
Letter from mother

That evening, Aunt Martha called to see Valerie, because she would be relocating to North Xoria to live with her daughter soon.

Valerie went there, since the old woman said it had something to do with her mother's property.

Arriving at the Wright estate, Mr. Wright and Old Madam Wright were there, waiting for her.

Valerie was a bit surprised to see them. She thought it was a simple matter. Ruby rushed to her Nanna, who carried her on her lap, surprised to see her bandaged arm. She frowned, "What happened to her?"

Valerie explained that it was an accident, but her granddaughter wasn't pleased, especially when she learned it happened at the Humphrey's.

"Told you to come live with me last week but you stubbornly went there. See the result of your stubbornness." She flicked Ruby's forehead lightly, making the child giggle.

"Nanna, don't be like mommy. It was an accident," Ruby hugged her Nanna's arm, shaking it lightly.

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