
The Dragon Price


Daemon deals with the Iron Born and Tywin and Rhaella arrive in Kings Landing.

Winterfell 300 AC.



Lyanax landed as close to the keep as he could manage to get her to, he helped his aunt down and asked her permission before lifting her in his arms, his cloak wrapped tightly around her. He then began the walk towards the castle, the men looking at him as he passed. He had no need to tell Lyanax anything his dragon just knew and she quickly took off, Daemon would speak to her on the morrow. It didn't take long for word to spread and by the time he reached the inner gates people had come running to see if it was true.


Seeing Robb run towards him he felt his aunt almost struggle to get free but he whispered to her she'd injure herself or lose the cloak and she calmed down some. Behind his cousin his uncle almost staggered in comparison, but eventually he too began to run.


"Mother." he heard Robb call out as he arrived at them.

"Robb, a Maester, we need a Maester." he said back and then when he saw Robb's panicked expression he quickly added "Your mother is well Robb but we may need a Maester.".

"Get Luwin now." Robb shouted to one of the guards who raced off towards the Maester's rooms."

"Mother." Robb then said softly and she smiled at him before his uncle arrived.

"Uncle lets get her inside first." Daemon said before his uncle could say anything and then he nodded as his uncle held his arms out to take her from him.


Pointing out the cloak's purpose and moving as carefully as he could he was able to pass her to him and they walked into the keep, a grey robed Maester rushing towards them followed by the rest of the family. He helped them to the Maester's rooms and waited outside with his cousins while Robb and his uncle stayed with his aunt.


"Is mother all right, was she harmed?" the redhead asked.

"If they've hurt her I'll kill them all." the dark haired girl said not a moment later

"Thank you for bringing mother back." one of the boys said to him, the youngest one.

"There's no need to thank me and your mother will be fine, she just needs some rest." he said trying to smile for them.

"You're our cousin, prince Daemon?" the dark haired girl said.

"Just Daemon." he said a truer smile this time.

"But you're a prince." the redhead said.

"Well here I'm just your cousin." he said back.

"I'm Arya, this is Sansa and he's Rickon, Bran and Robb you met." Arya said with a smile which he returned.


Before he had a chance to say anything else though Robb came out of the room, his mood far better than it had been when he went inside, he reached over to rub Rickon's hair and then looked at him with relief in his eyes.


"Mother's tired, so father is going to bring her to their room to sleep, he says we need to get some rest too and so you can all see her in a moment, but just for a little bit, she needs to rest all right?"


They answered with nods and when the Maester came to the door he watched as they almost pushed the man aside in their eagerness to get into the room. He waited outside leaning against the wall, his job was only half done so he'd rest tonight and then fly back to the Iron Islands tomorrow. He was going over what he would do in his head when they came back out, Sansa smiled at him before leading Rickon back to his room, Arya seemed eager to speak to him but at the shake of Robb's head she let him be for now.


"Where's Bran?" he asked remembering the other boy.

"He was really tired my prince, so we let him sleep."

"Please Robb it's Daemon, at least when we're alone."

"Daemon, I..I can't thank you enough for what you've done, I only heard some of it, if you hadn't, gods if you hadn't." Robb said as he shuddered.

"But I did, so there's no need to think about what may have happened is there." he said putting his hand on his cousin's shoulder.

"Aye you're right, I think my father will wish to speak to you."

"Lets give him the night, I could do with a rest myself." he said and Robb nodded in agreement.

"I'll take you to your room." Robb said a soft smile on his face now.


He followed his cousin down a corridor and was taken to a large double room, a fire was already lightning not that he felt the cold much, but it was welcoming all the same and he'd need it on the morrow. The bed had a large fur covering it and he felt ready to fall into it.


"I'll speak to you on the morrow Robb."

"Aye, Daemon thank you." his cousin said and he gave him a smile and closed the door.


He took his armor off, and fell into the bed falling asleep within moments, though the sleep he slept that night was as fitful as he knew it would be. They were waiting for him, all seven lined up to take their price and he felt the whips as they hit his skin, each of them striking him seven times. The pain was almost unbearable and he was sure that had he been able to he'd have screamed out, but some screams cannot be heard especially in the dark.


When he woke the marks were clear on his back, he walked to the fire and reached inside, the embers doing their work, he felt it then as the healing began, felt the marks as they disappeared. Before R'hllor had came to him, before he had accepted his role as his chosen, Daemon had suffered and suffered badly at the hands of the shadows. His god had not forsaken him though and showed him the way, for the only things shadows feared was light and that was his god's domain.


After washing the ash from his hands and dressing he made his way from the room almost bumping into the wolf as soon as he left, it's grey fur and sheer size immediately identifying her as magical. Dirwolves hadn't been seen North of the wall in a generation yet it seemed each of the Starks had one of their own, who owned this one was made clear a moment later.


"Nymeria, don't" Arya said as he brushed his hand over the wolf's neck to her surprise.

"I'm a Stark too." he said back and she laughed.

"Thank the gods for that, otherwise you'd be missing a hand."

"I was going to try and find my way to break my fast, maybe you could help me?"

"Follow me." she said turning in the opposite direction he was going to go in.


He felt the eyes on him when he reached the hall, the Greatjon he had already met and Maege were both smiling at him which at least made him welcome. Grabbing some food he sat and was immediately joined by Arya, the Greatjon, Maege and some others he didn't know. He tried to eat in silence but that was never going to happen not with how eagerly the looked at him, so he ate sparingly even though he was starved.


"What?" he said with a smirk.

"You and your dragon did you destroy them all? did you set those god forsaken islands on fire?" the Greatjon said and Arya stared open mouthed at him.

"You really have a dragon? Can I ride it, will you show it to me, please? I showed you my wolf." the girl said pleadingly,

"I have a dragon and you'll see her later." he said smiling at his cousin's enthusiasm.

"Her, she's a girl like Nymeria?" Arya said her smile beaming now.

"She is, Lyanax I named her for my mother." he said and if anything the smiles got bigger.

"So what did you do to the squids?" one of the men asked.

"Nothing, I didn't go there for that, I went for my aunt. I'll deal with the Iron Born today, last night was all about getting my aunt back." he said and Maege nodded.

"But you're going back?" The Greatjon said.

"Oh don't worry, I'm going back." he said.




His son had a dragon, a dragon, the first his family had in over one hundred years and these idiots wished him to punish him, wished him to reprimand him for flying to the North to help his family out. He looked to see Arthur trying to keep his smirk in check while Jon and Oberyn raged, he looked to his other son who was sitting with a look he found hard to discern and to Lucerys who remained silent. It surprised him that Mace wasn't joining in, but then no doubt he was acting on strict instructions from the queen of thorns.


"Enough." he said loudly "I'll have no more talk of Daemon being punished for something we should have done ourselves."

"Your grace, should Prince Daemon attack the Iron Islands it would create instability," Jon said.

"And yet there was no instability to be created should they attack the North Jon?" Arthur said surprising them all.

"The Iron Islands are not gearing up for war with the North Ser Arthur." Jon said.

"Then they have nothing to fear do they Jon?" He said and Jon quietened for now.

"Your grace Prince Daemon being in control of such a beast, it alone creates stability." Oberyn said

"What would you suggest?" he asked a small smirk on his face.

"We should force the Prince to hand over the dragon to the crown." Aegon said and Oberyn nodded.

"Good luck with that your grace." Lucerys said with a snort which Aegon sneered at.

"We should chain the best up then." Aegon said.

"No, I'll not chain the first dragon this family has had in generations up, even if I wished to how could it be done. It's a dragon not a damn horse or dog." He said loudly.

"So you'll allow Prince Daemon to walk around with the power of a dragon behind him?" Oberyn said.

"I think my son is already walking around with the power of a dragon Oberyn are did you miss the damn thing when we were in the Dragonpit."

"I miss nothing your grace."

"See that you don't, now enough about the dragon. I'll hear no more about it until Daemon returns. What news of the Iron Islands, have any of our captains heard anything Lucerys?"

"No your grace, nothing other then they don't seem to be raiding too far south." Lucerys said.

"That is a good thing is it not?" Mace said.

"It is but a strange one and suggests what we've been told about the North may indeed be true." Rhaegar said.

"Impossible your grace, there is no way the Iron Islands could be gearing for war without us knowing. Where could they have hidden their fleet?"

"Perhaps the same place Daemon hid a dragon." Arthur said and Rhaegar laughed.

"You seem very talkative today Ser Arthur?" Oberyn said looking at Arthur in annoyance.

"I find when people are being idiots it brings out my talkative side my prince." Arthur said and Rhaegar had to fight the urge to laugh louder.

"Where's Lord Varys?" he said instead trying to divert the two Dornishman from letting the looks they were giving each other develop into anything more.

"He sent a note to say he was meeting some of his little birds and would not be able to attend your grace." Jon said.

"Do we have any other business?" he said to silence "Good then we can finish this now then. Aegon you and Arthur stay."


He waited until the others had left and then turned to his son, trying to figure out what was going on in his eldest's mind these days was becoming harder and harder for him.


"Are you so jealous of your brother that you wish all his things, are you a child still Aegon?"

"I care not what Daemon has, I was thinking only of the crown." Aegon replied flippantly.

"Daemon is the crown too son, he is your brother perhaps if you tried to treat him as such you'd come to see that."

"He is your son, not my brother," Aegon said angrily.

"Careful son, I've warned you once don't test me on this." he said glaring at him.

"As you say father. May I be excused."

"Go, but I mean what I say Aegon if I find you're trying to antagonize your brother I won't be happy, and make sure you're ready to greet your grandmothers ship today"

"Father, Arthur," Aegon said walking from the room.


Once he was gone, he got up and poured himself some wine, Arthur not taking any as usual, he sat down and looked to his friend and smiled a sad smile.


"I fear for that boy Arthur truly, he has no control, no consideration for things."

"He is the future king, perhaps the pressure is too much?"

"Perhaps, it's his jealously that worries me most, he's the crown prince, he will be king and yet he covets what others have more than what he has for himself. Did you know he sent some men to try and break into Daemon's rooms, tried to steel his armor and swords, why? He doesn't even spar anymore does he not?"

"Not in a long time."

"Now with Daemon having a dragon it'll be worse, gods know how Rhaenys is taking it."

"How are you taking it?" Arthur asked.

"I've been a fool Arthur, a complete fool, I don't know if he'll ever forgive me." he said shaking his head.

"He may not, but you still need to try my friend."

"I will, she knew didn't she, she knew." he said "I looked for a princess and she knew she was carrying the promised prince."




She had played ill for three days, after the first there may have been no need, but she had done so as Joffrey was staying with them in their rooms, so at night she read and lay in bed only arising when her mother informed her of Joffrey's departure. She and her eldest brother had at best a strained relationship, when they were young she'd protect Tommen from him, until her brother grew strong enough to protect himself.


As they aged though Joffrey's behavior became something she wanted no part in and so they avoided each other, at least they had until she had come here. When the princesses had laughed at his proposal she had known her grandfather would push her forward and so it had proved to be and Joffrey had liked nothng better than to tease her over Aegon's indifference. Now though he seemed eager to push them together and she found herself hating her brother for that.


Her uncle had tried to sugar coat it, tried to make her believe he was jesting, but she was smarter than that she knew he spoke the truth. Aegon had planned something for her, something unpleasant. To know her brother was in on it too disturbed her, thankfully Grandfather wasn't the only one arriving, uncle Jaime and Tommen would be coming too. She dressed and made her way to break her fast finding her mother and uncle sitting laughing at some jest when she got there.


"Ah my dear niece graces us with her presence at last." Tyrion said as she leaned forward to kiss her mother's and then his cheek.

"I thought I'd allow you some sibling bonding time." she said and Tyrion laughed.

"Come sit niece, perhaps you can settle an argument."

"You were arguing?" she asked confused.

"No we were about too." her mother said with a smirk "Tyrion thinks father already knows of Prince Daemon and that's why he's coming, I do not, I think he's coming because he's heard something of Prince Aegon and he wishes to know the truth of it."

"So dear niece who do you think is right?"

"Both of you," she said as she grabbed some toast and spread the strawberry jam on top of it.

"Ha, sitting the fence, father will love you even more than he already does." Tyrion said.

"No, I think he's heard of both truly."

"What makes you say that my love?" her mother asked curiously.

"Grandfather wouldn't come himself if it was one or the other, but both at the same time? I mean if he knew of the dragon of course and the king has sent word of the tourney so he may have come for that, but he left before that did he not?"

"He did." Tyrion said.

"So he knew Daemon was back before we did and he also found something out about Aegon, something which made him come here, fortunately since he's now going to arrive before the dragon returns." she aid and both her uncle and mother looked at her proudly.

"You my dear niece are far too smart." Tyrion said smiling.


She finished breaking her fast and decided to go for a walk before she had to meet her grandfather at the docks, she along with her ladies, her cousin Rosamund chatting animatedly beside her. They had just turned a corner when they bumped literally into the sand snakes and Myrcella watched as the eldest glowered at her.


"Watch where you're going Lannister."

"My apologies." she said as she and Rosamund and their guards moved on.

"I hear the dark prince fancies himself a lion pelt for a conquest, though I see not why he would." one of the girls said mockingly

"Perhaps because of her curls they are pretty." one of the other ones said and they all laughed.

"Snakes should be careful what they say, there are far more dangerous beasts around the keep these days." Myrcella said moving forward.

"You think us scared of lions." the first girl scoffed.

"No, but even a snake can be burnt." she said as she and Rosamund moved away.


Where it had come from she didn't know, but she felt it deep inside they were playing with her, trying to get a rise out of her and so she gave it to them, just not how they expected. She spoke to her uncle when she returned from her walk and he told her to be careful as the Viper's children didn't play fair. She didn't get a chance to say anything in return though as her mother and Joffrey arrived and they immediately took to the carriage to head to the docks.


She stood there while her grandfathers flagship The Lady Joanna came in, she could see Tommen standing on deck her uncle beside him and there walking towards them both was her grandfather. It had been over two years since she had seen him last, two years stuck playing the game in Kings Landing. Her heart raced knowing he was coming to have her play a different game and this time he'd be here alongside her urging her to win.




After breaking his fast Arya had shown him around Winterfell they had been joined much to the girl's annoyance by Sansa and her group of friends. Both sisters had seen their mother that morning and by all reports she was doing much better, he himself would speak to his aunt and uncle later, for now he had other things on his mind. They passed the gate to the Godswood and he resisted the urge to enter, the old gods were the gods of his mother but not him, his god was a jealous one and so he left it for now.


When they got to the glass gardens he couldn't wait to see them, to see the flowers he'd heard so much about. As a boy he was tormented by those in the Red Keep with tales of how his mother was a whore who seduced and bewitched his father, how she used savage magic and the poisonous Winter Rose to bend his father to her will. His grandmother, Ser Arthur and Ser Barristan told the tale much differently though and as he looked at the flowers for the first time he almost wept.


"They say your mother loved them my prince." Sansa said.

"I have heard it said." he said trying to steady his voice.


Both his cousins spoke as did Sansa's friends Jeyne and Beth but he was in another place, his fingers touching the roses, his eyes closed, he pictured a dark haired woman and a crown made of these flowers. Taking out his knife he cut one and held it in his hand feeling the thorns dig into his skin, the pain he felt from it nothing compared to the pain he always carried deep in his heart.


"Are the crypts near here?" he asked and Arya nodded "Sansa, ladies if you'll forgive me I need to visit my mother."

"Of course my prince." Sansa said and Arya led him to the crypt entrance.

"I'll wait for you here." she said and he smiled at her.

He walked into the darkness, torches illuminating some of the way and he felt it as he walked, felt the presence, the cold and heard the whispers at the back of his mind, he ignored them as they grew louder and just walked on.



You don't belong here

Your are not one of us

Begone dragon


But he shook them off, he had walked far more deadly places than this and despite what they said he was a wolf too. He stopped at the statue, she was the only woman whose statue resided here. Beside her was a statue of an older man, his grandfather and to the other side his uncle, he placed the flower in her hand and took a seat on the ground facing her and finally he let the tears flow.


"I'm sorry mother, I'm sorry I haven't come sooner, I wanted to, I wanted to so badly." he said as he sobbed.


He sat there his eyes closed feeling the tears drying on his cheek, he tried to picture her face based on the statue but it felt wrong, felt devoid of life. How long he sat there for he didn't know but the footsteps he heard coming towards him were urgent.


"Daemon." he heard his uncle's voice and he stood up and wiped his face.

"Uncle." he said as he arrived beside him.

"I had hoped to take you here myself, forgive me for that." his uncle said and she nodded.

"I should have come sooner."

"Could you have?"


"Then she'd understand nephew."

"What was she like uncle?"

"My sister was a she wolf Daemon, the fiercest, strongest of all of us."

"But not strong enough uncle." he said sadly.

"She died bringing you into the world, she held you in her arms and she was happy Daemon, despite it all she was happy." his uncle said and he nodded, the time for tears was over and he had work to do.

"Aunt Catelyn?"

"She is well Daemon, thank you, had you not come." His uncle said and Daemon didn't need him to speak more.

"I shall head off to the islands within the hour uncle, this war will never happen."

"What do you intend to do?"

"I intend to bring them a reckoning uncle, one they'll never forget."


His uncle just nodded and Daemon walked over to touch the statue once again before following his uncle outside, he stood talking with Arya and Bran and Rickon who had come outside before he felt Lyanax in his head.


"She's here." he said and Arya smiled.

"Can we go see her, please father?"

"You can but you need to listen to your cousin, Robb will go with you too."

"Thank you." Bran said and Arya and Rickon rushed off with him to get ready to leave.

"Be careful Daemon."

"I will be uncle." he said with a nod before leaving.


They rode slowly to the hill and he heard the excited yells from his cousins when they saw the dragon land, telling them to follow slowly behind him he walked to Lyanax and asked her to allow them touch her. Each of them did growing even more excited to be allowed to touch a dragon, once done he waited until Robb took them back to their horses and cart and then he mounted. Telling her to fly he set off ready to rain down hell upon those who had dared to threaten his blood.




Being back in Kings Landing was strange to him, he only usually came here for tourneys and there wasn't one on, but when his father had asked him to come with him he had felt the need to do so. Tommen was excited to see his sister and mother and to show off his new skills. His squire having improved incredibly since he took him under his wing, gone was the slightly chubby boy and he was if anything a younger him now. Though he didn't have the arrogance Jaime had at his age, his son was still a confident boy and there were not many his equal on the field.


His father was sitting on his white horse looking as resplendent and regal as ever, he rode Honor and behind him the carriage carried Cersei, Myrcella, Tyrion and Joffrey, his other son refusing to ride unless necessary. They rode to their manse rather than the Red Keep and for that he was grateful, he had no wish to suffer the scorned looks of his former brothers. He dismounted as soon as he arrived and allowed the stable boy to take his and Tommen's horse, stopping Tommen from trying to do his duty.


"Come lets properly greet your mother and sister."

"Of course uncle."


He resisted the urge to grab Cersei when he saw her, twice he'd been alone with her in two years and he missed the feel of her in his arms. He smiled at Tyrion and as he looked at Myrcella he was stunned to see how she had grown. Gone was the awkward girl of just a few years ago, before him stood a beautiful young woman.


"Uncle." he heard her say and he hugged her tightly.

"Myrcella you are a vision." he whispered feeling her smile against him.

"Brother." she said as she hugged Tommen.

"I missed you Cella." Tommen said.

"Grandfather." she said more formally though he did smile when she kissed his father's cheek, the small smirk on his father's face as he greeted her soon gone when he greeted Joffrey a moment later.

"Sister, you look radiant." he said as he hugged Cersei.

"I missed you Jaime." she said and he told her he missed her too.


When they entered the manse he wasn't given the chance to refresh himself, Myrcella and Tommen walked together to their rooms and his father insisted he, Tyrion and Cersei join him in his solar. They had no sooner sat down than his father began, the real reason for his visit becoming clear immediately.


"It has been brought to my attention that it's to be Margaery Tyrell that Aegon will marry and not Myrcella." his father began his disappointment clear.

"Good." Tyrion said and before his father could say anything in reply his brother continued. "Aegon is not fit for my niece, nor is he the prize he once was, you've heard of Prince Daemon's return no doubt?"


Jaime had not, his father however had, he smiled though as he knew how Rhaella doted on the boy and how she had been so upset when he disappeared and had been feared killed. If there was every anyone who deserved some form of happiness it was his queen.


"A second son is not the same as a first born Tyrion you of all people know that." his father said.

"Indeed father but not only has Prince Daemon already shown great interest in Myrcella." he looked to his father who was looking on with intrigue "But he also is a Dragonrider father."

"What?" his father said shocked.

"It's true father, we all saw it, he's flown it North." Cersei said.

"He's going after the Iron Born?"

"He is father." Tyrion said.

"He's shown interest in Myrcella you say, how so?" his father asked and Tyrion answered.

"I knew the boy some before he disappeared we got on well, when he returned I invited him to lunch with me and Myrcella and he accepted, they both seemed to get on very well together. When he flew the dragon from the Dragonpit we were brought along as his own invited guests, we rode with the royal party. Also since he's been away Aegon has suddenly shown an interest in Myrcella." his brother said.

"An interest you've dissuaded?" his father asked pointedly.

"Of course father."

"Very good, it seems I may not have been needed here at all, is there anything else I should know of Prince Daemon?

"His armor is Valyrian steel as are his swords and with him now back in Kings Landing, Queen Rhaella is due to arrive back any day also." Tyrion said and Jaime felt his throat grow dry.


His queen, his queen was coming here, he hadn't spoken to her in over ten years, the last time at her request, but they had been at opposite sides of Westeros and so far apart. But his queen would be here soon and Jaime felt excited to meet her, her and the Dragonriding prince. Once his father was done being brought up to date with things, they were dismissed, Tyrion went to speak to Myrcella and Tommen while he followed Cersei to a quiet room where they wouldn't be disturbed.


"I've missed you my love." she said as she closed the door behind her.

"I've missed you too." he replied taking her in his arms their kisses hungry and full of want.




She walked down the gangplank to see her family waiting for her, though it was the one's who were missing which gave her pause. Aegon had decided not to show for some reason but there was also no sign of Daemon which worried her, Bonifer stood beside her though and she knew he'd soon get to the bottom of things. She looked to the worried look on her son's face, the smile on Elia's, her other children looked both eager and annoyed which she could understand. Rhaenys smile was fake though and so like her uncle's, her son had allowed Doran and Oberyn far too much influence there.


"Mother it's good to see you." Rhaegar said and she smiled knowing people were looking.

"I thank you for the welcome my king." she said with a curtsy before kissing his cheek.

"My queen." she said to Elia more warmly.

"Rhaenys you look well."

"As do you grandmother."

"Daenaerys." she said hugging her daughter who hugged her back though a little stiffly.

"Mother it's good to see you." her daughter said and the smile was somewhat true.

"Viserys my son you've grown so"

"Mother." he replied without no change in his sullen expression.


Once the introductions were done she walked to the carriage and climbed inside, Rhaegar and Elia joining her while Rhaenys and her children rode in the other, as soon as they set off she turned to her son.


"Where is my grandson?"

"Aegon was unwell mother." Rhaegar said and she could tell he was lying.

"No he is not, but you know of whom I speak, where is Daemon?"

"He's gone North mother, on his dragon." Rhaegar said and she looked at him as if he was mad.

"His what?"

"His dragon mother had you not seen it?" he said seemingly surprised.

"I had not, why has my grandson gone to the North Rhaegar?"

"Can we not wait until we reach the keep for this discussion Rhaella." Elia said exasperated.

"No we cannot, I want to know why my grandson flew north on a dragon Rhaegar?"

"There were reports of some trouble with the Iron Born, Daemon has gone to help the North out."

"My grandson is gone to war is what you're telling me?"

"There is no war mother, the council has assured me."

"Pfft, I told you of the stupidity of relying on anything those sycophants tell you years ago and you refused to listen then, of course there's a bloody war Rhaegar."

"What?" her son said and she was genuinely surprised and disturbed by his shock.

"Think on it or did I raise a lackwit? Who benefits if the North falls and why would they allow such a thing and especially now with Daemon back?"

"You're saying my council would allow a war to happen in order to weaken my son?"

"I'm saying your council would do a lot of things in order to weaken Daemon. Have they asked you to take his dragon yet? To chain it up?" she said and looking at his face she knew they had.


Her son sat in silence then contemplating which was better than nothing, she too said no more until they reached the Red Keep, getting out of the carriage she saw Ser Barristan and the look she gave him made the man wilt. She looked to Bonifer who immediately went to the knight and she knew he would bring him to her rooms immediately. She then looked at the men who made up the small council, the Eunuch and Fat Flower, the Viper and Griffin and the Sea Horse, there were no allies here.


She suffered through the false smiles and insincere welcomes and was escorted to her rooms, when she found out how far away from Daemon's they were she insisted either his or hers be changed and once done she waited for Bonifer and Barristan. When they arrived Bonifer had his men check the rooms and ensure the spider's little birds were nowhere to be seen, he then began the process of making it so they couldn't listen in at all. She sat waiting until he was done and once he was finished he leaned in and kissed her cheek, she then turned to Barristan.


"Why are you not with my grandson Ser?"

"My queen he left on a dragon, I could not follow." Barristan said apologetically.

"So it's true he has a dragon, tell me of it?"

"He does my queen, it's enormous, though I've nought to compare it too, but it was easily a hundred feet long"

"And The North?"

"Benjen Stark arrived seeking aid, the king offered him one thousand men and then Daemon arrived and said he would aid them himself." Barristan said and she smiled at that, at least one of her blood was doing their duty.

"Then what happened?"


He proceeded to tell her that Daemon met with the small council and then what had happened in the Dragonpit. When she asked what else had happened she was not surprised to find that Daemon and Aegon had a run in nor that her grandson had delivered a lesson to her other grandson and used one of Aegon's lackeys to do so. She was however surprised that he seemed so friendly with the lions, though perhaps it was for the best, with Aegon and Rhaenys tied to the Dornish and Reach, then Daemon would need backing too even if he had a dragon.


"Is there anything else I need to know Ser?"

"The old lion has returned along with Ser Jaime." Barristan said.

"They are here?" she said smiling.

"They are my queen."

"Very well Ser, you can resume your duties, I shall speak to my grandson on his return."

"I thank you my queen." Barristan said as he left the room and took his place at her door.


She sat there thinking before Bonifer came and sat beside her holding her hand in his, he sat silently waiting for her to tell him what was on her mind. She loved that most about him, above his devotion and his own love for her it was the fact he would allow her to gather her thoughts and not press to know her mind.


"We must find out what the lion is up to my love, then find who it was who plotted against my grandson, I want them found and dealt with, are your people in place?"

"The hundred await your command my queen." he said and she kissed him softly.

"Be careful my love, we tread dangerous waters." she said and he nodded.




He was flying over the Iron Islands for the second time in two days, though this time it was much different, this time he wished to be seen and as he looked at the assembled ships below him he cursed Jon Connigton and whatever game it was he was playing. No fleet, no invasion, no war, the Griffin wasn't a fool he knew the truth of things, so why was he so adamant in denying it. Was it that he hated the North so? he knew he hated his mother though he took great care no to speak on it in front of his father.


Was this about that or something else? He would need to find out once he returned but for now he flew to the keep on Pyke and landed out of range of the archers, not that an arrow could hurt Lyanax, but let them believe it if they wished. He closed his eyes and warged into a nearby gull, bringing it to him he tied the scroll to it's leg and sent it to the rookery and then he waited. It was an hour later the men came out, a huge man wearing a Kraken helm and two men either side of him, all bearing a flag of parley


He climbed off Lyanax and walked towards them, watching as the man removed his helm and then seeing the resemblance to the other men as he got closer to them, all three were armed and so Lyanax roared just to let them know she was watching them closely.


"What brings you to Pyke Dragonrider." the huge man said.

"To whom am I speaking?"

"Victaron Greyjoy, Lord Captain of the Iron fleet and my nephews Rodrik and Maron."

"Any relation to Euron?" he asked and saw the scowls as he smirked.

"He was our uncle." Rodrik said.

"He was a kidnapper and would no doubt have been a rapist too, the world is far better off without him" Daemon said and Maron took a step forward only for Victaron to hold him back.

"The woman would have been his salt wife." Maron said and Daemon laughed.

"The woman was my aunt, the lady of Winterfell and you think there'd be no consequences for taking her, are you people really that stupid?"

"It matters not what Euron did he's dead now and what is dead may never die." Victaron said raising his hand to his heart.

"What is dead may never die." the two brothers repeated.

"Why are you here?" Victaron asked.

"I'm here because in your stupidity you've decided to attack the North. So you leave me no choice, you can agree to my terms or we can find out just exactly how your people fare against a dragon."

"Your terms then?" Victaron said.

"You will stop all reaving in the North immediately, you will stand down your fleet and you will hand over Balon Greyjoy within the hour." he said and the two younger men moved only for Lyanax to move quicker, her roar this time far louder.

"And should we not?"

"Do you really have to ask, one hour that's all you have."

"You'll not have our father greenlander." Maron said loudly before charging at him.


Daemon used his sword to deflect the blow and spun to hit him only to see him grabbed by Lyanax, the scream that came from the man was short though and Daemon didn't even get the chance to say anything as the other brother came at him. Rodrik was far slower though and far sloppier and as Daemon blocked his axe with his sword he pushed the short sword through his eye and as he pulled it out another Greyjoy fell dead.


"You'll not have peace now boy." Victaron said angrily.

"One hour." Daemon said and he walked back to Lyanax.


He gave them two and when they didn't comply he flew, Lyanax was almost eager for what was to come and they flew past Pyke and onto Harlaw, there weren't many ships there but as he flew over them he began.


"Dracarys." he said as the flames covered the twenty ships underneath him.


Once done he flew onward, Orkmont, Blacktyde, Old and Great Wyk's, Saltcliffe he visited them all, he lit up the piers, the ships and then on he flew to Pyke. Assmbled beneath his was the full might of the Iron Fleet, how many ships he couldn't count though it was more than a hundred, he saw the men trying to sail away, the arrows flying harmlessly towards him. He started with the outside ships and worked his way in, flames roaring as far as the eye could see, not once did Lyanax waver, not once did her flames dim, each time he called for them they came. It was beautiful in it's horror and he felt R'hllor's glee at the power his chosen was exhibiting, the drowned god no match for the god of flame and shadow.


When he was done he landed in the same place he had before and waited, he did not have to wait long, the man who was dragged out was thin with long grey hair, he still looked proud and defiant despite the bruises and the chains that bound him. Victaron led the way the men with him had their hands on their weapons and Lyanax looked at them daring them to try anything, but Daemon could see their spirit was broken. Balon Greyjoy looked at him with hate and began to shout out to him about the Old Way and that the drowned god would avenge him.


"You wish to see what a god can do my lord, then look at your fleet, you are in the presence of a true god my lord, a dragon bows to no man and she is the only god you need fear." Daemon said pointing to Lyanax who stood majestically behind him.

"You have your deal Dragonrider now leave us in peace." Victaron said.

"Had you been smart enough to make this deal hours ago I would have, but let me be clear my lord should I ever be forced to return to this god forsaken place again I will make it my mission to ensure there are none of your people left before I leave. You have paid The Dragon's Price today my lord, but the debt is only half paid, do not force me to come collect the other half" he said grabbing the chain and then punching and knocking Balon out when he began to speak.


He carried Balon onto Lyanax's back and took off flying back to the North, as he flew over the docks the flames still burned and he wondered how many men he'd killed this day, he felt no shame for it, no regret, but he wondered all the same. It was a few hours later he arrived at Winterfell and as he landed and dragged the now awake Balon behind him he saw something white moving towards him. He looked back and Lyanax was already gone and as he looked again the white thing came closer and he could see it was a wolf.


The wolf was huge, it's white fur almost blending into the surrounding snow, it's red eyes stared at him and he heard the sound of water dripping to the ground behind him, turning to see that Balon had pissed himself. Not the worst idea he thought as he looked at the wolf, but it cocked it's head and looked at him and then silently moved forward, why he held his hand out he knew not, but he did and the wolf licked it, before grabbing it and pulling him towards him.


"You want to play?" he said and the wolf just kept pulling at his gloved hand.


He stroked it's fur with his other hand and knelt down, looking directly in the wolf's eyes and then he felt it, a click at the back of his mind, a door opening and suddenly he knew this wolf was his. They were supposed to be together, just like he and Lyanax and Daemon felt such a sense of belonging. He grabbed the chain and walked onward the wolf beside him all the way, the riders approached as he was almost at the castle.


"Who's that?" he heard one of them say to him.

"Balon Greyjoy, take him to my uncle. I believe he may be most pleased to see him." Daemon said as he handed the man the chain and then walked with the wolf towards the castle.


Up next Daemon bonds with a wolf and spends some time with his cousins before heading back to Kings Landing, Meanwhile in Kings landing, plots are hatched and questions asked.

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