

This time around Lithe shook his head adamantly. "I don't need to get high to enjoy myself at a party."

"Your loss," said Morgan. 

He snapped his fingers and out of nowhere two omegas approached, one male and one female. 

"Are any of these to your liking, show Lithe a good time folks."

Before Lithe could ask the masked Zorro how he knew his name much less recognised him in the costume when he was covered from head to toe.

The two omegas started dancing and grinding erotically on Lithe. 

He opened his mouth to tell them to stop and the boy omega slipped his tongue into Lithe's mouth.

While the girl omega grabbed Lithe's crutch and started massaging and jiggling his balls skillfully. 

Anyone else in the room would have been overjoyed with how the erotic scene was playing out but not Lithe.

"Please stop," he said frantically, gasping for air when the male omega finally broke off the kiss. "I'm not into these kinds of games. Hands off." 

Upset, he definitely didn't like that this stranger forced this on him against his will. 

To the amused Morgan, Lithe appeared like a high strung kitty, ready to scratch him with his claws. 

Lithe clenched his fists at his side he was ready to take on all three of them if they didn't respect his boundaries.

He didn't care if he caused a ruckus, got kicked out of the house by the owner and embarrassed Ash in the process; that's how violated he felt.

"Finally, you show up with my special guest for the evening," said Zen.

His unannounced presence seemed to cause a change in the others around him instantly.

The dominant was leaking pheromones but not of anger, they were calming pheromones to cool down Lithe's temper. 

With disdain Zen looked around the room, the ac was on full blast and blasting fumes into the area.

Morgan had definitely perfumed the air with aphrodisiacs again; it was only a matter of time before the party goers started getting wild and crazy at the party.

He always warned Morgan that those drugs dulled the senses and indulging in them might bring him grief someday but Morgan never listened.

Not even the kittycat noticed his presence until he had interrupted their conversation. 

He was the only dominant alpha in a room filled with mere alphas, omegas and humans. 

Measured against him none of the other males in the room could compete if the dominant alpha was interested in their mate.

Suddenly low voices in the room filled with awe raised an octave.

As the partygoers started spreading the news amongst themselves that a dominant alpha had graced them with his presence.

The horny omega's instantly cowered behind Morgan, after getting a harsh look from Zen.

Morgan was an alpha but he wasn't a dominant alpha.

If he ever got out of line Zen could just unleash his pheromones and Morgan would cower in obedience to him.

Zen could slit his throat and the alpha wouldn't complain, probably hand him the knife too.

Even though the alpha was friends with Zen, Morgan still hated that aspect of himself but this was how their world operated whether he liked it or not.

So the alpha acquiesced, more readily than Zen expected, playtime was over and Morgan would have to find his thrills somewhere else.

"All yours," said Morgan playfully as he shoved Lithe towards Zen's waiting arms.

Lithe would recognise that hypnotic voice anywhere.

He nearly bounced into Zen who was standing just a few inches away from him looking arrogant as usual. 

Still Lithe never thought he would be thrilled to see the alpha who he had been trying to avoid all day. 

"What are you doing here?" Lithe managed to ask.

Unaware that he was unconsciously shifting closer to Zen in a bid to feel safe and in control of his emotions again. 

Zen's hand slowly encircled Lithe's tiny waist, his gaze lingered nonchalantly all over the skin tight costume until it nestled at the junction of his thighs. 

Then slowly moving upwards past his chest to where Lithe's nipples were now erect and looking like they wanted to poke out Zen's eyes. 

Lithe struggled not to blush.

Why was he reacting so differently to Zen's stares?

Just a moment ago he was ready to lash out at the masked Zorro for doing nearly the same thing.

Ash came up to Lithe ignoring Zen and said, "Are you ready to enjoy the party? I'm here now and I won't be leaving your side. Let's dance."

He tried to pull Lithe towards the dance floor but Zen caught Lithe's other arm.

Lithe felt like he was caught in the middle of a tug of war as both limbs were being pulled in opposite directions. 

Before Lithe could tell them to cut it out, Zen spoke, "Let go. Lithe will hit the dance floor when he is ready to."

Ash looked expectantly at Lithe like he expected him to blow off Zen for Ash.

Lithe looked away and that pissed Ash off but Lithe couldn't care less.

He hadn't wanted to come to this party in the first place and from the moment they arrived Ash abandoned him to go hang out with other people.

While Lithe was looking like a wallflower Ash couldn't have cared less but now that Lithe was grabbing the attention of alpha males like Zen and Morgan.

Ash chose that time to reappear out of thin air, he could stay butt hurt for all Lithe cared.

The only thing hurt about Ash was his pride.

As a regular human, even though he was good looking and a supermodel.

In this world alphas were at the top of the food chain. 

No matter how Ash fought his way to the top, he will always come off as a fattened cow.

While someone like Morgan would just be milking the profits from his hard labor.

Realizing how immature they were all acting in front of onlookers Ash let go of Lithe's arm. 

"I'll be over by the bar getting drunk when you're done conversing with him you know where to find me," said Ash before he stalked off angrily towards the bar.

Lithe signed in relief.

Until Zen grabbed Lithe's waist and drew him closer to his hardened body.

In Lithe's ears he said in a low, angry voice, "Now kitten what are you doing here?"

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