
Chapter 27

[T/N: someone posted that we're #5 on mobile and we are currently ranked 18 & 77 on desktop, don't ask I don't know, so here's your bonus chapter. Though remember what was said about the reviews.]

By the time Harry finished his OWLs, the Easter holidays had arrived, and as was becoming custom, he had decided to stay at school, although he wasn't the only one. Many of his second year classmates also stayed, among other things because they had to decide which electives they were going to take the following year.

Of course, although there were many students who had decided to stay during Easter, this was not the case with his younger brother, who once the OWLs were over had returned to the same type of unpleasant behavior towards Harry... Apparently, the idea of returning home made him more self centered and irritating than ever.

So, on the first day of vacation, there were many Gryffindors who sighed with relief and were very happy at the prospect of two weeks without Brian, although they all had a lot of work to do... As Draco commented, all the Professors forgot that they had a syllabus to complete as the end of the course began to approach, and for that reason, many students were stressed by the excessive amount of homework and assignments.

Logically you would have to think that since Harry was waiting for official results, it would be normal for him to have a lot of free time, since he had no homework to do, but the truth is that he was as busy as before. During his OWLs, he had neglected his small business, and had no choice but to catch up, although this time with a little help from his mentor. Ginna turned out to be very good at the subject. Then there was Fawkes, who complained about how little attention he was paying to him lately and 'demanded' (more like pestered and begged until he agreed) that he go fly with him. And then, to finish, Ginna decided to start teaching him how to use his gift consciously, as well as a little history and methodology.

For their classes, they had decided to hold them in the same room that Harry used for his independent studies and potions. They knew it was well protected and that anyone who didn't know where it was beforehand couldn't find it, making it the perfect place to study away from the prying eyes of the headmaster.

"Well, the first thing you should know is that psychics can be classified into several types. There are the frauds, (at this Harry couldn't help but chuckle) the minor psychics, and the major psychics. As you might imagine, frauds are those who pose as psychics when they are unable to see what is in front of their noses, and also those who give the rest of us a bad name."

Ginna had started her clairvoyance class with that classification and those comments in an attempt to teach Harry how to differentiate the different types and which one he qualified as.

"Minor psychics, like Sybil Trelawney, although she can also be classified as a fraud, are those who can access the gift without being aware of it, they do not know what they are doing, they do not know what they see and they do not remember anything of what they see. They say... they are usually those who give prophecies, which although they are completely true, are also imprecise and difficult to interpret leading to many errors." The woman explained while looking at Harry carefully, as if hesitating whether or not to tell him something... although apparently, she decided not to tell him. "And finally there are the greater psychics, much rarer and the most reliable... although also the most restricted. Those who possess the gift to a greater degree can access it completely consciously, in search of specific or general information, and will always be able to perfectly remember what they have seen, whether they want to tell it is another question. Now tell me, Harry, what class are you?"

"A greater psychic."


"Because I have always been aware of what I saw and I have remembered what I have seen."

"Exactly." Ginna assured "Tell me something, Harry, you haven't taken divination as an elective, have you?"

"No... I'm more interested in magical Runes."

"I see... so, you don't know the bases, both historical and methodology..."


"Then we better start as soon as possible"

It was then, for the first time in 13 years, that someone received a proper divination class. In the beginning, Ginna explained to him what the first historical examples of clairvoyance were and not only in Great Britain, but throughout the world, she told him about those first shamans of the primitive human tribes, and how as human beings evolved, and with them the magic users, the image of the shaman was changed by to that of the wizard and later, when there began to be different types of magic, the seer.

She explained how throughout history, the seers had had a strong responsibility towards those who did not possess the gift and how, consequently, his main duty was to help others, and therefore why the International Council of Seers and the laws by which it had been governed for the last 300 years.

"So, we shouldn't be governed by those of the ministries?"

"Of course not, it's just that there are certain laws that do not include us, rather, there are some laws within the Council that are above any Ministry. Do you understand what I have explained to you?"

"Yeah. I think so."

"Good. You must understand that psychics with a lesser degree of gift can 'see' in different ways, although their greatest and in many cases only asset is prophecy."

"Can you 'see' using more methods?"

To answer this question, the woman began to dictate different minor methodologies, palmistry, cartomancy and the crystal ball being the most famous. She also told him that although there were a series of minor seers, they could not reach the innate power of a ball, due to the great resemblance that it had with the major methodologies, and so that he could better understand that last statement, she explained the methodology.

"Although we are not restricted to any medium, being able to have visions without any stimulus, just a slight trance, it is usually easier for us to see on any reflective surface, such as a mirror or a pond... it is easier because it is not necessary to be in a type of trance, and we can focus more easily on the details."

"And then what is the difference between the ball and the mirrors?"

"To begin with, the balls already have an innate magic that helps to 'see' although in an uncontrolled way, the mirrors lack magic, and it is ourselves and our magic that allows us to see. It's the only difference."

"How many minor psychics are capable of visioning with a ball?"

"One or two out of every hundred thousand, those who possess the strongest gift, although still to a lesser degree."

"Then couldn't it be said that it is a greater methodology since it is easier for those who possess the gift to a greater degree than for those who possess it to a lesser degree?"

Harry showed to his new mentor, as with his Professors before her, that he had an analytical and privileged mind for any question that had to do with magic. Always being an intelligent child, it was not difficult for him to use his intellect to solve his doubts in a logical and orderly manner, making his elders appear surprised and impressed.

It was approximately halfway through the holidays that what could be considered the fateful owl of the ministry arrived. It was during breakfast on the seventh day of vacation, and the Great Hall was full of students ready to eat their breakfast. Nobody paid attention to the mail, after all, if they had letters, they would find out in a very short time (more or less, when an angry owl tramples any part of their body demanding attention, or if it was a somewhat clumsy bird, when it landed on their food plate).

Nothing seemed to be different from any other breakfast until there was a tense silence at the Hufflepuff table. That perhaps could have gone unnoticed, if it weren't for the fact that there was general silence throughout the table, causing sooner or later someone to notice the strange behavior. When they tried to find out the reason for this situation, they followed everyone's gaze until they found that Harry Potter was holding a letter that had all the appearance of being official. His OWLs.

"Hey, Harry!" One of the Weasley twins shouted from the other side of the Great Hall. "Is that what I think it is?"

"They are his OWLs!" Athenea answered for him.

That caused a common movement to begin at the three remaining tables, where Terry, Neville, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, and Draco jumped up and practically ran to where the last three members of their group were to give 'moral support' to their friend, or in other words, gossip as much as possible.

The friend in question was staring at the letter with what seemed to be a blank stare that showed complete indifference, only those who knew him well could see the nervousness developing inside him. Harry was completely terrified and even more so considering the attention that the entire Great Hall, Professors included, was giving him.

"Well then? Open it!" Draco urged.

"Shhh.. " Hermione silenced him "Those grades are very important for your future, Draco, depending on your results you will be able to study some subjects or others, and depending on which subjects you study, you have some professions or others open."

"Amazing, 'Mione, you've calmed him down so well, can't you see? " Neville chipped in "You've made him even more nervous!"

"I'm sorry!"

While his friends were arguing, and seeing that the situation was going to continue for a while, Harry opened the envelope, breaking the wax seal. He took out the two scrolls that came inside the letter and read. The first page was a congratulatory letter from the Ministry, especially considering his situation, being a younger student than stipulated and with a much smaller difference in age and experience than usual. The second scroll, it was his grades, giving a deep sigh he began to look at what his results had been and smiled in relief. By then, the others had stopped arguing and were looking at him impatiently.

"And good?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes! How did it go?" Athenea added practically jumping out of her seat.

"Well..." Harry began but was interrupted by one of the twins.

"Come on! Bring here it!" Fred said as he snatched the parchment from his hands and took a look at it, then whistled "Merlin, Harry, you will never cease to amaze us!"

"How are they?" Neville asked trying to look at the parchment.

"give it here, I'll read it!" The twin commented as he moved the parchment aside so that the young Gryffindor couldn't read it. "The results of our Harry, in his OWLs are the following"

"Charms: Outstanding"

"Transformations: Outstanding"

"History of Magic: Outstanding"

"Astronomy: Outstanding"

"Herbology: Outstanding"

"DADA: Outstanding"

"Ancient Runes: Outstanding"

"Potions: Outstanding"

"Care of Magical Creatures: Oustanding"

"And there is also an added note indicating that they strongly advise apprenticeships after his NEWTS"

There was a general hubbub while the news began to spread like wildfire, no one really knew who was the one who passed the news to the other tables, but the thing was that in a very short time, even the Professors were aware of what the results of his Owls were. Professor Sprout came to his table to congratulate him.

"I'm very proud of you, Mr. Potter," the witch said, squeezing his shoulder kindly. "Please, if you can come to my office this afternoon, we can talk about what subjects you would like to continue, would that work for you?

"Yes ma'am."

The choice of subjects was quite quick, he only had to say which subjects to continue, which were practically all of them, the only ones he did not want to continue were History of Magic and Astronomy, which he already had enough knowledge of without needing additional classes. On any other occasion, Professor Sprout would have advised against taking so many classes, but she trusted the boy's abilities, and she knew that he would be able to not only follow them, but he would also be able to stand out just as he had done until now, that's the bad thing about having such fame, that it would always be what they expected from him.

"Well, Mr. Potter, with this we can start on your schedule for the next course. I suppose you want the classes with Mrs. Piori to replace the History of Magic classes."

"Yes, Professor."

"Well, we will have it in a very short time. You should know that we will not rush you in your studies, we do not want you to feel stressed about finishing in June when this course ends, if you need more time you will have it."

"Thanks, Professor."

After that, Harry left his Professor's office and went to where his mentor was supposed to be, since she had indicated that he should go looking for her, since she wanted to make plans regarding his education or his next trip to Diagon Alley. The interest that his mentor had in his studies baffled him. He had assumed that once he had passed his OWLs she would want him to drop some of his subjects, but that was not the case, on the contrary, she had encouraged him to take as many as possible.

"Have you already spoken to your Head of House?" It was the first thing she said as soon as he entered his room.

"Yeah. I already have the book list."

"Well... Tomorrow we will go to Diagon Alley, so you will have to tell your family so that they can give you the necessary money.

"Wouldn't it be better if I paid for my material?"

"If you do, your father will be suspicious. You are better off continuing to act as if you are financially dependent on them."

Likewise, the woman convinced him of the need to do things her way and it was she herself who wrote the letter to Mr. Potter. Being as she herself was the boy's mentor, she would have more strength than that of their own son, who seemed more like a stranger than anything else to his own family. The man's response was short and concise, assuring that he would be there.

He didn't really know why, but when the day came when he was going to Diagon Alley, he got up quite nervous... at first he thought that maybe it was because he was afraid that his father wouldn't come despite the letter he had received, but later he was able to understand that it was more about the fact that he was going to begin what would be his first year of non-compulsory studies and it was not fear, but excitement that he felt.

The trip to Diagon Alley was the same as the rest of the trips he had made since school, first, he went to his Head of House's office, and from there he used the floo network to the Leaky Cauldron. If Tom, the owner of the establishment, was surprised to see what was obviously a Hogwarts student, he did not show it, unlike the rest of the diners, of course, the man at the bar had already seen that same scene several times during the last two years and in a way it was nothing out of the ordinary, instead what he did was greet the preteen in a friendly way.

"Mr. Potter! What a joy to see you again!"

"Good morning, Tom. Have you seen my father?"

"Yes, he just arrived not even five minutes ago... although I didn't know he was here to see you." Then, looking at the woman who accompanied him, he added. "And you are…? I've never seen her around here."

"True! Excuse him. "The woman laughed amusedly, watching as Harry's expression changed to one of shame at his lack of education. "My name is Ginna and I am his mentor."

"His mentor? "Said the waiter with a suspicious expression. "I thought young Mr. Potter was studying at Hogwarts."

"And he studies there, but there are certain sciences that are best learned with someone who also has the gift. I'm no Death Eater, if that's what you're worried about, and both his parents and the headmaster are aware of my position."

The waiter's expression softened considerably and with much more kindness he pointed to where the boy's father was waiting, who was not much further away from them. They both approached where his father was, who was waiting with a rather sour expression.

"Hello Father," Harry murmured, so that he was bearly audible.

"Harry..." He greeted. "I think you need money to buy the new material."

"Yes, Will you come with me?"

"I'm sorry but I can't, today I have work to do and it is inexcusable. You will have to go with your mentor."

"I supposed." He murmured with resignation.

His father didn't say anything, just gave him a bag full of galleons and walked away, leaving his son without bothering to look back.

[T/N: Why my boy! WHY!!!! Why must he look for recognised from someone who clearly doesn't care for him. If you feel bad for Harry being so naive then share your thoughts in the comments, drop some stones, and write a review. If you can't wait for the next chapter then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi.]


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