


"Aris ! Are you okay ?" I heard Trish called as she tapped me, trying to get my attention back to her.

I had spaced out again, I let out a deep sigh as I smiled briefly at her.

"I'm fine" I answered and she frowned.

"I have been here for the past three hours and you have sighed for more than twenty times, what is wrong with you ?" She asked, she had a worried face on as she stared at me.

I let out another sigh subconsciously and she frowned.

"You see that ? You did it again. What's going on Aris ?" She asked again.

"I'm fine Trish" I replied and her frown deepened. She doesn't look convinced at all but what can I do ?

I just can't help but feel frustrated, I can not seem to get my mind to stop thinking about Nico.

That bastard ! He came here claiming me as his wife three days ago and since then he had not shown up here again.

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