
Adrian’s Skills [Spoilers!]

[Skill: The One 

Grade: S


-Healing: Allows the user to take in surrounding energy and heal himself or others at rapid speed!

-Telepathic Communication: The ability to connect mentally with others by sensing their thoughts or emotions through energetic fields.

-Empathy: A heightened sense of emotional awareness, where one can deeply feel or influence the emotions of others by connecting with their energy.

-Control of Elements: Allow individuals to manipulate the elements—such as fire, water, air, and earth—by controlling the energy within these natural forces.

-Weather Control: By tapping into the Planet's energy fields, the user could control weather patterns like storms, wind, and rain.

-Energy Blasts: The ability to project powerful bursts of energy for defensive or offensive purposes.

-Force Fields: Using energy to create protective barriers or shields around oneself or others.

-Energy Constructs: Forming solid objects, weapons, or structures from pure energy.

-Energy Amplification: Using external energy to enhance one's abilities or increase their potency.

-Energy Absorption: Allows the user to absorb all forms of energy to a certain extent, replenishing the user's own reserves!]

[Accelerated Analysis!

Grade: S


-Allows the user to deduce and analyze anything that he sees. The [Status Window!] of all things around the user will be shown to the user. The user can also partially see the functions and effects of various objects!

-Time taken to analyze the object/person will depend upon the grade of the object/user!

-The User's thinking ability will be enhanced, making him think 10 times faster, allowing him to comprehend things 200% times faster. When focussed, the comprehension and analysis increased by another factor of 2. Each time the user analyzes a new S-Grade item or above, the learning efficiency of the user will permanently increase by 1%!]



[Skill: Kinetic Mastery!

Grade: A

Description: Allows the individual to have perfect control over their body and environment, enhancing the core principles of parkour to an almost limitless degree. 


-Instant Adaptation: The ability to assess and move through any environment seamlessly, no matter how complex or dangerous, without any need for prior knowledge of the terrain.

-Enhanced Agility and Reflexes: The person can move at incredible speeds, react instantaneously to changes in the environment, and execute perfect flips, jumps, and rolls in mid-air.

-Environmental Manipulation: Not only could the user use objects like walls or poles to boost momentum, but they could also momentarily alter their properties (e.g., making a wall more elastic to rebound off it or a surface stickier for gripping). 

-Momentum Manipulation: The user would have control over inertia, allowing them to conserve, redirect, or cancel momentum. This could lead to feats like running up walls indefinitely, leaping across vast distances, or stopping instantly from a high-speed movement.

-Teleportation via Movement: With enough momentum, the user could essentially blur through space, appearing to "blink" between two locations, making them almost impossible to track when in motion.

-Gravity Defiance: The ability to manipulate the body and environment allowing them to reduce the effects of gravity on themselves, letting them momentarily hang in the air, bounce off impossible angles, or make enormous leaps and drops without harm.

Restrictions: The limits of this skill is based upon the limits of the user's stats!]



[Skill: Aura!

Grade: B


-Allows the user to imbue Mana into their body and weapons! The attack power of the weapon increases based on the amount of mana the User applies into the weapon! The defense as well the physical stats of the user will increase based on the amount of mana that the user imbues!

Mana Relations:

-For every 100 MP used, the weapon's attack power increased by 5%

-For every 100 MP used, the user's stats increases by 2%!

Effect time:

-For every 100 MP, the effect would remain for 10 seconds! Each 100 MP used would have their own time limit!]



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