
3 Rounds to Bust

I don't own star wars

"So awhile back the district boss at the time, a pretty thing, decided that all out-turf war wasn't a very lucrative business, dead bodies, wrecked buildings, and clean up. Pretty messy. So she decides that having a couple of guys beating the shit out of each other was far more profitable. Less clean up, less dead bodies, and a healthy gambling pool. Worked out pretty nicely until her right hand blew her up in her speeder."

Rkyrr shrugged dismissively, "Happens a lot to the district bosses, anyway he decides he likes shooting everything so everyone has a nice big turf war and then somebody thankfully snaps his neck and riddles his corpse with an awful lot of blaster pistols…" he added, a certain look in his eyes. "Then a MUCH smarter guy takes his place and we decided to go back to having 1 on 1 fights. Much less mess…" he added again as I processed the information.

"…So what's the deal with this one?" I asked as multiple people began filling up Rkyrr's place as Oriana massaged my shoulders. I was currently only in what Rkyrr called, 'boxing trunks', my fists wrapped in bandages.

"Well a gungan boss is feeling his eggs a little. Got a bunch of the other clubs under his belt and wants to add mine to the list." Rkyrr smirked under his bushy mustache. "They weren't much, most of their guys were a bunch of drunkards paid a few credits to go down swinging."

"…Who were you going to have fight if I said no?"

"One my bouncers." Rkyrr added lazily, "…Or if I'm feeling particularly mean I would've done it myself…" he joked.

"So you are hiring a bounty hunter to do it?" Oriana noted, her ruby red eyes narrowing.

Rkyrr glanced at her indignantly, then he spoke in a low whisper. Which was almost completely meaningless, we were in a private room. "…You look like you can take a hit."

"…I can…" I noted, not liking where this was going. Oriana certainly didn't.

"I want you to tank his shots until the third round… then I want you to put him down." Rkyrr said conversationally. "Not only will I win a hefty bet, but I want you to send a message."

Oriana growled, tapping Rkyrr's rather muscled chest, before adding sternly "My Kal isn't here to take a beating, he's here to give one!" I have to admit I could not hide my smile when she said 'My Kal'.

"Well he doesn't have to take all of the hits, just enough to get the other guy into a false sense of security." Rkyrr noted good-naturedly, "I want to give Boss Gomba a good scare. If Kal here looks like he's on the ropes through most of the fight before snapping his guy like a twig, he's going to wonder what else I have in my apron."

"…Fine." I said, "…I just have to let him have the upper hand for two rounds, right?"

"Right." Rkyrr noted, gesturing to me but smiling gentlemanly at Oriana who wasn't having it. She kept glaring at him, he backed down but still kept that gentleman's smile. "I'm going to go out there and get the girls walking around, you get all warmed up and head to the ring when you're ready." He noted, I nodded at him and he sidestepped an annoyed looking Oriana, winking at us before heading out into the main room.

"You don't have to come on so strong." I noted she smiled at me, poking me in my forehead.

"What? I'm not allowed to be the protective girlfriend every now and again?" she glanced at the exit where Rkyrr was not too long ago, "…Let him think that. It never hurts to give them a few ideas… even wrong ones."

"Oh? So you're not worried about me?"

"Kal I've seen the other guy, if you lost to him I'd drag you right to your mother and let her punish you." She noted proudly I sighed disappointedly.

"That bad huh?"

"YOU were trained from birth to be a close combat specialist; this guy was trained yesterday to beat a bunch of drunken weequay. BIG difference." She smiled confidently.

I growled, "…And here I thought it would be more of a fight…" I sighed, she frowned at me. Striking a bit of a 'pose' in her tight catsuit, pulling her zipper down in her traditional 'seduction' stance.

"Careful Kal. Your bloodlust is rising…" she cooed, "…If you like I could go out and 'inspire' him to hit you harder?" she chuckled, and I glanced at her. So… she would 'seduce' him? That would be a bad move.

"…But then I might put him through the mat in the first round." I replied, the idea of her promising another man anything sent a shiver of anger down my spine. She sat on my lap, wrapping her arms around me and giving me a kiss. My hands slid over her shapely, soft, curvaceous body as we hungrily kept contact before she breathlessly pulled away. Giggling.

"Ah… we shouldn't do that before your fight…" she ran a hand on my chest. "…If you're a good boy… we'll save that after you do the job." I sighed, and after she got off my lap I got up. Punched my knuckles together and cracked them.

"Alright then, something to look forward too."

"Alright you ingrates!" roared Rykrr from the center of the fight ring as the crowd roared their approval and a pair of bikini clad girls walked around the ring, holding up ever changing holo signs that said 'round 1' in multiple languages. One was Pasi, the twi'lek waitress from the other day. She smiled prettily at everyone winking occasionally. The other was…

…I'm not surprised.

Lala strutted around the ring to the catcalls and whistles of just about every single sentient in the room. She was wearing make-up, dark blue mascara and lipstick so it was pronounced against her pink skin, and her purple hair was somewhat wavier than usual and had a bit of a curl… she looked like she went to a salon. Her tight bikini top made her large breasts wobble just a little more than usual with each step, and it looks like her bottoms were biting into her hips…

…Wait, when did I get into the ring and why am I still staring?

"Put them eyes back in your head Kal, baby…" she purred softly, strutting past me as I promptly tried she winked as she strutted past a particular grouping of humans who could certainly NOT put their eyes back in their heads and gazed at her bouncy rear pretty intently.

I managed to turn my attention away from Lala and spotted Oriana, Nerri and Rattletrap, the latter two cheering but the former looking amused. She then tilted her head towards the ring and I looked. My opponent was so average you could paste Human #1 on his face and not be able to spot him in a crowd. Black hair, athletic build, looks like he could handle himself in a barfight… a particularly fat gungan with a heavy scar on his jowl whisper in his ear chuckling.

'Must be Boss Gomba.' I thought to myself as the gungan clapped a hand on my opponents shoulder proudly before glancing at Rykrr. Who seemed unimpressed with Gomba's evil look, less impress with Gomba's wandering eye to Pasi's and Lala's rears as he passed me and out of the ring.

"Alright where was I before I was pleasantly distracted." As if on cue Pasi strutted past Rykrr, giving him a wink and he gave her a playful pat on the rear.

"Ooo!" she cooed as the crowd cheered and laughed as she skipped out of the ring with Lala.

"Alright boys and girls get your betting out of the way because the fight is going to begin! No holds bar, 3 minute rounds, last guy standing wins." He glanced at Gomba sitting in a vip booth right at ringside surrounded by less then savory thugs and glancing occasionally at Oriana and now Lala sitting in their booth… not even bothering to put on a jacket or anything. "Are you ready!?" Rykrr shouted as the crowd roared their reply.




Rykrr stepped out of the arena as my opponent got to his feet. "FIGHT!!"

He moved across the ring quickly with a powerful haymaker, I easily swayed out of the way. Pushing his arm as he stumbled forward against the ring fence. I strolled across the ring, keeping my eyes on him and my guard up… Rykrr caught my eye, I sighed… that was a look that said I needed to sell it a little more…

…This will be an interesting 6 minutes…

I came at me with a low kick, I blocked it with my shin, pushing it away before he threw another punch. Sighing to myself I took the hit across my face. He hit harder than Cheeto at least. I threw a few jabs at him, missing on purpose. The smirk on his face made me not want to. He was getting confident and bolder. Throwing combinations that were easy enough to dodge but I could let all of them miss… I let him pin me on the fence, letting him go to town on me. Even dropping my guard as I felt his fists and kicks pound on me… I shoved him away after I had enough of him tickling me…

I threw another punch, missed on purpose, before wrapping my arm around his head and getting him into a headlock seconds before the first bell rang.

"Corners boys!" Rykrr noted lingering around my corner as Gomba praised his fighter proudly.

"Getting pissed?" Rykrr smirked out of Gomba's view.

"Getting annoyed." I noted sourly.

"…Not used to taking hits?"

"Not giving them back is the problem."

Rykrr patted the fence. "3 more minutes…" he noted as the bell rang again.

"Get em Kal!!" Rattletrap and the girls yelled, Rattletrap waving a sign that said 'Krush him Kal!' where did he even get that?

His fist cracked on my jaw, it was irritating and stung. I wasn't prepared for it. I was distracted by Rattletrap's sudden sign. My anger got the better of me and I almost put my fist through his face, hesitating just long enough for him to dodge. I felt his fists slam repeatedly into my open side before another hook across my face to the cheers of the crowd.

…Might as well sell it…

I stumbled, moving my feet 'dazedly' as the girls watched… looking away, and trying very hard not to laugh. Using the fence to stay 'standing' he came at me again. kicking me hard in the leg, the one that had been impaled awhile back… still didn't hurt. But I dropped…

Instead of acting on my moment of 'weakness' he began showboating and cheering for the crowd. Might as well eat up the time.

"Hey there blue beauty!" he cheered glancing at Oriana who was trying very, VERY hard not to laugh. "Hows about I dedicate this match to you?"

…He's going to die.

"Bocco beat him down already!" laughed Gomba glancing at Oriana, "I called dibs anyway!" his men laughed.

…They were going to die.

Oriana smiled coyly, glanced at the clock, before puckering her lips in a playful kiss towards Bocco.

…I was going to enjoy the next three minutes.

He winked just as the bell rang. I got up, pushing past him to my corner as Rykrr smiled. "…What's you opinion on death matches?"

"Don't kill him he's just a stupid kid." Rykrr replied casually. As if that question came all the time. "…Make it quick or slow just put him down."

I glared at him as Oriana approached me, winked at Bocco, and noted casually. "Seriously don't kill him." I growled.

"…Fine." She winked at me, winked at a rather confused looking Bocco… then went back to sit down, apparently flaunting herself. Well she had it she should…

The bell rang. I got up as Bocco, confident and cocky. Charged at me and threw a punch… I caught it. he had half a second to realize I wasn't PLAYING anymore…

He crumpled as my other hand smashed into his forearm as he tried to stop my punch. It didn't work, I felt it crack under my blow. Moving quickly, I grabbed his shoulder and yanked him foreward into my rising knee slamming it into his solar plexus. The air shot from his lungs the blow lifted him from the floor. I let go of his hand reached over him and gripped his waist, lifted… and delivered a standing powerbomb that shook the ring…

Bocco didn't move and the ring went quiet. Splayed out, he groaned, lifted his head. And felt my foot put him back onto the floor where he stayed.

The look on Boss Gomba's face was… hilarious. My table cheered loudly as the rest of the bar roared at the fight. Rykrr entered the ring, kicked Bocco, shrugged, and declared the fight over. "Alright you mugs if you aint here for food then get out!" he laughed, "Pay up! Cash out! See you all next time."

I grabbed his arm, he paused and glanced at me. "Do you happen to have a room I could borrow?"

Rykrr seemed to think about it, reached into his apron and pulled out a collection of keys, "Hmmm… here." He gave me one. "Behind the bar, up the stairs, first door on your-" I got out of the ring, went right for Oriana, and lifted her onto my shoulder as she laughed. "-Right!" he shouted as I followed his instructions.

Oriana laughed as I got the door open and shut it. dropping her onto her feet as she grinned at me. "MMn!" she purred as I kissed her again, walking her back towards the bed. The room was rather practical, more likely it was just a spare room Rykrr used. But it had a shower and more importantly a bed. "Good boy…" Oriana cooed as I held her to me, kissing her again as our lips smacked together. I felt her hands slid up her body, hooking into her suit and pulling it open as her big beautiful blue breasts bounce free, firm and ready.

"Ahh!" she laughed as I wrapped my arms around her waist, lifting her up and wrapping my lips around her nipple as she giggled. "Wow! Kal…" she purred before I dropped her onto the bed with me. She bounced, grinning coyly as her breasts wobbled back into position on her chest. I groped them playfully as she purred, feeling my lips on hers again. "Did I make you jealous?" she cooed as I caressed her, pulling her suit open further as she arched her back, easily sliding out of it… considering how tight it was on her body I was surprised.

"My Oriana…" I growled quietly as she shivered excitedly.

"…Come get her then…" she cooed feeling her hands on my shorts, pushing them away. "Come on…" I was kissing her again as the shorts came off, then I was on top of her. "MMMm!!!" she moaned, her body writhing as I got inside her, "Yess…" she gazed at me, licking her lips. "He-he…" she giggled as I pulled away, nibbling and licking her neck as I slowly ground my hips, "Mmn…" she moaned, wrapping her arms around me…

My hands slid up her arms, lifted them up, and pinned them above her head as I gazed into her ruby eyes. "My Oriana…" I grinned as she grinned back, her breasts wobbling as I kept her good and pinned beneath me, her legs wrapping around and hooking behind my back.

Then I really began.

"OH!!" she moaned, eyes rolling up into her head as I pushed deep, pulled out, and repeated. "Oh yeah! OOH!!" Primal, instinctual, in and out as the bed rocked and creaked beneath us. "Ah! Yes! KAL!!" she moaned, her big supple blue breasts bouncing and smacking together on her chest as I sped up, going faster and faster, deeper and tighter. Her mouth opened into a constant steady, undulating moaning as she watched my face. "Ooooooooohh!!!UGH!!" she suddenly tightened, my cock twitching inside her as she came, "Ah-HAaaa!!" she writhed beneath me.

"Beautiful." I said instinctively as I watched her orgasm. Her face suddenly went purple and she tightened even further. "GrrR!" I groawled through my teeth as she gasped.

"N-No wait-Kal Eeep!!"

I hilted into her. If I had a knot I would've plugged her, I lied firmly on top of her as I gasped, feeling my cock pulse and throb my release into her wonderful body as she gasped and shuddered, "S-shit! Too much!..." she growled, her wrists wriggling in my hands as I began to kiss her again. "W-wait you… wait…" she whimpered as I kept kissing her. "Kal wait…" she whimpered…" my hands slid down her arms, over her breasts, squeezed them playfully as she cooed, before slipping them around and down her back, gripping her equally wonderful and tight rear…

"No." I said, kissing her neck and lifting her easily from the bed. She clung to me, gasping as I got off, heading towards the obvious bathroom, opening the shower door as it swung inward...

"Oh my Force Kal!" she spluttered, as I pressed her too the wall. Shutting the door as her legs dropped to the floor. My hand turned the water on as the cold water spilled against us, "Shit that's cold!" she hissed as her nipples hardened against my chest and her body clenched up. "Ah!! KAL!" she growled at me as I grinned back, already grinding against her again as she bagged gently against the wall with my thrusts. "Ka-Ah… ahhhh…" she moaned as I rocked in and out of her, squeezing her breasts gently as she moaned the water warming up and her hair getting soaked. "Ah ah… F-Fine already…" she moaned, writhing against the wall as I lifted on of her legs, rubbing up and down her thigh before rapidly slapping against her, "Ahh! Fuuck!" she cursed, hands on my chest and fingers curling, scratching me and doing more damage then Bocco certainly did. "Ahh HAhh Cumming…" she hissed as I pinned her to the wall again, "Aah!!" she shivered, I groaned as I felt her orgasm all along her vaginal tunnel. My cock quivering and spurting inside her as she gasp, "Ahh S-shit…" she growled, closing her red eyes.

I kissed her again, she moaned into my lips. Her hands pushing slightly against my chest, but barely. As if unable to decide if she wanted me to stop… or do it more. I pulled out of her slowly, she moaned into my lips then- "Ohh!" she put a hand onto her stomach as a torrent of my seed spilled out of her, splattering into the shower water as it rushed down the drain. "…Damn Kal…" she mumbled, laughing lightly as I pulled her under the shower, letting the water wash her body as I caressed her from behind.

"…I feel better now…" I noted grinning as she laughed.

"You better!" she laughed again, "…Oh my Force…" she moaned, letting my hands roam her body. Moaning as she felt my lips on her skin, "...Maybe I should tease your opponent's more often… ah!"

Suddenly she was pushed against the glass door, hands flat, breasts firmly against the glass as I grabbed her waist, lifting her slightly from the floor as she fidgeted nervously. "Kaaaal…" she glanced coyly over her shoulder as she felt my cock against her silky, slippery folds. "Ahh! AHHH!!!" she gasped as I split her open, my cock shoved back into her tunnel as her toes curled in the air inches from the floor. Her body firmly against the glass as I immediately pulled out and slammed back in. "Oh! My! FORCE! OOH!!" she grunted as my pounding hips ravaged her insides.

"Ah! Ugh! HA! S-SHHIT! SHIT!!!" she clawed the glass, leaving scratch marks as her heavy breasts pressed and rubbed against it.

"Ugh! Ugh!" my primal grunting echoing around the bathroom over her shrieks of pleasure. "I'm going to cum… In you!" I growled hungrily.

"Yes!!" she cried out, spasming and clenching around me was I let her go, her feet weakly hit the floor as she almost fell, feeling my arms wrap around her waist and neck as she gasped, being pulled upright against me as she moaned and climaxed again, spraying the water with arousal as I hilted inside her once, twice… then went still.

I turned her head, kissing her as I pressed her fully against the glass. Releasing everything I had left into her as her feet scrapped the tiled floor. "…Oh my fuck…" she breathed heavily as I finally let her, my lips rolling down her neck, nibbling her beautiful azure blue skin. "…Holy shit Kal that was amazing…"

"…Give me a minute…" I said, as she laughed, smacking my face.

"No! Bad Kal give me… like thirty!" she laughed, I growled. But playfully pulled her from the glass. "…Shit… no… fighting and fucking in the same day at this rate…" I 'helped' her clean up, we dried each other off before I carried her back into the room, lying her on the bed and about to continue where I left off…

"Hey!" Lala kicked the door open and we jumped, "Come on already! We got another job!" she said, still in her bikini and tossing me my clothes.

"Seriously?" I growled.

"Yep. Rykrr offered us a good price for protection. Come on!"

Oriana sighed, as I slowly dressed, she slipped on her suit before heading downstairs. She caught me, kissing my cheek, and skipped ahead. "We'll continue that later…" she noted before Lala, waiting for us at the foot of the stairs added lustfully.

"Preferably with company…" she then gripped the straps of her bikini and made her breasts 'dance'. Oriana sighed, and shrugged.

…Admittedly I was a little distracted by Lala in a bikini.

End of Chapter.


'Sawtooth' Thrayt and 'Ruby-Eye' Helesh watched from the shadows as Rykrr lead their prey away from the 'Roundhouse'. "…She has more now brother." Helesh hissed as Saw-Tooth growled. She stroked her chin thoughtfully, "…MMn… perhaps then we should get 'more'?"

"…NO." growled Sawtooth firmly. "…SPLIT." He added coldly as she nodded, seemingly agreeing with him.

"…Well yes… more for us certainly…" she purred, "…But we don't have to share when we're done…" she added.

Sawtooth's eyes locked onto the red-headed green-eyed man's back… the markings of a 'Firemane'. He pointed at him with a scared, gnarled. "..FIREMANE." he sneered as Helesh shrugged dismissively. "…MINE."

"…Very well brother, if you insist…" she shrugged, deftly spinning a custom vibroknife around her fingers. "We'll leave it to the Scorekeeper."

Sawtooth's one-sided sneer split into a horrific grin. "…KILL."

End of Bonus

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