
Superbabes Shorts: Circe

I don't own DC

"So sad to say goodbye?" asked Grace as she helped Circe pack her things in the tiny, cramped room that was little more than a walk-in closet. In fact, it WAS a walk-in closet repurposed to a shitty little room with only a cheaply hung shower curtain for privacy.

"God no." Circe replied, breathlessly as she crammed a few dresses into a suitcase. "I can't leave FAST enough. Thank god Orders knows a couple of guys with empty apartment rooms!"

Grace chuckled; she was one of three girls who offered to help Circe move her things. The other two were late in bringing the truck. Thanks to the math savant and all-around hyper-slut Veronica. Circe was able to move out of her old 'apartment', mostly because Orders knows people and what they like, who they know, and who to blackmail… but very little of that last one.

Circe was able to bargain with Friends of Superbabes, Geoff and Mikey: the supers of a nearby apartment building where Zoey, Maria, and Jae-hwa all lived. They had empty rooms and liked sexy tenants… what a deal.

"Was this place really bad?" she asked, sitting on a small stool crammed in a corner. "…Okay I can't keep a straight face." she replied, "This place sucks."

"Yep." Circe declared, waving her hands. "No privacy, one bathroom, a collection of terrible roommates with no personal space, but it's dirt cheap." She sat on her 'bed' really a collection of pillows on a broken futon couch. "I can't wait for an actual bed." She whispered. "…One of my roommates offered to 'share' with me once? No…"

Grace chuckled as Circe rolled her eyes. "Yeah… sounds like a bad idea."

"Smokes weed and doesn't believe in bathing apparently." Circe groaned, she sighed, "At least my new apartment is already furnished." She added happily, "and I don't have to sleep on a discount dog bed!"

Grace eyed it and smirked, "I've slept on worse." She noted.

"I'm pretty sure this WAS a dog bed once. Smells like a wet dog sometimes in cold weather." She said as Grace's phone buzzed, and she checked it.

"Oh, Ronnie-Bell's outside."

"Great. Tell her to come up and we can get loading up…"

"Well Yaya's not here with her brother's truck yet." Grace replied, "So there's not much we can do."

"Well… we can get ready to go at least." Circe noted as they pushed or lifted boxes out of the walk-in closet, making their way to the living room which was a couch and TV, the couch however was yet another bed for another roommate so it wasn't much of a living room.

A shirtless tattooed man walked out of a room, he yawned broadly as smoke wafted out as well. "Heeeeeey Thebes…" Circe sighed, 'Thebes' the city is what he called her, she imagined he was thinking of Pheebs, like from that one show she never watched. "Who's your hot friend…?" he asked, his eyes red as he opened the fridge and retrieved a carton of milk… and no glass.

"This is Grace." Circe said patiently, "She's a friend from work, and she's helping me move…" she noted.

"Whoa… is that today?" he asked curiously, with a hum of awe in his voice like he could see the cosmos.

"…Yes." She said plainly.

"…Sweet, see you for dinner then…" he said, drinking from the carton and spitting in the sink. "Ugh… it's all chunky…" he declared… then put the carton back in the fridge. And wobbled away to the bathroom

Grace tried SO hard not to laugh. "Oh my god… snort!" she coughed into her hand. "…You really do live with the worst people."

"Yep." Circe nodded. "But at least he never stole from me. That would be his girlfriend…" The door suddenly rattled as Circe went to go let Ronnie-Bell in.

The towering redhead ducked into the room, looming over them in jeans and a Rowdy Randy Ravage shirt on. "Alright. Let's get this over with." She declared confidently, "Couches? Beds? I ready to lift!"

"Yeah no such luck Ronnie-Bell." Grace noted, gesturing to most of the stuff that Circe was taking.

"…Awe come on I only agreed to help cause it's good weight training…" she grumbled, dropping on the couch as it creaked under her. "…Sure, you don't want to steal this couch?" she asked.

"If you know what has gone on that couch you wouldn't want me to…" Circe replied practically. Ronnie-bell briefly debated getting back up, however she decided that's she's sat on worse. Grace didn't care. "We're just waiting on Yaya now."

"Oh heeeeeey Thebes…" declared her ex-roommate coming out of his room. "When you come back for dinner can you bring eggs?... and milk?"

"Check this out. This guy's hilarious." Grace said subtly grinning at Ronnie-Bell.

"…No." replied Circe flatly, very irritated with constantly repeating herself.

"…Bummer." He mumbled.

"…You do know I'm moving out, right Lars?"

"…That's today?" Grace snorted indignantly again and tried not to laugh. "…Whoa! There's two hotties now!" he declared as he spied Ronnie-Bell.

"Please for the love of GOD let Yaya show up soon." Phoebe mumbled under her breath.

It was then that the door opened but unfortunately, it wasn't Yaya, but another ex-roommate. Lars' girlfriend Mercedes. "There's a couple of tacky motorcycles outside. "Don't people know those are bad for the environment?" she noted with the air of underserved superiority. She was somewhere between a Hippy, a Hipster and a pretty shitty vegan... the BEST kind of roommate.

"I know babe…" Lars declared greeting her hello with a kiss. "So shameful."

"Why do you smell like rotten milk and weed?" she mumbled. Before eyeing Circe's friends and her packed-up belongings. "Oh. Phoebe that's right you're moving out."

"Mm-hmmn." Circe noted calmly, trying not to open her mouth for fear of saying something unfortunate. Lars' girlfriend Mercedes had a habit of 'borrowing without asking' her money, for 'rent' or 'weed money cause, Lars smoked it already'. She never CAUGHT Mercedes doing it, but she was the most likely suspect.

"Well good luck to you." She said simply, as Circe grunted, "Oh before you go." She said in an 'I forgot but not really' sort of voice. "There is the matter of your rent money?"

"Well, you better take that up with Lars since I gave it to him…" Circe replied with a casual smirk as Lars blinked but Mercedes looked annoyed.

"…Did you?"

"I did… I imagine you smoked it already." she noted sarcastically

"…That is possible." Lars noted thoughtfully as Mercedes glared at Circe.

"So not my fault if he lost it." Circe shrugged.

"Oh don't you…" but she paused as Ronnie-Bell towered over her, she crossed her powerful muscular arms across her big breasts as Lars gazed up at her.

"Whoa… she's pretty big babe." He said, completely oblivious to the imminent danger they were potentially in.

"Let. It. Go." Ronnie-Bell noted warningly as she literally stared down Mercedes. Who picked the right option and silently walked away as Circe blinked up at the big girl.

"You really do come in handy." Circe replied softly as Ronnie-Bell shrugged.

"I could also throw her down a flight of stairs if you want." She added casually as Mercedes flinched nervously. "Several."

"No, it's fine." Replied Circe as Grace's phone vibrated again.

"Ah! Finally. Yaya's outside with the truck." She got up as Ronnie-Bell easily stacked boxes in one hand and carrying them out with Grace and Circe.

"Goodbye terrible roommates!" Circe breathed as they walked outside. Yaya getting out of her brother's borrowed Traverse truck as Ronnie-Bell loaded up the back. "Hello, freedom!"

"I'm Yaya…" replied Yaya with a knowing smile at her terrible, TERRIBLE joke. She patted the old truck's door as they loaded the back. "Now let's hurry this up… I don't know if Eddie's paid up all his debts on this."

It only took one more trip with Ronnie-Bell back up into her apartment before the truck bed was loaded up, and Circe and Yaya got into the cab. The other two girls got back to their motorcycles and roared off towards Circe's new place.

"So? What are you going to do first Phoebe?" asked Yaya, pulling into traffic and heading off.

"Stretch out and SLEEP…" smiled Phoebe. "And not smell weed all night."

"Good plan." Yaya replied, "But first you might want to take a shower. You kinda smell like weed right now."

"You can't stay in that apartment longer than an hour and NOT smell like weed." Phoebe grumbled. "…Trust me it's worse after I sucked off Lars once for cash…" Yaya chuckled, "…What? That's how I got back my rent deposit." She added with a knowing smirk. Lars never remembered that she did it… in hindsight, it might have been why Mercedes hated her so much…


Ah... college life, shitty roommates and weed I think sums it up... that was my experience anyway.

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