
Chapter 4: Jumper

Adzima pov

We gathered around the earth-shaped hologram, which displayed videos and images from London this time.

Adzima:"So we are going to London now, interesting"

Falco then changes the earth-shaped hologram into a 3-D map of London. I then noticed a red dot on one of the buildings. Falco then informed us about the next person.

Falco:"The next is a Jumper"

Aditya:"What is a Jumper?"

Falco:"Someone who can teleport himself anywhere he wants"

Falco:"The red dot you see is where he is currently located"

Adzima:"How are we going to catch a teleporter? Won't he just teleport away when he sees us?"

Falco:"On normal occasions, yes, he would, but remember the situation"

Falco:"He can't just teleport somewhere without knowing whether the place is safe or not"

Aditya:"So, this is going to be easy?"

Falco:"Not quite"

Falco:"He will still run, although not very far, but it'll still be a nuisance"

Qori:"What's the plan?"

Falco then pointed to one of the map's quiet alleys while looking at Aditya and Qori.

Falco:"Aditya, I want you to bring Qori here and wait for my signal"

Aditya and Qori nodded, then Falco looked at me.

Falco:"I will chase the Jumper, and princess, you take the car and follow me"

Adzima:"Are you serious?"


Adzima:"Okay then"

I then noticed Qori whispering something to Aditya after Falco mentioned my role, to which Aditya simply shrugged his shoulders. I guess they doubted whether I could drive Falco's car or not.

Adzima:'Honestly, I also doubted that myself'' Falco then handed us something that looked like a mini-intercom.

Falco:"Use these"

We then put the small intercom to our ears and Falco tried to contact us through the intercoms.

Falco:'Can you hear me?'

All of us nodded.

Falco:"Good, let's go"


When we arrived in London, we saw that this city had become chaotic, like other cities. We headed straight to the building shown with a red dot on the map. We walked carefully into the building until we came to a stop in front of a closed door. Falco handed me his car keys before opening the door. We saw someone in the room with his back to us wearing a blue hooded jacket, and he immediately teleported before we could say anything. We nodded to each other and did our respective roles.

Aditya and Qori flew through the window to the location Falco requested, using the bird Aditya drew. Falco quickly vanished and rushed after the Jumper, while I rushed down to the car. The hologram on the windscreen displayed a map of London with two red dots chasing each other when I turned on the car's system. Both dots are labelled, with the front one labelled Jumper and the back one labelled Falco. I drove the car straight to their location. Even though I was driving as fast as I could, the two of them were incredibly fast, making it difficult for me to catch up with them.


Third person pov

Jumper was taken aback when Falco suddenly appeared behind him. Jumper then touched various objects, which were instantly teleported and shot towards Falco. Falco was able to evade the objects, but Jumper took advantage of the opportunity to flee. Falco just sighed and continued his pursuit of him. Meanwhile, Aditya and Qori, who had arrived at the location given by Falco, could only wait while chatting.

Qori:"Adzima said that you are now king, what happened? And where is your brother? I thought you two were always together"

When Aditya heard Qori's question, he immediately became depressed.

Aditya:"That's a long story"

Qori:"Well..... We have time"

Aditya chuckled slightly while shaking his head.

Aditya:"You haven't changed Qori"

Qori:"Neither are you"

Aditya:"Oh, I changed..."

Qori attempted to change the subject after she saw Aditya's face.

Qori:"Did you talk to Adzima about "that" accident?"

Aditya:"You should've seen her face when she saw me"

Aditya:"It's hard for me to even talk normally with her, let alone discuss "that" accident"

Qori:"That bad?"


Falco contacted them before Aditya could continue.

Falco:'Get ready'

They both nodded and prepared themselves immediately.

Aditya & Qori:'Got it'

Meanwhile, Adzima, who had been chasing after Falco and Jumper by a car, had finally caught up with them. Falco then smiled when he spotted Adzima and contacted Aditya and Qori right away.


Adzima pov

I could see that Falco and Jumper had somehow almost reached where Aditya and Qori were. After nodding to the two of them, Falco suddenly pushed Jumper until he fell from the roof, and Qori instantly enlarged her hand to grab Jumper. She then slowly put Jumper to the ground, and it turned out that Jumper had become coiled by the snakes Aditya had drawn. Jumper, on the other hand, was still attempting to flee through the only path out of the alley, which I quickly blocked with the car and made Jumper fall because he was surprised.

Falco then jumps from the roof, trying to calm Jumper.

Falco:"Calm down, we are not your enemy"

Jumper:"Then why are you chasing me"

Falco:"Because you were running"

Jumper:"Okay fine.... What do you want then?"

Falco instructs Aditya to get rid of the snake. Jumper got up and opened his hood once the snakes wrapped around his body had vanished. He was shocked to see our faces, but then he smiled. Jumper turned out to be Fian, one of Aditya's best friends and also our class representative back in middle school. Aditya and Qori returned Fian's smile, while I quickly lowered my head, like I had done when I first met Aditya.

Fian:"So it's you guys, how are you?"

Aditya:"Can be worse, how about you buddy"

Fian:"The same"

Aditya and Fian then hug each other.

Qori:"Hi class rep"

Fian:"I am not a class rep anymore Qori"

Fian then approached me, I startled a little when he spoke to me.

Fian:"Hi to you too Adzima"

Adzima:".... Hi..... Fian.."

Qori:"I see..."

I immediately looked at Qori when she said that, and she just smiled at me. Fian then took a step back after seeing my reaction.

Fian:"So, what do you need from me guys?"

Fian:"And who the hell is that man in black? How can he teleport just like me?"

Fian asked while pointing at Falco.

Adzima:"He is Falco"

Adzima:"We are assembling a team of people with extraordinary abilities to save the world, Will you join us?"

Fian:"Of course, I'm in"

Fian then looked at Falco again.

Fian:"Are you also a Jumper like me?"

Falco:"No, I just used teleportation device"

Fian:"Where do you get that thing?"

Falco:"I made it myself"

Fian:"Really? Awesome"

Then we got in the car, and Falco drove us back to the mansion. Fian then put his arm around Falco's shoulder in admiration.

Fian:"You are really awesome, dude, I'm Fian by the way"

Falco:"You can call me Falco"

Fian then looked around the mansion before returning his gaze to us.

Fian:"Where are the other members?"

Aditya:"It's just us for now"

Falco then approached me, concerned.

Falco:"You okay, princess?"

I was confused at first, but when I realised that my expression was still as grim as before, I tried to smile to show him that I was fine.

Adzima:"I am fine"

However, it appeared that it alone wasn't enough to convince him.

Falco:"You should rest princess"

Adzima:"I am fine, really"

I insisted that I was alright, but he kept telling me to rest, this time in a demanding tone.

Falco:"Rest! Please... "

I couldn't defy his demand this time and immediately slept on the sofa. Falco also requested that the others rest.

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