
[Safe Zone!]

[Adrian's POV!]

[Congratulations on completing the Tutorial Level 3!]

A single message before the entire world turned Dark. And then as the time stopped, I saw the white Game Master's screen appearing in front of me again. 

"Jeez! Why do you have to be so much hurried," I complained a little regarding how Voltaire just threw me in here. Though since there was little point in complaining, I decided to look at the messages for now.

[Your Contractee (Adrian John Rodriguez) has completed the following Quests!

-Point Collection!


-Help Twice!


-Kill Hard!

-Kill them All!

-Save the Chief (Hidden)!

-Kill the doppelganger (Hidden)!

-The one who sets his own Path!]

[You have received +200,000 GM Points!]

[Minor Betting: Bet on the player with maximum [Safe Time]: 300 Points on (Adrian John Rodriguez)!]

[Bet Won: +6000 GM Points]

[Growth Betting: Bet on the player with most Growth: 300 GM Points on (Adrian John Rodriguez)!]

[Bet won: +15000 GM Points]

[Your Contractee (Adrian John Rodriguez) has completed the third Level of Tutorial: +10,000 GM Points!]

[Game Master's ID: Adrian John Rodriguez/???

Username: Unnamed

Authority Level: 2 (Upgrade Cost: 10000 GM)

Current GM Points: 245,720]

[The following Privilege has been unlocked!]

[Privilege 1: The Game Master can see All the Quests Present on the current Level!]

[Privilege 2: The Game Master can bet on the players present in the current Level!]

[Privilege 3: Allows the GameMaster to Adjust the rules of the Games Equivalent to GM Points spent!]

[Privilege 4: Allows the GameMaster to [Contract] a player and give [Blessing!] [Skill!] [Title!] [Coins!] [Curses!] [Punishment!] ] 

[Privilege 5: Allows the GM to view the normal quests of the next Event!]

[Privilege 6: Allows the GM to Add a Sub-Quest in the scenario(Not applicable in the Tutorial)!]

Because all the quests were compiled in one, I got all the rewards at once. To be fair, I kind of even forgot about the betting ones, but I was still glad that I had the most time with the [Safe Zone!], especially because of how many food items I put there on the first two days.

In any case, it was time to up my Authority Level as well. Something that I had been delaying for quiet long.

[Authority Level: 2 -> 4!]

Though unlike last time, I didn't get two privileges per level but rather an item and a skill.

[You have received the Skill: Debug!]

[You have received the Game Master's Key!]

[Skill: Debug!

Grade: Primordial!

Effects: Allows the user to remove any or all types of irregularities or bugs present within the system! The Game Master can create a firewall, anti-virus, trojan or other type of defense formation to deal with any threats! The user can also fix any form of breach that has occured to the system!]

[Item: Game Master's Key!

Grade: Primordial!

Status: Bound to Adrian John Rodriguez!

Effects: Once every 24 Hours, the Game master can unlock any locked item/door!]

"That seems rather useful," I thought as I understood that the key could be a really useful item given the right time and the right situation. As for the skill, it was still difficult to determine how much I am going to use it. Perhaps I should test it later? 

I wanted to increase the Authority Level once more but the cost once again increased by 10, reaching in 10 digit number.

[Game Master's ID: Adrian John Rodriguez/???

Username: Unnamed

Authority Level: 4 (Upgrade Cost: 1,000,000 GM)

Current GM Points: 135,720]

To my surprise, there were no more messages. Neither regarding the next quest, nor any bettings. I pondered about it for a moment before looking through the entire Game Master System once again. But since I didn't find anything more, I decided to press [Continue!].

And as soon as I did that, a dozen messages appeared on the blue system screen.

[You have completed the quest: Points Collection!]

[+2 Free Attribute Points Received!]

[+Random Box Received!]

[+Safe Box Received!]

[You have completed the Hidden Quest: The one who sets his own path!]

[+10 Free Attribute Points!]

[+50,000 Points!]

[+Skill Upgrade Coupon!]

[+Artifact: Amulet of Pathseeker!]

[Welcome to the Safe Zone!]

[Time left till the next tutorial: 47 Hours: 59 minutes: 50 seconds!]

When my vision came to be, I found myself at the center of a market area. Standing just beside the fountain, I looked up at the scorching sun and the bright blue sky, and then at the people around me. 

'I guess, this is the safe zone?' I thought as I saw the carefree look on everyone's face as they continued their daily chore. 

I stood there with my [Stealth] on, invisible from the eyes of all the people here, wondering what I should do next. Collecting information always takes priority, but this time, I should sort out the system first. Given all the rewards and stuff, it wouldn't be a good idea to not take a look at all the things that I received this time. Especially that amulet and those gift boxes.

With that thought, I was about to look through the system window, but before I could even do so, a familiar voice came from a distance, catching my attention at once.

"Hey! What do you mean these costs 200 Points? They are barely 100! What are you? A thief?!" A blonde haired girl shouted as she haggled the price of some apples on the stall.

She was Emily, my co-worker from the part time job that I used to do before the apocalypse descended.

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