
60th Floor? More Like You Are Stupid

Seeing this image, Moros and the others remembered the day James had found his passion of his own volition.

"Humans...strange beings indeed, and those in James' world are strange indeed," Moros said suddenly, the smile on his face was a very strange sight, indeed it was unheard of for him to smile so often, even smiling at his mother was unheard of.

First James came and gave Moros his smile and then Ariel came and polished it.

"What's strange about them, big brother?" Hypnos said suddenly, and Moros, hearing this, replied with these pure words:

"When they are in the void when they are dancing with the void, they are very lonely, they look exhausted, too exhausted...But when a light of hope shines on them, when there is a single gleam in the darkness of the void, the whole world, stars, planets, galaxies and universes seem to be theirs...Hypnos, don't you think humans are strange?"

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