
Chapter 11

He pulled out his phone briefly and sent a text before putting it back in his coat pocket. We walked toward the greenway, the French Broad's roar increasing as we got closer. My nose had turned red from the cold air of the night. The waning crescent moon and stars dimly lighted our surroundings.

The rushing sound of the river was so calming, and the view of the night sky was refreshing. As we walked along the river, I could see the reflection of the stars fighting against the rushing waters. I heard a wolf cry out and felt suddenly unsafe and uncertain. James had said that he was only newly turned. If there were werewolves around, I knew in my heart that they could easily take down a younger vampire with ease. I clung to James tightly, "We should head back." He looked down at me, dismayed. "Of course.", he said as he turned us around.

He pulled his phone out again and made a call this time, "Pick us up from the entrance to the French Broad Greenway.", he said before hanging up. I quickened my pace to hurry us to our destination. The driver was already there waiting for us with the door open. I crawled into the back seat, and seeing the single rose placed in the back with care, I smiled. James followed me and the driver shut the door behind us. He took my hand in his, interlocking our fingers, and gave me a comforting squeeze. The driver returned to his seat and immediately headed to our home.

Once we had arrived back in our wing I rested more easily. A yawn escaped my mouth. My body wanted to sleep, but it was barely past 10:00 p.m. I wasn't ready to go to bed just yet. I pulled James to me, feeling comfort the instant, we embraced. "Thank you again for everything.", I said, wrapping my arms around his waist and nuzzling my face in his chest, still clinging tightly to the rose.

A few moments later, James pulled my chin up, making my eyes meet his. I shuttered from his intense gaze. James brushed a strand of chestnut hair behind my ear. He started to speak, "I dare you..." Oh no, here it comes, my stomach twisted. "… to give me a chance." My eyes widened as he leaned down, placing his lips on mine. Fireworks erupted across my skin, igniting my core and setting the butterflies free from my stomach. He stripped my coat from my frame as my body heated up.

I'm not sure what overcame me, but my reservations fled my body, and my rose fell to the ground. I kissed him back passionately, wrapping my arms around his neck. I had to stand on my tiptoes and use his body to support some of my weight. He dropped my coat on the ground, and he lifted me with ease. My thighs rested on his forearms as he slid his hands under my ass, cupping it gently. I felt the pent-up tension release from my body as my arousal dripped from my core. I opened my eyes, and my cheeks flushed at this happening.

James looked into my eyes fervently. Without leaving my gaze, he carried me over to the couch in the sitting room. He sat down so that I was straddling him now, and he traced one of his hands up my back, still cupping my ass with the other. He adjusted me closer to him as he kissed me again. Pressing my hips downward, I could feel his arousal as well. At least the feelings were mutual.

My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I had never done anything like this before, much less felt this way about another. I could feel his member pulsing through his jeans. My arousal soaked through my cheeky panties and started to spread to the crotch of my pants now. If I didn't stop this now, I knew where it was going to lead. I wasn't ready for that yet, at least in my mind I wasn't, my body was telling a whole 'nother story. I pushed myself up from his embrace. "Not so fast.", I said breathlessly, my eyes pleading with his to slow down.

He paused, but I could tell that he felt caught off guard. I had just cut this off, this wonderful passionate embrace off, cold turkey. I shifted off his lap and sat beside him, playing nervously with my fingers. I refused to make eye contact with him, instead staring at the blazing fire in the fireplace. Only her flames could compare to the desire I felt burning within myself. We both took a few moments to catch our breaths and to calm our impulses.

"I…", we said in unison. He grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry, James.", I said. "I haven't ever done anything like that before.", I blushed, "I'm a…" James stopped me, "It's alright." He sighed, "I didn't mean to push you into something you were uncomfortable with." I looked toward him, "It's not like that, James. I want to, well, at least my body wants to. I just… I just don't want to move so fast." He smiled, "That's fine. We'll go at your pace. I just want you to know that I'm invested in you; this isn't just an arranged marriage to me." "And.", he paused, "And I want you to give me a chance to prove that I'm worthy of you."

He stood up and adjusted himself, running his fingers through his hair. He leaned down and gently kissed my forehead. He was worthy; I could tell that he was kind and respectful. He didn't force himself on me in any way, and that was reassuring. I yawned again, "Do you mind if I change, I'll come right back I promise." "Of course.", he said as he walked toward the fireplace.

I headed to my room to find my dirty clothes washed and folded neatly on my bed. That was perfect; otherwise, I wouldn't have a clean set of pajamas to wear. I stripped my clothes from my body and tucked my drenched panties into the back pocket of my jeans before adding the new pile into the hamper. I put on a fresh pair of underwear, as well as my oversized shirt and black spandex shorts. I went back to the sitting room feeling refreshed; I was so glad to be out of my soiled clothes.

James was brooding by the fireplace; I couldn't blame him, honestly; if I were in his place, I would be doing that, too. Regardless, I still asked, "What's wrong." My words interrupted his thoughts, "Oh, I just have to talk with my father about some things later.", he replied. "About why I was chosen to be your bride?", I inquired. "Yes.", he sighed. "When do you have to go?", I asked. He looked in my direction, "I was planning to leave once you had fallen asleep." I didn't want to impose, "Oh, do you need me to lay down now?" He let out a comforting chuckle, "No, you are fine. There's no rush." He headed in my direction, "Besides, if you are willing to spend time with me, I'm not going to say no to that.", he smiled.

I loved how he made me feel, comforted, seen, heard. These are things that I had never felt at the pack house, aside from Layla. I wrapped my arms around him, snuggling the sense of alleviation I felt with him nearby. "Careful.", he said, "We know where this led last time." I pushed him away playfully, rolling my eyes, "Oh, hush." I walked toward the couch and sat down, patting the seat next to me I beckoned him to come too. He smirked and rolled his eyes playfully before heading over to join me.

He sat down and I quickly snuggled in next to him. He played with my hair, silkily running his fingers through the stands. "What do you want to do now?", he asked. I sighed deeply, "I just want to be near you for a while longer." "Okay.", he replied as he continued stroking my hair. I rested my head on his lap, sitting in comfortable silence; we both gazed at the warm fire. My eyes began to feel heavy; I knew that sleep would come soon.

I awoke sometime later, but not because of a vivid dream. James was gone, and my heart ached for him to be near me. I knew that he was probably speaking with his father about the arrangement. He had left me, but not before covering me up with a blanket that smelled of him. I took the blanket to my room and crawled into the large, empty bed. I snuggled the blanket, inhaling his scent. It was the only comfort that I had while he was away. I closed my eyes and eased back into a deep sleep. 

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