
Delivery Girl: Green Lantern Order #3

I don't own DC

The trick to working out and exercising? Motivation.

"And… One… MMMN!! And… Twoo… Oooh…" she moaned as the naked young man pushed up and down over her, her hands clawing the mat beneath her as she shuddered. Her beautiful toned Latina body quivered in pleasure for his VIEWING pleasure "And… Three!! MMN!!"

All she currently had on was her sports bra and her sneakers, her yoga pants were tossed haphazardly on the recently used barbells. Four… Five… Siiiix…" she moaned sensually as he literally did pushups over her, his youthful member inside her silky pussy as she tossed her luxurious hair. "Seven! Eight… oooh NINE! Go for ten!! MMMN!!!"

"Haa-Ahh!!" he dropped onto her… and his load splattered inside her as she shivered.

"OOooh…" her pretty green eyes rolled as she giggled softly, shaking her hips as the tiny orgasm rippled through her. "Nine pushups…" she said seductively into his ear as his cock twitched.

"No that-that was ten right?" he mumbled exhaustedly.

"You only gave me half on that last one. Nine…" she rubbed his head. "You know what that means." She said as he pulled out, rolling onto his back exhaustedly. "Double our regular work-out or no reward." She said sweetly, getting to her feet and retrieving her pants. "Drink some water, take a breath. We'll do another rep on the barbells."

She might enjoy her work at Superbabes but Green Lantern LOVED being a fitness instructor. Helping people stay healthy and get in shape made her feel emotionally happy as well as physically. Superbabes just made her physically happy and again while fun wasn't what she always wanted to be doing. So in her off time, she's taken personal trainer contracts like young Malcom on the floor over there… his parents want to help him lose a bit of weight.

…And nothing will get a young man like Malcom to work out more like the promise of a sexy woman… she didn't do it for ALL of her contracts, just the ones that needed REAL motivation.

"…Whatever my parents are paying you, remind me to get them to pay you more." He groaned happily as she tossed his pants onto him. Smiling prettily as she wiggled her big brown Latina booty back into her yoga pants as suddenly her right cheek vibrated.

"MMn?" she pulled out her phone from the tight pocket and checked the contact. "Oh, I need to take this. Hydrate Malcom." She added as he gave her a thumbs-up, absently trying to tug on his shorts back on.

She answered her phone, brushing away her silky locks from her ear before holding the phone to it. "Hola, Orders." She said subtly.

"Hey, I need you to cover tonight, can you make it?" Orders noted as Green Lantern smiled.

"I wasn't doing anything important, but you knew that." she smiled, "Why?"

"The flu is going around and unfortunately that last catered party knocked out Stargirl, Supergirl, Harley Quinn, Batgirl, both of the Vixens and Power Girl… NNgh!" Green Lantern recognized one of Orders' sudden visions as the purple-eyed woman sighed over the phone. "and Big Barda… I just need you to come in… I also need to call Giganta or Banshee… and only one of those is a suitable bouncer."

Green Lantern chuckled, "I'll be in Orders I may be a little late though I have another client to deal with."

"MMMngh!... I… suggest you don't. He has the flu too…" Green Lantern rolled her pretty eyes.

"Fine. I'll see you later tonight. Bye Orders." She added kindly before hanging up as she turned to Malcom who had just managed to put on his pants and squirted a torrent of water into his mouth from a squeeze bottle. "Alright Malcom, I'm going to have to cut our time short today, so…" she smiled and promptly removed her sports bra, her big breasts wobbling impressively free and firm. "Jumping jacks."

He stared at her breasts before he managed a… "H-How many?" she smiled sweetly.

"Well, that depends… how long do you want ME to do them?" she asked, before motivating him again.

Later that night

"Empty tonight…" Mighty noted practically, there was barely anyone on the floor and most were actually there for the food.

"Well, what do you expect? It feels like half the city has the flu." Catwoman II replied, her big beautiful booty sitting on one of the tables, "Seriously? Who here wasn't called in by Orders?" Only Wonder Woman raised her hand with a shrug. Everyone else currently involved in the conversation, Killer Frost, Raven, and White Rabbit sighed. "And even then we are still short-handed."

"Orders was almost desperate enough to call Ice without Fire but Ice is taking care of Fire… she didn't have the heart." Giganta grinned as Orders ignored her.

Giganta had arrived as well, she was currently leaning against Orders' counter to view the floor but she didn't really expect any trouble tonight. Batwoman was home with her little brother who, while doing very well, also had the flu. Giganta doesn't get sick… something about the experimental steroids used on her.

"Well, I have STRICT quarantining rules when it comes to-uh. Starfire." Raven replied, "Meaning I toss in a box of vibrators, lotions, and porn and tell her she can't leave her room." The girls nodded their understanding of the matter. Green Lantern who had just arrived walked onto the floor smiling prettily at them in costume as she glanced around, but since most of the patrons had already been attended to there was not much for her to actually do.

"Come on Orders." Catwoman purred sassily walking back into the lounge. That majestic black girl booty not drawing nearly as much attention as it usually would. "Let's just call it a night. What if this is some supervillain attack?"

Orders, rubbing her temples glared irately at the beautiful black woman. "Because it'll start to clear up later in the week… it's just the flu, not a supervillain attack."

"…I thought you could only see an hour or so into the future?" Green Lantern asked concernedly, "Doesn't it hurt you to look farther?"

"Yes." Orders replied as Giganta handed her a glass of water and she took some new pain pills she had received from her Batman approved and recommended doctor. "If I focus, I can see farther…" she downed the water and the pill like she was dying of thirst. "It just hurts… an hour or so is just a minor irritant in comparison."

"Okay, so it'll clear up." Catwoman replied sagely, "But right now there isn't any footwork."

"Somebody could order delivery…" Green Lantern noted with a calming smile as Wonder Woman laughed from the doorway.

"You really shouldn't say that."

"Why not?" asked Catwoman as Orders suddenly held up a hand and reached for the phone.

Time: 8:12 PM. Place Gotham (Superbabes)


"Hello. Superbabes. We Deliver…"

"Sup. Four green lantern Meals please."

"Four Large Granola Lemon Parfait. Anything else?"

"Oh Yeah. Delivered by Green Lantern, please."

"Very well, large orders do not deter the fact that we want her back in 60 minutes or less and you will be charged on delivery. Name and address please."

Meanwhile at the nearly empty Superbabes

"Green Lantern you got one." Orders noted

"She's got four from the sound of it." Wonder Woman replied with a pretty smile before heading back to the floor. Green Lantern stretched her flexible body erotically, hands high above her head as she rolled her prettily on her neck. "Gods help them." She added with a laugh as Giganta sternly eyed her.

"Hey, I say that." she noted, but with a humored smirk on her pretty face.

Catwoman eyed Green Lantern's fit body in her tight suit as the parfaits slid out. "Girl looks like she can take a pounding." She purred as Green Lantern winked sweetly at her before lifting the parfaits as Orders handed her the receipt.

"Oh. Gotham docks…" smiled Green Lantern already walking out the back towards the car.

"I still think we should call it a night…" Catwoman purred as Green Lantern got into the driver's seat and sped out of the parking lot to the docks.

There were a few apartments and motels on the docks, dock workers used the former and sailors who felt like sleeping on land used the later… or wanted to have a sample of Gotham's finest dock girls, a few strutting by as Green Lantern pulled the car into an empty lot by the Gotham amusement wharf, closed for the evening… a Ferris wheel looming over the area like a lone monolith.

She had… woken up once or twice in the area after one of her 'fun evenings'. She strutted down the wooden planks, ignoring the dive bars and rowdy pool halls as a few evening girls strutted by with their claimed companions for the evening. And yes, they did drunkenly stare at her body as she passed. There were a few ships moored nearby but they were mostly leisure boats or tourist traps. Empty fishing boats too… ah. Fond memories.

She stopped at a small three-story apartment, with 'Dockside Room Rentals' posted on a small sign on the outside. She checked the receipt and walked right in. There was a door straight ahead, and stairs to her immediate right. But to her left was a bald man sitting behind a counter with a bell. He looked up, and his eyes widened lecherously as they wandered up and down her body. She smiled at him and held up the food.

"I have a delivery for the third-floor apartment?" she smiled prettily at him, and it was surely the prettiest smile he's ever received.

"…A-ight. Head on up…" he said, watching every step she took up the steps. Naturally, that bountiful Latina booty jiggled pleasantly. Apparently, each floor only had one apartment, not a very productive motel but she imagined the turnovers were great. She bounced up the steps of the final staircase to the last room. She tossed her pretty brown hair, batted her pretty (half painted) eyes, and raised her hand as she smiled. Knocking loudly


Time: 8:36 PM. Place Gotham Docks (Dockside room Rentals Room #3)

The door popped opened and a very healthy Asian man in a full-dress sailor's uniform cooed excitedly as she smiled prettily at him. "Special Delivery Service."

"Boys the party's here!" he grinned as she giggled, strutting right in and coughed.

The room was cheap, with a couch and Tv in the middle of it, and a small round table that was currently being used for a game of poker, she could see a small room with a pair of surprisingly neat and clean double beds. It wasn't as seedy as she expected.

There were three other sailors in the room. A built black gentleman, and a pair of white guys, one was average and the other was a little stocky but fit. Had to be fit in the navy. Most were smoking cigars with the windows closed, she waved a hand in front of her face, feeling the Asian sailor slap a hand on her booty and guiding her in but… she stopped.

"Okay… hold on boys." She noted, they were grinning eagerly at her, but their faces fell. "I'm sure…" she smiled, "That you're celebrating I'm going to say…" she looked them over for a second. "Graduation?" they looked impressed. She knew a little about naval uniforms after being a fitness instructor to a navy man. "But… smoking is bad for you." The stocky sailor chuckled but she smiled. "And… I'm not doing ANYTHING…" she waved her hand around before putting the food on the surprisingly clean couch… "In this." She added to the smoky air.

They hesitated, looking at each other… then returning their gaze to her amazing body. Other peoples' opinions, not hers (she's too humble to say amazing). The black sailor wiggled the smoking cigar in his fingers like a Marx brother, before he promptly pulled the ashtray on the table towards him, and stabbed the cigar into it until it hissed out. Before pushing it to the other two. Both did the same as she smiled prettily.

"Great." She strutted past the Asian sailor as he STARED at that wobbling Latina booty. "Now let's turn on the fans, open the windows, and clear this table." The average Sailor and the black sailor went to obey her commands, but the stocky sailor pouted.

"But I'm winning…"

Green Lantern leaned on the table, her big beautiful breasts tight in her suit as she winked at him with her painted eye and he went rigid as she smiled. "…Would you rather play with money? Or play with me?"

"Play with her Johnson. Play with her…" the Asian Sailor declared grinning and staring at her skintight butt. Still staring at her pretty face Johnson slapped his arms on the table and pushed the cards and poker chips onto the floor as she giggled and athletically hopped onto the table. Standing proudly in the center above them as she swayed her hips left and right. All the sailors taking a chair around her as she grinned at them all.

"Now… shall I start?" she asked, hand on her zipper and pulling as her hips swiveled.

The boys catcalled as the zipper went lower and lower… her hips popping left and right and soon her beautiful bronze breasts were freed from the upper half of her suit, wobbling as she danced on the table. The suit rested around her hips, her slender waist and big bouncy Latina ass as she lowered her hands, waving above her head, down her body and rested on the suit. She bent forward, wiggling her behind as she pushed the suit down the rest of the way. Only standing her black lacy underwear as she rolled her hips around, spinning in a circle as each sailor got a good view of her body as she smiled prettily.

"Alright boys!" she cheered, "Who's first? Or… all at once?" She grinned at the staring Johnson. She winked at him again and dropped to her knees on the table, lifting her breasts with her hands and bouncing them up and down as the sailors cheered.

"Alright come here beautiful!" the black sailor declared; he easily downed a beer bottle. Tossed it aside and took her waist in his hands before he pulled her towards him.

"Wooo!!" she laughed, lying on her back as her legs draped over the edge towards him. She rubbed her pussy for him, smiling up at him as his dress pants dropped.

"That's how it's done boys." He grinned as his average-sized hard and ready length slapped against her silky folds.

"Show em how it's done…" she grinned excitedly as he sunk his hooked her thighs and pulled her towards him as he pumped inside. "Ooh! It's done! So! Good!" she cooed, shaking as he slapped wildly against her hips. "MMn! MMMn! MMMN!! MMMN!!" the other sailors, apart from a bewitched Johnson, roared out encouragement.

"Tear that pussy up Myers!" cheered the average sailor as Green Lantern ran her hands over her bouncing breasts, sliding firmly up and down her chest as she writhed and moaned on the table. Myers lifted her hips, pumping his cock into her deep and hard, lifting her lower body off the table as he bent his knees, and put his hips into it.

"Ah-ah! AY! Se siente increíblemente bien!" she moaned, arching her back as she squeezed her big tits, sinking her fingers into her soft flesh as the sailors watched.

"What is that Spanish? That's hot!" declared the average sailor, she panted erotically, rolling her head towards him and winking him.

"MMMN!?" she squeezed her breasts again, "Te gusta cuando hablo español? Mejor espero que me FOLLE más fuerte…" she purred.

"…I like this girl." The average sailor said flatly.

"So! Do! I!!" Groaned Myers, "Oooh! Take that NUT!!" he fell onto her as she cooed.

"Ooh! Hermoso!" she purred, as he buried her face between her breasts and rubbed, licking them as she laughed, his hips still thrusting as he emptied his load into her.

"Oooooh… I love this girl." Myers moaned as the sailors laughed.

"MMmn… sweet." Purred Green Lantern, rubbing his head.

"Okay come on Myers my turn." The asian sailor declared.

"Hell I was the one that told you about the place!" the average Sailor grumbled.

"Boys… boys…" she scolded, absently pushing a cheery Myers into his chair and sitting up. "Don't worry about it." She took their dress scarves in each hand and slipped off the table. She strutted around and led them both to the bedroom as they followed her like she was the pied piper and her ass was the flute. "There is a VERY simple solution to our problema…" she purred as Average sailor grinned, she let them go and stood at the left side bed. her hands placed on her curvy waist, visually enhancing her big ass "We just need to figure out who wants to be bottom?" she then smacked her ass cheek loudly and proudly with a smile.

"And who wants to fuck my culo." She almost didn't say culo. But Hawkgirl has been insisting and she promised she would try harder.

"Dibs on the culo!" Average sailor claimed quickly, his erection obvious through his dress pants.

"You're a freak, Higgins." The Asian sailor grinned good-naturedly but he didn't get much time to think about it before Green lantern grabbed his dress shirt and pulled him to the bed, smiling at him sultrily before she turned him around and shoved him onto the bed. "Whoa!"

She grabbed his pants and yanked them down freeing his average length as she crawled over the bed, dropping onto his body and pressing her breasts to his chest as she felt his hard cock against her slit. "Now." She winked over her shoulder at Higgins, wiggling her big Latina booty as it wobbled around the Asian sailor's length as he laughed. "You just stay RIGHT there until I'm ready for you, kay?" she smiled.

"When are you going to-"

"MMMNH!" she moaned, lifting her rear and dropping it immediately on the Asian sailor's length as he moaned happily. "Okay…" she smiled, "Ready…"

"This girl is a FREAK…" hissed the Asian sailor cheerfully as his arms wrapped around her waist.

Higgins waddled on his knees behind her, spreading her ass cheeks as they twerked in his hands before he easily found her ass, and pushed it into her. "Ay… right up my culo…" she purred, feeling him bulge eagerly in her experienced ass as they hilted into her. "MMMN!!" she trembled excitedly, her green eyes rolling in her pretty head.

…Getting Double Penetrated was just one of the things she loved doing. Being stuffed full of cocks and well fucked by two horny guys. "Uh… Si… go slow…" she cooed, but would be more than happy to take their cocks if they started quick and rough…

The Asian sailor apparently wasn't going to wait anymore and slammed up into her. "OOoh!!" she cried, tossing her hair back erotically as he began pumping, "Oooooh SI…"

"You're a dick Tanaka." Higgins declared and not to be left behind grabbed her big ass and bounced that booty against his thrusting hips as she roared out her pleasure.

"Haa! Ahh! NNGh!!" she clawed the sheets, her pretty lip parting wide. "AHHH! Más adentro! Más rápido! Golpea mis agujeros, chicos, lo quiero tanto!" she smiled beautifully as the two sailors continued their assault on her holes regardless.

"She's so damn sexy!" Higgins hissed, smacking her ass cheeks playfully as she yelped erotically.

"Ay! Ooh… slapping my culo, you chico malo…" she purred as Higgins and Tanaka both pulled out, and slammed DEEP into her. "AY!!! AH DIOS MIO!!"

"HOLY shit!" groaned Higgins.

"KuuSOO!!" groaned Tanaka. They buried their throbbing cocks into her as she went limp between them, screaming out her climax as her holes tightened around them. They lied there on the bed, the boys' hands exploring her smooth fit body as she breathed heavily.

"MMMn…" Green Lantern purred, her body shaking just right as it spasmed in pleasure.

"Haa-ha." Laughed Higgins breathlessly, smacking her rear playfully again before rolling off her with a plop. Lying on his back. "Wow that felt GOOD." He groaned as Green Lantern pushed off Tanaka, lying contentedly himself on the bed as she ran her hands over her tits, lifting them and letting them drop back down again as she gyrated on his lap… but oddly he wasn't getting hard again.

"Haa-give me a minute baby…" grinned Tanaka as he ran his hands over her curves as she moaned eagerly. "I'm not Superman."

"Boo." She pouted, playfully before slipping off his lap and noticing Johnson had recovered from his awe coma and was standing in the doorway watching her get stuffed. "Hey there sexy, ready to play?"

"…Yeah…" he grinned as she sashayed towards him. She put a hand on his chest as she pushed him back into one of the table chairs, before taking his pants and pulling them down. Kneeling on the floor as they wrapped around his ankles.

He was bigger than his friends but not by much. Not that she cared. To her it wasn't the size of the cock but how much fun she'd have fucking it. She wrapped a hand around the base and smiled up at him sweetly. "Give me a minute sexy, I'll get you warmed up." He moaned as she ran her tongue from his sack to his tip, then wrapped her wonderful lips around him and slid slowly back down again to kiss his base.

Her lips molded around his cock as she suckled and slurped, her tongue slithering slowly against his cock in her mouth as his hands slid into her silky brown locks. "MMMn-hmmn!" she moaned softly, twisting her head left and right and still deep throating him as she slid up, down, up, down.

"That's amazing…" he moaned in a soft hiss as she giggled. She COULD finish him with her mouth but she said she was going to warm him up.

"MMMn-MMMN-ahhh!!" she gasped, popping off his tip with her tongue flicking on it as it left her lips before she stood up and, guiding him towards her pussy, slowly sat on his lap. "Ahh-Si… you like how my pussy feels?" she purred but he couldn't answer his face was muffled by her tits… she was okay with that. "Haa ah ah haa mmnahh ahh Si…" his cock throbbed inside her as she bounced up and down on his lap, his hands wrapping around her waist to clap loudly on her big ass cheeks as she grinned, wrapping her arms around his head and pulling him deeper into her cleavage. Threatening to smother him in tits.

Admittedly many of her former lovers would happily die if smothered by her tits...

"Tetas are for sucking…" she purred sweetly, finally pulling him out of her cleavage and shoving her jiggling breast's bouncing nipples into his mouth. "MMMn!" she gave him the 'look'.

…Or at least what every other guy who has had sex with her calls it. A sexy 'look' that drives them wild, a sultry stare that fires a man's loins. Puts passion in his soul and vigor in his hips…

Honestly however she just looked at him while he fucked her. Still drove him wild with lust.

"Ha!!" she gasped as he pulled her firmly down onto his cock, pushing up deep into her body before rapidly bouncing her on his lap. "AH! Ah! Ay! Chico sexy! Te montaré toda la noche bebé!" she purred sultrily into his face, gazing hungrily into his awed eyes. Like he couldn't believe this beautiful woman, even paid to do so, was having sex with him.

A little joke is on them though, get enough tequila in her and she'd probably do it for free, and longer.

She felt another familiar hand smack across her bouncing ass before she was pushed down onto Johnson's lap, pressed against him she glanced seductively over her shoulder as Tanaka stood behind her, stroking his returned erection. "Hey sexy, you don't mind if I have a turn up that ass do you?" he asked, already stuffing her backdoor.

"Ay!!" she shivered and cooed as he pushed deep and purred out a cock-hardening "No~!"

"No you mind or no you don't?" he teased as she rubbed his face with her hand.

"Jódeme como la necesito más que tú." She purred, he didn't understand a word but it certainly sounded like an invitation. "Ay! Dios! Mio!!! MÁS!" he clapped a hand loudly on her ass as she squealed delightedly. "SI!"

Johnson and Tanaka pounded away, her feet scrapping on her floor as her flopping legs bounced up and down, jerking up and down on Johnson as Tanaka thrust up into her ass, her mouth opening wide in a loud constant moan like a dying siren as Myers got to his feet, turned her pretty head. And slipped right in.

"Ahhh yeah…" he sighed as she immediately began to slide up and down his length, "Don't want to wake the neighbors, baby."

"MMnngh! MMn! MMnnn-hmmn!" she moaned eyes rolling in pleasure as she was stuffed in all holes. Myers took a fistful of her hair, guiding her up and down his length slowly as Tanaka made her jump down it with a thrust in her ass.

And he wasn't going to last much longer with his grunts. Johnson had pulled her down fully onto his throbbing length and painted her insides with a MASSIVE load… she wondered if he'd never gotten laid before. But Tanaka, hands around her waist pounded fast and deep into her as grunting as his hips bounced off her Latina booty as she cooed and moaned around Myers.

"Here it cums babe!" and it came fast. "UGgh!!" Another shot of warm goo rushed inside her. Two nice cocks planted deep in her body, making sure every drop of cum went nice and deep, STAYED nice and deep.


"Ooh you sexy bitch." Hissed Myers warningly, speeding up his own hips. "Uugh!!" Not a drop escaped her lips, she smiled prettily up at him as she quickly and eagerly gulped his cum, like every rope was fired directly down her throat as she wiggled between them all. "Best dick sucking I've ever had." He sighed, patting her cheek fondly. "Five stars girl." He sighed, slipping from her lips and taking a seat nearby as Tanaka popped out of her ass with a satisfying squelch and clapped a hand on her booty, giving it a squeeze.

"MMMn!" he praised with an approving groan but didn't say much else. Dropping on the couch with a sigh.

She sat upright and gazed down at a sleepy Johnson. "Heeey?" she cooed encouragingly, his cock wiggled inside her but, not a lot of response after that. "…Hey you okay?" she put her fingers on his neck, hand on his heart. He had a pulse and was still breathing, but he was tired. "…You want me to suck you off?" she whispered in his ear sultrily, no response. "…Want me to fuck you again?" she asked, but he sighed contentedly with a smile, shaking his head. "Okay." She said sweetly.

"I'll take up that offer." Higgins said behind her as she glanced over her shoulder at him. "I want a turn in that pussy." She chuckled, then stood up. Her hands placed on Johnson's shoulders and tits in his face as she stood bent over, wiggling her big ass behind her as it wobbled erotically.

"Fuck…" he breathed, spreading her ass cheeks with his hands and pushing his cock into her pussy without delay, warm and throbbing he groaned. "We should smuggle you onto our ship and take you on tour…"

"Oh. No, I can't do that again, too much paperwork." She noted.


"Baby I have a pussy that YOU need to fuck." She said quickly with an inviting smile and an ass slap of her own hand. "Running out of time…" she added as she wiggled her ass for motivation. "Ugh!" Higgins began quickly and pumped rapidly, slapping against her wobbling ass cheeks as she clung to Johnson's chair, her breasts slapping playfully into the stocky soldier's face as he reached up and fondled them.

"MMN! Yes. You play with those for me…" she purred encouraging, "While!" her eyes rolled. "I… NGh! Focus! On this… FUCKING!" her teeth clenched as she climaxed but Higgins wasn't done with her thank Gods.

"So tight! So fucking good!" he praised, "How are you still so tight!?"

"Lots! Of! Work! Ugh! Haa-AH! Ha-ha!! SI!!" she trembled again, her knees losing strength as he thrust faster, deeper. "Make me fucking cum with your gran polla de mierda!" and that finished him. "Ayyyy!!! Dios Mio…" she shuddered, knees buckling as if after a hard day of… ahem 'riding stallions'… "NNngh…"

Higgins sprayed her silky warm, and somewhat stuffed tunnel with his load and a contented sigh. And it wouldn't be proper not to slap dat ass one more time. So with a booty clap on her ass, he pulled out. She knelt to the floor, face in a somewhat catatonic Johnson's crotch, and rolled out the floor exotically, breathing heavily….

Her body sweaty, her holes stuffed, her stomach gurgling and flying higher than a kite on her orgasm. God she loved being sober for gangbangs. Higgins raised his arms triumphantly, claiming the victory of making the slutty delivery girl 'tap out'.

"MMMN! So good boys…" she purred shaking on the floor. "…Have I been here an hour? I lost track of time while being Dp'd…" she replied, sounding completely exhausted and satisfied.

"…Uh… yeah." Johnson surprisingly said, checking a watch on his wrists.

If anything was going to surprise the boys that night, it was her sudden kip-up off the floor "Hup!". Her legs stretched suddenly over her head and flung them back down, using momentum she flipped up easily to her feet, stretching as if she WASN'T just fucked into sexy jello. "MMMN! Okay!" she said cheerily like she was just about to start a yoga class for the other Superbabes. "Shower?" she asked a stunned Higgins.

"…Right there." He mumbled and pointed, as she flicked a finger on his chin, closing his gaping mouth, shutting it as she followed his direction. They continued to stare at the Latina Sex Goddess' ass as it vanished into the bathroom, followed by the running of water.

"…Holy fuck." Tanaka breathed exhaustedly in awe.

The sumptuous Green Lantern soon returned to the main room and tossed her beautiful brown locks, smiling at the boys as she patted the table. "Money on the table gentlemen." She said sweetly before grabbing her suit and underwear, promptly wiggling and jiggling back into both as the pile of bills stacked up and she shuffled them into a neater, straighter pile. "Alrighty! Gracias." She smiled, "Next time you're on leave give us a call…" she waved at their still somewhat stunned expressions, and just as she shut the door. Johnson noted.

"I'm in love."

It would NOT be the first time she heard that. She'll let him down easy next time.

Time: 10:02 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Superbabes had no patrons when Lucy returned just bored Superbabes. She put the money on the counter. "It is really slow tonight Orders…" she noted as Orders sighed, and closed her eyes, but still separated Lucy's cut.

"…Ronnie-Bell." She said suddenly, as Ronnie Bell gave her boss her full attention. "…Push the tables to the wall, make space on the floor." Ronnie-Bell nodded and went to follow instructions. "Grace, Leslie give her a hand." The sexy superbabes looked confused, but they too went to help. "Everyone else?" Orders glanced at the Superbabes assembled. "…I think you need to get some blood flowing." She replied as the Superbabes blinked confused.



"Feel like a class?" Orders asked as Lucy smiled.

"Always Orders."

"Good. Yoga." She waved a hand to the cleared floor. "Go crazy." Lucy stretched as the girls began to smiling knowingly and she led them into the main room.

The assembled Superbabes stood appropriately apart on the cleared floor, facing Lucy as their backs faced the glass, Ronnie-Bell leaned against the front door, locking it as Lucy, her emotional and physical happiness filled for the day declared. "Okay girls. Today we're going to start with Downward-facing-dog." She smiled as the curious 'viewer's gallery' outside the window began to fill up. "Ready? And down…"

It didn't take long for the outside of the restaurant to be filled up with 'interested viewership'… and the rest of the week was productive regardless of the flu. Lucy doing a yoga class with the rest of the sexy Superbabes was QUITE the motivation.


Anyway, to the butchering, and remember it's always about my intent, not just about translation. So I apologize to any properly Spanish speaking readers.

Se siente increíblemente bien = it feels crazy good!

Te gusta cuando hablo español? Mejor espero que me FOLLE más fuerte = Do you like it when I speak Spanish? Better hope he FUCKS me harder...

Más adentro! ¡Más rápido! ¡Golpea mis agujeros, chicos, lo quiero tanto! = Deeper! Faster! Pound my holes boys I want it so much!

Chico sexy! Te montaré toda la noche bebé! = Sexy boy! I'll ride you all night baby!

Jódeme como la necesito más que tú = Fuck me like I need it more than you

gran polla de mierda = big fucking cock

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