
Delivery Girl: Vixen II

I don't own DC

Time. 7:46 PM. Place. Gotham City (Superbabes)

*Ring! Ring!* click.

"Hello? Superbabes? We now… Oh… Ahem. Deliver."

"…I'd… like to order a… Vixen meal?… for delivery please."

"…That's a Venison steak with homestyle potatoes and a salad."

"I… assume so. And dessert? please. The Vixen Treat?."

"Double chocolate brownie topped with a scoop of our homemade chocolate ice-cream and sprinkled with cocoa… Anything else?"

"Yes… I was told to ask for T? Vixen? for delivery?... Please."

"…Well, I'm going to have a word with her later... But we want her back in 60 minutes or less and you will be charged on delivery. Name and address please."

Time. 8:30 AM. Place Gotham (Sierra's apartment) Date. 1 week Before the Call...

"SLUUUUUUURP!" Jackie (Batgirl) loudly slurped the straw of her large vanilla milkshake on the couch watching as Sierra (PowerGirl) strutted into the living room in tight boxers and a large white T-shirt, both of which were not hers. They were also tight, and stretched over her large breasts and wide hips. She snatched the remote and dropped down next to Jackie and turned on the TV right on time as the Gotham New's Network flashed across the screen.


"Ah man, we're going to miss Harley's show…" Jackie grumbled as the front door shut.

A beautiful black woman stepped into the living room wearing tight grey jogging pants and a matching tight sports bra. She had large, ample breasts rivaling or bigger than Sierra's and dark mocha-colored skin that shined with sweat. Her dark hair was tightly weaved, flowing back into dozens of little braids that hung around her pretty head. She carefully put on golden hoop earrings as her dark almond eyes glanced at the TV. This was 'T(ittes) Vixen', from London. Usually, when Tasha 'B(ooty) Vixen' worked, 'T(ittes) Vixen was off and vice versa, not all the time, but usually.

'Vixen' had just come back from her morning run and daily dose of young boys eagerly watching her breasts bounce as she ran by. She long writes them off by now… if she jump-started a few guys into puberty, good for them.

"What's going on? Another supervillain?" she asked in her Londoner tones, as Vicki Vale appeared.

"This is Vicki Vale with an exclusive report on the hit and run case that has gotten all of Gotham talking. Less than two weeks ago, Gotham socialite Johnathan St. John the IV was seen captured on video pushing his now ex-girlfriend out of his speeding vehicle. Under the influence of alcohol and traces of cocaine... He then proceeded to run a red light hitting and injuring three college students in the crosswalk including Local Football hero Jamal Jackson." It then showed a picture of a handsome black man in a football uniform.

"Ooh… that's a shame." Jackie moaned sadly.

"Jamal Jackson is now in extensive care at Gotham General. Our prayers are with him and his family." Vicki added sadly as 'Vixen' grunted, crossing her arms across her big breasts watching attentively. "After a week of court deliberations, Johnathan St.John's attorney has attempted to write off these charges as 'affluenza'." Vicki Vale looked moderately insulted, shaking her head as 'Vixen' scoffed again.

"Oh? So the rich white boy's gonna get off then is he?" she growled, sitting on the arm of the couch. "Bloody figures… this IS Gotham after all… Daddy probably tossed some dosh towards the judge."

"This has brought the city into an uproar, and we now bring you live into the courtroom. Where Judge Edward Teach will-" Vicki paused, looked at her documents before glancing off-camera, "Is this right? We got this right? Right?" apparently receiving confirmation she shrugged and continued. "Judge Edward Teach, will now deliver his verdict."

"Sooooo… Judge Blackbeard?" smirked Sierra as Jackie blinked at her, still sipping her milkshake. Before gasping for breath and adding-


"Edward Teach was the real name of Blackbeard." Sierra replied as 'Vixen' sighed and mumbled out a posh.


"I thought Blackbeard was his name." Jackie said thoughtfully as both 'Vixen' and Sierra glanced at her in an 'are you serious' sort of look before the courtroom appeared on the screen.

It focused first on Jonathan St. John. Who had a look on his face that you just wanted to smack, blonde hair, spray-tanned skin, thin, and oddly slimy-looking; like a snake. He had a smug smile on his face, the kind of smile someone wore when they figured everything around them was just for show and he was 'in the know'.

"All rise for Judge Teach." Said a bailiff and the camera focused on the judge.

All three of our beautiful 'heroines' suddenly sat up a little straighter as the judge entered the room. They had expected an old miserly looking man, paunchy or overweight. Jackie had expected him to be straight up wearing a powdered wig: anything other than what they saw.

He was a tall white male, strong chinned, broad-shouldered, well-muscled and he had a rugged look on his handsome face. Dark black hair with some white, and an even darker well-groomed short black beard with much less white, his cool blue eyes pierced the camera and the girls as he stared out at the court.

"…Blimey." 'Vixen' mumbled as Jackie nosily, and loudly slurped her shake. Sierra just grinned.

"Whooo… maybe I should get arrested once in a while…" she purred waving a hand teasingly by her face.

"Be seated." He said as everyone sat down, "Not you." He said firmly as St. John briefly paused and stood straight again. Still smiling. "I'll make this quick." He said, pointing to St. John's lawyer. "You. Stand up."

The lawyer, briefly taken aback, stood up slowly. "…Yes?"

"…You said this man suffers from affluenza, is that right?" he said calmly, firmly. With a voice that sent shivers down the spines of heterosexual women and a few homosexual men.

"I…yes your honor." He said, with a tone that said that the lawyer was confused. But in a 'what are you doing' sort of way.

"And are his parents here?" Judge Teach asked casually, his eyes scanning the room.

"They are your honor. His father and step-mother." He turned just as Johnathan St. John the III stood up with his obviously much younger wife. Nearing seventy, he had traded up for a new wife every few years of so. Most were the same age as when he left the previous.

"And do you two agree to that?" he asked, calm. Cool… Dangerous.

"We do your honor." Johnathan the III said smugly, in a suit that could pay for the girls' apartment four times over.

"…Very well." He said practically. "Detective Montoya, Detective Bullock." An attractive Hispanic woman and a larger, bigger, well known detective suddenly stood up at being addressed. "Arrest them for child neglect."

"Excuse me?!" Johnathan the III roared as a rather smug-looking Detective Bullock approached him.

"A psychological malaise supposedly affecting wealthy young people, symptoms of which include a lack of motivation, feelings of guilt, and a sense of isolation." Judge Teach said to the uproar of the courtroom, many of the witnesses clapped. "That is the description of affluenza. That also sounds like child neglect." He noted, "Oh… and detective Montoya, approach the bench." He said, getting down from the bench, towering over the pretty detective. And handing her an evidence bag filled with money.

The St. John's suddenly looked very concerned. The smug look on The 4th's face, constant even as his father was arrested, VANISHED. "If someone thinks that doesn't hold, add attempted bribery of a judge to the charges."

"Yes, your honor." Montoya said smiling as Bullock dragged a furious The 3rd and his very confused trophy wife from the room.

"Now then. You." He said, turning to St. John. "Attempted Manslaughter on four counts and assault with a deadly weapon. Now. I'd send you to Arkham… but the Joker is there this week and he'd kill you for giggles and I actually want you to be punished for your actions. 10 to 20 years in Blackgate. With possibility for parole in 12 with good behavior." He said as the The 4th stared at him shocked. "Take him away." he said to the bailiff as the courtroom cheered.

The look of shock on St. John's face vanished and was replaced with cold fury. He suddenly shoved the bailiff away, yanking his gun from his holster as the crowd screamed. "Oh my God!" Vicki shouted over the shrieks.

BANG! Judge Teach stood before a shocked St. John, the smoking gun aimed at the ceiling as Teach glared at him coldly, St. John's wrists in his powerful hand. St. John shivered as the formidable man glared down at him...

"Attempted murder of a Judge. No parole. 20 more years." He said, and his forehead cracked onto St. John's nose.

"Holy shit!" Sierra hissed as Judge Teach handed the amazed bailiff his gun and St. John whimpered on the floor, nose heavily bleeding.

"Get that trash out of here, I'm late for my son's baseball game." He said, heading towards the back room and removing his robe revealing powerful, muscled arms with US MARINES tattooed on his upper right bicep. Sierra turned off the TV they stared together at the blank screen.

"…Is anyone else turned on right now?" 'Vixen' purred, her big breasts heaving as she breathed excitedly. Sierra and Jackie silently raised their hands. "MMn…" she moaned slightly, already fantasizing about him.

"…Affluenza." Scoffed Sierra, getting up from the couch as 'Vixen' continued to stare at the TV. Trying to will the handsome, 'daddy' judge back on screen. "What a joke."

"I know right?" Jackie cooed, getting up and following Sierra into the kitchen. "I mean… Bruce Wayne's parents died when he was a kid and he's not creepy and weird! He's like the nicest guy in Gotham!"

'Vixen' licked her lips, an odd fascination with the older white man… and her crotch just a little wet from more than just sweet from her morning jog…

A week later

Time: 10:00 AM. Place, Gotham (Superbabes) Date. 10 hours from the session.

"Kinda slow today innit?" Vixen sighed in her Londoner voice to Wonder Woman as they wiped down empty tables.

Wonder Woman shrugged, taking a plate of dirty dishes to the kitchen. "Well just give it some time. You know the evenings always pick up."

Vixen slid behind the register staring lazily out at the Gotham citizens passing by as Poison Ivy placed a large bag of take out from the kitchen onto the counter that lead into the main dining area. "Hey Vixen. Orders says we have a pickup coming in. Keep a lookout." Vixen, bored out of her sexy mind, sighed and waved a lazy hand over her smooth shoulder for confirmation, closing her eyes and trying not to fall asleep as the front door dinged its warning bell for the arrival.

"Hello there." Came the rugged, friendly and somewhat familiar voice as her eyes opened to find dressed in a dapper three pieced suit, Judge Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach.

She took a rather satisfied breath, a pretty smile stretching immediately across her supple red lips as she got to her high-heeled feet and stepped around the counter.

Whereas B(ooty) Vixen wore an accurate copy of the Real Vixen's costume, a tight bodysuit to show off just how big her booty was. T(itties) Vixen, the one we are following today, wore a tight bronze-colored bikini top to accentuate her large bulging black breasts and deep cleavage. And to complement that: matching tight booty short briefs to show off her toned muscled legs, soft thighs, thin waist, and just how big her tits can look in a tight bikini top. She of course had a firm ass, (and a good one) but compared to B(ooty) Vixen for sheer size and shape, there was no contest…

Regardless. Handsome judge… back on task girl.

"Ello handsome." She smiled prettily as her Londoner accent seemed to enhance her words, glancing at him up and down.

He smiled charmingly, nodded politely, then tried very hard not to stare at her big, bulging, mocha-colored breasts and cleavage deeper than the Grand Canyon. "Hello Miss. I'm here for a pickup. Under Teach."

She glanced rather lazily at the food at the counter, turned and 'walked' distractingly towards it. "Oh? The popular Judge Teach is getting his own food?"

He chuckled rather good-humoredly. "Well I offered to pay for my clerks' lunches today and they seem to like the food here."

"I'll bet." She mumbled as she bent towards the food, pushing her tight booty shorts covered rear towards him to 'inspect' the name on the receipt. Allowing him to... 'inspect' the 'goods'. "You do know we do deliveries now, right Love?"

"I in fact did not." He replied politely as she 'walked' back towards him with his order, her hips popping as only a woman with her 'talents' could. Breasts jiggling in her bikini top ever so subtly with each step. "I'll remember next time." He said still smiling politely.

He went to take the food but she winked slowly at him. "…Try tonight." She said with a coy whisper.

"…Pardon?" he replied.

"Order tonight. Ask for a Vixen meal, or a Vixen treat…" she then leaned towards him, he was taller than her so as she looked up seductively into his eyes he got a good look down at her cleavage once more. Her breasts wobbling gently but still held in place by her tight top. "And asked to be delivered by 'Vixen'… T Vixen."

"Ah… ahem." Despite his hard attitude and his rugged looks. He blushed surprisingly easy. "…I'll think about it…"

"Don't think to hard love." She smiled playfully, waving at him with her fingers invitingly as he turned to leave.

Meanwhile. Moments after the call… and all the buildup.

"Stop coercing clients." Orders sneered warningly at an unimpressed T Vixen, (Who we will refer to as Vixen) as she took the food order and smiled.

"I'll coerce the handsome ones as much as I want." Orders' eyes narrowed at the strutting Vixen as she high-fived a returning, but somewhat confused, Batgirl. Taking the restaurant car and driving off to the suburbs.

She parked on the curb in front of the address. It was a small, quaint little house with a chain-link fence and gate. She easily strutted in and towards the front porch, stepping up the steps, putting on her pretty smile and knocking loudly. "Superbabes."

Time 8:06 PM. Place Gotham (Judge 'Blackbeard's' House.)

The handsome judge opened the door wearing little more than jeans and a tight white T-shirt that allowed Vixen to eagerly note his rippling muscles and marine tattoo. He seemed surprised as she casually strutted in, inviting herself, her heels clacking obviously on his hardwood. Deftly stepping over strategically placed Fire-Tires toy cars. She then vaguely recalled that he supposedly had a son… but she dismissed it. No son right now it seems...

"Hello Love." She purred, lazily, swaying her backside as she entered his living room. "Special Delivery Service." she added as she glanced around. A couch, coffee table, and a very big screen TV. Average living room things. In the corner of the room was a work desk littered with a few half-dozen folders and a couple of large paper boxes, normally filled with paper but currently filled with more folders. "Bringing your work home with you?"

"Something like that…" he noted, trying to find something to look at other than the attractive woman who had coerced him, easily, into his home.

"MMmn." She moaned seductively, placing his food on the low table. "Well don't worry Love, I'll not pry…" she turned as he approached her, reaching into his wallet as she laughed lightly taking it and tossing it onto the table with a clatter. "Ah-haha… not yet love." She pushed him onto the couch, he was surprisingly pliable. Despite proof that a 6' former marine would easily out muscle a 5' 1" busty bombshell. "Delivery's not done yet…" she purred, and before he could respond she was straddling his lap, placing her big breasts against his chest as she leaned close.

He cleared his throat, a little hesitant. "Ah… I'm flattered Ms-?"

"'Vixen'" she purred with a cock-hardening growl… the very BIG proof of it being 'cock-hardening' was pulsating firmly against his jeans, rubbing against her slowly grinding crotch.

"…Vixen. But I-"

She placed a finger on his lips, playfully stroking his black beard as she licked her own lips very slowly. "…You're not a stupid man…" she whispered huskily, "…You knew what it was the second you ordered me." His eyes narrowed, but he didn't deny it, so she continued. "…So you. And me. Should have a bit of fun…" she ground her hips slowly on his lap, feeling it throb. "When's the last time you pillaged some booty 'Blackbeard?'" she grinned at her joke as he laughed at it good-naturedly.

But his finger tapped the couch in deep thought, mostly hesitation. So she took his hands, and settled the matter, placing them firmly on her big soft tits and squeeze as she moaned. He stared attentively at her flesh molding pliably in his hands as she squeezed and lifted them with his hands. "For one hour love you can have ALL the fun you want…" she said, not breaking stride with 'his' groping as she purred.

"This is prostitution…" he noted hesitantly… but not SO hesitant.

"It's a 'delivery'…" she purred, "…Besides…" she wiggled her hips, thrusting her chest firmly against his hands. "I like strong men." She smiled, "And they like me…" then pulling his hands away, she grabbed the inside of her bikini top and yanked, her big black breasts bouncing free with her silver dollar sized areole and hardened nipples. "And they REALLY… Like these…" she squeezed her breasts, moaning erotically before shoving one of her nipples into his opened, surprised mouth. "MMmn… yeees…" she purred as his tongue almost immediately began to swirl around her hardened nub. Playfully slapping his face with her other tit as his beard tickled her skin, making her giggle.

The Judge had an iron will when it came to handling criminals but a soft-bodied beauty like Vixen? Now that's kryptonite if I've ever heard it.

"Ooh!" his hands seemed to find their way to her firm ass cheeks, her booty shorts already skintight it was almost like it wasn't even there in the first place. "Hee-hee…" she giggled, wiggling her cheeks in his hands as he suckled on her breasts. "That's right Love, get a good feel. MMMmn." She rolled her weaved head on her slender neck, letting him play, letting her warm her up. "I like to be played with…" she purred softly as his cock throbbed eagerly between her legs.

Suddenly she slid away, falling off the couch between his legs and doing perfect splits on the floor, her face eye level with his bulging pants as she ran her hands up his thighs to his belt, smiling catlike at him as he gazed back. "Come on… I don't bite Love."

He stood up while she remained unmoving, gazing up almost submissively at him as his bulged pressed against her face. She grinned as his hands undid his belt and his pants loosened. Her hands hooked his waistline as he slid from his belt to his shirt showing off his toned abs and muscled torso… and once she pulled his jeans down a heavy rod of meat slapped against her cheeks. "Ooh… bugger me! Yeeeesss…" she hissed as his thick cock throbbed before her eyes. They gazed at it in wonderment, thick, hard and long…

She had a good feeling about him and now her instincts were proven right… She was going to FEEL this one…

"Ooh SEXY." She purred, wrapping a hand around the base of his shaft and pushing him back onto the couch, wagging his cock like a dog's tail as she slapped his tip against her lips, making a popping sound as her opened mouth suckled along it. "When's the last time you had this monster tended too?" she suckled his tip, slobbering tentatively as he watched him groan and shudder. She pulled back with a pop, "Ooh…" she rubbed her cheek, almost sympathetically. "…Never have a girl give you hoover?"

He rolled his eyes, cleared his throat, and gave out a rather impatient. "…No." his cock pulsated in her hand as she smiled happily at him.

"…Then you're in for a night ain't ya?" she giggled… and promptly inhaled all 9 inches of his meat. "MMmph-GACK!!" her throat pulsated around his girth, gasping for breath as she deepthroated him. Burying her nose in his pubic hair, "Gaack… SLURP!!" her cheeks pulsed as she managed a smile through watery eyes before sliding up his shaft, moaning around his length as her tongue danced along his tip. Her mouth opening wide, "Ahhh… yummy." She purred, swirling her tongue along his bulging tip, slurping up pre-cum as he groaned. Her hands rubbed his muscled thighs, as she braced herself… then proceeded to work.

Her lips pressed the base of his shaft again, and again. Up. Down. Up. Down. Taking his full length into her throat before her gag-reflex could react. She's sucked men off before, lots, a handful of them were packing magnums like her new favorite Judge, but she was never a 'fan' of the taste. Treating head more as a necessity than a perk or a kink, like many of her coworkers and friends. She hilted him into her throat and held firm, her tongue sliding out to slither around his sack as his cock pulsated dangerously…

Then without warning-"FUCK!"-okay a little warning. A torrent of seed splattered down her throat.

"Cough! GAACK!" she spluttered as some when down, some flooded up, bursting around his cock as she gasped, pulling to the tip as his salty load continued to flow in between her lips. "MMmn…" she moaned more comfortably, wrapping her hand around his throbbing, spasming length as she stroked out the contents of his apparently pent-up load. "MMN! MMm!!" she moaned, gazing eagerly at him while expertly sucking out every last drop.

"Ahhh. Damn it…" he sighed, laughing as she popped off his tip. His cock going flaccid in her hand as she licked, sucked, and slurped him clean.

…Surprisingly…. She liked the taste. Normally she was indifferent, going from bad to awful, but she could stomach it at least. "Did you like that, Love?" she purred, pulling her hand away and licking that too, her tongue curling erotically between her fingers as she slurped up saliva and cum, "…Scrummy…" she moaned licking her lips. His cock pulsated back to life and she smiled. "Ready for the good stuff, Love?"

She rolled out of her splits, getting to her feet and stepping away from the couch as his eyes followed her swaying ass, his cock pulsating with every step as her fingers slipped into her tight shorts and pushed them down over her ass. Big, black, and beautiful her ass cheeks wobbled tantalizingly as she made it dance, her tight shorts going lower and lower as she rolled her waist in a circle. "Whoop!" she cheered, bending forward and pushing her ass towards him as her bronze-colored booty shorts hit the floor around her ankles and she stepped out of them, one high-heeled foot after the other. "Hee-hee." She giggled sweetly before shaking what her mama gave her with the skills B(ooty) Vixen taught her…

Guaranteed to drive men wild.

Her ass clapped as she swayed her hips for mere seconds before he was behind her, his big manly dick between her quaking ass cheeks. "Oooh, ready to get it Love?" she purred, her ass cheeks rubbing and slapping his cock expertly as his hands cupped her big soft breasts from behind, "MMmn…" she moaned as he pulled her against his muscled body, his hands groping her huge malleable tits, slapping them together as she giggled.

"…Define… 'get it'." he said, huskily in her ear as her womanhood noticeably damped. His voice sent a shiver down her spine. She purred eagerly.

"Whatever you like Love… Oh!" she yelped as she was suddenly and bodily tossed over his shoulder. "Whoa!!" she laughed, filling a firm hand on her ass cheek as he easily strolled through his household. "Ooh SEXY." She purred, squealing delightedly as she was suddenly tossed onto a double bed, she bounced, giggling as she gazed back at him looming over her, his thick organ throbbing impatiently as he reached behind her and grabbed a pillow at the head of the bed…

Noticeably the ONLY pillow on the double bed. A sure sign of it once having another occupant… but since the judge wasn't wearing a wedding ring when she came in it was no skin off her back. She licked her lips as he slid the pillow behind her head, grabbing a leg and easily dragging her towards him, spreading them apart as she spread her tight, pink pussy… She was as smooth as silky, not a trace of hair on her except on top of her head. He gripped his length tightly in one hand, slapping her folds

"MMMn…" she whimpered, shaking her hips enticingly as he grabbed her other ankle, pushing his bulging tip into her as she squeaked, he stretched her GOOD. "Ah…haaa." She bit her lower lip, shaking like a virgin before he finally pushed. "OOOoh!!" she writhed on the bed as he tugged her legs behind him with his arms, pulling her down his cock as he MANHANDLED her. "Fuck-fuck-FUCK" she hissed softly, shaking as his thick meat spread her apart. "Oh-my-God. Oh-my-God. YES." She felt his cock fully penetrate her agonizingly slowly, his balls pulsing against her as he fully sheathed himself inside her.

Her inner walls clung to his thick meat, every pump of blood to his cock making it bulge inside her as she felt every inch. He put his full weight onto her, she shivered excitedly, adjusting to his girth as he wrapped his arms around her.

Then, and ONLY then, did he FUCK her.

A damn had broken in the judge, his cock pulled out of her but was almost instantaneously slammed back in. "AHH!!" again. "MMN!!" AGAIN! "FUCK! BLOODY BASTARD!!" she shrieked happily as smack-smack-smack when his hips against her, grinding and pinning her onto the bed as her legs and hands instinctively wrapped around her.

"Ugh. Ugh. Ugh…" he grunted, almost mechanically as she shook and quivered, shaking beneath his constant pounding hips as she squeaked and shivered. She would have to be honest with herself… SHE expected to be the one making him shriek.

"OH FUCK!! BLOODY! FUCK! ME! YOU! TOSSER!!!" she panted quickly, eyes rolling up into her had as her mouth opened, and her tongue lolled on his shoulder as his full weight pressed on her. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK…"

"…Such foul language…" he said, a little dark as she quivered excitedly, a light orgasm rippling through her as she shook beneath him… then a hand covered her mouth.

"MMNph!!" he gazed playfully into her eyes, then sliding his other hand beneath her ass, he PULLED her up to meet his thrusts. Deep. Hard. And never-ending… his motions were constant and deliberate.

"MMMNPH!!" finding herself muffled, she took that opportunity to break professionalism a little and SCREAM HER HEAD OFF in constant orgasm. "MMNPGH!! UUUGHHHH!!!" her body quaking and tightening around his rapidly plunging dick until blissfully after what felt like an eternity he FILLED her.

"UUUgh." He growled lowly, dropping onto her as she squealed into his hand.


Semen burst from her pussy as his balls contracted and released into her. His cock bulging as she leaked his load from overcapacity, staining his sheets as her legs lost their strength, dropping onto his legs as he sighed contentedly… giving her a playful kiss on the cheek as he pulled his hand away. Shame she wasn't done having a mind-blowing orgasm quite yet.


"MMmn…" he sighed, slowly extracting himself from her as she rode the high, his removal making her orgasm linger as she shivered and twitched.

"…BLOODY…" she sighed, arm resting on her eyes as she smiled slowly, trying to catch her breath. "FUCK…"

He chuckled, sighing contentedly as her spread legs twitched, her pussy still drooling his seed. "…Well… I suppose I could keep this quiet." He said almost dismissively as she laughed. Slowly rising upright.

"Oh?" she purred pushing him onto his back, cupping her hands and immediately wrapping them around his length flaccid length, it flopped comically between her tits. "I better convince you Love." He moaned as she began to stroke him with her breasts, watching him intently as she squeezed, twisted, lifted and dropped them. Stroking his sticky length with her breasts as she spat between them, "MMmnn…" kissing his hardening tip as she engulfed it into her cleavage, slapping them on his lap as he sighed contentedly again, enjoying thoroughly the sensation of her wonderful breasts smacking on his lap.

"HMMM!!" he trembled, his cock trembling like a strangle snake… which was apt, thinking about it.

"Cum Love! Cum for me!" she sped up, faster and faster, feeling his length pulse its warning, "Give me that spunk! AHH!!" she opened wide, not hesitating or flinching as he fired his tasty load on her face. "MMNph!!" she ran her tongue along her lips as shot after shot fired from his cock, smearing cum on her lips as it dripped from her face onto her mocha covered breasts. "That's it…" she smiled sweetly. "Did you like that?"

His mouth opened… but then the phone rang. He frowned, reaching for it as she nibbled his knob. Suckling and tending to him as he playfully tried to push her off, answering the phone as she playfully refused to stop. "Hello?"

"Mr. Teach. Hello. I am an employee of Superbabes." Came the polite, professional voice of Orders. "Congratulations. You've won."

"What? What have I won?"

"The lottery." Orders said, unbeknownst to him. Completely stone-faced. "An evening with one of our lovely Delivery Girls." His eyes narrowed dangerously.

"…Is this a bribe?"

"An apology. A gift. A professional courtesy. More importantly a whim…"

"A whim?" he noted, and immediately Vixen stopped, watching him curiously.

"A whim… You see. I have been angered, and when I'm angered my head hurts. And when my head hurts I get cranky… it's a vicious cycle. And I am particularly angered because one of my girls is being… we'll say a bit too big for her bikini." Immediately Judge Teach glanced at Vixen. "So. As a bit of two birds with one stone scenario. Please. Enjoy to your heart's content and keep the 'Special' out of our 'Special Delivery.'"

"…So this is a bribe."

"…*Sigh*... Give the phone to Vixen."

He handed the phone to her. "…It's for you." Taking her left hand off of her tits she pulled it hesitantly to her ear. "…Ello?"

"You don't leave. Until HE can't walk." Orders said firmly as Vixen shivered excitedly. "Blow his mind. No time limit."

"Orders… how SWEET." She purred, licking her lips. "Love you darling."

"Yes. Yes. Hand me back to the Judge." She obeyed, he pressed it to his ear, flinching as Vixen immediately began to blow his mind by blowing him. "Don't hold back." Orders said. The Judge frowned, but the phone hung up…

As… incredibly odd as this was… the fact of the matter is there was a beautiful woman sucking his dick and playing out every porn fantasy he has had as a younger man… he sat up, resting a hand on the back of her head. She smiled at him, cock still between her lips, squeezing her big breasts around his length as she suckled and slurped loudly… She certainly looked like she was enjoying herself…

So… why couldn't he?

.....Meanwhile… one mind-blowing session later.

"OH FUCK! NO MORE!!!" Vixen bounced back against Judge Teach, her ass in the air, covered in at least two previous loads of his cum. She panted, eyes rolling and in a constant state of pleasure, her face stained with his load as her ass clapped. Her arms and legs limp as he mindlessly 'pillaged her booty.' "PLEASE!! Ahhhh!!!" she shrieked, falling forward onto the hardwood floor, him on top of her, still bouncing on her body as she shivered, shook, trembled and finally went limp.

Hours. Literal HOURS… the Judge was a MONSTER. And if she was more cognitive she would have happily admitted that she loved every single MINUTE of his raw fucking… at some point after her fourth titjob and facial they had somehow fucked back into the living room. Every inch of her ebony body was sticky with sweat, saliva, and seed.

She smelled like she went ten rounds with every pent-up inmate in Blackgate. Felt like it too. Her toes curling as he slammed his hips against her ass, filling her well-used hole. But there was already so MUCH of his cum it didn't even try to get deeper and just leaked onto his floor… there was a trail from his bedroom to her current position between the table and couch. "MMMmn!!" her feet scraped the floor. She was wearing one heel, the other had flown off somewhere after the fifth orgasm.

He ground his hips, growling like an animal as he drained himself again into her. Their legs sticking slightly together with dried cum and other various fluids… she honestly thinks she might have peed herself but she didn't smell it.

Her hand limply went to rest on his, currently holding her shoulders down as she tapped his hand feebly. "…I give… I Give up… I'm tapping out." she pleaded. "Please… just… bloody arrest me at this point, I can't move anymore…"

"Haa… ha-ha…" he laughed feebly and slowly removed himself.

"Fuck! Fuck! Just ripped the BLOODY band-aid off!" he popped sloppily from her spilling pussy. "MMMnph…" she mumbled as he wobbled to his feet, cock dangling between his legs as he lifted her from the floor. "Oh no… PLEASE no more…"

"One more." He said with a half-smile, easily carrying her to the bathroom as she moaned, being lowered into a bathtub. The water was warm as it sprayed on her body, washing away the smell and his seed.

"Mmmn…" she moaned contentedly as her sore body was treated. "MMmmph!!" she moaned as he got into the bath with her, "Uuuugh…" she lied limp as he indeed got one more out. The water sloshing around them and her orgasmic screams echoing around the bathroom, his hands pulling her ass onto his cock as he sprayed her insides relentlessly.

Once he was finished, he carefully tended to her body until she was as clean as she was going to get. She still couldn't feel her shapely legs but he had more than enough strength to carry her back into the room and dressed her in her clothes…

"Well… Ms. Vixen thank you for your time…" she wobbled slightly, leaning on the wall as she groaned, every step sending a sensitive ripple through her vulnerable, but WELL satisfied body. "…I… do hope we can see each other again."

"Bloody Hell wanker give me at least a week…" she laughed feebly, "…Oi… give me a piece of paper…" he watched her curiously for a moment before retrieving a sheet from the printer. She took a pen and wrote down her number, sighing it as 'T Vixen' then under that in an underline was 'Britney'. "…You let me prepare myself…" she said, a slight hint of her earlier playfulness returning. "…Then you give me a call yeah?"

He eyed the paper, folded it up. And placed it in his jean pocket. "…I'll do that…" he said, reaching an arm around her waist and planting a deep kiss on her as she cooed like a schoolgirl, breathing heavily when he finally pulled away. "…Maybe next time I'll REALLY 'pillage your booty'…" he grinned, giving her ass a playful squeeze as she just as playfully whacked his hand away.

"Cheeky bugger." She noted, then paused as she remembered. "Oh! Yeah." She held out her hand, a little apologetically, "…You, um… still have to pay for the delivery."

Time 6:05 AM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

Britney stumbled into Superbabes, Jackie and Sierra her roommates were dozing softly on the couches in the lounge as Jenny and Melissa strutted into the lockers. She wobbled to Orders who seemed to never sleep and slapped an adequate wad of money on the counter. "…You… did you KNOW he was a 'marathoner?'" she mumbled.

"If I said 'no' would it matter?" she replied dismissively, taking the money and not giving her a cut. "Would it matter if I said he had been divorced for a whole year, without a touch of feminine company? And his son was with his ex-wife this week?" Britney blinked a little nervously as Orders glared at her, her purple eyes flashing dangerously. "Don't solicit when on the floor." She said firmly. "You can try to rake in repeat orders when you're out there on deliveries but NOT when in the restaurant."

"…You traded me to the Judge for silence!" hissed Britney angrily, but not so much.

"You left him your number." Orders noted almost dismissively. "…By the way how are you with kids?"


"Nothing." Orders noted a small smile on her thin lips. "It's a good thing you like baseball…"

Britney, thoroughly confused and creeped out, decided to wash her hands of this… waving them across her like she was 'finished' with the conversation and went to wake up her roommates so they could head home. Orders watched the three leave before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, feeling her previous anger headache reside and a smile stretched across her lips.

The Judge was a dangerous risk… but 'jungle fever' was just as dangerous... and contagious.


The first chapter that goes in-depth with the girls, lives, relationships, etc. And also the first '2' girl. Some 'roles' are played by two different girls for different versions of them, 2 green Lanterns, 2 Supergirls, 2 Catwomen. 2 Vixens. A Vixen for dat ass, and a Vixen for dem titties

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