
Supergirl Shorts: Miss Martian

I don't own DC or whatever

"Okay." Mikey, one-half of the duo apartment building supers, led Miss Martian up the steps to the third floor of the apartment building. "So there's parking behind the building, you have your own spot…"

"I don't have a car."

"Well, you might have guests." He replied shrugging, "It's just standard. We'll get you a stall number anyway." he said arriving at the door of her new, now sewer-smelling apartment. "The room is totally furnished, let us know if you have your own stuff and we'll help you move it."

"I don't really have my own stuff." She smiled, "Or. I don't have a lot of stuff. That's keen though." She said sweetly as they stood outside her apartment. "Whatever I have, my friends already brought up." Mikey stared at her confused then spied the key in his hand.

"…But I haven't gotten you into the room yet?"

Miss Martian blinked before she gave an excuse. "Your brother showed everything to me earlier." Surfer Sage Geoff did indeed do that. Mikey just sighed.

"…Just when I think he's not doing his job he ends up doing it." Mikey mumbled, before eyeing her curiously. "Okay. So your friends are bringing your things?... is that why you have so much pizza?"

Holding three large pizza boxes, Miss Martian stared at him wide-eyed, as if caught in a lie. "…Yes." She said frankly as he cleared his throat. "They work for pizza. They do a lot for pizza and I promised I'd treat them for all the nice things they've done for me."

"…Cool. Anyway…" Mikey blushed and opened the door, walking into the apartment to find several slightly odd-smelling boxes stated neatly in the corner of the room. "Oh… I guess you…" he hesitated as he got a wiff. "…That's… not a good smell." He said.

"Sorry…" she put down the pizza boxes on the dining room table. "That's because my last place was downwind of a sewage treatment plant." It was UNDER the treatment plant… actually. "I guess I just don't notice it anymore." To be fair she 'cheats' and just alters her olfactory senses. It's complicated…

"Well… no offense." He strove to just take the smell, inwardly refusing to be rude to her as she was yet ANOTHER Superbabe living in his building. "But we have plenty of laundry machines in the basement. Some of the rooms have them but yours doesn't… sorry." He added as she just smiled.

"That's keen." She said politely. "I know I need to wash them."

"O… kay." He cleared his throat. "Bathroom, shower, kitchen, fire escape." He led her through the apartment, "I tested everything before you moved in and… apparently before your friends came here…" he replied as Miss Martian distracted him. A shadow silently rushed behind Mikey as he gestured back into the living room. "My number. The office number. And Geoff's number is right here in the closet on the door-"

"Right-O!" Miss Martian nervously squeaked as she approached him. "So which rooms are Phoebe's and Jae-hwa's?" she said quickly, "Oh! And Maria and Zoey?" she practically shoved him out of the room as the closet stealthily opened and closed. She hasn't even met Zoey and Maria, yet they were still 'on vacation'. After a romp on the east coast.

"I-ah…" Mikey blushed at the mention of the Fire and Ice duo. "Oooh. They uh…" he pointed down and to the right. "Maria and Zoey live two apartments to the right from yours on the next level. Bu Jae-Hwa is right next to that one. And Phoebe Galanis lives just on the other side of the stairs."

"That is great." Bump. "MIKEY!" she jerked her head around to see that the top pizza box had been opened and was missing a slice judging from the strings of cheese hanging out of the box.

"Yeah?" Mikey the SUPER asked curiously.

"Oh… I uh… what is your policy on… pets?" she asked, quickly covering her nervousness with a sheepish smile."

"Oh. Um… as long as nobody complains it's fine." he replied. "Dogs have to be on leashes, got to clean up after them. The usual stuff…" he said as she nodded.

"That's keen." She said nervously, glancing back into her new apartment, shooting an angry glare with slitted eyes and fangs. Before her face shifted back to normal and she cleared her throat. "I've always wanted a dog…" THUMP. "…Or maybe some turtles."

"…That's kind of a big jump." Mikey said as she chuckled. "I'll uh." He handed her the keys, "I'll let you take care of your business. I'd hate to impose on you and your friends." He said, before eyeing the pizza. "…Can I have one? I haven't had dinner yet."

"Yeah sure." THUMP. "My friends won't mind, because they aren't here yet." She said as Mikey stared at her confused, cleared his throat and nodded.

"O…kay…" she grabbed him a slice from the box, handing it to him as he shook his fingers. It was still hot. "Oh… thanks. Let us know if you need anything… we live right downstairs."

"Right-O." she smiled as Mikey waved, and flinched as he burned the roof of his mouth.

"Haah! Haaaah." He sighed, but happily continued to eat as Miss Martian sighed, and shut the door.

"GUYS not funny!" she hissed as the crew of four anthropomorphic mutant turtles appeared out of the woodwork. Or at least there should be four, she only saw three. "Where's Mikey?"

"In here!" declared 'Mikey' "Ow! Raph!"

"Not cool dummy." Declared' Raph irately. "You couldn't wait five minutes?"

"It wasn't even that." replied a third, leaning on his bo staff like a crutch. "It was less then Five minutes."

"Dudes. HOT pizza." Mikey replied, pointing with a big finger at his mostly eaten slice, as if that justified anything.

"Guys. Question?" the fourth asked, standing imposingly over the youngest as he sat on the bed eating said pizza. "Mikey where did you get the cat?"

"Meew." Cooed little Noir, happily rolling in 'Mikey's' lap as he shrugged, chewing messily.

"I found her Leo."

"You found her?" 'Leo' asked skeptically as Mikey hefted the cute little kitten from his lap.

"Yeah! She's super sweet isn't she cute?"

"Mikey that cat clearly has a name tag." Miss Martian said, leaning close to the orange-themed teenager… a highly desirable prospect for most teenagers, and right now she was his favorite color. Green. "…Noir?" she asked, wondering why that sounded familiar.

"The address says she lives here." Raph noted, taking the kitten from his rather forlorn brother, but he was satiated with pizza. "I'll just sneak right down and put her back in her apartment. Noir cooed in his hand as he gently pet her dark fur. "…I ain't so easily charmed kitty." He said, although he certainly didn't seem that way.

"Guys. I'll do it." Miss Martian declared, taking Noir. "You all eat your pizza before Mikey scarfs it down."

"Thanks babe! Ow!" Raph smacked him across the dome.

"You almost got us CAUGHT Mikey." Leo said firmly. "So you got to wait for another slice-Donny?"

"Mmngh?" asked 'Donny' already helping himself to most of the pie. As Miss Martian stepped outside, she gently caressed the kitten as it nuzzled against her chest.

"Haaah…" she sighed audibly, walking down the stairs to the second floor just as Jae-Hwa rushed up to her.

"Oh my god, you found her! I thought she escaped out the window. Zoey would've never forgiven me!" before taking the mewling kitten as she waggled her paws adorably in the air at her 'capture'. "Good catch there, Candy." Miss Martian smiled as she followed Jae-Hwa into her apartment. "I swear she's an escape artist… then again I was certain I kept that window close… don't want any weirdos peeking in on me. "You better watch yourself too, you are hot AND green… that's a thing apparently in this city."

"…I'll keep it in mind." Miss Martian smiled, petting Noir before Jae-Hwa tossed her onto the couch where she happily landed on her feet and darted around the apartment.

THUMP-THUMP… Jae-Hwa looked up, raising an eyebrow at Jane. "…Got someone over already?"

"…My friends who helped me move. I'm treating them to pizza." Replied Miss Martian shyly.

"Huh… I like pizza." Jae-Hwa replied casually. Miss Martian blinked, at a loss of how to answer..

"…They barely share with each other." She replied notedly as Jae-Hwa coughed, trying not to laugh. "…A-another time though?" she asked, "Maybe we can all have a, what's it called? A welcoming bash?-I mean party."

"Sure." Replied Jae-Hwa, dropping the big beautiful rear onto her couch as Noir seemingly re-appeared and leaped onto her thighs. "Let's do it when Maria and Zoey get back. I do NOT want to be responsible for this little terror." Noir mewled and swatted at Jae-Hwa's finger as she ran it on her fur.


"…You aren't even up there and they're apparently pounding you." Jae-Hwa noted as Miss Martian blushed.

"I… better get back up there before they accidentally break something."

"Don't keep them waiting." Teased Jae-Hwa. "Pizza party when Maria and Zoey get back."

"Pizza party. Right-O." declared Miss Martian shooting up towards her apartment and entering. "GUYS!" she declared as they were pilled on each other, apparently fighting over the last slice. "…I will order MORE." she declared blushing as Mikey managed to squirm out of Raph's headlock.

"Did someone mention a Pizza party?" he asked grinning.

'Candy' Jane sighed, Mikey could SENSE the word pizza from a mile away. "…Just… can you guys keep it down? This isn't the sewers." She smiled, grabbing the phone to order another… four larges?... probably. Her first real paycheck was already going to take a hit.

Why yes, in this Universe TMNT are canon...

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