
Harukaze-chan-san joins the chat

[we gay]

[Rainbowship] was added to [we gay] by [Furry™]

Rainbowship: awe shit this is still my name?

Furry™: there are children in this chat

Rainbowship: so?

Rainbowship: if Bakugou is here he has said worse

Furry™: you are right - I am leaving now

Rainbowship: okay 'dad' see you

Furry™: why must you call me that?

Rainbowship: you make sure the staff don't kill themselves, you make sure students don't die - title: father

Furry™: I see.

[Furry™] has left [we gay]

yellow: who are you?

Rainbowship:  oh right you dont know me yet...

mindseeker: who?

Rainbowship:  im going to wait till #everyone's here

purple: huh?

pink: Oh another person?

sleep™: istg if you caused this denki

yellow:  NOPE

yellow:  it was the principal this time

○(・x・): d(・∀・○)

tape: well if this isn't denki's fault and the principal put them(?) here then we should accept it?

icyhot: for once I agree with you

green: good job babe

ucantseeme: lonely het hours

mrogfemes: lonely frog hours

Eijiro: its handsome manly men hours

Katsuki: isn't it always?

Eijiro: yes.

Hands?: i see

Raven?: i see

Mom-o: #meowzawa help?

yamameow: we see,,,, it might be Rain?

meowzawa: its rain

Rainbowship:  Henlo presentation michael and Eraserhead

yamameow: i hate you

Rainbowship: no you dont

yamameow: no i dont

Rainbowship: Anyways - I'm Rain, The speeding Rainbow hero! I look like Hatsune Miku in my hero gear

green:  OH YOU

Rainbowship:  yeet

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