

The entire team of revolutionaries had begun preparations and they were going very smoothly so far.

Tom had set up camp on a hill and was talking to men and women from across Soweiland who wanted to join the revolution. Anthony informed only the most trusted of circles with the existence of this plan.

There were very few notable encounters at first, but eventually a small army of almost 100 men, wearing identical uniforms and red headbands with a black dot painted on each arrived at his doorstep. They were all armed.

"Who are you guys?" Tom asked their leader when he stepped in the tent.

"We're the Elite Devoted, a special taskforce dedicated to the removal of the oppressors from Linam City and the rest, created by Casey Kane before he left Soweiland."

Tom looked impressed. "That man is full of surprises. No government cheapskate would go through the trouble of tailoring 100 identical costumes, so I'd say you're trustworthy enough. Welcome to the team."

They two shook hands and the Elite Devoted were led to the secret hideout by another man.

Later, another man in a uniform arrived, but instead of being an army one, it was a police uniform.

Immediately upon seeing the police officer, Tom loaded his bow and pointed it at him.

"Give me one good reason not to kill you right now."

"Calm down, I mean you no harm." Said the officer, while slowly raising his hands.

"Prove it." Tom told him in response.

The officer took his pistol out of his belt and placed it on the table, meaning he was now unarmed. Tom took the pistol and laid down his weapon as well.

"Talk." He coldly ordered the officer.

"I'm the police captain in Sowei City, and I am apparently the only one who cares enough to actually catch criminals. I was working hard on a murder case, when suddenly a royal messenger arrived at the station and ordered all officers to abandon their posts and report to the castle in Soweiland, as the king had "something else in mind" for them."

"And how do I know you won't double-cross me?"

"Because if I was planning on that, I wouldn't tell you that two other officers are present at this camp and have been sent to infiltrate your operation."

Tom let out a long sigh, and climbed on the desk. He took out two arrows from his quiver, looked around at the crowd, and simultaneously shot the two, killing the spies. After he got down, he faced the captain again.

"You proved your worth, captain." He told him, and gave him his pistol back.

The last man to arrive was a lanky guy with big glasses.

"I've never seen you around before." Tom told him. "Who are you?"

"I'm Thomas Gardner. I recently moved here."

"Then why do you wanna fight?"

"I find your cause admirable, that's all. The king gave me trouble where I was before anyway, getting rid of him would be a service to the empire."

"You don't look like a fighter."

"I hear medics are in high demand."

"Very well. Welcome onboard."


In the meantime, AJ and Banner were busy counting all he equipment in the Six's stockpiles.

"Why are we stuck doing the most boring job, mate?" AJ asked.

Banner simply shrugged.


A couple kilometres away, O'Lop was ready to break into an Austrian warehouse. His taskforce consisted of himself and his hammer.

"Alright hammer, let's to this." He told the hammer.

"Have at thee, wall! Hiya!!" He said to the wall and with one swing if the hammer, it had a bigger hole, enough the fit a person through.

O'Lop then climbed on a semi truck he had brought, and rammed through the wall. Then he began taking random crates and putting them in the back of the truck.

Suddenly, a guard noticed a giant hole in the wall, and then him, struggling to carry a big crate.

"Hey! Stop right there!" He shouted like an idiot, revealing his position.

O'Lop threw the hammer on his face. Knocking him out.

This kept going on for a while, with more guards showing up and getting hit by the hammer.

Eventually O'Lop had enough crates, and left the facility, having knocked out a total of 13 guards.


Meanwhile, in Pascal Estate, Lucius had called his friend Edward, the king of England.

"Lucius, what a nice surprise. What's on your mind?" He asked him.

"Well Ed, I'm in a pickle and I need your help. You see, there's a revolution going on."

"Huh? Why are you telling me this?"

"Well Ed the people of Soweiland are expecting the King to visit and when he does we plan to rise up against him. But you see, we have a problem."

"This is a private line, right?"

"Yes Eddie. Yes it is. Anyway you see we have a problem. We don't have guns."

"I'm in."

Lucius was surprised. "You don't have any problems with funding a revolution that will overthrow the king?"

"Please, I do this all the time. Plus, I really hate that guy. He constantly flirts with my wife."

"So how will this go?"

"Just tell me where you want the guns and I'll send a guy with a chopper."

"Thanks Ed!"

"No problem." He said before hanging up.


"Okay kid, I'm not exactly adept with one sword, but I can probably help you a bit." Leo told Renée. They had begun training.

"So you must think of your sword as an extension of your arm. Try to swing it around a bit, get used to the weight."

Renée swung the sword around a bit, the turned around and faced Leo.

"What's the point of this?"

"Look, do you want to train or not?"

"Not particularly."

"Okay you know what, let's make this more interesting."

Leo went into the warehouse, grabbed a target dummy and came back.

"Okay so the weakest spots in the human body are the chest, the stomach and the head. You need to know exactly where to hit. And since you have a melee weapon, don't try to engage with ranged guys, because they'll shoot you and you'll die."

He then unbuckled one of his blades and stabbed the dummy where the heart would be.

"Okay this area is the most important one, because if you hit the lungs or the heart the enemy just dies, so that's where most the protection is. Same applies to the head. So instead you should target other areas like the neck and stomach."

He then cut off the dummy's head.

"The neck has barely any armour and if you have a sharpened enough sword it should cut the head clean off, yeah?"

"Finally this is getting interesting!"

"Not a lot of armour goes in the stomach either so just stab the guy until he dies. Deal?"

"Fine by me."

"That concludes our training session. So I need to meet with Rob now, so go take this to the trash" he said and pointed at the remains of the dummy.

Renée raised an eyebrow but Leo had already turned his back and left.

"K cool thanks."

Renée rolled her eyes.


"What do you got for me Rob?" Leo said as he entered another room.

Robert was standing in the room, flanked by a muscular bald black man and an old white man wearing a military uniform.

"These are my friends from the old rebellion, Chet "Dagger" Douglas and Hubert Starman." He introduced the pair.

"Pleasure to meet you, son." Said Hubert and he shook Leo's hand. Chet just nodded.

"Great job, Rob. We can use the experienced folk." Leo then turned to the other men. "You guys will be leading some of our divisions."

"What now, Leo?" Robert asked him. "Now that everyone's done their jobs, we must gather our guys, and make a battle plan. I'll assemble the Six and Lucius, you guys stay here."

Leo left the room, determined to finally end this. It was almost time.

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