

Read over 20 chapters ahead on Patreon.com/heavenlyenel.

You are receiving more chapters than normal since we hit a hundred chapters respectively on the GILGAMESH and KEVIN fanfic. So in celebration of that, you get chapters till Saturday, enjoy.


"And as for me, I am simply a traveller, not from here, of course. I happened to come across this planet as of late and noticed this chaos and simply couldn't ignore it. My title is something that shouldn't worry except if you are a demon," The Slayer hummed as Queen Hippolyta's hunch was confirmed.


"I see. You must be disappointed in the state of affairs of the building of this world," Hera pouted.


"That explains your strange countenance. Not your skin, of course, but your title and aura around you. It's clearly not from here or this galaxy, in fact! You must have a lot of stories, traveller," Athena smiled as she let the traveller massage her.


"Are we good now? As you can see, I mean no harm," The Slayer said with a smile on his face.


"I suppose I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth," Athena concluded.


'Damn, these Greek goddesses are something else,' The Slayer swallowed hard as his eyes fell on the generously round glutes of the goddess.


Hera could sense his appetite for her, and Athena sensed lust.


"Are you interested in slaying other things apart from demons, Slayer?" Hera flirted, lifting a leg up not revealing much as she was decently clad in armour, unlike Athena whose armour was a bit short.


"What are you looking at, Slayer?" Athena teased with a smile, and The Slayer stopped massaging the both of them and left to meet the Amazons.


"Aww, come on! Surely you flirt where you are from?" Hera said as she rolled on the table.


"Athena… about what you said," Diana coughed, reminding Athena of her earlier statement.


"This is why I don't really like you so much! I was already relaxing, and you had to remind me of… fine. As long as you serve in Mount Olympus as the god of war," Athena said from her massage table.


"Athena! I want to explore man's world! They need my help in these times! If the denizens of Hell don't have the fear of Hades in them, then what's stopping them from doing as they please on Earth?"


Athena thought on it for a while and sighed, "I was going to fight you for this and had a game plan already. I guess you can do that, but you still have to answer to the summons of Mount Olympus, or there is no deal!"


"I accept!" Diana said, stepping forward.


"Then in the presence of Hera and Athena, I recognize you as the god of war! Arise, Diana!" Athena proclaimed as a pillar of light shone on Diana.


Her outfit which resembled torn armour that hid little about her vanished in light and was replaced by a black and golden fit of the original golden eagle armour.


Her armour was mostly black with gold lining. Her hair, which was ruffled and dirty from combat, became clean and glistened with an oily sheen.


"Today is my birthday!" The Slayer declared as the warrior Amazons cheered for Diana.


"These Greek goddesses," The Slayer thought as he bit his lip.


"Looks like The Slayer can't contain himself," Hera commented, appearing behind him.


"There will be a feast tonight in honour of Diana, the god of war, The Slayer, and our goddesses! And after, we mourn our fallen comrades in arms! May they also wine and dine in Elysium!" Queen Hippolyta declared as the warriors cheered and some ran quickly to the shores with their spears and dived deep underwater to hunt large fish. The others tended to the dead in preparation for a proper passage. Everyone became busy on the island.


"Please follow me," Queen Hippolyta beckoned The Slayer as they walked together in silence until they passed a garden and reached a stone building overlooking the island and beyond.


"Finally, we are away from all that," Queen Hippolyta sighed and got two chairs for the both of them and went away to get wine and two cups. She was still rough from battle, but her body was healed up perfectly apart from her armour that exposed some of her bits, which she thought nothing of in front of The Slayer.


She poured wine for the both of them as they both took a seat alongside each other and heaved a sigh of relief.


"Ha. Even you too? I thought you were enjoying their company?" Queen Hippolyta smiled, holding her cup of fermented grape wine.


"Well, I did like staying around them, but I just arrived here, and I got into combat all of a sudden. It wasn't tasking, but…" The Slayer began.


"I understand you very much. I would like to thank you for saving my life, Slayer!" Queen Hippolyta said, looking at The Slayer.


"Between us, just call me Fred," Fred said with a smile and toasted his cup with Queen Hippolyta.


"And call me Hippolyta," Hippolyta smiled and took a sip from her cup while maintaining eye contact with Fred, who also met her eyes.


"So you slay demons?" Hippolyta began.


"Too many. They are annoyingly endless. But it's not all demons I kill," Fred said as he poured himself another cup of wine after downing his first cup.


"I see. Vampires too?" Hippolyta asked as she swirled the drink in her cup.


"Vampires!" Fred almost choked on his drink, giving Hippolyta a serious look.


"Don't worry. There's none foolish enough to be on this island. Especially now when the island has three gods on it," Hippolyta almost chuckled at Fred's reaction.


"Oh. I forgot this world is different. The vampires I know aren't your everyday vampires here. They give demons a run for their money. They can regenerate from almost nothing. They can drain planets dry of life energy. I know a council of vampires from where I came from. I only heard of them but…" Fred began as Hippolyta dropped her cup, rested her head on her chin and leaned closer to Fred.


"This place you speak of… sounds interesting," Hippolyta said as she leaned her head on Fred's shoulders.


'Is this wine strong?' Fred asked himself in thought.


"Haha. Interesting is a nice way to describe it. But I like it here. I mean, there are places I could visit, but I also like here. It's like taking a break from ages of hard work," Fred said as he felt Hippolyta's warmth on his chest as his heart began to betray him.



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