
Titan and Signus' Day Off

Following his awakening, unconscious Leo had been taken to the infirmary of the Sowei City Castle. It was a white room with some decaying wallpaper, a couple of beds and curtains with flowers on them separating the beds.

"What the hell happened?" Leo asked once he woke up.

"You blew up and nearly killed us all." Nick deadpanned.

"What? Geowar, what actually happened?"

"You tapped into your powers to stop an assassin! It was incredible!" Geowar explained.

"And you did that by blowing up and nearly killing us all."

"When did this happen?" Leo asked wile rubbing his eyes.

"A couple hours ago. You scared me half to death." Renee said.

"What happened was actually very peculiar. You are the first human to ever use magic!" Geowar said. "It's fascinating! Such a thing is completely unheard of where I'm from!"

"What's the plan now? What, do we just live with the fact this moron has freaky powers?" Nick asked.

"I'll be taking Leo to my home, so we can discuss this with my superiors. In the meantime, I'll ask for an ambassador to fill in for me while I'm away." Geowar explained.

"When will you be back?" Renee asked.

"I don't know. Make a good impression on the ambassadors, yeah?" Geowar said, and then he and Leo left for the basement.


"Wait, we're going through THAT? No way!" Leo exclaimed once Geowar led him to the Matter Transporter.

"It's the only way, Leo, don't be a baby. Besides, you have powers now, you can do anything!" Geowar said, and flew in the glowing portal in the center.

"I can't fly. How do you expect me to go through?" Leo asked, to no response. He rolled his eyes, and jumped through.

Once he landed on the other side, he was in an auditorium. It was massive, glowing and colorful, decorated with gold, platinum and stained glass. There was a throne in the center, gigantic. The large seat was occupied by two heavily armored knights, who were laughing at something, before noticing Leo, laying flat on the ground.

Geowar helped him up.

"Geowar, you brought a human to the Above? What would Nova say?" The first knight asked.

"I know what he'd say!" The other knight said, and cleared his throat. "It's a never-ending struggle with you fools! I'm 20 quadrillion years old and I haven't had fun in 60 millennia and that's suddenly your problem!"

Then the two knights started laughing like idiots again.

"Who the hell is Nova?" Leo asked.

"Irrelevant for now, seeing as he's not here. But the two of them are Titan and Signus. Ignore them they're morons." Geowar said.

"Yeah I gathered that." Leo said.

"SIGNUS!" Geowar yelled. "WHERE'S LAMBDA?"

"He can't help you, Geo, he's busy decaying!" Signus said, and started laughing even louder.

"I'm right here." Another voice sounded. A slouching old man, carrying a wooden cane, appeared from behind them.

"Master, it's incredible!" Geowar said. "This human has used magic!"

"Seriously?" The old master asked. "This is unprecedented."

"I don't get why you guys are surprised. Geowar, you told me that I had Fred Gaspar's powers when we first met!" Leo said.

"Well, that's true, but I never expected you to actually use them." Geowar explained. "Anyway, Lambda, I'll need you to send someone back to Terra to check on things while I'm here."

"You're staying?" Lambda asked.

"Well yeah, you and I need to help Leo here with his magic! So, are you getting her or..." Geowar asked.

"No. Titan! Signus!" 

The two knights immediately teleported in front of the old man.

"What now, gramps?" Titan asked, while Signus chuckled.

"You're going to Terra."

"What?" The two said, confused.

"WHAT?" Geowar yelled out in shock.

"We don't have to do this! We aren't in the Order!" Signus said.

"I agree! I'll just go back, and you can train Leo alone!" Geowar said.

"I'd rather not be alone with a bunch of strangers in an unknown place, thank you." Leo said.

"Geowar, who were you expecting me to send?" Lambda asked.

"I dunno, not THEM that's for sure! Especially not both of 'em!"

"My orders were clear. Go to Terra. Now."

Without another word, the knights teleported away.

"Now, the two of you." Lambda said. "Follow me."


Meanwhile, outside the Matter Transporter, a small crowd had gathered, mostly composing of the high councilors. They were dressed in their best clothes. Except Nick. He didn't care.

In one corner of the room, Dr. Parr was discussing the nature of magic with George.

"Personally I don't believe in magic." Dr. Parr said. "It must simply be advanced technology."

"Geowar was definitely magic, doctor. But perhaps it could be something biological?" George said.

"Remind me to ask Geowar for a blood sample, assistant." Dr. Parr said. "I am very much looking forward to examining it."

Elsewhere, O'Lop had approached Banner.

"Uh, Banner, why did you bring your guns?" O'Lop asked. 

"I don't trust anyone that comes out of this portal." Banner said.

"I don't think shooting at them will do anything though..."

Directly in front of the portal, Renee had narrated the events at the roof to Lucius.

"So you say that Leo almost tossed you off the roof?" Lucius asked.

"It wasn't his fault, Dad. He was just saving me from the assassin and it got out of his control." Renee said.

"I know it's not his fault. You're hereby banned from going to the roof, young lady!" Lucius announced. "Nick, I expect you to enforce this."

"Oh come on, it wasn't my fault either! You know it's my favorite spot!"

"The risk is too big." Lucius said.

"I'm an adult, dad! You can't tell me what to do!" Renee complained.

"My castle, my rules, Renee. It's for your own good."

Suddenly, the portal started pulsing.

"EVERYONE STAND BACK!" Banner yelled, and pointed his rifles towards the portal. 

The two knights came through the portal with a small explosion, and stood directly in front of Lucius.

"Hey there, short people!" Signus said, enthusiastically.

"Oh, hello." Lucius said. He was struggling to look at them face to face, because they were so absurdly tall. "I'm Lucius, King of Soweiland. And you are?"

"Wow, Signus, look! There's and entire Tian and Signus fan club here!" Titan said, and the two started giggling like idiots again.

"Hello? Can't you hear me?" Lucius asked.

"This will be a chore." Renee said.

Banner cocked his rifle and shot a bullet straight at Titan's face, which he quickly deflected with a swing of his sword.

"What the hell!?" Titan asked. "You humans have no sense of humor!"

"Welcome to Soweiland, gentlemen." Lucius smirked. "We have prepared a room for you, since you'll probably be staying for a couple of days. Would you like me to show you?"

"Thanks, but no thanks, pops. We're here on business that requires not standing around sleeping." Signus said.

"What business?" Renee asked.

"Look, pretty face, we can't tell you that." Titan said.

"Yeah, it's none of your business, blondie!" Signus added. "Just be glad we won't be bothering you."

"Wha- You're in our country! We should at the very least know-"

"It's fine, Renee. It's no use asking them anyway." Lucius said.

"I can't be the only one peeved at the fact a bunch of space wizards have shown up at our doorstep, talked about having "a mission" and refusing to elaborate! Right?" Renee asked, as the crowd was dispersing. Dr. Parr patted her back as she was leaving.

"I agree with you too, weird girl." She said.

"Gee, thanks a ton, your Royal Scienceness!" Renee mocked, and walked out of the room, leaving Titan and Signus presumably alone.

"So, when are we leaving?" Titan asked.

"Like, now?" Signus said.

"Aww, I wanted to get to know the local ladies!" Titan said.

"Don't weep, big guy! The sooner we catch that psycho-hose beast, the more time we'll get to spend with the short ladies!" Signus comforted him.

"Catch who?" Someone else interrupted the moment.

It was Nick! He was too bored to move out of the room!

"Seriously? I thought everyone left!" Signus complained.

"Catch who?" Nick persisted, lifting his spear close to Signus' face.

"Look, it's none of your business, pal. So point your stick away, and waddle on, yeah?" Signus said. Nick didn't budge, and instead raised an eyebrow.

"Just tell him, man. What's he even gonna do?" Titan said.

"You tell him!" Signus said.

"Fine. We're looking for the rogue Starborne, Hyperriox. He caused some destruction and then made a quick getaway and now we have to go find him." Titan explained.

"I'm honestly surprised that poser, Geowar hasn't told you about him yet." Signus added. "They were friend...ish."

"Huh." Nick said.

"Can we go now? Is the interrogation over?" Signus asked.

Nick didn't answer.

"Let's just go dude." Titan said, and the two knights quickly teleported out of the building, leaving Nick alone to his thoughts.


Meanwhile, in the Above, Lambda had taken Geowar and Leo to a secluded location just outside of the auditorium. It resembled a temple of some kind.

"Where did you take us exactly?" Leo asked.

"This is where we take the strongest young Starborne." Lambda explained. "Here they are trained to eventually become members of the Guardian Order, like Geowar here."

"So when do we begin my training?" Leo asked.

"Now. You will follow my commands, so we can discover which of Blaze's powers you acquired. Close your eyes and concentrate."

Leo did so, while frowning. "So?" He asked.

"Let's start with something easy. Think about light, then punch the air."

Leo punched the air, and an undefined magenta mist flew out of his closed fist, before disappearing into the atmosphere.

"Very good. Now, feel the earth below you, concentrate, and stomp on the ground with all your might." Lambda instructed. Leo slammed his foot on the ground and nothing happened.

"Ow!" He exclaimed. "Was that supposed to do something?"

"I guess you don't have the geokinesis." Lambda said. "Now, think about things that make you mad, then push the air."

Leo closed his eyes again and started going through thoughts in his head. He thought about Tom, the assassin from a couple hours before, AG4 and his AWOL, former teammate, AJ and then pushed the air. A stream of fire erupted out of his palms, nearly burning Geowar's cape.

"Hey dude! Watch the cape!" Geowar said.

"I did something?" Leo asked once he opened his eyes. 

"You are a very angry person." Lambda said. "One more left. Close your eyes, and think about death."

"What?" Leo asked.

"Master, I don't think-" Geowar tried to say.

"Will you do it?" Lambda asked.

"No?" Leo said, unsure.

"That's all I needed to hear." Lambda said.


Meanwhile, Titan and Signus had exited the city. Signus was utilizing his Magic Smell to pick up signs of where Hyperriox could have been. Everything led him to a field, right outside the city. When they got there, he grimaced.

"What's wrong?" Titan asked.

"This place reeks of death." Signus said. "I didn't know Master Lambda had been to Terra!"

"Focus Sig. If you smell death, does that mean..." Titan said.

"No way! Why would the two lovebirds ever come here?" Signus said.

"So Riox learned death magic." Titan said.

"Don't be stupid, you can't learn death magic. Blazeface must have been here." Signus pointed out. "The trail continues that way." Signus pointed south, towards the forest.

"Is he in that cabin?" Titan asked.

"No, it goes deeper. Let's go closer." Signus said. The two followed the trail all the way to the edge of the forest, near Stormhaven. The trail led the duo to a cave.

"In here?" Titan asked once they arrived.

"Yup." Signus confirmed. "I guess crazy people have a knack for living in caves." He joked.

"Let's head inside then!" Titan announced, and the two started walking inside.


"So what exactly happened when you tapped into your powers?" Master Lambda asked Leo.

"Well, I was able to see much clearer than before. My vision became blurrier the farther I tried to see." Leo explained.

"If you we're a regular human, I'd tell you to get that checked. But yes, Hypervision is a common power." Lambda said.

"And then I grabbed a nearby flagpole and slammed it to the ground, creating an explosion or something?" Leo said. "That's what I was told." 

"Channeling. A very useful ability. Do you happen to have this flagpole with you?" Lambda asked.

"Uh, no. Why would I bring a flagpole? What's Channeling?" Leo asked.

"The ability to channel your powers through a weapon. Think of it as an extension of your body." Lambda explained. "My mastery of Channeling is what made me one of the Masters."

"There are more of you?" Leo asked.

"A tragic tale, for another time." Lambda brushed him off. "Now, focus, and try to create the first thing that comes to your mind."

Leo focused, and sliced the air with his closed fist, a singular, transparent magenta blade came out of his fist. He then did the same with his other hand.

"Impressive! Now try to do something more complicated..."


Titan and Signus ventured to the end of the cave, following a faint red glow. As they got closer and closer, it became more apparent; Hyperriox was inside. Bracing themselves for the incoming battle, Titan unsheathed his blade, and Signus took out his staff.

"Halt, Hyperratface!" Signus announced when they found him. "You're under arrest in the name of the High Father Nova for your crimes against yada yada yada!"

"Don't taunt him, Sig!" Titan pulled him by the shoulder.

"What's he gonna do? We're two, he's one! One without mastery of his powers, mind you!" Signus said.

"That's what makes him dangerous!"

Suddenly, Riox took out his knife, and clenched it in his fist. In his other fist, an identical knife appeared, except it was glowing red. Then, Riox lunged at the closest knight, which was Signus, and rammed him through the ceiling.

"Woah!" Titan exclaimed, shielding his head from the falling debris.

"I'll have to admit, I was expecting to be found earlier." Riox growled as he was flying upwards while holding Signus. Signus struck him with his staff, and teleported to ground level, soon joined by Titan. Riox quickly regained his composure in midair, and hurled a barrage of red knifes towards the two knights, which Signus blocked by spinning his staff. After that, the knight lunged at the fugitive, trying to hit him. 

"I was hoping Nova would send someone who would provide an actual challenge!" Riox barked and charged up his hand with electricity, before hitting Signus in the stomach, knocking him back.

Titan appeared before him and tried to hit him with an overhead slash, which Riox expertly dodged. He flew around in the air as if he was swimming, eventually going above Titan and kicking his helmet with the back of his foot.

"He's holding back!" Signus yelled. "You don't think we can take it, asshole?"

"Quite frankly, no." Riox spat, and hit Titan in the face with a laser, that went through the eyehole in his helmet, dazing him.

"Gah! Can't see!" He said, before being kicked in the back by Riox, and sent flying directly onto a tree, knocking it down onto him.

Signus then lunged at the runaway maniac, trying to grab him, but he spiraled down onto the ground, creating a crack from which tall spikes emerged, trying to impale Signus. Unfortunately for Riox, his armor protected Signus, and allowed him to teleport behind him and whack his head, making him spin in place before falling down.

"This will give me major points with Nova." Signus pointed out, before being stuck in the chin by an incredibly powerful uppercut. It was strong enough to bend the metal in Signus' helmet, and knock him into the air. 

The large knight fell to the ground with a loud thud, leaving Riox able to portal out of there immediately.

"Aw, dude! We got served!" Titan said after getting the tree off of him.

"No time to talk! Follow him!" Signus rushed his partner.

"See this is why you don't taunt the posers, Sig!" 

"Shut up, Titan! And move it!"

The pair of armored knights followed Riox's scent all the way to the docks, where the trail ended.

"Aw dude! He took a boat!" Signus exclaimed. "I can't track him anymore either, his trail ends here."

"Damn, I guess that means we're on vacation until Geowar comes back." Titan figured, the snapped his fingers. "Darn shame. I was really hoping to continue this wild goose chase."

"This is your fault, Titan!" Signus accused him.

"Excuse me?" Titan asked. "It was you who mocked him!"

"I was YOU who took seven days to get a tree off him! We have super strength, Sir Doofus!" Signus said.

"It was a big tree!"


A couple hours later, in the Above, Master Lambda was done training Leo.

"I believe that's enough." He announced.

"For today?" Leo asked.

"No, you will return back to your homeworld. I believe Geowar is more than capable to continue your training." The old master explained. "Well, that, and I don't trust Titan and Signus to be alone for more than a day."

"Well, alright then. Thanks for the free lesson." Leo thanked the master, and shook his hand.


"Ready to leave, Leo?" Geowar asked.


The two men walked up towards the Matter Transporter, and stepped inside. On the other side, Titan and Signus were waiting.

"Finally!" Titan exclaimed once he was them.

"Did you kids have fun?" Geowar asked the two knights.

"What do you think?" Signus spat, and the two went through the portal.

"What's up his ass?" Leo asked. Geowar shrugged in response. "Whatever, I'm going to bed. See ya." 

As Leo left the room, Nick entered and stood in front of Geowar, looking at him with an annoyed expression.

"Can I help you?" Geowar asked.

"Why'd you keep it a secret?" Nick told him.


"Why'd you keep it a secret?" Nick repeated.

"I keep no secrets. You were probably victim to Titan and Signus' vile pranks." Geowar said.

"So Hyperriox isn't real?"

Geowar went wide-eyed.

"Uh, he is, I just didn't tell you because I didn't want you guys to worry! With the whole mafia thing going on."

"So what makes this Hyperriox so dangerous?" Nick asked.

"Quite frankly, it's none of your business, Nick!" Geowar went on the offensive.

"The fact he could hurt Jess or Renee makes it my business. Now talk!" Nick said.

"It's being handled." Geowar said, and teleported out of the room, leaving Nick alone.

"This conversation isn't over..." The sleep-deprived bodyguard mumbled, before walking out of the room.

And that's a wrap on the big magic chapter!

Sorry this took so long, i was busy with school starting and stuff, but i hope you enjoyed regardless!

Next time on Tales of Soweiland, Geowar has another comission for George Renie... Stay tuned!

And please comment if you're reading this, i've gotten like barely any feedback. (Shoutout to real Renie again for actually commenting on the chapters)

Gamer_Leocreators' thoughts
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