
Crazy Way of Establishing Contact

July 5th, 1938. Zambesi Channel. 1200 HRS.

It was a sunny day over the Zambesi Channel, and two fighter aircraft of the Triesenberg Empire were cruising at an altitude of 10,000 feet, the engines humming steadily as they soared above the calm waters below.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Hans, one of the pilots, asked his wingman through the radio, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"We have no choice. This is an order from the Air Force High Command in Berlint," his wingman, Dieter, replied firmly, trying to mask his own apprehension. The mission had come down from the top brass—fly near Valorian territory and hope for an interception. The goal was simple: to catch the attention of Valoria's air force and initiate first contact, a move that was both bold and dangerous.

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