
Taking Initiative

"One Takoyaki with rice, please" The street was busy. This was the center of the city. At this hour the shops were bound to be filled with people, considering most of them had just left their office. They were either heading home or getting food like Nevan was doing at this very moment.

The sun was slowly setting, soaking the sky in a crimson color. Everyone was going on about their own day without paying much attention to others. Nevan was so relieved when he found out, his card hadn't been blocked. Either his mother had convinced his father or his father had just forgotten it. Either way, that was good for his current situation.

While he was sitting on a bench at the city park, he was eating and watching all the people do their own thing. It was a miracle how even in a bustling city like this there was a space for relaxation such as this park. There were trees that provided shade and fountains for a cool air.

When Nevan and his friends hung out, they would often sit here and just talk. He shoved another Takoyaki in his mouth and chewed it carefully. His attention was shifted from the fountain, he was looking at to the person who suddenly sat next to him.

"Keisuke!" Nevan exclaimed. He wasn't expecting him here. He was part of Nevan's friend circles. Just like Dax, he was a close friend. He was the exact opposite of Dax's calm and quiet nature.

A big, cheeky grin spread on Keisuke's face. He was dressed in sport clothes. Either he was coming from training or was on his way. "Dude, why the heck are you sitting here all alone like you lost your home?"

Keisuke's description was accurate. The irony that it seemed like his friend knew the situation Nevan was going through made him laugh.

The only thought going through Keisuke's head was that his friend had gone crazy. Why was he laughing without any apparent reason? Then Nevan started to explain. Everything that had happened, what his father had said and that he was staying at Dax's place for now.

"Oh, yeah? You could have asked me. We got plenty of free rooms." Keisuke explained. He couldn't really believe why Nevan would stay at Dax's when he could live in Keisuke's bigger house where a room was even available.

The last Takoyaki ball had been eaten. Nevan simply crushed the packing. It was discarded in a nearby dustbin. This whole conversation was followed by a small walk where Keisuke wanted to know everything how that whole thing had happened. He really couldn't fathom the situation. Why would a parent leave their children out for the streets?

"Tch." Keisuke scoffed while brushing through his straight, crimson hair which reminded of the sky that was visible right now, after sunset. "Don't worry about that. We will find a way to get you back homey buddy." Nevan felt the hard pats on his back from his friend.

They were at the exit of the park by now. Nevan hadn't even aimed for it and it added to his irritation. How?

Just then, his arm was grabbed and pulled by Keisuke. That bundle of energy never knew when to let others rest. At the same time, Nevan appreciated it. "Let's get your mood up again."

Keisuke loved soccer. It was his passion, his hobby, his goal, his everything. He aimed ro become a professional soccer athlete and did anything to pursue this goal. That was how Nevan and Keisuke had met, to begin with.

Now they were standing at a building right in the downtown. Athlete Zone was the prestigious sport center. This was the place where every kind of athlete met. A hotspot, you might say.

Not everyone could muster up the cash to be a member of Athlete Zone. Mostly, it was those who had a dream of becoming a professional athlete. To Nevan, it was all just a hobby. He only invested in the membership so that their group had a main spot where they could meet. Basically, if any friend of Nevan's group was to say 'let's meet.', the go-to place was Athlete Zone by default.

When Keisuke said, he knew a way to cheer Nevan up, he meant, they would run after a sphere with a diameter of 22 cm on a field.

They made their way to the floor where all the soccer and basketball players gathered. When you got out of the elevator, you would arrive at a lobby where there was a door to the left for access to basketball and one to the right side for soccer. Over the years, they had gotten accustomized to move to the right. By default.

Despite the current circumstances, both friends fell into the usual routine. Keisuke was already in sportswear so all that he could do was to wait for Nevan to change.

The warmup, a few passing exercises and then the true fun began. Honestly? Nevan had never thought of soccer as anything more than a hobby and something that connected him with his friends.

Both friends were just passing the ball to each other for fun. That was when there was a pause. A notification on the bracelet that came with the subscription to Athlete Zone.

[Game invitation]

[Accept.] [Decline.]

After a quick glance at Keisuke's face, Nevan accepted the invitation. This was something that made Athlete Zone so special. Athletes could not only choose the profession they wanted. They could either have matches in team sports or competitions in solo sports.

It was always very interesting. Despite being a member of this center for over five years now, they had never had the same team a second time. It was very individual. Not the same players were on site every single time and not many players chose the same team twice.

[Team Red.] [Team Blue.]

Another option appeared on the bracelet. "Red." Keisuke immediately blurted out. For Nevan, it was either with or against Keisuke. For now, he chose with Keisuke. With a quick movement, he selected red as well.

It was sorted out rapidly. During his time here, he had never seen this process take longer than ten minutes. This was always rather impulsive when enough players could be found. It seemed like this wouldn't be a normal match with 90 minutes but rather only one of thirty minutes. That would be as fast as a blink of an eye.

It was like a fever rush. The teams quickly got their jerseys. Nevan slipped into the oversized red jersey and made his way to the field.

"I will be centre forward!" The words had escaped Nevan's mouth rather quickly. It made Keisuke laugh. Some others just grunted in response, acknowledging his demand and letting him be. Others discussed their positions and then the fun began.

The sides were already chosen for them. The team which got their members first was the one that would start the game and receive the first ball. It was team blue.

Their centre foward striked in their direction, indicating the begin of the 30-minutes game. Nevan's eyes were fixated on the ball at the guy's feet. He rushed towards him, as he was in the right position to do so. Like a relfex his leg jerked forwards, between the opponent's feet at just the right moment.

Team red had the ball now. Nevan's body lunged forward, the vision clearly set on the goal but he had been interrupted by the centre back's of team blue. He was too focused, he realized this as soon as the ball was out of his grasp again.

The match seemed to be intense. And with no real winner in sight. It would only be determined at the very end which team would score and if any of them was better or not.

Nereo, another teammate of Nevan had a clear picture of the game. He moved to the other side. The side of team blue. He would assist whoever from his team moved towards the goal again. That was how he had often scored a goal.

The match was going nowhere, at this point. The score was still 0 - 0. No one could even imagine which team would win. At the 28th minute, Nevan saw his chance and managed to get the sphere in his grasp again.

With swift moves, he started to move towards the goal again, making sure to keep the ball in close distance to his own feet. He could see it. The chance to score a goal. Yes. Nevan would be able to do that. The goalkeeper was not very tall and standing slightly to the left side which would only make this easier if he were to aim for the upper right corner.

"Nevan! Pass!" Nereo's voice came out of nowhere. Suddenly there was a guy from team blue blocked his way.

Nevan quickly looked around. Who? Nereo? His teammate was free. With no one blocking him, Nereo was the best option right now.


[Take initiative]

[Deadline: 1 min. 20 sec.]

At this very moment, whatever appeared in his vision, he wasn't paying attention to it. No, Nevan would be the one to score the goal. Take initiative. He would, he would take it and use it to its full potential.

Nevan looked with a deadpan expression at the other guy, before dribbling the ball past him and hitting the ball with his full strength. Right at the corner.

It was clear that the team blue player had been ready to snatch the ball when Nevan would pass it to Nereo. This hadn't happened. A shrill whistle sounded and announced the score. Then another one, notifying the players about the end of their thirty-minutes game.

The score was 1 - 0 for Team Red.

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