
Wanderer, Courted

Despite the bleak subject of conversation, I couldn't help but smile when I was escorted out of the dining room. I know it wasn't much, hell it could be fake and I wouldn't know, but at least she smiled at the end.

That was just about the only positive I could gleam from our discussion. The knowledge that Serafall had a part in igniting the Civil War had me reeling slightly. Sure, she couldn't have known the Satans would attack her fellow students, but it still comes as a bit of a shock to hear.

Then again, if a peaceful protest was enough to set off a war, it seems almost inevitable. I don't doubt that many houses were anticipating such a war either, given that its been only 6 years since the Civil War started and a large majority are on the Anti-Satans side.

Chances are, a lot of them realised that Devil Society would find itself in a predicament if the Satans were allowed to go about their reclamation campaign, so they made sure to be ready. Either that, or Sirzechs is really, really persuasive.

Another interesting side effect of that conversation is a change in my Status screen, one that I should've expected after my declaration at the end.

Name: Alistair Mammon (Luocha)

I'm glad she liked the name.

Anyways, unfortunately that dinnertime talk hadn't counted as a Companion Quest, so I didn't exactly find myself swimming in EXP like I'd wanted, but I'm making progress on my relationship with Serafall, so that's always a positive.

If I were to have a guess, it won't be long before I'm sent to the Lucifuge Clan. Serafall has been called back to Lilith by her fellow Generals to discuss plans for the future and for her to return to the battlefield.

When she leaves, I'll be entering the belly of the beast, taking a one way carriage trip to Lucifaad, the home of the Satans and the Kings' Court.

Where Lilith held the High Court, a place where Devils of all classes would have their judicial affairs sorted, Lucifaad held the Kings' Court, where the Satans and the 72 Pillars would handle policies and laws.

It had confused me slightly why Serafall had marched on the High Court rather than the Kings' Court if she wanted to protest the Satans, but in retrospect she had probably just gone for the closer target.

The Academy and the High Court were on opposite sides of the same city, a much closer distance than the one to Lucifaad from the academy, and a march isn't very effective when everyone teleports there.

Anyways, in more recent years the Kings' Court became less of a political court and more of a clown show. With no new ideas to improve Devil Society, the Satans had turned the Kings' Court into a place for themselves to essentially show off. To take advantage of their status.

If all goes well, I won't be going anywhere near the Kings Court though. House Lucifuge doesn't so much have a territory of their own. Instead, like most vassal clans, they have a small section on the outskirts of Lucifaad cordoned away to themselves, given by the Original Satans so they could always have their servants close by while they work.

In a world where teleportation is the norm, that idea confuses me slightly, but I suppose its as much a show of status as it is efficiency. Having a decent portion of your capital city just for your own servants could boost the ego slightly, I suppose.

That's about as far as my knowledge goes. Satans want doctors, House Lucifuge has been making extra requests to get some, I'll be going to Lucifaad and basically be knocking on the damn door to try and get a job with them.

The fact that the Lucifuge house is making requests for more medical personnel has me slightly concerned. They'd never see anything close to the frontlines aside from Grayfia, and nobody's seen her with a scratch since she last faced Serafall. At the end of the day though, it only makes me that much more appealing to them.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to send any messages to Serafall while I'm there. Being the Satans base of operations, all communications would be monitored extensively, so anything I even try to send would be intercepted in an instant, especially considering my shoddy skills.

The only thing left for me to be taught by Serafall now is a teleportation circle, my one ticket out of Lucifaad if shit hits the fan. I already have a crest in mind, the Abyss Flower is a distinct enough symbol. Hopefully it doesn't take long to learn.

[Hello User!]

Hello, Anya? I didn't expect to be seeing you. I'm trying to go to sleep and think of my plans for the future, what exactly do you have for me?

[I only wanted to check in! Anya's job is to ensure the growth of the User at all costs, but that doesn't mean Anya shouldn't keep her User mentally sane! Talking to oneself is a sign of mental instability.]

...Thank you, Anya. I'm happy that you care enough for my mental stability.

[Of course, User! If I hinder you in any way, please inform me! It would do me great harm to harm you!]

No worries. I'm glad to have a companion on this journey, as much as boxes of text count for a companion.

[Aww! You're the best, User!]

New Item: Anya's Gift Box

[Here, a treat from me! Keep getting stronger, User! I believe in you!]

While this System may be shoddy in some places, Anya is a godsend. Ow. Can't say that word, I suppose. All the semantics around this Devil Curse really confuses me. Anyways, I'll open the box when I wake up. For now, I need to sleep.

While the Travelling Merchant's Attire automatically cleans and repairs itself, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the fine silk pyjamas Serafall prepared for me.

Amidst the soft bliss of this bed and these clothes, my consciousness rapidly fades away. The world is a cruel place, but for now I can let it all fade away and enjoy this moment.

"Luocha? Are you awake?"

Serafall's voice cuts through the veil of sleep I so desperately sought, and I barely manage to say 'yes' before she opens the door slightly, slipping in. She's wearing nothing but a nightgown, her soft skin exposed to the light.

For a moment, I think I'm about to end up in some hentai scene, but then I see the look on her face and I realise she's here to talk. She clears her throat after I spend just a moment too long staring at the enticing curves of her body, and I can't find it in me to apologise.

"I only wanted to come in here and say goodnight. I feel like I left a bit abruptly after our chat earlier." She hums, taking a seat at the edge of the bed.

"You said you'd call yourself Alistair, right? Would you let me call you by that name?" I blink in surprise at the question.

"Why else would I tell you if I didn't want that?" She looks to the side, embarassed slightly but then softens her gaze.

"Sorry, I just wanted to be sure. It's been a while since I've had a real conversation with anyone." She looks down in sadness, mulling over the idea of continuing before she decides that it's too late to stop now.

"Ajuka is impossible to talk with, I always feel so silly whenever I do. I can't bear to be in the same room as Sirzechs, and Falbium is... Falbium. Aside from that... I don't have many friends." She looks up and our eyes meet.

"What I'm trying to say is thank you. For listening, for caring. I've not been the best host since you got here, so thank you for putting up with me." I have to resist the urge to give her a pat on the head.

"It isn't 'putting up with'. You're a fun person to be around. I like being with you, there's always something new. And everyone else just doesn't know what they're missing out on." She doesn't respond for a few moments. When she finally does, it's painfully short, her eyes not meeting mine.

"Thank you, Ali. Goodnight."

And then, she's gone like the wind once more. Thinking nothing of it, I send myself into the loving embrace of sleep.


"Wake up, wake up! Time for work you lazy bastard!"

I was woken up violently from my sleep by the Devil of my nightmares. Her shouting was horrendous, but the aggressive sound of a whistle blaring in the doorway ruined any goodwill in me after such a wonderful night's sleep.

"I said wake up, Ali!" Now she's moved up closer, grabbing my shoulder and shaking it slightly. With her strength though, I feel like I'm being violently thrown around in the bed. All she succeeds in doing is throwing my hair around everywhere.

"Hyup!" Without any warning, she grabs me by the chest and pulls me up from the bed, lifting me over her shoulder. I try to flail my body to get some semblance of control, but she just laughs and tightens her hold on me.

"Serafall! Put me down!" She no doubt hears me over her laughter, but she just turns, her face inches away from my own, and boops me on the nose. Nothing else. I'm left lost for words as she leads me into the dining hall once more.

"You and I have a lot to catch up on, Alistair! You may think I've gone soft, but it's only the contrary! I feel invigorated, motivated, excited!" Her voice echoes in the halls of the manor, the maids giving me these pitying looks as Serafall skips along.

When we reach the dining hall she dashes over to a window, jumps out like nothing is wrong and we land directly in the gardens, where she unceremoniously throws me into a bush before clapping her hands.

"We have 4 hours until Ajuka comes for another visit. After that, I won't be seeing you for a while. So, let's make the most of it, yeah?" Her face turns oddly sour at the mention of Ajuka taking me aside, though not nearly as sour as mine does.

"Fine then. What do I need to do?" I say, summoning Caduceus and quickly equipping the Travelling Merchant's Attire. She doesn't even blink at my sudden apparel change, her eyebrow raising being the only indication that she noticed.

"We won't be fighting just yet, don't get too excited. Instead, we've gotta work on your magic, be it circles, spells, and even just focusing your Mana." She circles around me slightly, arms behind her back.

I hadn't paid attention to it until now, but she looks utterly phenomenal when she's in her full regalia. The Anti-Satan Satan Faction certainly has their mind right when it comes to fashion, though the outfit is oddly reminiscent of Esdeath, and that both terrifies and arouses me in a way I'm too prideful to admit.

"Now then, the key principle of a Devils magic is their mind. Some Clans specialise in types of magic, for example the Sitri family are exceptionally skilled with Water Magic. However, the primary idea is that whatever you can think of, you can create, as long as you have the power to support it." She breathes in slightly, never once stopping her stride.

"All Magic requires a mental image to form your desired spell, even White Magic. To heal an injury, you must visualise the wound and do your best to fix it with the flow of your Mana. For more cognitive afflictions, you need to visualise the effect it will have on the person." Her hand lifts and a magic circle forms in them, bearing her crest.

"Mana is much easier to mold and manipulate through a circle, and all High Class families have their own crests, their own circles, to further amplify that power. Normally, you wouldn't be allowed a crest of your own yet, but I'm willing to bend the rules a bit for you." She winks at the end of her sentence before getting straight back into her monologue.

"A crest is often handed down from generation to generation, but you are a special case. In lieu of that, I'll help you make one. The idea is actually quite simple. Affix an image to your idea of Magic. Bond the concept of Magic to that mental image so strongly that it becomes intertwined with it." She stops in front of me, showing me the crest in greater detail.

"Don't think of it as a crest to amplify Magic, think of it as Magic, period. It is yours, to use and to manipulate. Yours to represent your power, your person, your history. It is you, expressed through Mana." She dispells the circle and slides to my side, holding my open palm up and cradling my hand.

"Close your eyes, and let the Mana flow. Control it to your heart's desire." She keeps the palm raised, but shuffles around to my back, now in a position I'm becoming quite familiar with. If I didn't know better, I'd assume she just liked hugging me.

Focus. Everything I am in this world stems from the Abyss Flower. From Luocha. From me. The Sigil is the foundation of my survival. It will empower my every action, be the basis of my strength. The Abyss Flower is my eternal companion.

"Yes! Hold that image in your head." She rests her head on my shoulder, unable to stop the giddiness in her tone.

Mana fluctuates wildly around my open palm, spinning rapidly. I'm almost hesitant to open my eyes, but when I do, I'm blown away by the beauty I hold. I move my hand around in the air, but the magic circle stays affixed to the palm of my hand.

Skill Augment! Magic Circle Unlocked: Devil Magic sent through a Magic Circle is empowered by 30% and costs 50% less MP! Devil Teleportation Unlocked.

New Skill! Devil Teleportation: Manipulate your Mana to create a bridge between two locations. Can travel anywhere the User can envision, unable to travel through barriers. Much better suited for travel than combat. Cost: 10MP, 60s cooldown.

"Not bad. You've got a real talent for this stuff, you know." She shuffles her head in closer to the crook of my shoulder and sighs. I'm almost too enamored with the sight of my own crest to enjoy her warmth.

Emergency Companion Quest (Doubts) has been initiated!

"You're always so warm, Ali. So comfy." I can't do much else but cross my arms and let her enjoy my warmth. I'm not complaining.

"Thank you, Serafall. I didn't realise I had talent as a pillow." She laughs again once more, the vibrations of it feeling odd against my skin.

"You've got talent with everything. It makes a girl jealous. It took me like an hour to first manifest my crest, but you did it in like two minutes." I can't see it, but I can almost feel the pout. She speaks up again.

"Hey, when we spoke yesterday, did you mean what you said?" Her voice is quiet, almost unnoticeable given that she spoke into my neck, muffled further by my hair. But I still hear it, the vulnerability in her voice.

"I did. You're not a bad person, Serafall. You deserve the same happiness as everyone else." Her grip tightens around my waist.

Did no-one try and reassure her that the war wasn't her fault? Did no-one try to have a chat with her? I'd have assumed that someone would have said something to try and assuage her doubts even just a bit, given that it's been 6 fucking years.

"Do you... do you hate me for what I did that day?" Honestly? No. If I were in her shoes, I'd be much the same as her, vindictive and spiteful. It's nothing against her.

"I've already told you, Serafall. There was nothing wrong with your actions. I don't hate you, I can't - especially not when you did the right thing." She nods into my neck, and I decide to continue.

"I still barely know you personally. It'd be silly for me to hate you." She stills for a moment, clearly in thought.

"Then would you like to change that?" She pauses for a moment, and I'm almost about to respond before she continues.

"I'll be going away soon. But I'll be back by the time you're done at the Lucifuge household. When you come back, would you like to go somewhere? Do something? With me?" I can't stop the grin beaming on my face, and I'm sure she can feel it.

"Are you courting me, Serafall? How scandalous." Evidently, she doesn't like my teasing.

In an instant, the vulnerable, skittish Serafall is replaced by the Devil General Sitri, her eyes glowing vibrantly under her cap.

"You and I are gonna go on a date, no, several dates, and we're gonna get to know one another so well that you'll either fall head over heels in love or get sick of me and leave." Her tone brooks no disagreement. As if I'd ever consider it. She deserves to be loved.

"I think I would very much enjoy that, Serafall." I can feel the warmth in her face, the grin she's trying to stop from showing. I'm starting to get whiplash from her personality shifts at this rate.

"Good. You weren't allowed to say no anyways." I laugh against my better judgement.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Companion Quest (Doubts) has been completed. Rewards:


1 Skill Token

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