
Returning a Shield

Selling the aglet was so far the best thing that Domnus has been able to do for the day. Some adventurers tried out the radio thing, then Domnus had to calm them down explaining that it could be reversed by turning the knob again. Those people left nervously after they reversed it.

"Can I try it out?" a young adventurer asked Domnus.

"Sure!" Domnus replied, "Just turn the knob!" Domnus said pointing at the radio thing.

With a smile on the adventurers face about trying a thing he heard about out and Domnus had a smile to see the adventurers expression when they turned the knob.

"What the" the adventurer said whipping around looking at everything like he was just born, "How long does it last?" The adventurer asked.

"Until you hit the knob again,"  Domnus replied to the new adventurer, "But I can't allow you to turn it on again," Domnus said with a smile, "That is until you buy it,"

Looking to save money the new adventurer thought that he could get it for free if he didn't turn it off.

"That's fine, I'll keep it on!" the adventurer said waving as he walked away.

Realizing that he forgot his extra knife at home, the adventurer turned around and took a dark alley shortcut.

While Domnus was watching the adventurer who still had the radio effect on Domnus thought that he had forgotten to tell the adventurer something. That was until the adventurer stepped into the dark ally when Domnus remembered.

"Get back here!" Domnus yelled grabbing his lantern and jumping out of his stand.

The adventurer didn't know what was happening, he had stoped while he was in the dark alley. That's when he felt a presence around him. He couldn't tell what it was, but it was extremely hostile towards him.

Feeling the thing in the dark wind back its hand the adventurer couldn't move. That's when Domnus threw the lantern at him lighting up the alley.

The adventurer then looked around, notice that there wasn't anything around him. And looked towards Domnus for answer.

"Forgot to tell you," Domnus shrugged, "Turn it off and you'll be fine," Domnus said while walking back over to his stand.

"I'll be fine?!" the adventurer exclaimed, "I almost died!" the adventurer yelled out.

"Yeah," Domnus said sitting back down in his stand, "And if you don't want to almost die again turn the knob," Domnus then points at the radio thing.

The adventurer then nervously turns the knob again and heads into the dungeon. With what just happened he didn't want to, but he needed to get money so the adventurer didn't have a choice.

As the adventurer left from a distance Domnus could hear someone running towards him. Looking over Domnus saw the a blue haired adventurer running towards him. Taking a closer look she was the same adventurer who was with Hermes and had his shield.

"Where did you get this," the adventurer asked when she got to the stand.

"Merchants secret" Domnus replied while reaching out for his shield that she was carrying.

"No, where did you get this," the adventurer pressed Domnus.

She had never seen an object that could stop so many effects. For curiosity's sake she gave it to an adventurer to try in the dungeon.

The adventurer who had the shield came back with several un-bleeding wounds and on fire yet not burning.

"Merchants" Domnus stressed, "Secret," Domnus said refusing to let that get out.

Grabbing the shield from the blue haired adventurers hands and putting it up Domnus faced her with his best salesman smile.

"So, is there anything else I can help you with?" Domnus asked with a wide closed smile.

"Here," the blue haired adventurer said while putting down her business card.

Picking it up and giving it a quick look at the card he saw her name was Asfi Andromeda.

"Now what is that," Asfi then asked about the radio thing.

Quickly explaining the devise to Asfi Domnus then remembered what he should have said to the  other adventurer.

"Oh, and I must remind you of the small side effect of the thing," Domnus said caching Asfis's attention.

"Which is?" Asfi asked looking at the radio thing.

"Turning on makes a monster who only lives in pure darkness come after you," Domnus said nervously.

"What?" Asfi asked confused in what Domnus said.

"You walk into pure darkness for too long you die,  no if ands or buts" Domnus said simply.

"And what of the positive effects," Asfi asked.

"Well, it makes your vision all radio static like,"  Domnus tried to explain.

"Radio?" Asfi asked not familiar with the term.

"Oh," Domnus exclaimed, "Not yet huh," Domnus said gaining a confused look from Asfi.

"The best way to know is to try it," Domnus said offering a use of the radio thing and switching the conversation back to it.

"After what you told me about the side effect?" Asfi responded looking at the radio thing suspiciously.

"As long as you turn it off before you go into darkness you're fine," Domnus reassured Asfi.

With a bit of hesitation Asfi turned the dial and the world was covered in a beige radio filter.

"Incredible" Asfi said as she looked around, "And how long does this last?" she asked Domnus.

"Until you turn it again!" Domnus said, "Oh yes remember the side effect" Domnus said trying to remind Asfi.

"Oh, yes" Asfi said turning the knob again as the filter around her disperses.

"Well would you like to buy something?" Domnus asked Asfi.

"I would like that" Asfi asked pointing at the radio thing.

"Well, it's" Domnus said thinking of a price, "One hundred thousand valis!" Domnus said spiting out an exorbitant price.

"Only that much?" Asfi said confused that something so strange and amazing was that cheep to her.

As soon as she said that Domnus began to try to come up with a bigger number to try to get her to buy that instead, but by then she had already put down the money and grabbed the radio.

"Thank you for your business," Asfi said waving as she walked away.

Domnus was slightly disappointed in himself. He knew that he needed a greater grasp on who has the most valis Orario.

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