
Prologue Part 2

(Fenrir POV)

When the Black Dragon landed on the tower it's eyes flickering as if it was looking for something. Or someone. The world around us stood still as we gaze on the Apex Beast, One brave but an Idiot Imperial Guard shot an arrow at the Dragon. The Black Dragon looked as if it was spat on by a mere worm.

"Pahlok joorre! Hin kah fen kos bonaar. STRUN MAH GOLZ!" (Arrogant mortals! Your pride will be humbled. STORM FALL STONE!) And as if all of Oblivion let loose when the Black Dragon Shouted at the sky and as if the World Listened. Stones the size of a small home fell upon Helgen. Scream and Fear were heard when the Black Dragon took flight.

I saw a large stone that fell on the tower and was heading towards the unexpecting Tullius. The people around him didn't even notice as they were trying to save their own skin. I burn off my binds with a simple Flame spell and sped towards him, tackling him to the ground saving him.

"Wha-" Crash The stone landed behind us as he was about to question or stab me. Both of us rolled to the side and stood up when we noticed a second stone block was falling towards us. I grabbed his shoulder immediately and he faced me in shock.

"Tullius! Get your men under control and evacuate everyone on Hel-" `Tullius irritatedly wiped my hands away from his shoulder and grabbed my shirt and shook me.

"Who in the Oblivion do you think you are?! Ordering me around like you're the High King! If there weren't a Dragon I'd have you wh-" Something exploded on top of us and interrupted his lambasing. I immediately shook off my daze and looked at the General.

"Tullius there's no time for this! Helgen is under attack and your men are scattered! You can behead me later but there's bigger things than executing me right now!" Tullius looked around at his men that are currently pushing and shoving the Civilians trying to save themselves from the Meteor shower. Tullius gritted his and reluctantly let go of me and ran to his men trying to gain control from this pandemonia.

"Guards get your heads out of your ass and help the townspeople to safe-" Something exploded right next to me, knocking me a few meters and dazing me.

I can't hear anything but the ringing in my ears. Someone grabbed me and after a while getting my bearings I was inside of a tower with a few Stormcloaks that were injured during the storms. Without any hesitation I began healing them.

"-Legends don't burn down villages. Fenrir, are you alright?" A Gruff voice called to me and looked towards them, seeing Ralof with Ulfric. "You've got a nasty wound there." Ulfric commented on a Wound that I started to feel on my forehead.

"This is nothing that I can't heal Jarl Ulfric." Reassuring that I was fine and continued healing the wounded Stormcloaks. Explosions kept happening outside and the sounds of something big flying was heard overhead. The Dragon came back.

"We need to move, now!" Ulfric alerted the Stormcloak and they immediately picked up their wounded. I stopped seeing most of their wounds have healed and stopped bleeding. I helped get them up and the Stormcloak beside me helped their brethren by lending them a shoulder. They nodded in thanks and followed Ralof and Ulfric that were on the stairs.

"Up to the tower! Let's go!" All of us began climbing up the tower with Me, Ralof and Ulfric leading them. When we were in the middle of the tower we saw a Stormcloak helping up someone. I suddenly felt something outside the wall beside us. I tried shouting at them to move but was too late as they burst open killing the two Stormcloaks.

Ralof pulled me back as flames consumed them, It would've consumed us too if I didn't conjure up a Greater Ward.

"Grrr, Dovahkiin. Kolos los hi ahnok?! (Where are you hiding?!)" I heard the dragon speak but I was too busy trying to not let the ward break. It started to crack but thankfully the flames subside letting us see that the dragon wasn't there anymore and saw the carnage that it left. The Storm of large flaming stones continued and flames were consuming Helgen.

I almost vomited at the sight of it. The mindless Carnage, Slaughter and Cruelty laid bare in front of us. Thousands of lives were lost. Men losing their family, Mother's crying over her child that died burning alive, Children crying for their parents. It was sickening. I saw the dragon flying over it all and unknowingly gripped my hands so tight that it started to bleed.

"Fenrir, You alright there lad?" Ralof gripped my shoulder as I let out a breath I didn't know I held. I looked over at Ralof and nodded.

"First time seeing it? The Carnage, I mean." I looked back at the burning Helgen and shook my head.

"No. But even if I saw it a thousand more times, it doesn't make it any easier."

"Aye, that's true." Ralof agreed with my sentiment. "See that Inn on the other side? Jump through the roof and keep going! We'll follow you when we can." I nodded and looked at Ralof and said.

"Aye, see you on the other side!" I immediately jumped through the thatched roof and landed safely at a bed. 'Another happy landing!' When I got out of the bed I felt the floor creaking under me and before I knew it, I went through the floor landing on a pile of rubble.

I grunted in pain while holding my head, I heard someone yelling outside the ruined inn. I got up and went outside. I saw the guard that was with the Imperial Captain earlier and was calling the child that was trying to help his father get up. The Dragon landed in front of them. Without a wasted breath I pulled both of them out of danger with Telekinesis, I felt my body was swimming in thick water due to how draining using Telekinesis was. In the end it was worth it since I saved both the boy and his father.

Both the Guard and the Executioner pulled them both to cover when they saw the child and his father was closer. I saw the Dragon fly away thinking they killed both of them.

"Many thanks Prisoner! Gunnar! Take care of the boy, I have to find General Tullius and join their Defenses!" The Guard said to Gunnar, Gunner nodded and he wished the Guard well.

"Gods be with you, Hadvar"

"Keep close to me Prisoner if you want to stay alive!" The now identified Hadvar said to me while I was catching my breath over using my Magicka.

"Don't worry about me! Huff I can take care of myself!"

"You looked like you're about to fall over and sleep! Just stick close to me. I know a shortcut to the Keep! The General must be near there" I nodded and followed after him. We went through some alley and the Dragon suddenly came back and landed on top of the wall next to us. Both of us backed away from the beast lest we want to be their next meal.

"Stick to the wall!" "You think I don't know that!?"

"YOL TOOR SHUL!" The Dragon once again shouted, I was confused as to why the Dragon had to shout in order to breathe fire. When the dragon flies away again I just shake my head as I am probably Imagining things.

"Come on Prisoner! I think I heard General Tullius over those houses!" I followed him through a couple of burning houses and saw the General with a Dozen of Soldiers shooting Firebolts to the Dragon that was currently flying over us. Tullius looked over to us and immediately ordered his Soldiers.

"Hadvar! Get to the keep! We are leaving!"

"Sir! What about the people!?" Hadvar asked Tullius.

"They're safe, Soldier! I'll personally attend to that! You both need to get out of here, now!" Tullius whistled and a horse throttled over and climbed onto his horse, trying to get the Dragon's attention.

I followed Hadvar to the Keep where we saw Ralof and a few Stormcloak trying to defend themselves from the Imperial Guards that intercepted them. I saw Hadvar run towards Ralof that beheaded an Imperial Guard with his short ax. Ralof dodges Hadvar sword that was coming for him but Hadvar didn't relent as he kept trying to kill Ralof and Ralof kept on Dodging and Intercepting Hadvar's Sword. Two of the Guards seeing me in Rags, recognising that I was one of the Prisoners that escaped, immediately rushed towards me. I saw them rushing towards me and tried reasoning with them.

"Hey! HEY! I'm with Hadvar, Calm down!" The Guards thought I was lying and they kept running towards me, I growled in annoyance and went to a stance where I could easily dodge since I have no armor and weapon, I only had my magic so I did just that.

Conjuring up a spell circle each of my hands. One is pale blue and the other is Purple. Frost and Lighting spells respectively. One of them swiped towards me and easily dodge, tapping their back my hand with the Lightning spell. I ducked with one of them trying to bisect me with a greatsword, I fired an ice spike towards their knee and they buckled in pain. I tapped their forehead and neck as purple runes appeared at the spot I touched.

I backed away and fired frostbite, slowing the one I tapped on the back. When they were in front of me they were slow enough that I easily dodge their sword and tapped their sides where the liver is. I looked over to my shoulder to see the other powering through the pain, I weaved to the sides since they were trying to cleave me. They were in pain, I can see that much so I tapped their shoulder blades. I jumped back to see them trying to get their bearings.

"Hah! Is love taps all you could do, Elf?! I can see you don't have any weapons, only your piss magic! Come on and face us like men!" The Guard that had an ice spike on his trying to goad me to fight them bare handed. I sighed and my magic circles went away. The two guards smiled in anticipation, killing the elf that was just dancing between them giving them 'Love taps' as they say.

"If I did fight you barehanded I would've accidentally killed you. There's too many lives taken already, I don't want to add you to that list of dead." Two small magic circles between my middle finger and thumb. The Guards looked confused as I snapped.

""AHHHHHH!!!""The runes activated and shocked them. After a moment the spell ended but both of them didn't get knocked out but were in immense pain and the one who has a spike to his knee can't stand. They tried moving but somehow couldn't.

"What did you do!?" The Guard that was goading me questioned me. I just shrugged my shoulders and answered.

"Don't worry, It's only temporary! Just help your friend get to the Keep!" I ran away to the two Nord that were still fighting.

'They're still fighting!? We're in the middle of a damn Apocalypse and they're still fighting!?' I gritted my teeth in annoyance and ran full speed towards them.

(3rd POV)

"Ralof! You damn traitor! I'll have your head for this!" Hadvar kicked towards Ralof to free his sword that was interlocking Ralof's ax. Ralof grunted as he parried Hadvar and punched his face. Hadvar had to jump back in order to dodge Ralof's ax.

"We're escaping, Hadvar! You're not stopping us this time!" Ralof rushed towards Hadvar, doing an overhead swing. Hadvar seeing this tried to dodge but got nicked on his shoulder, he gritted his teeth and kept on fighting. Ralof went for another swing but Hadvar had managed to dodge his attack and shoulder bashed Ralof staggering him. He went for a forward stab and at the last second Ralof had Locked his sword to him once again.

Ralof pushed his ax Hadvar trying to cut his throat and Hadvar suddenly pulled Ralof towards him and headbut him, effectively making them at a draw due to how tired from running away from the chaos that the Dragon had made. The Stormcloaks and The Imperial Guards saw this and wanted to help them but they're having a battle of their own so they were in a deadlock and needed a tie breaker.

Suddenly Hadvar gasped and fell to the side while holding his family jewels, Ralof confused looked at Hadvar but he suddenly felt like vomiting as he felt a jolt of pain in his stomach. He looked down and saw a hand that was pushing in his stomach. He traced the arm and saw Fenrir, The Half-Blood Altmer. Had been the one who punched him. And he fell down trying not to vomit his breakfast.

"You know, Ralof?" He heard Fenrir speak and was forced to listen. "I was discriminated against. So much since I shared the same blood and ears of a Race that was so Racist that they thought of only one option, regarding a Religion that was against theirs is through Genocide. I prayed, you know? To Talos, To Mara, To every Divines there is just for me to wake the next day to have my Race to be a Full Blooded Nord rather than being a Half Blood Altmer and have my ears to be round."The battle between The Stormcloaks and The Imperial Guards seized when they heard saw Fenrir take down both Ralof and Hadvar. They were confused as to why.

"But seeing you fucks fighting! I NOW THANK THEM TO MAKE ME A HALF BLOOD ALTMER RATHER THAN A FULL BLOODED NORD! Because I can't even imagine how much of a dumbass I would be if I was a Full Blooded Nord!"

"Why the fuck are why are we figthing here in the middle of a fucking apocalypse!? There's a damn Dragon on the loose and you're all fighting because some Racist Elves forced the Imperials to ban a Religion because they're heads are so high up their ass and can't accept a MAN ascending to a Divine!? Or because the Thalmor spanked your asses once and now you kissed theirs!? Fuck this damn ridiculous Civil War! Fuck the Aldmeri Dominion! But most Importantly FUCK THE THALMOR!" Fenrir breathing and the Dragon flying around was the only thing heard around due to Fenrir lambasing them in the middle of a fight, and they can't even argue with Fenrir since why are they fighting right now?

As Fenrir had said, There's a dragon flying around currently burning Helgen to the ground, and here they are fighting because their leaders are having a dispute because the Thalmor began demanding for Talos worship to be banned. The Patriotic Nords of Skyrim rebelled because The High King of Skyrim accepted these terms because they didn't want another Great War to happen. If the Imperial Empire had accepted these terms then what's stopping the Thalmor to keep adding terms and conditions? Can the Imperial Empire continue to accept them like a good dog? Or will they decline and have a chance to spark another Great War?

On the other end, The Stormcloaks or The Patriotic Nords. Immigration of different races were still quite relatively new to them, They were still adjusting to it. Some quickly adapted to these changes helped the Dunmer who were Refugees from Morrowind when the Red Mountain and used Magic for their daily needs and uses. Some didn't as they prejudiced against the Dunmer for being different from them and the status of Refugees. But if the other Nords could accept them, then why couldn't the others? That's only when the Thalmor suddenly came in and Demanded outlawing Talos worshiping. One of their Main divine Gods that they look up to and pray.

And it so happens that Dunmer are an Elven race, and their discrimination became worse when the High King accepted these terms in turn Ulfric Stormcloak, The Jarl of Winterhold. Killed the High King and he began the War between The Stormcloak and The Imperials which is what the Thalmor wanted in the first place. The Races of Man killing each other without lifting a single finger. Both the Imperials and The Stormcloaks couldn't stop. If the Stormcloaks win then the Thalmor has a reason to start another Greatwar, If the Imperial win then the Talos Worshipers will be culled and the Thalmor completed one of their main objectives. But if they stop the Civil War then the Thalmor will just Start another War because Skyrim and Imperials are weakened. If it were a game of chess, Thalmor would keep on Checking till they would get a Checkmate. And they need someone strong and influential enough to flip the game, to punch the Thalmor in the face.

Now will they keep fighting and killing one another while the one who instigated this war laughs and schemes in the background? Continuing to fight this meaningless war where they needed to fight the one who started this all? The Imperials and The Stormcloaks couldn't ponder these questions for much longer because the Dragon is currently landing on one of the walls and they all immediately notice it.

"You can either continue fighting here and have the Damn Dragon roast your ass in the end! Or run like hell to the Keep! I for one I'm running for my life! Hadvar! Ralof! Get your ass off the ground and follow me!" Both Ralof and Hadvar managed to get off the ground and followed me. Most of the Imperials ran to the keep and the Stormcloaks and a few Imperial Guard stranglers followed us to the tower next to the keep.

" Pah do hi fen nahkip dii Bahlok!(All of you will feed my Hunger!)" Knowing what comes next Immediately tried shutting the big metal door but Fenrir couldn't do it on his own and had to ask for help.

"Help me close the door! He's about to breathe fire!" They immediately helped me close the door but the door wasn't closing and something was wedged to it. Fenrir looked down and noticed it was a Cheese wheel wedging the door. Now, Fenrir would've asked "How in Nirn did a Cheese wheel blocking a door?"

"YOR TOOL SHUL!." He didn't think about it as he was panicking and kicked the cheese wheel out of the door and the door immediately shut. Fenrir and a few Imperial mages conjured up a Ward on the door just in case the flames would burst the door open. After a while they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the door held up.

(Fenrir POV)

'That was way too close.'I sat on the floor calmly breathing to calm my beating heart. Someone tapped my shoulder and offered me a waterskin, I looked over to see it was an Imperial man that offered me. I accepted the waterskin without a complaint and drank a few gulps and handed him back his waterskin. Nodding in thanks. I stood to see there were some Imperials and Stormcloaks grouped together and was looking at each other. Tension was slowly rising as they kept silently looking at each other. I silently grunted in annoyance and felt there was another fight coming.

"Come on! I think I heard someone down the halls!" We heard someone that was coming from one of the halls. It was the Imperial Captain and two of her men were running down the hall. "You! Open the gates!" The Captain ordered one of her men and with a few gears turned the metal gate open.

"All of you! Quickly apprehend the Prisoners!" She ordered the Imperials that were in the Group that came in with us. The Stormcloaks gripped their holstered weapons ready for the inevitable battle. Before the fight began, one Imperial I fought earlier was limping towards his Officer. He looked at her a few breaths before he handed his sword.

"You do it. I need to see my Daughter and Grandson in Solitude and move someplace that isn't near Skyrim. This place is getting too crazy and chaotic that I even thought that Sheogorath had descended in Helgen." He limped away to the door leading towards the basement and opened the metal door that was closed earlier.

All of us were stumped at the Imperial that refused his Officer's order but his Partner rushed towards him and helped him go down the stairs. One by one all the Imperials in the room left to follow him. I looked towards Hadvar and Ralof who both just shrugged in confusion at the situation. After a while only the Imperial Captain is the one in the room as we all left to escape Helgen.

Never have I known that this very moment, Was the start of my Empire.


3.5k word count. A little Shorter than the previous chapter but still just as important.

There will be some grammatical error in this chapter. Please point them out and I will sort it out when I'm awake.

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