
The center of attention

Zen looked handsome, he was being adorably flirtatious and trying really hard to please Lithe.

"Already did, babes," reacted Lithe sweetly.

Zen brightened at the affection in Lithe's voice when he added that endearment. 

His mother used to say that even if you didn't believe your soulmate would show, just speak it into being and eventually his soulmate would show up.

Zen never saw the point but perhaps he didn't believe hard enough when he saw how captivating Lithe looked gazing at the shooting star.

He made a wish of his own, Zen never used to believe in soulmates before but as Lithe stood before him Zen thought perhaps he didn't wish hard enough. 

Out of nowhere a freak wind blew Lithe's hair around his face and neck.

Estella had spent time spraying his hair with all sorts of chemicals to make it hold neatly; she would be horrified to see it looked so mussed up. 

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