
-Chapter 32-

Congratulations on reaching 200 power stones, here's the second extra chapter of the week.

Enjoy your reading and have a good day or evening, depending on where you are and when you read this chapter.



-Chapter 32-


I had asked Myrcella to marry me because if Tommen were ever to die without an heir, I would become the King of the Seven Kingdoms. It might be cruel to capitalize on the death of her son, but I didn't want to miss this opportunity simply out of affection.

There was also the fact that I had trouble trusting Cersei, and I didn't want to be fooled by her. Even if she seemed as docile as a kitten lately, she was a Manticore (a lion with a viper's tail).

Apart from the fact that we were perfectly compatible on a physical level, I knew very well that she had a cold nature deep down. The only reason she was as gentle as a kitten was that she knew I was not only the man with the most powerful army in Westeros.

Since my army was composed only of my own troops and my own knights, while even her father's army was composed of numerous troops from his vassals, but also because I was the most powerful fighter in the world of Westeros and probably in the Known World at the moment.

I had estimated my strength at around 5 tons and a speed exceeding that of a cheetah, while all my other senses surpassed all human limits without being able to really quantify them.

'You can't have the cake and eat it too,' I thought, sighing, as I would finally have to completely stop my ambitions regarding the throne of the Seven Kingdoms to instead become the Protector of the Realm and consolidate my grip on the Stormlands so that no one could ever rise against my House.

"Very well, I agree, but we need to agree on something now, and I don't want to hear about it again, ever in our lives."

She nodded victoriously, and I said: "Jaime Lannister must not be part of our lives or that of our child."

"He's my..." she tried to argue.

"Nothing at all, it's non-negotiable, it's a one-time offer, take it or leave it," I said firmly.

"Very well," she said, unhappy.

"And Cersei... if you ever betray me in any way, I swear I will bury all the fucking Lannisters and their offspring, from Dorne to Casterly Rock," I said, glaring at her to make sure she understood how serious I was.

"I know what you're capable of," she said seriously, not avoiding my gaze.

Her deep, troubling green eyes stared into mine without fear, and she added:

"But know that if I am with you today, it's by choice, not by necessity. Despite all his flaws, Jaime is my blood; he always has been and always will be. But it's been a long time since we've been in agreement with each other. I see my future, no... I see our future in Tommen and in our child that I carry."

A moment of tense silence hung between us. She might be cunning, but I knew there was one thing no one could blame Cersei for... the love she has for her children.

Seeing her determination, I said: "There's one thing you must understand, Cersei. I'm not asking you to renounce Jaime as a brother; it's something I couldn't change even if I wanted to, but to leave him behind as a lover. The world has changed, and we must protect what we have built without anything coming between us."

She took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled. "I understand," she murmured. "I will do what you ask, for the sake of our children. But know one thing, Ronnet: if you ever dare to betray me, you will know my wrath."

I smiled, not really taking her threats to heart, but I was sincerely relieved because it seemed we understood each other perfectly. We were two predators, each protecting their territory, and yet, somewhere, a flame of affection and mutual respect burned between us.

Only the future would tell if this precarious balance would hold and lead us to victory.

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