

"Sorryyy~ everyooone forrr the waiiit! I had to giiive ya all a break... jusss kiddin', I wazz takin' a piiisss! Nowww, it's tiiiime for the fiiinal trialll, where afterrr, theee instrucctiooons willll pickkk whooo theywannna teachhh!"

The Trial Overseer emerged once more, a full bottle of alcohol in hand, the sharp scent of it still lingering in the air as he took another swig.

His steps were steady, though his movements had a slight edge to them.

The instructors stood silently behind the Trial Overseer, their faces grim and unreadable.

Each one wore a serious expression, their postures rigid and controlled. After all, they were the best of the best for teaching young ones.

Of course, the Trial Overseer gave no time for anyone to process his slurred words.

Without warning, he pulled the bottle away from his lips, and in a single, careless motion, the contents spilled, splashing onto the ground.

"I'llll seeee youuu kidddooos thereee~"

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