet Battle bounty hunter… whose name, at the moment, escaped her. Fette or something. He put a cleaning sign outside the door, and locked it. "Hey." He said with a husky growl as she walked inside, many of the other guys stared at her as she chuckled.

"Hello." She smiled, "…Boys." She added to the crowd of geeks around her as the blonde absently blew a bubble of gum. Still texting on her phone. Her ass was going to burn tonight if she was going to handle so many.

"Alright fellas. Pay up." He said suddenly his hand on her ass as all of the other men in the room slapped several bills on the sink counter… 200 bucks each. He then approached the blonde and removed the collar and leash from her neck. She stopped texting and gathered the money, putting her phone on it and blowing another bubble before he grabbed her gently by the back of the neck, and shoved her into the last stall of the bathroom. She stumbled forward, grunting softly "Have fun!"

The crowd cheered and lined up outside the stall as the first one, a big man dressed in a hairy suit entered the stall. Almost immediately followed by slurping, sucking noises. Green lantern could see the woman on her knees, her cloth bottoms coiling around the floor as she clearly sucked him off. "Suck on it baby. Suck on it!"

'Fette' approached her with the collar, his masked face showing no emotion whatsoever. "Since my regular slave is currently occupied." He noted suavely, as the blonde seemed to suck louder and harder "How about you take her place until she's done?"

She chuckled sultrily, before taking the dog collar and wrapping it herself around her neck, "Nngh-ah…" she sighed, making sure it was nice and tight as he slid his hand down the leash and tugged her towards the stall next to the blonde's. He guided her in, walking backward before shutting the door and locking it, apparently determined to have her all to himself. The leash went taut as he pulled it tight she smiled prettily as he took a handful of her big breasts as she moaned softly…

"Take that off for me. It looks complicated."

"It's easier than it looks…" she noted as she unzipped. The suit fell away, revealing her big tits and hard nipples as he pinched one, she shuddered excitedly. As the top of her suit coiled around her waist, she shimmed the rest down over her thick thighs, wide hips and buoyant ass. The sounds of cock sucking in the stall next to them making his own arousal apparent as his pants bulged at the crouch.

Standing in her black thong bottoms she leaned forward, rubbing his bulge. Her fingers coiling around his above average length. Stroking his pants against it as her hand slid up and down, is length twitching as he tugged abruptly on the leash. Jerking her head forward as she gasped sensually, his other hand wrapped around to smack onto her big black ass, giving her fleshy cheek a squeeze before grabbing at her thong and yanking it up between her ass cheeks. "Ahhh…" her tongue lolling from her mouth as she sighed erotically, he jerked and stretched her thong, rubbing it against her wet pussy.

"Get it out for me." He said as she smiled, bending her knees to get on the floor only for him to yank the leash.

"Ah…" she stopped, standing upright again as he yanked her forward.

"Just bend over." He said simply as she giggled sweetly, her damp crotch obvious as she spread her legs apart and bent over, her big bouncy ass wobbling behind her as she held his waist briefly, sliding her hands until she found an opening, sliding down the zipper before promptly removing his thick 7-inches. It wiggled free as she rested her hands back on his waist, the leash taut once more as he held it above her head. He pushed his length forward, pumping it against her nose just as the blonde in the next stall finished up with her first guest.

"Down on it! Down on it!" he gasped, "Uugh!!"

"Mmmngh-mmmmn…" she moaned as her leash holder's cock twitched against her face, matching to the sloppy slurps of the blonde sucking and swallowing.

He tapped his tip against her face with a couple playful thrusts of his hips as she smiled up at him, the occupant of the stall beside them switched with someone new as her leash holder pressed his cock against her lips. "Come on now…" he whispered sternly as she immediately opened wide. "Ooooh…" he shuddered excitedly, his cock vibrating between her loving lips as she slid down immediately to the base, pulling him forward by the hips as she buried her nose into his pants and inhaled his sweaty musk. His hand rested on the back of her head, holding her in place as her tongue slithered back and forth beneath his length, slipping out from her lips to flick on his sack before wobbling back and forth again.

The blonde was sucking on another dick, the pained grunts told Green Lantern that her hair was being tugged rapidly as she did. She drooled around his length as he massaged the back of her head before gently pulling her back… then forward again. He guided her back and forth on his cock, her big ass wobbling tantalizingly as it bounced up and down behind her. Soon he stopped guiding her, letting her suck all on her own as she got louder, and faster.

"MMmngh-mmmngh…mmmn…" her head twisted left and right as she went up and down, his hand holding the back of her head tightly once more as he pulled her towards the toilet seat, sitting on the lid as she adjusted her mouth work, gazing up at his masked face through her sunglasses as she slurped noisily, slobber dripping and drying on his pants as his cock pulsated eagerly in her mouth. "MMgh! MMN!!" she moaned sensually as he twitched between her lips, ready to cum as he gripped the back of her head. "HAa!" she gasped, her tongue lolling as he pulled her off his cock. "Haa-aaahh…" saliva dribbled down her tongue onto his tip as it wiggled.

He reached into his pocket and, amazingly, he pulled out a rope of condoms from his pocket… she blinked at him, wiggling her ass impatiently, "Baby you don't need those…" she cooed as he yanked the leash. "Ah…"

"Open." He said as her mouth opened wide, he held one on the end out to her. "Bite." Her teeth clapped around it as he yanked the rest away, leaving then packet. "Put on me."

Her desire for domination outweighed her desire for raw sex… which she could honestly go either way. So she obeyed, easily tearing the pack open, placing the rubber in her mouth perfectly before applying with a sensual blowjob. Planting her lips and the rubber around his base before sliding back up. Ribbed for her pleasure…

"Good girl." He praised as she moaned, the blonde taking more rough treatment as whoever she was blowing pumped her mouth full of cum. "Sit on it."

She stood upright, and pulling her panties aside to expose her wet, tight pussy she wobbled over him and squatted down on his cock, sliding the ribbed condom inside her as the bumps scrapped sensually at her inside. "Oooh-oh…" she trembled excitedly as the rubber sent a jolt of pleasure through her body, the ridges tingling her insides as the leash rested between her big soft breasts, she pushed them together, resting her hands on his 'armored' chest as he tugged the leash. "Ooh…"

"Hands on your head." He ordered as she raised them up, resting them on the back of her head as she displayed her perfect, exotic body. His hand cracked on the side of her leg while attempting to swat her ass, but she understood the intent as she began to raise her body slowly up and down on his lap, her breasts shifting up and down as they bounced, slapping against her body as she and they came back down. "Ride me." He ordered.

And she did.

"Oooh-OH!!" her body bounced up and down on him as the stall beside them was occupied with three pairs of legs, the blondes were briefly seen between them, then they weren't, followed soon by squeaking pleasured yelps as she was double penetrated. "Ah-AH-Ah-Ah…" she panted, her breasts wildly bouncing on her chest as her tongue lolled erotically from her mouth.

"Harder." He said, loudly, "Faster!"

"Ahh/AAGH!!" her cries of pleasure mingled with the blondes as the slapping of hips echoed around the bathroom followed by cheers of rowdy boys. "FUCK!!" cried the blonde in a distinct valley girl accent as he smacked Green Lantern's ass again.

"The only thing you should focus on is. My. COCK." he declared, pumping up into Green Lantern as she was lifted off the floor.

"Aaah! AAAAH!! AAAH YES!!" she cried, the leash clinking and jingling as it slacked, bouncing up and down on her breasts as they knocked it into the air, making it wavy. "Fuck me with your big DICK!! MMMGH!!" she vibrated on his cock, her hands gripping her hair as she climaxed, "AaAh-AAAGH!!" his hands reached up, gripping tightly on her breasts as he rapidly slapped up against her tightening body. "Haaa-AAHG!!" Her head flung back as she presented her body to him, his hands squeezing her tits as he filled the condom.

She gasped in silent pleasure as the blonde declared hers with a primal scream, mingling with her two playmates as her leash holder sighed contentedly, tugging on her leash as the blonde's legs returned to the ground. Green Lantern leaned forward, smiling sweetly as she danced on his lap, hands still on the back of her head as he caressed her tits.

"Off." he ordered as she planted her feet and lifted.

"Haaa…" she shuddered as a thick bulge dropped out of her pussy, the condom bobbed on the tip, a tick wad of cum stuffing it as he pinched the end and pulled it off with a wet snap. He got to his feet as she backed away to give him room. He tied off the bag, letting it dangle between his fingers as he held it to her face.

Without being instructed she sniffed, and licked the bag, tasting strawberrys and pussy juice. He chuckled, before sliding his hand down to her waist, tugging at the side of her thong before slipping the bag through it and letting the waist band snap back, pinning the filled condom bag to her hip before he pulled out the rope of condoms again.

Just like before she opened her mouth, biting the end as he tugged the rest away before she ripped it open. Stroking his cock before applying it to his hardened length as he turned her and pressed her against the stall wall. "Haa…" her breasts bulged against the cold aluminum as the blonde, her toes facing the toilet, was clearly fucked from behind. A situation she was about to share with one possible moderation.

"Aah-AAH MMMNH!!" she gasped, shuddering as her ass cheeks were spread and a ribbed cock was stuffed up her ass, "Haa-Aah…" she cried out happily, shaking as he pressed her cheek to the wall, "Haa-Aah-AAGH yeah…" she whined as his hips immediately began to bounce off her plump black ass.


"Ha-harder…" she pleaded as he slammed into her. Thrusting her against the wall as she cooed. "oooh so good!" His hands moved from her body to above the stall, hooking on the edges as his cock lifted her onto her tip-toes. "Ooh! Ooh!! OH! Fuck me! Up! The ASS!!" she gasped happily as her declaration was met with hooting and cat calling, half a dozen feet at the entrance to their stall trying to watch through the cracks as her big black ass bounced him off her pinned body.

"AaaahAAGH!! SMACK!" the blonde squealed as her current cock finished up, smacking her on the ass before walking away. "Haa-AAH…" she moaned, and suddenly the stall wall was positively RATLLING with blunt force trauma. On both sides it was being rammed against by a pair of sexy pound-able bodies. And since the blondes feet were off the floor again she was clearly being carried.

Green lantern however didn't give a shit.

"Fuck me! Hurt me!" she pleaded, "Ooh smack my ass! Fuck my ass! Pull my hair! AHH!!" he took a fistful of her hair and yanked, burying his cock into her ass as he held her against the still rattling wall as the blonde was fucked hard against it by a pair of very sturdy looking legs. "MMmmgh!!" she shuddered around her cock as he jerked her head absently

"Awfully demanding aren't you?" he hissed making her cooed excitedly. "I'm going to fuck you how I want to."

"Even better…" she whined happily, submission, domination. Just BEING USED was more than enough for her to get off. "Aah!! Ah! AH! AH! AH!!" she squealed as he rammed away at her ass, it spasmed around his ribbed cock, the bulges and bumps rattling against her insides as her toes curled on the floor. "HAaaa!!!"

It bulged in her ass as she squeezed tightly around it. Feeling him fill the bag again as she gasped, licking the wall dazedly as she came. Shaking in pleasure… and possibly the still rattling wall as the blonde cried out in pleasure and pain. "UUuhgh-oh…" she twitched as her ass gaped, she heard the snapping of the rubber off his cock as he tugged the other side of her underwear, letting it snap around the condom pinning it to her right side so she matched…

…But she wasn't done. The wall still rattling she turned, her hands reached up to hook on the top of the stall as she spread her legs. "Fuck me." She whispered softly, "Put it in my pussy… Raw…" she whined eagerly, the leash rattling between her breasts as she lifted her legs, spreading them wide as she lifted herself off the floor. The wall still rattling with the gasping, whining blonde pounded against it… her open pussy dripping onto the floor as her upper body strength, fueled by pure lust, kept her in the air. "Blow your hot cum inside me…" she groaned, straining to keep herself up.

"…You're quiet the catch…" he finally said as her muscles screamed at her, silently thankful as he planted his hands under her legs, just behind her knees as she let herself down. Resting her arms as her legs dropped over his. Hanging against the rattling wall as she hung like a trophy on hooks. Her hands biting into the top of the stall as his cock slipped easily into her wet, dripping pussy.

"Haa-Aahh YEEES… raw is better…" she whined erotically into his mask, running her tongue on the lens. "Fuck me…" she pleaded as he slowly pulled back, her insides clinging desperately to him as she pressed her tits against his chest. "Aah…" she gasped as he rammed, deep, into, her… over and over as she squeaked beautifully, "Eeh! Aah!! Ahh God!" trembling excitedly, "Fuck the cock sleeve!" she hissed, twitching erotically as his cock throbbed. "Ooh yes! Yes! Yes!! Fuck my pussy!!" she squealed delightedly as the blonde screamed in climax.

"Aaaaaagh FUCK!!!" she roared, rapidly slamming and slapping her hands against the wall, "Haa! AAAGH!!"

"I love being used!!" Gasped Green Lantern, shaking as her eyes rolled, "Haa-aaah-Aaaaagh!!!"

"Here it cums! Whore!" he gasped, pushing rapidly against her as she finally lost strength, her fingers slipping as the bolts holding the wall jostled far to much, it rattled slightly as she lost her grip and dropped. "Haa!!" his cock slipped free of her tight hole and leveled at her face.

"…Even better…" she moaned contentedly, as thick, hot, man goo sprayed onto her sunglasses. "…I love this…" she breathed as he stroked out more onto her forehead and open mouth, salty semen splattering her tongue and lips as she licked up the dripping goo that strayed too close to her cock sucking hole... "mMmn-Ahh…" she sighed, gulping down what she could and opening her mouth again only to find his cock sliding gently between her lips. "Mmmn…" she continued to sensually suckle on his cock as he breathed out a condescending.

"Good girl."

Her body shivered in pleasure.

The door to their stall rattled, and he undid the lock as it swung open. "Oooooh!" cheered the jeering crowd as a couple took pictures of the beautiful Green Lantern sucking cock like it was her job… it technically was but they didn't necessarily know that.

The blonde crawled on her hands and knees, her blue eyes rolling as her big tits swayed beneath her. She had a few condom bags herself pinned to her hips by her metal bikini straps as she slithered next to her. She wrapped her hands passively on his hips, holding his cock firmly in her mouth before he popped free of her lips. "Ah…" she whined before the blonde licked her lips, checks, and sunglasses of cum, a few more pictures clicked off camera phones as she did.

"Alright fellas, I hope you enjoyed this fan event. The video will be up next week for platinum members. The leash holder declared as he placed his cock back into his pants, and unhooked the collar from Green Lantern's long neck as the blonde licked her skin. Before sitting upright, and letting him attach it back around her neck.

The girls got to their feet as he gestured out the others, some of them waving towards a very uninvolved blonde as she returned to the counter to grab her phone. Absently plucking condom bags from her costume and tossing them dismissively into the trash bins, alternating between texting and tossing. Green Lantern, unfortunately feeling the mood was over, made her way to the sink to wash her face and glasses as best she could, still mostly naked with cum bags strapped to her sides.

The man fondled her ass cheeks as she did, squeezing and rubbing them fondly as his gloved fingers slid over her round dark chocolate colored ass. "So like, how'd she feel?" asked the blonde in that valley girl tone as he rubbed his finger between her ass cheeks, fingering her ass as Green Lantern cooed.

"Oh… tight ass, tight pussy… great big tits…" he praised as she finished washing up, drying her great big tits of water droplets with paper towels before strutting back to the bathroom stall to pull her suit back on. Then remembering the condom bags she slipped them out of her underwear… it would be rather awkward to walk around with those in a skin tight suit… "I think I'll order her again sometime." He praised as the blonde scoffed.

"Well like do it with your own cash." She declared as he took the money from the previously made pile. Green Lantern tossed the condom bags into the trash as she held out her hand. He gave her a significant cut of the money as she counted and slipped it into one of her many hidden pockets.

"I just might." He praised, fondling her ass again as she smiled prettily, fluffing her afro as he rubbed her body. "I think next time I'll use handcuffs…" he declared as the blonde scoffed.


"Fluffy ones or real ones?" Green Lantern asked playfully, making her way to the door with him.

"Fluffy ones?" he chuckled as she wiggled her ass against his hand and grabbed the door handle.

"Let me know when you want to be serious." She said seductively, licking her lips and getting out of the bathroom… it took her about 8 minutes to get back to the car, she was stopped by multiple people who thought her green lantern cosplay was unique and wanted to take pictures… she expected them to be handsy, they surprisingly weren't… finally she got out of the convention center and got back to her car. Slipping into the front seat and driving back to Superbabes.

Time: 9:21 PM. Place: Place Gotham (Superbabes)

Daphne wobbled into Superbabes and placed the money on the counter as Orders divided it up. Giving her back her cut as Ronnie-Bell loomed into the room from the floor. "As usual you were right boss." She declared with a smile as most of the girls in the lounge giggled and got to their feet. "Got a big group coming in."

"All hands-on deck." Orders replied as most of the girls giggled and jiggled onto the floor as a crowd of costumed patrons entered through the front door. Grace happily, greeting and assigning them to tables. "You can take a break if you want Daphne." She added as Daphne simply pocketed her cut and smiled, strutting towards the floor.

"And miss the tips? I think not…" Cocks or Money. She could have been talking about both.

"Daph-ahem, Green Lantern." Wonder woman corrected herself quickly, handing a menu to someone in a fine attempt at a batman costume. "Could you take this handsome Batman to table 8?"

"Certainly." Smiled Green Lantern as the costumed Batman's eyes widened as he saw her. "Right this way."

"Wait… weren't you…" he began but she silenced him with a finger to his lips, before pulling it back to her own.

"Shuush." She smiled serenely, licking her finger sensually as his codpiece twitched. "Let's keep that between us…" she purred playfully. It wouldn't do, no matter how much of an open secret it was, for him to blurt out that he'd seen her having sex with a man in a convention bathroom. "Now." She smiled, setting him down at table 8, putting her best tits forward and leaning on the table. "…How about you and I discuss what you're going to have tonight?" she grinned sweetly. "…And just how much you're going to give me to sit in your lap, for our special dining services, and feed it to you." She added in a sensual whisper…

Definitely earning herself a lot of tips tonight… dicks and money if she's lucky.


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