
Shukuba Town!

A/N: Double Release (1/2)! I was busy preparing for a road trip and didn't manage to edit the third chapter of the Triple Release. So, you'll get a double release today and tomorrow. Apologies! Our target is to reach 400 powerstones by Sunday for a double release next week Monday. This story's continuation depends on your support—so don't forget to give the story powerstones! New Goal: 400 Powerstones! 

Team 10 had gathered in the Hokage's office, awaiting his explanation of the mission.

Greeting the Genin, the Third Hokage began, "I've assigned you a Rank C mission due to your outstanding performance on your last mission, and I believe you are capable of completing this one as a team."

As the Third Hokage spoke of the team's performance, his eyes darted to Goro, giving him a smile of approval before shifting his gaze to another Genin.

"Here are the details: your duty will be to defend Shukuba Town for one week during its annual festival. Around this time, merchants from different lands visit, hoping to gain profits. Naturally, where there is wealth, there will also be those looking to steal it. During the festival, bandits become rampant, eager to rob these merchants. Your job is to secure Shukuba Town and prevent crime," Hiruzen continued, leaning forward in his chair.

Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji exchanged glances, barely able to contain their excitement.

"So… that means we can partake in the festival?" Ino asked, hoping for approval. Shikamaru and Choji's eyes lit up at the possibility.

Taking a puff of his pipe and leaning back, the Third Hokage sighed and explained, "Your duty is to patrol and ensure there's no suspicious activity. If you strictly stick to this task, there's no problem with you participating in some activities during your brief breaks."

The three Genin, although irked that their breaks would be short, were content knowing they'd be able to participate, even if only for a little while.

The Third Hokage rose from his seat and slowly approached Goro. Standing before him, the Hokage took the blade strapped onto Goro's back into his own hands.

"Have you grown accustomed to it yet?" Hiruzen asked, inspecting the sharp edges of the blade. It was so sharp it looked as though it had been forged only a few hours ago.

Scratching his chin, Goro answered, "Well… You see, Lord Hokage, I thought it'd be overkill if I used this on minor missions."

Handing the blade back to Goro with ease and returning to his seat, the Third Hokage added, "It's a fine blade. Make good use of it."

The next day, the group stood outside the village gates, waiting for Asuma to finish his debriefing on all the do's and don'ts.

"We get it, you're only rambling now," Shikamaru scowled.

Lighting his third cigarette that morning, Asuma simply replied, "If you make mistakes, lunch is on you."

"Whatever, let's go," Shikamaru ordered. Asuma shrugged and led the way, with the Genin following.

'I'm surprised Asuma's lungs aren't damaged yet. If he hadn't been killed by Hidan, it would've been lung cancer for sure. Now, I can focus on deciding what jutsu to create. I still haven't thought of anything yet.'

Rummaging through his mind and coming up empty, Goro began to look to nature for inspiration. He was currently far superior to all his peers, so it was a pain to identify areas where he lacked. For defense, he had the Dome of Magnificent Nothingness. For offense, he had multiple jutsu enhanced by the affinity multiplier, and his speed was off the charts with the Body Flicker Technique.

'I'm not thinking smart enough. I need to find an area to improve in. System, what are my current stats?'


Taijutsu: Lower Elite Jounin (15%) 

Physical: Elite Jounin (11%) 

Ninjutsu: Elite Jounin (14%)

Chakra Capacity: Elite Jounin (7%)

Chakra Control: Elite Jounin (26%)

Shurikenjutsu: Lower Elite Jounin (73%)

Kenjutsu: Lower Elite Jounin (45%)

Chakra Affinity: Water(x4) + Fire(x4) + Lightning(x2) + Wind(x3) + Ice(x3) + Earth(x2) 

Skills: <Clone Technique>, <Substitution Jutsu>, <Transformation Jutsu>, <Body Flicker Jutsu>, <Firestyle: Great Fireball Jutsu>, <Firestyle: Phoenix Sage Fire Jutsu>, <Firestyle: Dragon Fire Jutsu>, <Waterstyle: Wild Water Wave>, <Waterstyle: Hiding In Water Jutsu>, <Waterstyle: Water Clone Jutsu>, <Hidden Mist Jutsu>, <Waterstyle: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu>, <Waterstyle: Great Waterfall Flow Jutsu>, <Waterstyle: Thousand Needles of Death>, <Hiden: Crystal Ice Mirrors>, <Hiden: Dome of Magnificent Nothingness>, <Hiden: Frozen Rasengan>]

'I've managed to increase the multiplier for each of my affinities, but no new jutsu. If only the stronger corpses were less guarded...'

Two hours into the walk, Ino began to wobble and sway from side to side, pretending as if she was about to faint.

"Oh my... I can barely walk... Goro, can you help a lady out and let me ride on your back?" Ino requested, hoping Goro would accept.

As usual, however, Shikamaru intervened, calling out Ino's bluff. "Cut the act. You just want to ride on Goro's back. Look at how muscular your legs have become—do you expect us to believe you? Wait... When did you build all that muscle?" Shikamaru questioned, the words slipping out of his mouth.

"Oh, these?" Ino said, standing still to flex her defined calves and thighs.

'Even with bandages on, you can tell her thighs have grown by a few centimeters.'

Realizing that he had accidentally complimented her, Shikamaru redirected the conversation and laughed, "See, you're completely fine again."

Ino blushed, embarrassed at being outsmarted.

"Fine! I'll walk by myself!" Ino yelled, crossing her arms.

Turning back to look at Shikamaru, Goro, and Ino, Asuma scolded, "Get a move on, we're not even close yet!"

'It would be convenient if we didn't have to walk everywhere—wait! That's it! What if I created a jutsu that allowed me to travel quicker, something like Deidara's clay owl or C2!'

Brainstorming a creature he'd like to fly around with, Goro's mind settled on one particular mythical beast.

'A phoenix. A water phoenix at that. Something that wouldn't be taken out by small attacks like shuriken or water senbon. A phoenix that I can control the size of depending on how much chakra I pour in. How about also installing a machine gun that uses water bullets on the inside of each wing too? Yes, this is exactly the jutsu I need. System, is it possible to create this?'

[This is possible on one condition. The water bullets will work like a regular jutsu: the more chakra you pour in, the more rounds the machine gun shoots.]

'I already expected that. I'd like to confirm the jutsu.'

[Confirmation accepted. Jutsu will now be created.]

'I guess there was a benefit to going on this mission after all.'

Four more hours passed, and Team 10 arrived at the town. The air inside was filled with vibrant energy, ready to explode on the day the festival commenced.

The streets were bustling with merchants setting up shop, and people from different nations roamed the town.

"We've arrived," Asuma announced, looking back at his students.

Ino, who had been moping along, suddenly came back to life, radiating excitement. "This is so cool! I'm off to have some fun!" she shouted, attempting to run deeper into the town.

Noticing Ino getting ahead of herself, Asuma put his hand in the way, blocking her from going further.

"Slow down. I haven't even told you which lodge we'll be staying at. The mission begins tomorrow at 12 a.m., so I'd advise you all to go to sleep now," Asuma said. He then continued to explain where the group would stay.

Finishing his speech, Asuma concluded, "You're all free to do as you please now."

Choji dragged Shikamaru to the nearest food shop, while Ino pulled Goro along to the cosmetic shops.

Reminder: Our target is to reach 400 powerstones by Sunday for a double release next week Monday. This story's continuation depends on your support—so don't forget to give the story powerstones! New Goal: 400 Powerstones!

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