
Chapter 20: Radio Silent

The lot sits in silence, sans the still screaming cook that plays on the TV. Everyone sits still, a bit bleary-eyed in shock. Their brains can't grasp the concept of the situation escalating to that point in such a short amount of time, then the news station leaving them hanging with no real update on the person injured. Sam is the first to shake off the shock of it all."Ok, um- ok, don't panic, I'm gonna, Ima fly out and I'll call you when I have news." Sam stutters a bit over her words, she's trying to stay as neutral as possible, knowing something like this can trigger both of the other girls into a panic, and she can't take care of that right now, she has to get to the scene to make sure everyone is ok.Maggie goes to protest, knowing that she will probably go mad if she is left to stay there and wait. "But-" Sam opens her mouth to stop her girlfriend but Lena beats her to it."It's ok Mags, Sam will get there fast enough if she leaves now. You know driving emotionally like this isn't a good idea. Sams got this, right?" The CEO looks towards the Kryptonian who is already dressed in her emergency suit. Lena created it for moments like these, emergencies that could use a powerful Kryptonian. It helps that this Krypton-born alien is not susceptible to kryptonite like our resident super.Sam has figured out that regular superheroing isn't her thing, she's a numbers cruncher, she's satisfied with the good deeds she can do from behind a desk.This isn't the first situation where her powers have come in handy, at least once every couple of months Supergirl could use a hand, that's when Agent Red comes in, a name Sam isn't too much a fan of but it's kinda growing on her.The suit itself is simple looking. It's the deepest shade of blood red, when she makes her appearances at night it's basically black, you can see the red glisten under the moon though. The House of El family crest sits on her left breast, right above her heart; that, and her cowl that looms just below her eyebrows are outlined in an iridescent gold. Sam nearly cried when Kara suggested she wear her family's crest, saying that Sam is a part of her family now. The reporter was so happy to have another Kryptonian she can share her culture with.Sam firstly outright refused the offer, still beating herself up for all the terror and destruction Reign has caused. But after much coaxing, Agent Red was born, only seen when things got out of hand and a little bit too much for the two original Supers to handle themselves.Sam clips in her blue coloured cape, " of course, I'm sure Alex is being overdramatic, she loves her theatrics." Sam straps into her blue face cover that matches her cape, she uses it along with her cowl to disguise her facial features. Kara pointed out that the degree to her disguise was unnecessary but the brunette doesn't hold as much faith in the blonde-haired blue-eyed reporter with her identity.Sam leans in over the couch and kisses both girl's cheeks, lingering a little longer than normal."I'll call Lena's phone when I get to both of em. If I somehow can't for some reason I will try and get Winn to make the call for me."Sam walks towards the balcony door and opens it. The moon is out, full, and shining bright. It would have been a perfect night to go stargazing, Maggie loves it when Sam takes her out flying, especially when she's little, she always feels like she can touch the stars. When she closes her eyes, it feels like she's floating, it's the feeling she gets when she is really little and everything is all fuzzy on the inside. It can be scary sometimes but then she remembers her momma's and the arms that wrap around her, then she calms because she knows she's safe and they will never let her go.Before she shoots off into the sky, the brunette chances a glance behind her. "She will be fine, I promise." She gives them each a small but genuine smile and then she shoots off into the sky without another word.Maggie releases her bated breath and furiously wipes away stray tears. She gets up without a word and makes her way to the kitchen. "I'm gonna reheat the food and bring you a plate in ten."The detective doesn't wait for a response before turning the stove on medium heat and stirring the pasta intermittently."I'm not even-" The CEO's verbal thought is cut off by a stern looking detective. She concedes, "fine."Maggie herself has lost most of her appetite due to the turn of events. Right now, it's best she keeps busy, trying to stray far away from dropping, which she is so close to already. She knows this is the worst situation to be in to drop, but everything is getting to be so damn loud.I just gotta keep busy, not think. Yea yea you got this, don't think about all the blood and the look on Kara's face. Don't think about funeral homes or if it should be an open or closed casket. Try not to think about how you didn't get to say goodbye, definitely don't think about the screa-Her intrusive thoughts are cut off by a soft hand grasping at her shoulder, squeezing just a bit, the brunette relaxes ever so slightly at the touch."Breathe Maggie, she's fine. Imagine, out of all the things, do you really think one silly arrow is gonna take her out? If anything, Lexi is the one with the superpowers, she has a knack for staying alive, which is cool because she is 100% human.... Right?" Maggie laughs at that, "I'm 90% positive she's human, the other 10%, it's up in the air, she is far from normal."The detective turns to face the Luthor, and is met with a lone tear escaping her eye. The shorter woman brushes away the tears and Lena smiles at her effort."Ok, can you grab the plates and cups, the food is about done." Lena nods her head acknowledging the command. Maggie shares out the pasta and veggies onto the plates and pours three-fourths worth of water into each cup. They make their move to the living room, switchs the TV to a random movie that plays on Starz. Neither one of them recognizes the stop motion animation but doesn't make a move to switch it, they leave the volume on low to play just above their chewing.By the time the duo finishes and cleans up, it's a little after ten and they are both tired, so used to having to be in bed by now."Should I call Winn?"The tiny detective fidgets in place, thinking over her options. "Yeah, I think so, she should have contacted us by now." The scientist quickly taps his number in and waits for it to ring. She is confused because it only rings once and goes straight to voicemail."Try again." Lena does, but it heeds the same result. Maggie goes for her phone and speed dials Sams, nothing. She dials Alex's then J'onn and those end the same, left to leave a stupid voice message. The Latina is frustrated, she throws her phone across the room and it clatters on the adjacent wall, her screen shatters and tiny shards scatter out in front of it.She lets out a short frustrated scream and collapses into a heap on the floor in front of Lena. The CEO slides down from the couch to her friend's level, she collects Maggie's limp sobbing body into her arms and rocks them side to side, rubbing smooth calming circles onto her back.Emotions are high and they both hold onto each other for dear life, the condo is filled with bouts of sobs and tiny sniffles with the occasional cough. It's eleven now and neither of them can keep their eyes open any longer. Moments ago they decided to get more comfortable, so they lay in each other's arms, sprawled out on the floor just in front of the couch. A blanket barely draped over their torsos keeps just their feet warm enough.Drowsiness wins the battle just before the clock hits midnight. The last thing both of their barely conscious minds can comprehend is the flaps of capes and boots touching down on concrete. Their faces still hold remnants of barely dried tears.They both pass out from exhaustion rather than tiredness, not even the smell of dewy grass wakes them up enough to try and figure out why the balcony door has now opened, and in comes a cold draft that leaves goosebumps on their skin.They each get a cold-lipped kiss from the eldest Danvers sister, right on the center of each forehead. The redhead wants to wipe away the rest of their tears but her hands still hold blood, which has dried and crusted under her fingernails.She whispers, not loud enough for the two Kryptonian ears to hear, "Love you both."She loses her footing and almost collapses backwards, but her girlfriend catches her before she can hit the floor."I'm gonna take her for a bath and patch her back up, can you take them to bed please Kar?" The blonde quickly nods and scoops up the shorter of the duo first. She then goes back for the other one and places her in their bedroom, she tucks Oliver in her arm and kisses her forehead. She leaves the bed and goes to the bathroom to take a shower for herself."Fucking hell." The reporter whispers to herself. She shakily turns on the warm water and washes away the day's pain. Her skin still slightly sears from the kryptonite she was exposed to. She drops her head to lean on the tile of the shower and releases a shuddering breath. 
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