
Section 47 - Close and Open Your Eyes, and It's Daybreak

Staring at the "Illegal operation or wrong command" that filled most of his vision, he invoked the "cls" command like a magic spell, instantly clearing the screen. Then, dismissing his stray thoughts, the frequency of "Illegal operation or wrong command" messages reduced significantly. He could guess that these characters were actually his stray thoughts, which did not match the corresponding command for "Phantosmia", hence the prompts.

If he could modify this system, he should be able to solve the problem of meaningless screen spam that interfered with his vision.

Honestly, he had become somewhat accustomed to it, and he began to selectively ignore the messages, which weren't as annoying as they had been at first.

After the "cls" command, he threw out a "dir" command.


Where's my update.bat?



2333 bytes"

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