
Superbabes Shorts: Hawkgirl

I don't own DC

Koji Otto woke up on Sunday morning, the Japanese attorney shifted in his bed and got off… dressed in little more than boxers he walked out of the bedroom to the smell of bacon, eggs, toast…

"La-La-Cha-cha-cha!" cooed Hawkgirl standing in the kitchen like a wife right out of the 50's… except she was completely naked except for her apron, her back and tattooed wings exposed, while the front of the apron said in Spanish 'Kiss the cock'… no, you read that right. She turned and smiled at her beloved husband as he approached her, wrapped his hands on her curvy waist and gave her a lovely good morning kiss. "MMMn-wah!" she cooed as he rubbed her wonderfully sexy body. "Good Morning Honey."

"Chula, you're looking beautiful." He cooed as they kissed again and he walked to the table, sitting down as she brought him a plate. "When did you get home?"

She seemed to adorably think about it, facing the stove as her big beautiful culo wobbled before him, shaking left and right absently as she 'La-La-cha-cha-cha'd before him. "MMMn… I went out for a few drinks with the girls…" she said absently.

"Good for you."

"And I think Lucy dropped me off an hour or so ago…" she smiled at him, "I took a bath and decided to just start making breakfast!" she smiled sweetly. "How was your day?"

"Oh, boring in comparison I imagine…" he said, watching his beautiful wife's big, wonderful culo wobble as she danced subtly. "…How was your night?"

"…MMMMn…" she smiled sultrily over her shoulder at him. "…Want to know? Honey?" she purred, taking the food off the heat, before turning around and bending sexily over the table so he could gaze absently into her cleavage. "Right now? But it's so early…" He took her chin in one hand, and rubbed her face as she purred softly, then smiled. "If you insist…"

"MMMn!!" she stretched her beautiful body erotically as her husband gazed at her in enraptured awe. "I just get in…" she said, remembering last night. "And as soon as I do some, dashing… HANDSOME black man orders me over to his very expensive apartment…" she licked her lips, slowly as Koji shivered excitedly. "But he doesn't want me naked, MMMn… no…" she rubbed the table sensually. He tells me he want's his big dicked SUCKED…"

"MMMn!" he smiled, "So… what did you do? Were you a good girl?"

"Oooh Honey… you'd be so proud! I was a very good PUTA…" she leaned forward onto the table, her big culo wobbling behind her. "So… I get on my knees, and I SUCK on his BIG. BLACK. DICK… like I'm supposed to until he blows his thick load in my mouth…" she licked her lips again, neglecting to mention that the gentleman in question wasn't nearly as big as was implied, but letting her husband's imagination wander was SUCH a turn on. "Oooh… but he was an animal, once wasn't enough, so he makes me service him like his personal toy, making me suck his dick…" she ran her hands through her beautiful auburn hair, "Over and over… he was SO rough Honey…"

"MMn-hmmn…" he gazed into her pretty green eyes as she continued.

"Then, when it's almost time for me to leave, he takes his cock out of my mouth and blows his hot load all over my face, like I'm his property…"

"Ooooh…" he said sadly, shaking his head before grinning knowingly and whispering. "…I bet you liked that."

"MMMn-HMMN!" Hawkgirl moaned softly, "I get back to Superbabes… and I'm hardly cleaned up before I have to go out again."

"Twice so soon?! Oooh… Chula… you spoil me."

"MMMn!" she grinned beautifully, licking her lips. "Oh… Honey, I had to go to a bachelor party! Oooh…" she ran her hands over her body, squeezing her big tits as she cooed, "They were so ROUGH with me… I FUCKED the best man, I fucked three other men… I FUCKED the groom…" she purred, "His wife is going to be so HAPPY with his big… hard… cock…" she rubbed her stomach. "Over… and over… they put their thick loads of sperm into my tight little womb." She rubbed her wet crotch through the apron. "MMMn!"

"That's it?" he asked rather calmly, watching his wife molest herself.

"NNgh… ooh they couldn't hold back… the pinned me down and FUCKED me in my tight little culo." She smacked her big bronzed Latina booty with a hard slap of her hand, making it jiggle just right "MMN!" she rubbed her body against the table, grinding and wiggling. "They pinned me down, and just used me…" she licked her lips, rubbing her tits again, the apron shifting on her supple milf body. "One after the other, front and back over and over it was like a never-ending fuck…" she shuddered erotically, "Oooh I can still FEEL their hot loads stuffed into my body!"

"UUUGH!!!" she orgasmed before him as Koji groaned eagerly, his cock throbbing in his shorts beneath the table as his wife remembered last night, and he greedily wanted to hear more.

"…And then what Chula?" he cooed.

"MMmn… they blew their loads on me and I had to go back." She replied with a pout, "Time was up… so they paid the puta and I cleaned up, heading back…" she slowly strutted around the table as he groaned, watching her hips pop and her culo jiggle… She leaned over his food, wiggling her rear. "…Did I do good Honey?" she purred sweetly.


"Ay!" she gasped, jumping as his hand slapped on her culo, as he took her face in hands and furiously kissed him. "MMNngh! MMMN!!" she moaned hungrily as she grabbed his face, holding him to her lips as they violently made out. "MMngh! MMMn-ahh! More!!" she growled as they fell onto the floor. "Ay!" she laughed as he tore the apron from her body.

"Honey! That's my favorite apron! MMMngh!!" his rock hard erection pushed into her mouth as she greedily began to suck on his cock, her eyes rolling in bliss as his scent overwhelmed her.

"Ooh Chula…" he groaned feeble, "I LOVE you…"

"Mmgn-oobe-ooo-uo!" she replied, greedily sucking his cock as he pushed in and out of her mouth, her hands on his ass and pulling him into her mouth as she lied submissively on the floor. "MMgh! mMMN!!"

"Haa! Ugh!! ROSA!!" he cried out happily, pulling her head deep into his crotch, painfully yanking her hair as she climaxed happily, her pussy oozing on the floor as she gulped down her breakfast… he fell next to her as she grabbed his hand, holding it tight as she smiled.

"Haaa... you're just the BEST honey…" Hawkgirl purred lovingly…

"…When's your next shift?" he asked arousingly, his cock throbbing between his legs until it stuck up from the floor.

She smiled sweetly, thinking on it. "MMMn… tomorrow night?"

"Oooh I think you should try to change it…" he said, rolling over her as she giggled, his hand fondling her breasts as she cooed.


"Yeah… you're going to be busy…" he groaned, rubbing his cock against her thigh as she got to her feet, pulling her with him and guiding him to the bedroom, their food forgotten.

"I am?" she asked coyly.

"Yeah…" he grabbed her ass cheeks and squeezed as she licked his cheek. "You really are!" she giggled, easily escaped his grasp and she ran to the bedroom. Her husband right behind…

"Then I hope you keep me busy Honey!" she cooed. Koji might not last very long in bed, but he could go for a collectively long time when she REALLY riled him up. And the best way to do that was for Rosa Otto to go out and get FUCKED by total strangers and tell him all about it…

Fuck, she loved her husband.


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