
Superbabes Shorts: Yellow Lantern

I don't own DC

"Oh, come on it'll be FINE." Ashley grinned broadly as she dexterously spun the socket wrench in her hand around and around.

"I don't know if I trust you with my baby." Yellow Lantern said firmly, trying to hide her yellow bike behind her in the garage. And considering its size, she was failing. Spreading her arms and legs protectively as Ashley just scoffed, blowing her white bangs out of her eyes.

"Oh don't be such a fecking scaredy bitch! I won't break anything! I'm just here to tune it up."

"To be fair." Rebecca mumbled, her lips around the straw of a big gulp as she leaned against the nearby tool table. "She's actually not bad when it comes to motor vehicles."

"Says the big bitch who always calls me before anyone else to check her bike over." Replied Ashley confidently, "Look, the boss said tune it up and I'm here to do it. Now move." She brushed Yellow Lantern aside (with some difficulty) before dropping down and checking the powerful machine.

"Why did Orders tell you to tune my bike up?" mumbled Yellow Lantern as Ashley began to lay out her tools for easier access.

"I don't fecking know, it's the boss! Some future voodoo I bet."

"She hates it when you call it that." Rebecca warned lazily.

"Pfft! So!?" replied Ash grumpily before humming the theme to My Small Horsie as she began to tinker with Yellow Lantern's bike, to the owner's increasing discomfort.

"Ash knows what she's doing." Rebecca repeated casually, trying to calm her down before holding the big gulp to her. "Pixie?"

"…No. Thanks." Replied Yellow Lantern, flinching with every clatter of Ashley's tools.

Rebecca looked around the suburban garage before asking, "So… do you own this place?"

"No…" replied Yellow Lantern watching the loud mouth irish woman apply tools to her baby. "I live here with five other people. It's a communal thing, we keep to ourselves…" she gestured to her bike, "That's really the only thing I own and PLEASE..." she hissed as something heavy hit the floor beneath the bike. "Don't break it."

"Relax pissy." Smirked Ash lying on her back and sliding under the bike. "I know what I'm doing." Still humming the Mr Small Horsie theme and tapping her sneakers on the garage floor. "If I can make a Gotham Firebird purr like a kitten I can make this sucker fly!"

"You have a Gotham Firebird?" Yellow Lantern gasped in surprise.

"Feck no! I know another whiny bitch that likes pussy. You meet all sorts of people doing this job." She replied.

Which made Rebecca chime in "Including but not limited to: Business men, gangsters, drunks, horny old men, horny young men, your boss's long lost half-sister-"

"What?" the two replied together but Rebecca just kept going.

"Cops, artists, stepfathers, other people's fathers, father-in-laws, other in-laws, for Grace an absurd number of virgins, virgins in general, Aliens…"

"Wait… wait…" began Yellow Lantern. "…You two have experienced all of that?"

"Collectively." Rebecca shrugged, "I'm not done."

"Please stop."

"Short people, tall people, dwarves, rockstars, escaped convicts, absurdly rich Gothamites, lawyers, criminals, and one very disgruntled artificial intelligence." Rebecca smirked playfully.

"You made that last one up!" Ashley replied condescendingly as she tossed away a wrench and grabbed a screwdriver.

"I mean… Veronica." Replied Rebecca with a shrug. Ashley grunted irately but didn't comment, it was hard to tell with Veronica.

Yellow Lantern, a little overwhelmed just shook her head. "…Fine. Whatever." She rubbed her eyes and tepidly watched Ashley work on her bike. "…Wait did you say aliens?"

"You do realize that not only are Aliens real, hence Superman, but Lori is half-alien right?" Rebecca added as Yellow Lantern looked, very confused.

"I mean I know it's fact, but it doesn't make it any less weird." She mumbled, rolling her yellow eyes. CLANK! "Oh my god." She shuddered at Ashley's sudden loud noise from beneath the bike. "PLEASE don't fuck up my bike!"

"Oh lighten up." Replied Ashley, only for her to frown thoughtfully. "HMmn… how does she do on turns?"

"She's fine. Stops on dimes."

"What brand of Oil do you use?"

"Schumachers." Replied Yellow Lantern

"Don't use that one it's shit." Ashley replied frankly, "Use Burtons or Nolans." She said as Yellow Lantern seemed surprised at her knowledge of motor Oil off hand.

"Schumachers is cheap." Replied Yellow Lantern as Ashley scoffed.

"Well that's why it's shit. Used it twice on my bike and fecked it right to hell. No. Burtons or Nolans." She pulled out from beneath the bike. "You'll have the cash for it soon enough." She added frankly before swinging a sexy irish leg over the bike.

"W-wait a second!"

"VROOOM!" she rode it hard out of the garage and down the street out of sight as Rebecca slurped just as noisily on her big gulp.

"She'll be back." She added as Yellow Lantern looked positively horrified, running her hands through her short dark hair as she ran out of the garage to watch the faintest glimpses of Ashley doing wheelies and spins, donuts.

"Oh my god my bike!" she screamed terrified, and as if Ashley heard her over the noise turned on a dime and propelled herself back up the driveway and into the garage. Her bike purring like a contented tiger as she patted the yellow frame on the bike.

"That's a good bitch!" smiled Ashley as Yellow Lantern looked positively ready to STRANGLE her… might be a fun sight to watch at least. "…What?"

"You EVER! Get on my bike without permission again I will strangle you!" declared Yellow Lantern furiously as Ashley rolled her eyes.

"Oh lighten up." She didn't even flinch as Yellow Lantern lunged at her only for Rebecca to intervene, catching Yellow Lantern around the middle and holding her easily back.

"Let it go Freya, let it go." She replied soothingly as her fingers swung dangerously close to Ashley's neck. "Ash is a Firestarter…" she added, glaring at the white-haired chaos agent. "Seriously?"

"I needed to see how it performs… definitely needs some Burtons in it." Yellow Lantern stopped struggling, scowling at Ashley as Rebecca released her. "Otherwise it's a fecking good machine! MMn…" she smiled at it. "…Don't get the color choice though."

"It's my favorite color." Replied Freya sourly as Ashley raised an eyebrow at her.

"Seriously? Nobody's favorite color is yellow."

"Well I'm unique. Getawayfrommybike." She said quickly, shoving Ashley aside and lying upon it, sighing softly. "Oh my poor baby did that crazy bitch ride you too rough?" she rubbed the frame encouragingly.

"…Okay." Rebecca added softly, "Anyway, are you ready to go for a ride?"

Freya blinked at her surprised. "A ride?"

"Yeah. When all the bike riders are off, we go for a little drive around." Replied Rebecca. "Ronnie-Bell, Grace, me, you, Ash…" then added offhandedly, "Ronnie-Bell might also bring Sean, Ciara's little brother."

Ashley cringed, "Ah-feck does that mean I have to be on 'good behavior'?" she scowled, "He's not my niece." She added grumpily as Rebecca punched her shoulder.

"Yep." She said frankly, before turning back to Yellow Lantern. "You coming or what?"

Freya glanced down at her bike and shrugged, "…I guess I should see if Ashley fucked up my baby."

"Not a chance." Replied Ashley confidently. "I'm telling you, she'll purr like a kitten." Freya snorted, but revved her engine and roared expertly out of the garage, taking her turn on the bike as she grinned confidently…

It did feel GREAT between her legs…


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