
Defeat of a Good Man

After completely discharging his semen in her pussy, Jayaraj fall flat on the body of Vasundhara and Vasundhara took him in her embrace and both of them fall asleep in that manner.

For the next five hours both of them slept together within the embrace of each other and after that time got completed they both woke up and went to the bathroom and cleaned themselves.

After that Jayaraj went to his company for some work while Vasundhara went to the kitchen to prepare some good dinner for them to eat.

After arriving at the company, Jayaraj went to the laboratory where the medicines are being prepared as he wanted to check what is progress.

Although the entire laboratory is responsible for creating genuine and effective medicines for the people as per the late father of Vasundhara.

But after Jayaraj took over the company and laboratory, he slowly slowly changed the creation of genuine medicines into fake medicines.

These medicines were harmful and dangerous for the humans to use but Jayaraj is creating them so that he can sell the genuine medicines at a good higher price.

So reaching at the laboratory Jayaraj checked the new batches of the fake and genuine medicines that are being prepared.

He stayed at the laboratory for three hours and he even overseed some of the medicines preparation as well.

After the three hours time he left the laboratory and went to his house and after reaching there he found Vasundhara waiting for him with the dinner as well.

As soon as he entered inside the house, Vasundhara came to him running and gave him a tight hug to which Jayaraj reciprocated as well and then he gave a kiss as well.

Then Vasundhara called Rahul and then the three of them had dinner together with some smile and happiness happening between them.

After the dinner they all went to their rooms and slept for the night. After that night two days went by with Karthik coming closer to Ria and helped her in busting the illegal money laundering business of Deepak and Jayaraj.

After this continuous sealing of his businesses made Deepak very angry as he wants the man who destroyed his business dead.

But between that Deepak had a meeting with Marathand an Intelligence Bureau higher officer who is on the payroll of Jayaraj and Deepak.

Marathand: "Deepak the case of the mass shooting that we had organized has been handed over to Judge Ram Bhoopal."

Deepak: "Buy him and bury this case in our favor."

Marathand: "It's not possible. He is a very strict righteous man who will not bow down before bribery."

Deepak: "If he is not going to take bribe then there is another way. Find out about his family. Let give him a good surprise."

The next day at Ram Chandra Rao's house, Kavya and some of her friends are who are also the aspiring IAS officers are discussing the questions and answers of IAS exams among themselves.

Karthik: "Didi if you have any difficulty then don't mind to ask for my help."

Karthik offered his help to make the mood lighten up among Kavya and her friends which actually worked while Ram Chandra Rao just gave a smile seeing his son doing this.

After a few minutes of discussion they all went for their college and just before reaching their college the four of them including Kavya got kidnapped.

The kidnappers even gave them sedatives and brought them to a factory like place and in that place Deepak is present as well.

Yes the one who has kidnapped these four girls is none other than Deepak himself and the reason for it was that among those four girls one of them is the daughter of judge Ram Bhoopal.

After laying the girls on sofas Deepak ordered his men to inject drugs in the body of those girls and then he called Inspector G. Ramji who is also on his and Jayaraj's payroll and got those four girls arrested for doing drugs which is is illegal in India.

Soon this news got into the ears of Judge Ram Bhoopal and he immediately went to the police station.

Inspector Ramji told Ram Bhoopal that they can't release the girls since they were caught red handed.

And when Ram Bhoopal looked at the girls who are behind the bars crying and shouting for help made Ram Bhoopal very scared.

And in that state he came to the conclusion that it is Deepak who has done this because just before all of this happened Deepak met with him and gave him an offer himself which he has denied.

So to make things clear Judge Ram Bhoopal called the number of Deepak and Deepak seeing the call immediately picked up the call and began a conversation between both of them.

Deepak: "I was expecting your call to come."

Ram Bhoopal: "Leave my daughter out of this."

Deepak: "Then listen to my words and do as I say and then we all will be happy."

Being a father and traumatized by the continuous crying and shouting of those girls behind bars made Judge Ram Bhoopal completely broken.

He didn't bowed down before the money but when his daughter became a criminal he bowed down his head before the evil and agreed and to do the things that Deepak wants.

With tears in his eyes for his failure as a good man Ram Bhoopal said, "Yes I will everything that you want me to do."

Deepak: "Hahahaha.... fantastic. Now everything will be easier for us."

Still with tears in his eyes Ram Bhoopal cut the call and then he looked at Inspector Ramji and told him, "Release these girls I am giving bail for them."

Inspector Ramji: "Okay sir."

With this Ramji ordered his subordinate and released the four girls from the prison after which Ram Bhoopal took his daughter away from there with him.

But the one who is the most hurt by this is Kavya because her dream of becoming an IAS officer has been shattered.

Because according to the rules of government of India anyone having a police case against them can't appear in the government administrative examination.

And when Kavya remembered the words of Jayaraj whom she loves the most, "I want you to become an IAS officer to help me", she becomes more heartbroken.

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